Senior officers that endorsed Barack Insane Hussein Obama:
Gen. Wesley Clark, USA, Gen. Colin Powell, USA, Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, USA, Adm. Donald Gutter, USN, Adm. John Nathman, USN.
Senior officers and decorated personnel that endorsed Mitt Romney:
Adm. James B. Busey, USN, Gen. James T. Conway, USMC, Gen. Terrence R. Dake, USMC, Adm. James O. Ellis, USN, Adm. Mark Fitzgerald, USM, Gen. Ronald R. Fogleman, USAF, Gen. Tommy Franks, USA, Gen. Alfred Hansen, USAF, Adm. Ronald Jackson Hays, USN, Adm. Thomas Bibb Hayward, USN, Gen. Chuck Albert Horner, USAF, Adm. Jerome LaMarr Johnson, USN, Adm. Timothy J. Keating, USN, Gen. Paul X. Kelley, USMC, Gen. William Kernan, USA, Adm. George E.R. Kinnear II, USN, Gen. William L. Kirk, USAF, Gen. James J. Lindsay, USA, Gen. William R. Looney III, USAF, Adm. Hank Mauz, USN, Gen. Robert Magnus, USMC, Adm. Paul David Miller, USN, Gen. Henry Hugh Shelton, USA, Gen. Lance Smith, USAF, Adm. Leighton Smith, Jr., USN, Gen. Ronald W. Yates, USAF, Adm. Ronald J. Zlatoper, USN, Lt. Gen. James Abrahamson, USAF, Lt. Gen. Edgar Anderson, Jr., USAF, Lt. Gen. Marcus A. Anderson, USAF, Lt. Gen. Buck Bedard, USMC, Vice Adm. A. Bruce Beran, USCG, Vice Adm. Lyle Bien, USN, Lt. Gen. Harold Blot, USMC, Lt. Gen. H. Steven Blum, USA, Vice Adm. Mike Bowman III, USN, Vice Adm. Mike Bucchi, USN, Lt. Gen. Walter E. Buchanan III, USAF, Lt. Gen. Richard A. Burpee, USAF, Lt. Gen. William Campbell, USAF, Lt. Gen. James E. Chambers, USAF, Vice Adm. Edward W. Clexton, Jr., USN, Lt. Gen. John B. Conaway, USAF, Lt. Gen. Marvin Covault, USA, Vice Adm. Terry M. Cross, USCG, Vice Adm. William Adam Dougherty, USN, Lt. Gen. Brett Dula, USAF, Lt. Gen. Gordon E. Fornell, USAF, Vice Adm. David Frost, USN, Vice Adm. Henry C. Giffin III, USN, Vice Adm. Peter M. Hekman, USN, Vice Adm. Richard D. Herr, USCG, Lt. Gen. Thomas J Hickey, USAF, Lt. Gen. Walter S. Hogle, Jr., USAF, Lt. Gen. Ronald W. Iverson, USAF, Lt. Gen. Donald W. Jones, USA, Vice Adm. Douglas J. Katz, USN, Lt. Gen. Jay W. Kelley, USAF, Vice Adm. Tom Kilcline, USN, Lt. Gen. Timothy A. Kinnan, USAF, Vice Adm. Harold Koenig, M.D., USN, Vice Adm. Albert H. Konetzni, USN, Lt. Gen. Buford Derald Lary, USAF, Lt. Gen. Frank Libutti, USMC, Vice Adm. Stephen Loftus, USN, Vice Adm. Michael Malone, USN, Vice Adm. Edward H. Martin, USN, Vice Adm. John J. Mazach, USN, Vice Adm. Justin D. McCarthy, USN, Vice Adm. William McCauley, USN, Lt. Gen. Fred McCorkle, USMC, Lt. Gen. Thomas G. McInerney, USAF, Vice Adm. Joseph S. Mobley, USN, Lt. Gen. Carol Mutter, USMC, Lt. Gen. Dave R. Palmer, USA, Vice Adm. John Theodore "Ted" Parker, USN, Lt. Gen. Garry L. Parks, USMC, Lt. Gen. Charles Henry "Chuck" Pitman, USMC, Lt. Gen. Steven R. Polk, USAF, Vice Adm. William E. Ramsey, USN, Lt. Gen. Joseph J. Redden, USAF, Lt. Gen. Clifford H. "Ted" Rees, Jr., USAF, Lt. Gen. Edward Rowny, USA Vice Adm. Dutch Schultz, USN, Lt. Gen. Charles J. Searock, Jr., USAF, Lt. Gen. E. G. "Buck" Shuler, USAF, Lt. Gen. Alexander M. "Rusty" Sloan, USAF, Vice Adm. Edward M. Straw, USN, Lt. Gen. David J. Teal, USAF, Lt. Gen. Billy M. Thomas, USA, Vice Adm. Donald C. "Deese" Thompson, USCG, Vice Adm. Alan S. Thompson, USN, Lt. Gen. Herman O. "Tommy" Thomson, USAF, Vice Adm. Howard B. Thorsen, USCG, Lt. Gen. William Thurman, USAF, Lt. Gen. Robert Allen "R.A." Tiebout, USMC, Vice Adm. John B. Totushek, USNR, Lt. Gen. George J. Trautman, USMC, Lt. Gen. Garry R. Trexler, USAF, Vice Adm. Jerry O. Tuttle, USN, Lt. Gen. Claudius "Bud" Watts, USAF, Lt. Gen. William "Bill" Welser, USAF, Lt. Gen. Thad A. Wolfe, USAF, Lt. Gen. C. Norman Wood, USAF, Lt. Gen. Michael W. Wooley, USAF, Lt. Gen. Richard "Rick" Zilmer, USMC, Major Gen. Chris Adams, USAF, Rear Adm. Henry Amos, USN Major Gen. Nora Alice Astafan, USAF, Major Gen. Almon Bowen Ballard, USAF, Major Gen. James F. Barnette, USAF, Major Gen. Robert W. Barrow, USAF, Rear Adm. John R. Batlzer, USN, Rear Adm. Jon W. Bayless, USN, Major Gen. John E. Bianchi, USA, Major Gen. David F. Bice, USMC, Rear Adm. Linda J. Bird, USN, Rear Adm. James H. Black, USN, Rear Adm. Peter A. Bondi, USN, Major Gen. John L. Borling, USMC, Major Gen. Tom Braaten, USA, Major Gen. Robert J. Brandt, USA, Rear Adm. Jerry C. Breast, USN, Rear Adm. Bruce B. Bremner, USN, Rear Adm. Thomas F. Brown III, USN, Major Gen. David P. Burford, USA, Rear Adm. John F. Calvert, USN, Rear Adm. Jay A. Campbell, USN, Major Gen. Henry Canterbury, USAF, Rear Adm. James J. Carey, USN, Rear Adm. Nevin Carr, USN, Rear Adm. Stephen K. Chadwick, USN, Rear Adm. W. Lewis Chatham, USN, Major Gen. Jeffrey G. Cliver, USAF, Rear Adm. Casey Coane, USN, Rear Adm. Isaiah C. Cole, USN, Major Gen. Stephen Condon, USAF, Major Gen. Richard C. Cosgrave, USANG, Rear Adm. Robert Cowley, USN, Major Gen. J.T. Coyne, USMC, Rear Adm. Robert C. Crates, USN, Major Gen. Tommy F. Crawford, USAF, Rear Adm. James P. Davidson, USN, Rear Adm. Kevin F. Delaney, USN, Major Gen. James D. Delk, USA, Major Gen. Robert E. Dempsey, USAF, Rear Adm. Jay Ronald Denney, USNR, Major Gen. Robert S. Dickman, USAF, Rear Adm. James C. Doebler, USN, Major Gen. Douglas O. Dollar, USA, Major Gen. Hunt Downer, USA, Major Gen. Thomas A. Dyches, USAF, Major Gen. Jay T. Edwards, USAF, Major Gen. John R. Farrington, USAF, Rear Adm. Francis L. Filipiak, USN, Rear Adm. James H. Flatley III, USN, Major Gen. Charles Fletcher, USA, Major Gen. Bobby O. Floyd, USAF, Rear Adm. Veronica Froman, USN, Rear Adm. Vance H. Fry, USN, Rear Adm. R. Byron Fuller, USN, Rear Adm. George M. Furlong, USN, Rear Adm. Frank Gallo, USN, Rear Adm. Ben F. Gaumer, USN, Rear Adm. Harry E. Gerhard Jr., USN, Major Gen. Daniel J. Gibson, USAF, Rear Adm. Andrew A. Giordano, USN, Major Gen. Richard N. Goddard, USAF, Rear Adm. Fred Golove, USCGR, Rear Adm. Harold Eric Grant, USN, Major Gen. Jeff Grime, USAF, Major Gen. Robert Kent Guest, USA, Major Gen. Tim Haake, USAR, Major Gen. Otto K. Habedank, USAF, Rear Adm. Thomas F. Hall, USN, Rear Adm. Donald P. Harvey, USN, Major Gen. Leonard W. Hegland, USAF, Rear Adm. John Hekman, USN, Major Gen. John A. Hemphill, USA, Rear Adm. Larry Hereth, USCG, Major Gen. Wilfred Hessert, USAF, Rear Adm. Don Hickman, USN, Major Gen. Geoffrey Higginbotham, USMC, Major Gen. Jerry D. Holmes, USAF, Major Gen. Weldon F. Honeycutt, USA, Rear Adm. Steve Israel, USN, Major Gen. James T. Jackson, USA, Rear Adm. John S. Jenkins, USN, Rear Adm. Tim Jenkins, USN, Rear Adm. Ron Jesberg, USN, Rear Adm. Pierce J. Johnson, USN, Rear Adm. Steven B. Kantrowitz, USN, Rear Adm. John T. Kavanaugh, USN, Major Gen. Dennis M. Kenneally, USA, Major Gen. Michael Kerby, USAF, Rear Adm. David Kunkel, USCG, Major Gen. Geoffrey C. Lambert, USA, Rear Adm. Arthur Langston, USN, Rear Adm. Thomas G. Lilly, USN, Major Gen. James E. Livingston, USAF, Major Gen. Al Logan, USAF, Major Gen. John D. Logeman Jr., USAF, Rear Adm. Noah H. Long Jr, USNR, Rear Adm. Don Loren, USN, Major Gen. Andy Love, USAF, Rear Adm. Thomas C. Lynch, USN, Rear Adm. Steven Wells Maas, USN, Major Gen. Robert M. Marquette, USAF, Rear Adm. Larry Marsh, USN, Major Gen. Clark W. Martin, USAF, Major Gen. William M. Matz, USN, Rear Adm. Gerard Mauer, USN, Rear Adm. William J. McDaniel, MD, USN, Rear Adm. E.S. McGinley II, USN, Rear Adm. Henry C. McKinney, USN, Major Gen. Robert Messerli, USAF, Major Gen. Douglas S. Metcalf, USAF, Rear Adm. John W. Miller, USN, Rear Adm. Patrick David Moneymaker, USN, Major Gen. Mario Montero, USA, Rear Adm. Douglas M. Moore, USN, Major Gen. Walter Bruce Moore, USA, Major Gen. William Moore, USA, Major Gen. Burton R. Moore, USAF, Rear Adm. James A. Morgart, USN, Major Gen. Stanton R. Musser, USAF, Rear Adm. John T. Natter, USN, Major Gen. Robert George Nester, USAF, Major Gen. George W. Norwood, USAF, Rear Adm. Robert C. Olsen, USN, Major Gen. Raymund E. O'Mara, USAF, Rear Adm. Robert S. Owens, USN, Rear Adm. John F. Paddock, USN, Major Gen. Robert W. Paret, USAF, Rear Adm. Robert O. Passmore, USN, Major Gen. Earl G. Peck, USAF, Major Gen. Richard E. Perraut Jr., USAF, Major Gen. Gerald F. Perryman, USAF, Rear Adm. W.W. Pickavance, USN, Rear Adm. John J. Prendergast, USN, Rear Adm. Fenton F. Priest, USN, Major Gen. David C. Ralston, USA, Major Gen. Bentley B. Rayburn, USAF, Rear Adm. Harold Rich, USN, Rear Adm. Roland Rieve, USN, Rear Adm. Tommy F. Rinard, USN, Major Gen. Richard H. Roellig, USAF, Rear Adm. Michael S. Roesner, USN, Rear Adm. William J. Ryan, USN, Major Gen. Loran C. Schnaidt, USAF, Major Gen. Carl Schneider, USAF, Major Gen. John P. Schoeppner, Jr., USAF, Major Gen. Edison E. Scholes, USAF, Rear Adm. Robert H. Shumaker, USN, Rear Adm. William S. Schwob, USCG, Major Gen. David J. Scott, USAF, Rear Adm. Hugh P. Scott, USN, Major Gen. Richard Secord, USAF, Rear Adm. William H. Shawcross, USN, Major Gen. Joseph K. Simeone, USAF and ANG, Major Gen. Darwin Simpson, ANG, Rear Adm. Greg Slavonic, USN, Rear Adm. David Oliver "D.O." Smart, USNR, Major Gen. Richard D. Smith, USAF, Major Gen. Donald Bruce Smith, USAF, Rear Adm. Paul O. Soderberg, USN, Rear Adm. Robert H. "Bob" Spiro, USN, Major Gen. Henry B. Stelling, Jr., USAF, Rear Adm. Daniel H. Stone, USN, Major Gen. William A. Studer, USAF, Rear Adm. Hamlin Tallent, USN, Major Gen. Hugh Banks Tant III, USA, Major Gen. Larry S. Taylor, USMC, Major Gen. J.B. Taylor, USA, Major Gen. Thomas R. Tempel, USA, Major Gen. Richard L. Testa, USAF, Rear Adm. Jere Thompson, USN, Rear Adm. Byron E. Tobin, USN, Major Gen. Larry Twitchell, USAF, Major Gen. Russell L. Violett, USAF, Major Gen. David E.B. "DEB" Ward, USAF, Major Gen. Charles J. Wax, USAF, Rear Adm. Donald Weatherson, USN, Major Gen. John Welde, USAF, Major Gen. Gary Whipple, USA, Rear Adm. James B. Whittaker, USN, Rear Adm. Charles Williams, USN, Rear Adm. H. Denny Wisely, USN, Rear Adm. Theodore J. Wojnar, USCG, Rear Adm. George R. Worthington, USN, Brig. Gen. Arthur Abercrombie, USA, Brig. Gen. John R. Allen, USAF, Brig. Gen. Loring R. Astorino, USAF, Brig. Gen. Richard Averitt, USA, Brig. Gen. Garry S. Bahling, USANG, Brig. Gen. Donald E. Barnhart, USAF, Brig. Gen. Charles L. Bishop, USAF, Brig. Gen. Clayton Bridges, USAF, Brig. Gen. Jeremiah J. Brophy, USA, Brig. Gen. R. Thomas Browning, USAF, Brig. Gen. David A. Brubaker, USAF, Brig. Gen. Chalmers R. Carr, USAF, Brig. Gen. Fred F. Caste, USAFR, Brig. Gen. Robert V. Clements, USAF, Brig. Gen. Christopher T Cline, USA, Brig. Gen. George Peyton Cole, Jr., USAF, Brig. Gen. Richard A. Coleman, USAF, Brig. Gen. Mike Cushman, USAF, Brig. Gen. Peter Dawkins, USA, Brig. Gen. Sam. G. DeGeneres, USAF, Brig. Gen. George Demers, USAF, Brig. Gen. Howard G. DeWolf, USAF, Brig. Gen. Arthur F. Diehl, USAF, Brig. Gen. David Bob Edmonds, USAF, Brig. Gen. Anthony Farrington, USAF, Brig. Gen. Norm Gaddis, USAF, Brig. Gen. Robert H. Harkins, USAF, Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Honeywill, USAF, Brig. Gen. Stanley V. Hood, USAF, Brig. Gen. James J. Hourin, USAF, Brig. Gen. Jack C. Ihle, USAF, Brig. Gen. Thomas G. Jeter, USAF, Brig. Gen. William Herbert Johnson, USAF, Brig. Gen. Kenneth F. Keller, USAF, Brig. Gen. Wayne W. Lambert, USAF, Brig. Gen. Jerry L. Laws, USA, Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Lennon, USAF, Brig. Gen. John M. Lotz, USAF, Brig. Gen. Robert S. Mangum, USA, Brig. Gen. Frank Martin, USAF, Brig. Gen. Joe Mensching, USAF, Brig. Gen. Richard L. Meyer, USAF, Brig. Gen. Lawrence A. Mitchell, USAF, Brig. Gen. Michael P. Mulqueen, USMC, Brig. Gen. Ben Nelson, Jr., USAF, Brig. Gen. Jack W. Nicholson, USA, Brig. Gen. Maria C. Owens, USAF, Brig. Gen. Dave Papak, USMC, Brig. Gen. Gary A. Pappas, USANG, Brig. Gen. Robert V. Paschon, USAF, Brig. Gen. Allen K. Rachel, USAF, Brig. Gen. Jon Reynolds, USAF, Brig. Gen. Edward F. Rodriguez, Jr., USAFR, Brig. Gen. Roger Scearce, USA, Brig. Gen. Dennis Schulstad, USAFR, Brig. Gen. John Serur, USAF, Brig. Gen. Joseph L. Shaefer, USAF, Brig. Gen. Graham Shirley, USAF, Brig. Gen. Raymond Shulstad, USAF, Brig. Gen. Stan Smith, USAF, Brig. Gen. Ralph S. Smith, USAF, Brig. Gen. Donald Smith, USA, Brig. Gen. David M. Snyder, USAF, Brig. Gen. Michael Joseph Tashjian, USAF, Brig. Gen. Richard Louis Ursone, USA, Brig. Gen. Earl Van Inwegen, USAF, Brig. Gen. Terrence P. Woods, USAF, Brig. Gen. Mitchell Zais, USA, Brig. Gen. Allan Ralph Zenowitz, USA.
No blaming Bush now... All of this was caused by you... You Dip Sh!t!
Wall Street Not Happy!!!
Elections Have Consequences
Here we are, three days after the election, and there's already a long list of companies that have announced layoffs, and many are directly citing Obuma's policies as the reason.
Research in Motion Limited
Lightyear Network Solutions
Providence Journal
Hawker Beechcraft
CVPH Medical Center
US Cellular
Momentive Performance Materials
Brake Parts
Vestas Wind Systems
Center for Hospice New York
OCE North America
Darden Restaurants
United Blood Services Gulf
These companies alone represent thousands of jobs, and this is just the beginning. November's jobs report is going to be brutal.
Do elections have consequences? If you have been paying attention to the financial markets, you might think so. Wall Street has had two horrible days... over 300 points on the DOW... since Barack Insane-Hussein Obuma stole a second term.
However, stock prices are not the only thing taking a hit. It appears that the job market is also suffering. In the last 48 hours, the following major corporations have announced layoffs in America (links take you to news stories about the layoffs, with details from the companies):(http://www.magma.ca/~raksim/images/Wordle_JobSearchHelp.JPG)
• Energizer -
The St. Louis-based company said Thursday that it expects to shed about 1,500 employees. When finished, the restructuring should lead to $200 million in pretax yearly savings, Energizer said. It aims to have most of its restructuring steps finished by the end of September 2014.
• Exide Technologies -
Exide Technologies announced Thursday that it will be idling its lead-recycling operations in Laureldale and laying off 150 workers, effective no later than March 31.
• Westinghouse -
Westinghouse Anniston, the contractor responsible for shutting down Anniston's chemical weapons incinerator, has reduced its workforce by another 50 employees.
• Research in Motion Limited -
Research in Motion Ltd., the maker of BlackBerry smartphones, laid off about 200 people at its U.S. headquarters in Irving on Wednesday, according to a source close to the company who did not want to be named.
• Lightyear Network Solutions -
More than one dozen employees at a Pikeville company lost their jobs this week. Officials with Lightyear Network Solutions said they are consolidating offices in Louisville and Pikeville to save money.
• Providence Journal -
The Providence Journal Co. laid off 23 full-time workers Wednesday as part of a cost-cutting effort, including 16 members of the Providence Newspaper Guild and 7 non-union employees.
• Hawker Beechcraft -
The company says 240 employees will lose their jobs with the closing of Hawker Beechcraft Services facilities in Little Rock, Ark.; Mesa, Ariz.; and San Antonio, Texas.
• Boeing (30% of their management staff) -
Boeing Co. said Wednesday it plans to employ 30% fewer executives at its Boeing Defense, Space & Security unit by the end of 2012 compared to 2010 levels.
• CVPH Medical Center -
CVPH Medical Center has handed pink slips to 17 employees. The layoffs — nine in management and eight hourly staffers — are part of an effort to "help bolster the hospital's financial position in 2013 and beyond," a press release said.
• US Cellular -
The move will result in 980 job cuts at U.S. Cellular, with 640 in the Chicago area, according to a spokeswoman. The cuts are slightly under 12 percent of the approximately 8,400 total employees U.S. Cellular had at the end of the third quarter.
• Momentive Performance Materials -
About 150 workers at Sistersville's Momentive Performance Materials plant will be temporarily laid off later this month, officials said this week.
• Rocketdyne -
About 100 employees at Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, most of whom work in the San Fernando Valley, were laid off Wednesday in response to dwindling government spending on space exploration, the company said. The layoffs were effective immediately, and 75 percent of them came at the facilities on Canoga and De Soto avenues, which employ about 1,100 people. The company has six sites across the Valley.
• Brake Parts -
The leader of an automotive parts plant in Lincoln County has told state officials that there are plans to lay off 75 workers starting in late December...The layoffs are expected to start Dec. 28 and continue in the first quarter of 2013
• Vestas Wind Systems -
Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS) is seeking to sell a stake of as much as 20 percent and said it's reducing headcount by 3,000 to raise the staff cuts by the biggest wind turbine maker to almost a third over two years.
• Husqvarna -
Husqvarna AB (HUSQB), the world's biggest maker of powered garden tools, plans to cut about 600 jobs in a move that will save 220 million kronor ($33 million) a year by 2014.
• Center for Hospice New York -
The Center for Hospice and Palliative Care plans to temporarily lay off as many as 40 employees next year as it embarks on a major renovation of the inpatient unit at its Cheektowaga campus.
• Bristol-Meyers -
Bristol-Myers Squibb is following up its lackluster third-quarter results with almost 480 layoffs. As Pharmalot reports, the company notified the New Jersey government that it would scale back in Plainsboro, which means the cuts will hit its sales operations.
• OCE North America -
Trumbull printer- and scanning-equipment provider Oce North America, Inc. will lay off 135 workers in three Connecticut communities, including East Hartford, according to its notice with the state Labor Department.
• Darden Restaurants -
The company, which was among those who had received an Obamacare waiver in the past, is looking to limit workers to 28 hours per week. A full time employee that is required to have health insurance (lest the employer pay a fine) works 30 hours per week, as defined by the Obamacare law.
• West Ridge Mine -
In its statement, UtahAmerican Energy blames the Obama administration for instituting policies that will close down "204 American coal-fired power plants by 2014″ and for drastically reducing the market for coal.
• United Blood Services Gulf -
United Blood Services Gulf South region, the non-profit blood service provider for much of south Louisiana and Mississippi, will lay off approximately 10 percent of its workforce. It was a hard decision to make according to Susan Begnaud, Regional Center Director for the Gulf South region.
A layoff is tough enough for employees to deal with, imagine hearing the crushing news that your office is shutting down just before Thanksgiving and Christmas... Here are some of the business closings that were announced in just the past two days:
Caterpillar Inc. will close its plant in Owatonna Minn.
Mount Pleasant's Albrecht Sentry Foods
The Target store at Manassas Mall Va.
Millennium Academy in Wake Forest NC
Target Closing Kissimmee FL Location
The Andover Gift Shop in Andover MA
Grand Union Family Markets Closing Storrs Location CT
Movie Scene Milford Location NH
Update: TE Connectivity Closing Greensboro Plant – 620 Layoffs Expected
Gomer's Fried Chicken in South Kansas City
Kmart in Homer Glen
Fresh Market on Pine Street in Burlington
AGC Glass North America to permanently close its Blue Ridge Plant in Kingsport Tenn.
The Target store at Platte and Academy in Colorado Springs
The Roses store on Reynold Road in Winston-Salem NC
Bost Harley-Davidson at 46th Avenue North and Delaware Ave. in West Nashville TN
Townsend Booksellers in Oakland
The Kmart store in Parkway Plaza off University Drive in Durham NC – 79 Jobs Lost
To see even more companies that announced layoffs since the election, visit the Daily Job Cuts page.
And Atlas shrugged.
But Hey heres a little piece of sunshine... Stocks in Remington, Colt, and Federal, have soared!!
Quote from: Varmit on November 10, 2012, 09:54:33 PM
But Hey heres a little piece of sunshine... Stocks in Remington, Colt, and Federal, have soared!!
Now Varmit you know that is not true. A simple stock quote check would have told you that.
Quote from: Fire Elk on November 10, 2012, 10:04:31 PM
Now Varmit you know that is not true. A simple stock quote check would have told you that.
Really? Let's do that....
Gun stocks surge after Obama re-election
Market Watch
November 08, 2012|William Spain
CHICAGO (MarketWatch) -- Even as the broader markets continue to suffer, the re-election of President Barack Obama has helped spark an ongoing rally for shares of two major firearms companies. Smith & Wesson Holdings (US:SWHC) was up 3% while Sturm Ruger & Co. (US:RGR) gained 5% Thursday, following strong gains on the previous session.November 9, they added even more.
Several other makers are privately owned & not publicly traded, but are widely reporting accelerated post-election sales.
Facts suck sometimes.
Quote from: Patriot on November 11, 2012, 12:30:41 AM
Really? Let's do that....
Gun stocks surge after Obama re-election
Market Watch
November 08, 2012|William Spain
CHICAGO (MarketWatch) -- Even as the broader markets continue to suffer, the re-election of President Barack Obama has helped spark an ongoing rally for shares of two major firearms companies. Smith & Wesson Holdings (US:SWHC) was up 3% while Sturm Ruger & Co. (US:RGR) gained 5% Thursday, following strong gains on the previous session.
November 9, they added even more.
Several other makers are privately owned & not publicly traded, but are widely reporting accelerated post-election sales.
Facts suck sometimes.
None of the companies Varmit mentioned surged. He was wrong. In fact Colt is a privately held company. Also, the 3 to 5% increase in Smith and Sturm Ruger.can hardley be considered a surge. The facts are that your knowledge of stocks and what is a surge sucks. Those increases are common to both stocks. If you want to change to gains you would be correct. Why do you all feel that you have to lie and exaggerate?
Marketwatch and market pulse calls it a surge and they list smith and wesson in that surge. 3% is a surge and in fact with its p/e at 20 its a damn good bet to buy.
Quote from: srkruzich on November 11, 2012, 06:38:15 AM
Marketwatch and market pulse calls it a surge and they list smith and wesson in that surge. 3% is a surge and in fact with its p/e at 20 its a damn good bet to buy.
I think it would be a bad investment to buy gun manufacture stocks now, if obuma even proposes any gun sale restrictions, gun stocks will take a big hit. In my opinion obuma will try to do away with assault weapons and will join the UN gun ban. Better buy what guns and ammo you want or need now, the guns you buy will be a better investment than the stocks will. The increase in gun manufacture stocks was fully anticipated if obuma got reelected.
The UN gun ban parallels the UN Agenda 21 that the socialist Elk Konnected group
is promoting. Socialist have guns too, but you can be assured they'll be keeping theirs
to rule you true conservatives.
DEAL WITH IT BOYS AND QUIT PISSIN AND MOANIN. Apparently it is what the majority wanted! ::)
Quote from: Fire Elk on November 11, 2012, 01:11:40 AM
None of the companies Varmit mentioned surged. He was wrong. In fact Colt is a privately held company. Also, the 3 to 5% increase in Smith and Sturm Ruger.can hardley be considered a surge. The facts are that your knowledge of stocks and what is a surge sucks. Those increases are common to both stocks. If you want to change to gains you would be correct. Why do you all feel that you have to lie and exaggerate?
1. A 3 - 5% increase over 48 hours is quite substantial, especially when compared to the market as a whole. And what's with the pissiness over the word 'gains'?
2. I seem to recall mentioning the non-public status of other arms makers.
Lie and exaggerate? I opine you are but another member of the 'clan' who are right, regardless of facts, and who love to engage in personal name calling tantrums aimed at those holding opinions that don't perfectly fit your personal narrative or set of groupthink parameters. It must be hormonal or some weird cultural thing. Whatever. As they say, "You go girlfriend!".
Quote from: greatguns on November 11, 2012, 10:21:14 AM
DEAL WITH IT BOYS AND QUIT PISSIN AND MOANIN. Apparently it is what the majority wanted! ::)
I am curious, would you have said the same thing to Martin Luther King Jr.?
I, for one, don't give a damn if the majority wanted it or not! Although, I am highly suspect of the results, especially considering the amount of voter fraud in this and the last election.
Hey Patriot, great posts although you beat me to the punch!
I don't really need any more guns, you can only shoot one, and i got enough ammo to last me til they kill me. Shrug. I dont' figure i'll shoot 1000+ rounds before they lob a few of those 40mm mark 19 grenades through the windows.
Though i would like me a .500 s&W. that would put a few down that have body armour
Gee whiz greatguns...no answer??
Srkruzich, 1000 rounds will go pretty fast, especailly when applying suppressing fire! Body armor is a joke unless they have the Ranger Plates, most don't! Aim for the head and lower extemities. I'd go with a .45 for up close work. .500 S&W is to bulky and slow to reload.
Quote from: Varmit on November 11, 2012, 07:58:06 PM
Gee whiz greatguns...no answer??
Srkruzich, 1000 rounds will go pretty fast, especailly when applying suppressing fire! Body armor is a joke unless they have the Ranger Plates, most don't! Aim for the head and lower extemities. I'd go with a .45 for up close work. .500 S&W is to bulky and slow to reload.
yeah but can you imagine what a .500 will do to someone in body armour. it might not penetrate even with plates, but a heart shot will more than likely crush it. It will shatter ribs.
i don't know. getting to the point i can't hardly afford a box of shells anymore.
Gee whiz Varmit, you are correct, no answer! ;D
Thank's to Capt. Kirk, I'm all set. Big chunk of bamboo, sulphur, coal, saltpeter, rocks ( no diamonds), stir and light. Kills the big lizard every time. 8)
Why I voted Democrat
1. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't.
2. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
3. I voted Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.
4. I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.
5. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.
6. I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.
7. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits.
8. I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit.
9. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.
10. I voted Democrat because I think that it's better to pay billions to people who hate us for their oil, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle or gopher.
11. I voted Democrat because while we live in the greatest, most wonderful country in the world, I was promised "HOPE AND CHANGE".
12. I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my ass it's unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.
Great nations and proud empires have always collapsed from within before they were conquered from without. Obuma's re-election mirrors the self-indulgent, greedy and envious nation we are rapidly becoming.
Michael Barone and Dick Morris got it horribly wrong. Both predicted a 300 electoral-vote win for Romney. It was Obuma who reached that mark. The central message coming out of the election seems to be that we are no longer the America of our Founders, or even the America that existed during World War II, which produced our "greatest generation." Instead, the election validates the enormous cultural shift that has been taking place since the '60s when a countercultural bomb was dropped on society, producing moral fallout that continues to this day.
I am a child of the "greatest generation." My parents believed I should learn to take care of myself. They would have been too embarrassed to ask for help, if they needed it. If they did, they would turn to family first, or to a friend or neighbor. There were alot fewer social programs then, so people mostly did without... living only on what they truly needed. It said something about your character if you refused to strive toward self-sufficiency.
In 2012, nothing appears to embarrass us. Snooki. Honey Boo Boo. Reality TV wives. The Kardashians. Look at what is paraded before us as normal. Oppose the new normal and it's you who are the anomaly.
Young people are taught in public schools, at major universities, on television and in movies, that every life choice is acceptable and every tenet open to interpretation. When it comes to politics, some proclaim it is right to oppose the successful and envy the rich to the point where they must be denigrated and penalized for their success with higher taxes. No one has to be personally responsible. No education... no motivation.... no life plan? No problem. Hey, step right up... the government will take care of you.
One of many things Romney might have done better is to have featured more people who had overcome government dependence by embracing the values he was promoting. "Example trumps philosophy and success should trump victimhood." "Inspiration follows perspiration." But in our "entitlement" age even that might have been impossible to overcome.
Other signs of cultural decay are accepted with little notice. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 40 percent of babies born in America are born to unmarried women. *Shrug* Abortion clinics continue to operate. *Yawn*
There is no longer any cultural corrective because we have abandoned the concept of objective truth. Nothing is right or wrong, because that suggests a standard by which right and wrong might be defined. Personal choice is the new "standard" now.... which is no standard at all. One might as well develop individual weights and measures.
Politicians bid for votes, making promises they can't keep to voters who will believe anything, as long as it appeals to greed, envy and their sense of entitlement. Needless to say, this undermines our culture. This fuels our massive debt, weakening our economic power and America's standing in the world.
Standards used to be defined and mostly accepted, if not always universally practiced. Many grew out of religious principles. According to a recent Pew Poll, a growing number of people, especially young people 18 - 29, no longer believe in God or religion. In this, and in our increasing flirtation with socialism, America is becoming more like Europe. Government seems to be replacing God as the only acceptable deity.
So what the hell is the answer? Should conservatives throw in the towel and say America, as passed down to us by previous generations, is no more? That was Obuma's announced goal four years ago when he promised to "fundamentally transform America." He's doing it and sufficient numbers of Conservatives appear happy to let him. When they realize what they have done, however, it may well be too late to reverse course.
Its obvious Fire Elk that you are talking out of the end that your underwear is located...( seems to be the norm with you)
Firearms Stocks MOST CERTAINLY DID soar as soon the markets opened the next morning after ODumbo was elected.
Ruger went up 7 pts immediately just as soon as the market opened that day and is continuing to do as the other gun and ammo manufacturers are rising..
AR's sold faster than toilet paper in a diarrhea ward ( Derek sold the pile he had in 4 hours.. and Ellett Bros had over 1500 in stock and they were all gone within 18 minutes after Ohio announced that Obama had taken that state. and all the future shipments for them are already on allotment.. Ammo is gone in many warehouses..waiting new shipments..much of that is already allotted for.. Reloading supplies like primers are gone..and people are already on back order waiting lists..
Ohhhh yeah~~~ guns, ammo, food, water.... better have plenty on hand..
Well, well, well. It would seem that if the firearm market were an election... Fur Pelt would have lost hi pass! I guess I won't be seeking any investment advice from the pseudo-broker. So much for a first hand knowledge of the markets - or Elk Politics.
Here's some good news... all they have to do is speed up the process.MIT breakthrough could lead to paper-thin bullet-proof armor Stronger than a speeding bullet. New tests of nanostructured material could lead to better armor against everything from gunfire to micrometeorites.David L. Chandler, MIT News Office
November 7, 2012Providing protection against impacts from bullets and other high-speed projectiles is more than just a matter of brute strength. While traditional shields have been made of bulky materials such as steel, newer body armor made of lightweight material such as Kevlar has shown that thickness and weight are not necessary for absorbing the energy of impacts. Now, a new study by researchers at MIT and Rice University has shown that even lighter materials may be capable of doing the job just as effectively.(http://images.gizmag.com/gallery_lrg/mit-rice-nanomaterials-0.jpg)
This electron-microscope image of a cross-section of a layered polymer shows the crater left by an impacting glass bead, and the deformation of the previously even, parallel lines of the layered structure as a result of the impact. In this test, the layered material was edge-on to the impact. Comparative tests showed that when the projectile hit head-on, the material was able to resist the impact much more effectively. Image courtesy of the Thomas Lab, Rice University The key is to use composites made of two or more materials whose stiffness and flexibility are structured in very specific ways — such as in alternating layers just a few nanometers thick. The research team produced miniature high-speed projectiles and measured the effects they had on the impact-absorbing material.
The results of the research are reported in the journal Nature Communications, in a paper co-authored by former postdoc Jae-Hwang Lee, now a research scientist at Rice; postdoc Markus Retsch; graduate student Jonathan Singer; Edwin Thomas, a former MIT professor who is now at Rice; graduate student David Veysset; former graduate student Gagan Saini; former postdoc Thomas Pezeril, now on the faculty at Université du Maine, in Le Mans, France; and chemistry professor Keith Nelson. The experimental work was conducted at MIT's Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies.
The team developed a self-assembling polymer with a layer-cake structure: rubbery layers, which provide resilience, alternating with glassy layers, which provide strength. They then developed a method for shooting glass beads at the material at high speed by using a laser pulse to rapidly evaporate a layer of material just below its surface. Though the beads were tiny — just millionths of a meter in diameter — they were still hundreds of times larger than the layers of the polymer they impacted: big enough to simulate impacts by larger objects, such as bullets, but small enough so the effects of the impacts could be studied in detail using an electron microscope.
Seeing the layers
Structured polymer composites have previously been tested for possible impact-protection applications. But nobody had found a way to study exactly how they work — so there was no way to systematically search for improved combinations of materials.
The new techniques developed by the MIT and Rice researchers could provide such a method. Their work could accelerate progress on materials for applications in body and vehicle armor; shielding to protect satellites from micrometeorite impacts; and coatings for jet engine turbine blades to protect from high-speed impacts by sand or ice particles.
The methods the team developed for producing laboratory-scale high-speed impacts, and for measuring the impacts' effects in a precise way, "can be an extremely useful quantitative tool for the development of protective nanomaterials," says Lee, the lead author of the paper, who did much of this research while in MIT's Department of Materials Science and Engineering. "Our work presents some valuable insights to understand the contribution" of the nanoscale structure to the way such materials absorb an impact, he says.
Because the layered material has such a predictable, ordered structure, the effects of the impacts are easily quantified by observing distortions in cross-section. "If you want to test out how ordered systems will behave," Singer says, "this is the perfect structure for testing."
Which direction works best
The team found that when the projectiles hit the layers head-on, they absorbed the impact 30 percent more effectively than in an edge-on impact. That information may have immediate relevance for the design of improved protective materials.
Nelson has spent years developing techniques that use laser pulses to observe and quantify nanoscale shockwaves — techniques that were adapted for this research with the help of Lee, Veysset and other team members. Ideally, in future research, the team hopes to be able to observe the passage of projectiles in real time in order to get a better understanding of the sequence of events as the impacted material undergoes distortion and damage, Nelson says.
In addition, now that the experimental method has been developed, the researchers would like to investigate different materials and structures to see how these respond to impacts, Nelson says: varying the composition and thickness of layers, or using different structures. (http://images.gizmag.com/hero/mit-rice-nanomaterials.jpg)
Edwin Thomas, left, and Jae-Hwang Lee holding a polymer material containing three bullets.
(Photo: Tommy LaVergne, Rice University)
Donald Shockey, director of the Center for Fracture Physics at SRI International, a nonprofit research institute in Menlo Park, Calif., says, "It's a novel and useful approach that will provide needed understanding of the mechanisms governing how a projectile penetrates protective vests and helmets." He adds that these results "provide the data required to develop and validate computational models" to predict the behavior of impact-protection materials and to develop new, improved materials.
"The key to developing materials with better impact resistance is to understand deformation and failure behavior at the tip of an advancing projectile," Shockey says. "We need to be able to see that."
The work was supported by the U.S. Army Research Office.
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Interesting warph.
I wonder if it can absorb the.500 effectively enough so that it doesn't turn the innards into puree. I know that the body armour today can stop a .500 but the mass and velocity is a guarantee the target will not get up anytime soon if at all.
The other thing will it stop solid core ammo? Not too hard to turn your average every day ammo into penetrating ammo with hardware store supplies!
....So what is perceived as cool, when it's really the opposite?
- Bureaucrats spawned in teacher's lounges chiseling at your income, to the cheers of a pliant media
- Creating dependency as a romantic lifestyle, independent of achievement
- Ridiculing women, minorities, and gays who reject the culture of dependency
- Fake work that doesn't require building, moving or doing things. In 2008, a community organizer beat a war hero who spent years in a prison camp. Apparently that's cool.
- Movements that reject American values in favor of American guilt (Occupy)
- Anti-Americanism as a needy appeasement to our international adversaries
- Hero worship of celebrities based on artificial edginess (Johnny Depp is not really a pirate)
- Destroying things. Did Pete Townsend ever think of the maid as he trashed his 25th hotel room?
- Victimhood. The elevation of the David and Goliath myth as a universal storyboard dictating that evil can be good, as long as it's smaller than the good. If America was a house, the left would root for the termites.
- Code words. Language that aptly describes things is uncool. However, euphemisms created to avoid hurting the feelings of our adversaries is not. Hence, Ft. Hood terror is workplace violence. Which, I guess that makes Hurricane Sandy a pool party.
- Talking about your identity. If you're gay, bisexual, transgendered, Raelian, or Eskimo, chances are I'll hear about it. If you are less proud of what you do than who you do then you're considered cool.
Where does the tyranny of the cool begin?
As soon as you realize being cool pays off. When you're a kid. In classrooms across the country, kids are learning to gain favor from teachers and peers, and the elevation of "pretend-caring" as a function of cool gets you grades and girls. Stretch this over a decade or so into college, and it's no wonder the streets are flooded with beta males who talk from the back of their throats as they bowl in Brooklyn — ironically.
The cool's hold on society's throat is seen everywhere. Remember that Jon Stewart rally a few years back; that was a celebration of the cool over the uncool (the uncool being the Glenn Beck rallies, the Tea Party, FNC watchers). The cool owns the film industry, as villains take on intriguing personalities, while anyone with a blackberry or a briefcase is considered worse than evil — uncool.
Being pro-choice is cool. Speculating too much on what abortion really means — that's way uncool.
It reminds me of my old joke. "Knock knock." "Who's there?" "You'll never know."
Not cool.
Assorted slugs on death row are cool; their victims are uncool — for never really getting over it.
Sometimes coolness can be confusing. Nobody smokes in LA. But they all do in movies. Somehow smoking is cool, only if you're already cool. When you see a truck driver or a postman smoking, the tolerant break out the phony cough. They'd never do that around Brad Pitt.
Being political is cool, as long as it's progressive. Conservatives by nature hate politics and politicians. Liberals love it, because it makes them feel cool. Talk to any liberal friend, and they're running for office when they're running their mouth. "I must tell you about the bake sale we had for the Guatemalan water snake." No you don't, but you will. Shut up.
Immigration as an idea is cool neutral. But discussing the definition of a border? Uncool, dude. Sure, other countries have them (the ones people are fleeing from); but discussing the possibility of an American border is smeared as racist in origin — the ultimate in uncool. I'm probably racist for writing that.
Who pushes the cool? The media, of course, who seeks to portray anything traditional as silly, dorky, and outmoded. The stuff that worked, apparently, is stupid, because it worked. Witness how the media mocked a gentle mess like the Tea Party but embraced the soiled rag of Occupy Wall Street. To the network and newspaper hacks, one was simply way cooler than the other. One reminded them of their parents, the other reminded them of themselves. Without a bath.
Why is this duopoly, the cool vs. the uncool, so important? It won an election. Showbiz beat substance. Style creamed success. This happens in a culture that salivates over youth, glamour, and glibness. Fashion has no use for Mitts.
The funny thing about cool? It's not cool. At all. In fact, what's truly cool is the rebellion against the perceived, predictable rebellion of the cool.
Why aren't conservatives cool? Why are they perceived as intolerant when it's the other side who are truly the hateful ones? It's a fair question.
We have the cool message. It's "Step off." Or, for you old schoolers, "don't tread on me," which applies domestically and internationally. It's not cool to have a government intrude into every aspect of your life, under the guise of "help." The new electorate must learn this, or we are doomed!
Obama epitomizes "uncool"
by Sharon Sebastian
There is a time in everyone's life when they need to grow up. The President that sits in the White House clings to immature associations and views himself through the "cool" vagaries of youth long gone with every year that passes. Being "cool" is the empty vessel that floats his boat both personally and politically. The maturity that provides the gravitas to deal with America's and the world's problems escape him.
Personalities desperate to remain "cool" are either narcissistic or stunted or both. They yearn for "coolness" long after their expiration date. Barack Obama turned 51 years of age in the White House. It appears nothing is more important to this man, that is half a century old, than remaining "cool." That he perceives himself more "celebrity" than president, explains his need to surround himself with celebs and rappers to confirm his "cool" cred which by now should have lost its patina.
Sure, he prefers daytime talk shows instead of meeting with world leaders while the Middle East is on fire. In the wake of an American Ambassador left mutilated and dead, this sitting president goes on TV to goofily refer to himself as "eye candy," flashing a winning smile that he hopes no one can see behind.
Immature politicians find it is easier to be glib, poke fun and hope to get by on a "cool persona." Leadership in the White House requires maturity and an experienced skill-set to take on serious issues that impact the lives and livelihoods of over 300 million Americans. Unfortunately, this president demonstrates behavior that is not only decidedly "uncool," but damaging to this nation. After the first presidential debate, Obama and his camp were so devastated by Mitt Romney's strong leadership, acumen and vision that they twisted reality. "That was not the real Romney," they decried. Really? Fact is, "the real Obama" deep-sixed his socialist agenda during the debate. Obama would be forced to admit socialism's history of unmitigated failure that cannot compete with free market economics. Compared to Obama's pad-locked past, "the real Romney" is an open book with a proven record of leadership and a solid record of fiscal success as governor of Massachusetts. The Obama that has devastated this nation and buried its middle class is the Obama that Americans have come to know. The one thing that is more "un-cool" than the last four years of Barack Obama, is four more years of Barack Obama.
Under Obama, more people including Hispanics, Blacks and women, have been forced out of the middle class into either part-time work or joblessness. Example is that current unemployment has dipped to 7.8% based on the hiring of what the New York Times cites as 582,000 "involuntary workers" who are forced into PART-TIME jobs leaving Americans still under-employed or unable to find full-time jobs. In a statement, Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney clarified: "This is not what a real recovery looks like. We created fewer jobs in September than in August, and fewer jobs in August than in July, and we've lost over 600,000 manufacturing jobs since President Obama took office." Romney further wrote, "If not for all the people who have simply dropped out of the labor force, the real unemployment rate would be closer to 11 percent." Obama's disastrous jobs record – harsh and deceptively "uncool."
Obama's modus operandi is destructive no matter your race or economic status. By stirring up racial unrest by portraying Blacks as victims in every perceivable way, it turns out that it is Obama who is doing the victimizing.Blacks desperately want to think of him as cool, yet they have been the most damaged. But, Obama always knew they would be first to be severely hurt as his socialist policies moor them to perpetual poverty. After four years of excruciatingly bad economic policies, Obama clearly owns the rampant unemployment among Blacks that stands at over 14%. Young Blacks suffer the most under Obama with 50% unemployed. Futures truncated, hopes dashed, families suffering under Obama is not only callous, it is the epitome of "uncool."
To send our valiant military onto the battlefield with orders not to use their weapon unless the enemy first raises his with deadly intentions not only hamstrings our fighting forces, but is reportedly costing lives. Yet, that is what an inexperienced Commander-in-Chief Obama demands in his politically-correct military Rules of Engagement. Politico reports the following: "American soldiers, Marines and sailors have seen casualty rates more than double when the Obama administration issued new 'Rules of Engagement' that significantly favors the enemy and put our troops in danger. American troops are being killed in Afghanistan where the Obama administration is protecting the enemy in the name of political correctness which is getting our troops killed." ..."[Obama] is ensuring our failure in the one place he said we needed to win." Obama has also promised young Hispanics an alternative path to citizenship if they serve in our military—should they be fortunate enough to survive. Deadly and "uncool."
Truth about ObamaDoesNotCare, formally known as Obamacare, was exposed by New York Times Contributor, Steven Rattner, who worked in Treasury under Obama. Rattner brazenly wrote, "WE need death panels." Though once vehemently denied, Death Panels are real and are a part of Obamacare. They are made up of an Obama staffed panel that puts a price on your survival – no matter your age or the age of a desperately ill child or parent. Rattner goes on to write that: "At the least, the Independent Payment Advisory Board should be allowed to offer changes in services [blocking treatments] and costs." Meaning, number-crunching bureaucrats will decide what medical services you and your family will be allowed, not you or your doctor. You will have nowhere to appeal. Invasive, controlling, deadly and "uncool."
Required by Obamacare, every American will have blood on their hands by paying for abortions via tax payers' dollars. Obama has a stark history of assault on our most innocent. As a state senator, Obama stood on record before the Illinois Senate and adamantly sought not only late-term abortions that allow crushing the head of a living baby, but also strongly advocated that newborns that survived an abortion and are already breathing be left to die in a bin or on a shelf without medical care. Vile, inhumane and unspeakably "uncool."
Obama gives away hundreds of billions of dollars to political cronies, failed green projects, irresponsible unions, and to Middle East infrastructure and mosque restorations while cutting Medicare by billions of dollars and financially strapping Medicaid for our mentally and physically disabled. He has aggressively blocked oil permits and a pipeline that could lead not only to jobs, but energy independence. Spinning his actions as positives—deceptively "uncool."
The Obama campaign put out a series of creepy e-cards. One incredibly irresponsible one encourages young female students to write home to their parents: "Dear Mom, Mitt Romney says he would repeal the Affordable Care Act. So here's a quick question: Can I borrow $18,000 to help pay for my birth control?" The Family Research Center writes that, "If your daughter needs $18,000 worth of birth control, you have far more serious issues to deal with than the cost." At that level of promiscuity, as encouraged by the Obama administration, it is not only "uncool," it is creepy. What's next, e-cards detailing how to deal with the aftermath of venereal disease and shattered self-respect? Immaturity + creepy = 51 year-old Obama and his Liberal pals running your college student's sex life. Uncool to the point of needing a hot shower.
As his party's nominee at a Democratic Convention where half of the delegates shouted down and denied their Creator God, by not addressing or condemning it as President of the United States either at the convention or on the campaign trail, implies consent. Eternally uncool.
One article cannot cover the "uncool" actions by Obama and his cohorts. From betrayals of the middle class, Blacks, and Hispanics to pending U.N. treaties that will usurp America's sovereignty and safety, the list appears endless with more to come [now that] Obama is re-elected. Suggestion to readers. Stand for your values and your country.
Just how bad is the economy?
Per a joke Jay Leno told last night during his "Tonight Show" monologue, "The economy is so bad MSNBC had to lay off 300 Obama spokesmen."
And this: "The economy is so bad President Obama sent Susan Rice out to defend it. That's how bad the economy is."
Another rimshot!
The Obama administration's USDA withheld the latest damning food stamp numbers, surging the most it has in a year to an all-time record high, until after the presidential election, in a not-so-very-veiled attempt to help Obama in his reelection efforts. Now, unemployment jobs claims have also "mysteriously" skyrocketed after the election.
This time the USDA delayed its release nine days past the semi-official deadline, far past the election, and until Friday night to report August foodstamp data. One glance at the number reveals why: at 47.1 million, this was not only a new all time record, but the monthly increase of 420,947 from July was the biggest monthly increase in one year. One can see why a reported surge in foodstamps ahead of the elections is something the USDA, and the administration may not have been too keen on disclosing.
Sorry, Pennsylvania and Ohio swing-state voters. Your states were hit the worst with the increase in jobless claims. You were instrumental in helping to reelect the Destroyer in Chief, so enjoy him, enjoy his deliberate, systematic destruction of the coal industry and his feckless leadership for the next four misery-burdened years. .
Story at: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/11/15/Surprise-Jobless-Claims-Up-Over-75000
From Joel B. Pollack, Breitbart's Big Government:
Blame It on the American People
By Andrew B. Wilson on 11.16.12 @ 6:09AM
They screwed up in re-electing Obama, America's new Samson.
Bill O'Reilly of Fox News and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal have added their voices to the swelling chorus of second-guessers saying the Mitt Romney ran the race badly and therefore "deserved to lose" to Barack Obama on Nov. 6.
But here's a simpler and, I think, better explanation. There is no magic that dictates that the American people in their infinite wisdom will always make the right choice, and in this instance they 'doubled down' (to use one of the president's favorite expressions) in returning a very bad president to the White House -- one who had already shown himself to be incapable of providing competent (let alone inspiring) leadership in domestic and foreign affairs.
This happened despite the fact that Mitt Romney ran an exceptionally decent (as opposed to nasty) campaign, while President Obama ran an exceptionally nasty (as opposed to decent) campaign.
In his speeches and ads, Obama assaulted Romney's record as a businessman -- accusing him of everything from lying under oath, to being unpatriotic (lacking in "economic patriotism"), to causing to the death of laid-off steel worker's wife.
Obama made his primary theme one of envy, resentment, and class warfare. In one speech after another, he ignored the central truth that the American free enterprise system is based on voluntary exchange for mutual benefit, and he claimed instead that it is based on the rich exploiting the poor... and on profit-seeking businesses looking for every opportunity to cheat their customers on the far side, and their employees on the near side.
More than a triumph of hope over experience, Obama's victory was a triumph of spite over experience; and of government-favored plunder over earned success and achievement. This is an abhorrent (let's hope fleeting) perversion of the American dream.
None of this is not to deny mistakes and mishaps on Romney's part in the long slog from the Republican primaries through to the general election. But it is, I think, very much to his credit that many and perhaps most conservatives came to like him a great deal more at the end of that journey than they did at the outset. He stopped looking and sounding like a robot and -- wonder of wonders -- began to look like "fully-formed adult," as one of my friends put it.
The same cannot be said of petulant and strident Obama, or the mocking and clownish Biden. Both got away from with telling outrageous falsehoods during the debates -- knowing that they could count on the mainstream media to divert or suppress any real criticism. In fact, they could even count on the support of supposedly neutral "moderators" from the fourth estate.
In affirming rather than contradicting one of Obama's falsehoods, CNN's Candy Crowley kept him from being hoist on his own petard in open debate. She jumped in to save the hapless president when he claimed that he had unequivocally called the Sept. 11 attack on the consulate and nearby CIA annex in Benghazi a terrorist attack the very day after it happened. In fact, he did not do so until weeks later.
To this day, Obama has refused to give any detailed account of what he knew and did during the seven-hour siege at the consulate and the annex. And he has never given any satisfactory explanation of why he and others in the administration continued to spin the story of a spontaneous demonstration long after all of the facts pointed to a well-planned terrorist attack.
Among the whopping falsehoods told by Joe Biden in his debate with Paul was the claim:
Let me make it absolutely clearly, no religious institution, Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic Social Services, Georgetown Hospital, Mercy Hospital, or any hospital, none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact.
Except that it is most certainly not a fact. As the Heritage Foundation pointed out, "The real 'fact' about the (HHS edict requiring employers to provide insurance that pays for contraception, abortion drugs, and sterilization) is that it applies to almost all employers -- including many religious organizations such as hospitals and social service providers."
One may argue that President Obama benefited from the good publicity that grew out of his response to Hurricane Sandy.
But that only begs the question: Why would anyone give the president high marks in that emergency-- which did not require any hard decision-making on his part -- while giving him a pass on Benghazi, which did put him to the test and expose grave misjudgment and serious weakness?
This brings us back to the main question -- of where to look first in pointing the finger of blame.
I believe it must be pointed at the American people.
People will believe what they want to believe. And in this case more people than not were inclined to focus on a meaningless positive indicator while averting their eyes from a damning negative indicator.
They had two examples of presidential leadership to choose from: the one frivolous and the other serious. And they chose to go with frivolous example.
Now if you accept the premise that the American people made a big mistake in re-electing a very bad president to a second term, there are other conclusions that flow from that regarding the lessons to be learned for the Republican Party.
One of those lessons is not to try to fight the last war by feeling a great need to do more to seek out the youth vote, and the women's vote, and the Hispanic, Asian, or Black votes -- through headlong competition with the Democrats/demagogues in offering special-interest favors to each and all groups.
Obama and the Democrats campaigned on wedge issues -- and on making promises to others that the government will be in no position to honor in driving the nation toward bankruptcy. Obama is physically miscast for the part of Samson, but it seems that he will be happy if he is able to impose a massive tax increase on the "rich" -- the misnamed rich, I might add -- which will pull down the proverbial temple upon all of our heads. His panoply of heavier tax levies on capital gains, estate, and earned income would provide a comprehensive and disastrous set of disincentives for millions of small business owners and entrepreneurs who struggle to send their own sons and daughters to college and who are collectively responsible for an outsized proportion of the nation's total workforce.
Let him (the skinniest of Samson's) do his damnedest: Even if he succeeds, most will probably crawl out from under the rubble. Maybe it's better to have a sudden and violent shock than a slow descent into greater and greater government aggrandizement and greater and greater government failure.
Far better, I say, for the Republicans to stick to principle -- rather than to imitate the Democrats in their slavish pandering to different groups and their insolent disregard for economic reality.
The bedrock principles for conservatives ought to be liberty, open markets, freedom of choice, and limited as opposed to limitless government.
If those are the abiding principles, there will be room enough for everyone to flourish -- including all of the groups and sub-groups mentioned above.
If we re-awaken the real American spirit, there will be less of the useless fretting over wedge issues that assumed such outsized importance among some groups during the 2012 election.
How's That Obamacare Waiver Workin' Out for Ya?
By Michelle Malkin 11/16/2012
Exactly two years ago this week, the Obama administration announced it had issued more than 100 waivers en masse to a select group of companies, unions and other health insurance providers seeking relief from the onerous federal health care law. The Obamacare waiver winner's club now totals 2,000. Where are they now?
Answer: In the same miserable boat as every other unlucky business struggling with the crushing costs and burdens of the mandate.
Among the first and most prominent recipients of the Obamacare waivers for favors were large restaurant chains that provide low-wage, seasonal and part-time workers with low-cost health insurance plans called "mini-med" plans. An estimated 1.7 million workers benefit from such plans. Obamacare forced companies carrying such coverage to raise their minimum limits on coverage to no less than $750,000 annually. Another Obamacare provision forces all employers to spend at least 80 percent to 85 percent of their premium revenue on medical care.
The social justice Democrats' goal was to dictate insurance provider spending not just on coverage amounts, but also on executive salaries, marketing and other costs. The regulation punished companies with mini-med plans whose high administrative costs were due to frequent worker turnover and relatively low spending on claims -- not "greed." Complying with the provision would have meant tens of thousands of low-income workers would lose their benefits altogether.
Darden Restaurants, the Florida-based parent company of Olive Garden, LongHorn Steakhouse, Red Lobster and other chains, was a member of the Obamacare waiver early bird special. Their get-out-of-Obamacare card helped spare the company's health insurance benefits for nearly 34,000 employees. Breathing a sigh of relief that it would allow chains to continue offering all employees access to affordable health insurance, Darden said in a statement in the fall of 2010 that "the waiver allows us to continue to do that as the various phases of the health care law are implemented."
Fast-forward to 2012. Darden announced last month that it would begin shifting full-time workers to part-time status to save money, cut health costs and circumvent Obamacare's coverage mandate scheduled for full implementation in 2014. The move would reduce full-time employees' hours to less than 30 hours a week; part-time workers are exempt from the insurance mandate. McDonald's, another big Obamacare waiver recipient, is considering the same move.
In fact, a survey of members of the Chain Restaurant Compensation Association (CRCA) conducted last year by Hay Group reported that a whopping 77 percent of "quick serve" restaurant operators said they were considering reducing employee hours to change their status from full-time to part-time. At least one Denny's restaurant franchise owner in Florida is cutting hours and has openly contemplated an Obamacare surcharge. Jimmy John's and Papa John's are also slashing work hours. Applebee's is mulling a freeze on both hiring and expansion.
"There's no such thing as a free lunch" is a race-neutral truth. But economically illiterate Obama supporters have now called for boycotts of these businesses and accused them of vengeful "racism" against the president. Instead of sympathy and gratitude for private businesses trying to do right by their workers, customers and shareholders, the corporate-bashers inundated Twitter this week with profanity-laced condemnations of the restaurant service industry. One protester tweeted: "@Applebees Your CEO is a racist piece of (redacted), he not hiring because Obama was elected...U WILL LOSE CUSTOMERS."
"Red Lobster, Olive Garden (are) using Obama re-election as an excuse to deny employees benefits and living wages," Jon Marquis fumed.
Twitter user Daphine Walker sent unhinged, ungrammatical messages to Red Lobster and Olive Garden in all-caps: "I WILL NEVER SPEND ANOTHER CENT ON THIS RACIST COMPANY WHO DOESNT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THEIR EMPLOYEES."
The CEO of Red Lobster and Olive Garden is black. But no matter. Regardless of the actual facts, economic realities and entirely predictable and inevitable consequences of command-and-control government mandates, it's always about identity politics for the Obama grievance mob. In good times and bad, the left never grants waivers from the race card.
In Four More Years We'll Be Detroit
By John Ransom
From one moment to the next the city of Detroit doesn't know where its next bailout is coming from. Chronically unable to pay its bills, the city looks to the state for cash gifts to stave off default. Operating under the terms of a consent agreement hammered out with the state, Detroit faces fiscal uncertainty largely because it has failed to get adequate concessions from public employee unions that are unsustainable. And those concessions that they have wrested from unions, politicians in Detroit have been unwilling to enforce.
One prominent Detroit attorney, however, is facing the future of the Motor City with a bit more certainty.
He's calling upon the city to declare bankruptcy.
"Detroit should go bankrupt," says Douglas Bernstein, according to the Detroit News. Bernstein is a partner in the law firm of Plunkett Cooney who specializes in bankruptcies. "It would be a recognition that they've hit bottom, and it's a chance to go on the upswing. I don't think they're going to be stigmatized as much as people think.... Otherwise, you're going to go down the path and be in one crisis after another. Yes, it's expensive and it should be a last resort. But at some point, you've had enough."
The bankruptcy would be the largest municipal bankruptcy in the history of the US.
While we are not at the point yet for the federal government to declare bankruptcy, you may rest assured that that day is coming, because the same forces that are driving Detroit to bankruptcy are driving the US as well.
There are fewer people building things and more people demanding things they didn't build.
Whatever else one may say about it, if Obama meant to throw Detroit a fiscal lifeline with the auto bailout, it hasn't worked. It demonstrates the futility and danger of the federal government commanding and controlling the recovery of any industry- or even the county.
It's just not going to work out for most of us, but only for a favored few.
After $85 billion in federal bailout funds for the automakers headquartered in Detroit, there are no fiscal answers to what ails the city and the surrounding areas.
To demonstrate most clearly why the auto bailout should be considered such a tremendous failure, you only have to consult the numbers.
$80 billion is more money than 14 states annually produce in GDP. Detroit has a population of 700,000. On per capital basis, that means the bailout cost about $112,000 per Detroit resident. Delaware has the greatest per capita annual GDP of any state at $70,000 per resident- only Washington, DC- which is NOT a state, Mr. Obama- at $175,000 in per capita GDP beats the Detroit auto bailout.
Yet, still by most measurements, Detroit is imploding. By June of 2013 it is expected that the city will be short $47 million according to the Detroit Free Press.
And surrounding communities are also suffering. BusinessWeek reports that "five cities and three school districts [in the Detroit area] have emergency managers, including Flint and Pontiac," in order to manage the fiscal crisis. The law allowing "emergency managers" with broad authority over fiscal matters, including modifying employee contracts, however, was recently repealed after unions campaigned to protect existing contracts.
So now Detroit will be short of cash by mid-December and the only way to fix the crisis is by voiding public union contracts, not just modifying them as an emergency manager was able to do.
That means bankruptcy.
"The state's democratic process succeeded in overturning an emergency manager law whose powers threatened the financial gains of public-sector unions and the political prerogatives of elected officials," writes Daniel Howes, a columnist for the Detroit News. "But democracy is failing in Detroit, as its metastasizing crisis and the feckless response to it amply demonstrates."
If at a time when automakers are trumpeting record-setting sales, record profits, record bonuses for their employees, how is it possible that the community at-large is not reaping any of the benefit?
Stimulus anyone?
Because while the auto bailout was a bad idea in any event, one should at least expect that the community as a whole should benefit from the application of community funds to a private venture rather than just benefit a small fraction of say...I don't know... one percent? There is no other morally defensible reason to bailout out the auto industry unless it was going to benefit the community as a whole.
"We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt. We bet on American workers and American ingenuity," said the president while making his pitch for reelection, "and three years later, that bet is paying off in a big way."
For whomis it paying off, Mr. President?
Because it's not paying off for Detroit.
And it won't pay off for the United States of America.
Soaring Toward Totalitarianism
By Mike Adams
(Some time in the not-too-distant future at a public university near you).
Good morning, everyone. My name is Dean Crawler and I would like to welcome everyone to new staff training here in the Dean of Student's Office at the University of Neo-Communism in Wonderland, or UNCW. I wish to welcome all returning Deans, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, and Adjunct Deans as well. They say it takes a village to raise a child. One could say that it takes a fiefdom to raise a generation. Of course, we prefer to avoid references to Western civilization here at UNCW. We are soaring to greatness. And that means leaving past traditions behind. Even an Adjunct Dean of Diversity knows that. No offense or disrespect intended.
Our training today will focus on four new programs that will help us gain control over student dissidents in an effort to assure the smooth operation of the university. Diversity and tolerance are very complex concepts. And sometimes rigid conformity is needed to ensure their full realization. I would appreciate it if everyone would give her, his, its, or undecided's full attention while I explain these new programs:
1. No administrator left behind. We have decided to add a few new positions to help with our ever increasing workload. We will add a new Dean of Noise Complaints this semester. As you know, students often have parties off campus that result in noise complaints. We have partnered with local police to set up a system whereby all noise complaints received by police are channeled into the university administrative structure. When police answer a noise complaint off campus, we soon find out. Then we will call the student into the Dean's Office and interrogate him, her, it, or undecided concerning the alleged violation. Each violation will be recorded by the Dean's Office and will be placed in the student's permanent record. If the student complains loudly in response to interrogation, the Dean of Noise Complaints will then file a separate noise complaint with the UNCW police. This will result in the student being brought back in for further interrogation by the Dean of Noise Complaints.
2. Two strikes and you're out. All infractions will require recidivism before students can be expelled from UNCW. However, our previous policy of allowing three strikes has been modified. Now, only two strikes will be needed for expulsion. For example, an off campus noise complaint resulting in interrogation to which a student noisily complains will be sufficient for expulsion. Students will forfeit all tuition and fees paid for the duration of the semester, regardless of whether expulsion occurs before or after the official drop date for regular courses.
3. The Universal Administrative Trial Program. To date, we have employed a two-tier system for dealing with student non-conformity issues. Criminal hearings have been used as a means of dealing with criminal conduct. Administrative hearings have been used for dealing with non-criminal violations. In the latter type of hearing, students have been stripped of all needlessly cumbersome due process rights. In our collective view, the system has proved to be unworkable. Therefore, we have decided that all hearings will be classified as administrative in nature. All rights will be suspended except for cases involving sexual assault and sexual harassment. In such cases, students bringing charges will be granted a right to counsel and a right to full appellate review. Student plaintiffs will be able to appeal adverse rulings. The accused will receive no corresponding benefit. All attempts on behalf of the accused to either a) retain counsel or b) appeal an adverse ruling will be subject to the noise complaint policy. The Dean of Noise Complaints will preside over all such hearings.
4. Our New Government Respect Compact. Our Student Respect Compact was originally designed to preserve the rights of students to work in an environment free from the following: incivility, discomfort, disrespect, unwarranted intellectual challenge, and unwanted solicitation of ideas and opinions.
The policy has been modified to include the protection of administrators from all of the same invasions. For example, student complaints concerning "administrative waste" and control over "private" or "non-academic matters" are often distressing to the administration. The complaints are rarely solicited and often result in administrative discomfort. We now consider them to be uniformly disrespectful and uncivil. Any conflict between Our New Government Respect Compact and state "whistleblower" laws or the "constitution" will be resolved in the favor of Our New Government Respect Compact. Any resistance will be referred to the Dean of Noise Complaints and subject to the aforementioned policies.
The Obama administration has done a lot to move us forward. The Obama Department of Education told us that we must reduce the burden of proof in sexual assault cases to a mere preponderance of evidence. They told us we would receive no federal funds if we did not conform. We based all of our other sexual assault and sexual harassment policies on the model in place at Stanford University. We call them our Cardinal rules of sexual conformity. That great institution believes that the new Obama policies were a mere starting point - a minimum list of expectations. We agree with that philosophy.
When it comes to implementing policies that ensure administrative victory over student dissidents, we want to do more than just the minimum required by Washington. We want to stay one step ahead of the federal authorities. Not everything we do may be "constitutional" as they say. But our constitution is a living, breathing document. We are confident that the federal judiciary will share and affirm our grander vision by the time any disagreements reach that level. You all are a part of that grand vision. For those of you who are new, I welcome you into our community. For those returning, I welcome you back. And I welcome you all to move with us. Forward.
In closing, I would remind you that extremism in the defense of conformity is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of civility is no virtue.
Obama Administration Misleads the Country on Tax "Cuts"
By Katie Pavlich
The White House is promoting the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts for the middle class (which should really be called the Obama-Bush Tax cuts, since Obama extended them in 2010) as exactly that, tax cuts. But the truth is, an extension of the tax cuts wouldn't be a cut at all, but would keep tax rates at the current rate. The Obama admnistration is implying on the official WhiteHouse.gov website that a tax cut is coming for the middle class when in reality if a deal is made by January 1, middle class families won't see a tax cut but will keep the rates they currently pay.
The President said there's one thing we can do right now to provide a foundation for a solution that helps the economy and gives middle-class families more certainty in the coming weeks. And it's something that everyone agrees on: pass a law that would prevent any tax hike whatsoever on the first $250,000 of everybody's income.
"That means every American, including the wealthiest Americans, get a tax cut," he said. "It means that 98 percent of all Americans, and 97 percent of all small businesses won't see their taxes go up a single dime."
President Obama isn't giving a tax cut to anyone, but instead wants tax hikes for those making more than $250,000 per year.
Black Friday Walmart Protests Reek of Obama White House
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, November 20, 2012, 9:01 PM
Obama met with union leaders and MoveOn.org last week at the White House.
Evidently, Obama felt it was important to include the radical leftist group at the meeting.
Last Tuesday Barack (Insane Hussein) Obama met with national union leaders and the leaders of (the communist groups) MoveOn.org and Center for American Progress at the White House.
Less than a week later these same groups have joined together to organize Black Friday Walmart protests.
What a coincidence?
The Daily Caller reported:
MoveOn.org has jumped into the fight for a unionized Wal-Mart workforce.
The liberal group has sent emails to its list nationwide, urging a mass-protest outside Wal-Mart stores on Black Friday. The organization is encouraging people to strike against management even if they aren't Wal-Mart employees themselves.
"Instead of listening to and learning from its workers, Wal-Mart has sought to silence us and retaliate against those who dare to speak up," MoveOn.org said in its email to supporters. "Warehouse workers who work for Wal-Mart contractors have also experienced retaliation for speaking out. Now, Wal-Mart workers have had enough."
Black Friday is traditionally the busiest shopping day of the year.
"On Black Friday, and throughout the Holiday Season, we're standing up for an end to the retaliation against workers who speak out for what's right for our families, our communities, and our country," the left-wing organization continued. "Will you show your support?"
Liberal union groups OUR Wal-Mart and Making Change at Wal-Mart, which are working to organize the planned strike, are aggressively trying to harness dues from Wal-Mart's massive workforce.
Gee, do you think the Walmart protests came up during the White House meetings with Obama?
(What a Crock of Crap).
Pravda , the Russian News agency has an editorial declaring that the illiterates of America have put a Communist back in office despite his being a failure.
Note that Russia acknowledges that Obama is a Communist. The author calls liberalism a psychosis and nicknames Barack Insane-Hussein Obuma as O'Bomber. Very apt, wouldn't you say?Pravda on Obama: President Vladimir Putin could never have imagined anyone so ignorant or so willing to destroy their people like Obama much less seeing millions vote for someone like Obama. They read history in America don't they? Alas, the schools in the U.S. were conquered by the Communists long ago and history was revised thus paving the way for their Communist presidents
Putin in 2009 outlined his strategy for economic success. Alas, poor Obama did the opposite but nevertheless was re-elected. Bye, bye Miss American Pie. The Communists have won in America with Obama but failed miserably in Russia with Zyuganov who only received 17% of the vote. Vladimir Putin was re-elected as President keeping the NWO order out of Russia while America continues to repeat the Soviet mistake.
After Obama was elected in his first term as president the then Prime Minister of Russia, Vladimir Putin gave a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January of 2009. Ignored by the West as usual, Putin gave insightful and helpful advice to help the world economy and saying the world should avoid the Soviet mistake.
Recently, Obama has been re-elected for a 2nd term by an illiterate society and he is ready to continue his lies of less taxes while he raises them. He gives speeches of peace and love in the world while he promotes wars as he did in Egypt, Libya and Syria. He plans his next war is with Iran as he fires or demotes his generals who get in the way.
Rest of story at: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/19-11-2012/122849-obama_soviet_mistake-0/
This was Socialist Sen. Barack Insane-Hussein Obuma's Record BEFORE the Democratic National Convention gave him their approval to run for President:
Democrats Vote the Mentally Disabled
November 23, 2012 By David Horowitz
I am incredibly steamed this Thanksgiving Holiday over what the Democrats are doing to my country.
Everybody by now knows – or should know – how readily Democrats conduct election fraud, and how determined they are to defend it.
James O'Keefe and others have taken videos of paid Democratic operatives encouraging citizens to vote twice. O'Keefe was even able to claim Attorney General Eric Holder's own ballot at a district polling place by claiming to be him, and then to vote in his place.
Democrats have promoted Motor Voter laws and same day registration, and month-long election days to help them mobilize the votes of people who are so unconnected to the political process and so uninterested in the country's future, and perhaps so incompetent to understand what voting entails that they require keepers to see that they get to the polls and then vote the "right" way. In the election that put Al Franken in the Senate by a few hundred votes, more than a thousand felons voted illegally because of the loose laws that govern the polling booth – laws the Democrats want to make even looser. It is in fact the number one civil rights issue of the NAACP this year to give felons the right to vote. So we know that Democrats have little respect for the election process, and we should assume they will attempt to pursue their victories by any means necessary.
But even knowing this, I was not prepared for a conversation I had at Thanksgiving dinner today with my brother-in-law, Henry, who has lived most of his life in a home for the mentally disabled, and though now in his forties has the intelligence level of a six-year-old.
"Obama saved me," he said to me out of the blue.
"What do you mean?"
"I voted for him for president and now he's saving me."
I was taken aback by these words, since Henry had no idea who Obama was, or what a president might be, and would be unable to fill out a registration form let alone get to the polling place by himself.
So I asked him how he knew that and how he had registered and cast his vote. In halting, impeded speech he told me that the people who take care of him at the home filled out "the papers" to register him to vote, told him how Obama cared for him, even taught him the Obama chants, and then took him to the polling place to vote. They did the same for all of the mentally disabled patients in their care, approximately sixty in all.
This is so appalling in its contempt for the voting process, which is the very foundation of our democracy, and in its cynical exploitation of my brother-in-law and the other patients in the home, many of whose mental capacities are even more limited than his that I am at a loss for words to express it. I hope poll-watching groups like "True the Vote" will comb the rolls of residents at other homes for the mentally disabled, and attempt to stop this particular abuse. I hope that people who care about our country will make electoral fraud a focus of their political efforts, and work to protect the integrity of the voting process.
Used "Green Energy Loans" to "Recycle" Money BACK to Rich Democrat Donors, Arrogant Crony-Capitalism Revelation from the Government Accountability Institute. http://americaswatchtower.com/2012/11/24/barack-obama-used-green-energy-loans-to-recycle-money-to-democrat-donors/
Corrupt Team Obuma kickbacks and gift bags funded by American taxpayers and benefiting the Democrat party and wealthy Democrat campaign donors have been exposed by the Government Accountability Institution. "Welfare for the well-off"... for well-off liberals, that is. (http://www.frugal-cafe.com/public_html/frugal-blog/frugal-cafe-blogzone/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/obama-green-energy-failures.jpg)
For the lengthy list of Obuma's green energy losers that we, American taxpayers, have funded to the discordant tune of billions upon billions of squandered dollars. The list keeps growing, and is now estimated to be at least 50 companies.
http://dailycaller.com/2012/10/30/as-many-as-fifty-obama-backed-green-energy-companies-bankrupt-or-troubled/This has been suspected for more than a year now, but it looks like corrupt Obuma's crony-rampant "recycling" program did indeed use American taxpayer dollars as his own personal super-duper-big piggy bank to push through his still-escalating failed "green jobs/green bankruptcies" fiasco.
Oink, Oink... you despicable clown.
Not a word from the MSM or Romney (when running for president), on this. One of the reasons why he lost... no backbone!
Where the hell is Congress on this ??? ...the American people (who do not seem to give a damn) ???.... the SOB is supposed to work for us, people! Oh, I forgot.. they're too busy watching Snooki... Baby Boo Boo... waiting for their freebies from Mr. Corrupt! >:(TIME TO IMPEACH THE CORRUPT SON-OF-A-BITCH!!!
Peter Schweizer and Hannity discuss Obama's 'District of Corruption':
This video is a snippet of the complete Sean Hannity broadcast that aired last week (the complete three-part video set is embedded further down). The whole ball of wax at You Tube:Part I - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwKBTJVIio0
Part II - http://youtu.be/778jw4zfFS4
Part III - http://youtu.be/sMRtDEy13Aw
Gitmo North Returns: Obama's Shady Prison Deal By Michelle MalkinIf you thought President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder had given up on closing Guantanamo Bay and bringing jihadists to American soil, think again. Two troubling developments on the Gitmo front should have every American on edge.
The first White House maneuver took place in October, while much of the public and the media were preoccupied with election news. On Oct. 2, Obama's cash-strapped Illinois pals announced that the federal government bought out the Thomson Correctional Center in western Illinois for $165 million. According to Watchdog.org, a recent appraisal put the value of the facility at $220 million.Obuma's Gitmo North - Northwestern Illinois.
Democratic Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin led the lobbying campaign for the deal, along with Illinois Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn, who is overseeing an overall $43 billion state budget deficit and scraping for every available penny. The Thomson campus has been an empty Taj Mahal for more than a decade because profligate state officials had no money for operations. Economic development gurus (using the same phony math of federal stimulus peddlers) claim the newly federalized project will bring in $1 billion.
Durbin told a local Illinois paper that "the decision to move ahead came directly from President Barack Obama" and that he had secured the green light during a discussion on Air Force One earlier in the spring. But this gift to Obama's Illinois homeboys wasn't just a run-of-the-mill campaign favor.
Obama's unilateral and unprecedented decision steamrolled over bipartisan congressional opposition to the purchase. That opposition dates back to 2009, when the White House first floated the idea of using Thomson to house jihadi enemy combatants detained in Cuba. As you may recall, the scheme caused a national uproar. Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee overseeing the Justice Department's budget, blocked the administration from using unspent DOJ funds for the deal. With bipartisan support, Congress passed a law barring the transfer of Gitmo detainees to Thomson or any other civilian prison.
The message was clear: Taxpayers don't want manipulative Gitmo detainees or their three-ring circuses of transnationalist sympathizers and left-wing lawyers on American soil. Period.
But when this imperial presidency can't get its way in the court of public opinion, it simply circumvents the deliberative process. As Wolf noted: The shady deal "directly violates the clear objection of the House Appropriations Committee and goes against the bipartisan objections of members in the House and Senate, who have noted that approving this request would allow Thomson to take precedence over previously funded prisons in Alabama, Mississippi, West Virginia and New Hampshire."
Obama and his Illinois gang insist that Thomson will not become Gitmo North. But denial is more than a river in the Muslim Brotherhood's homeland.
The 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America, which spearheaded the movement against shipping jihadi detainees to the mainland, exposed the fine print of the Obama DOJ's deal with the state of Illinois. The purpose of the Thomson facility acquisition, according to the DOJ notice filed in the D.C. courts, included this clause:
"... as well as to provide humane and secure confinement of individuals held under authority of any Act of Congress, and such other persons as in the opinion of the Attorney General of the United States are proper subjects for confinement in such institutions."
Guess whom that covers? Yup: Gitmo detainees, who are being held under the 2001 congressional act known as the Authorization for Use of Military Force.
Now, bear all this in mind as you consider the second and more recent Gitmo gambit. On Wednesday, in response to a whistleblowing report from Fox News homeland security reporter Catherine Herridge, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., released a General Accounting Office report exploring the feasibility of transferring the Gitmo gang to civilian prisons.
Lo and behold, Feinstein concluded, the report "demonstrates that if the political will exists, we could finally close Guantanamo without imperiling our national security."
The "political will" does not exist now, nor has it ever. But thanks to Obama's sneaky, back-door misappropriation of government funds to buy Thomson, the feds have exactly what they need to fulfill the progressive-in-chief's Gitmo closure promise: a shiny, turnkey palace in crony land tailor-made for union workers, lawyers and terror plotters to call their new home.
Malia Obama's Spring Break Vacation Cost Taxpayers Whopping $115,500... Thanks, Taxpayers!(http://www.frugal-cafe.com/public_html/frugal-blog/frugal-cafe-blogzone/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/first-daughter-malia-obama.jpg)
Last spring, First Daughter Malia Obama, at age 13, went on a spring break vacation to Mexico, the bill of which was footed by taxpayers.
It cost American taxpayers just over $115,500 to fund the young teenager's Mexico trip. Seriously.
So, how much did YOU spend on your child's spring break?
The press was directed by the White House to keep quiet about Malia's expensive spring break trip to Mexico with 12 friends and 25 taxpayer-paid Secret Service agents in tow. Security was one of the issues, of course, but obviously, the outrageous cost during one of the worst economic periods in American history was the other.
The Obama daughter will turn 18 in July 2016 — heaven help us when we pay for Malia's imminent high school graduation vacation.
Good thing California, Hawaii, and New York are about to experience huge tax hikes.In April, Barack Obama was asked about the family's many expensive vacations that Americans have paid for. He was... amused!(http://www.frugal-cafe.com/public_html/frugal-blog/frugal-cafe-blogzone/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/obama-vacations-not-cheap.jpg)
Reported by Judicial Watch, JW Releases Records Detailing Government Funds Expended on First Daughter Malia Obama's Trip to Mexico:
Judicial Watch today released records detailing the government funds expended on First Daughter Malia Obama's March 2012 Spring Break vacation to Mexico. According to the records, obtained from the U.S. Secret Service as a result of a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on September 20, 2012, the total cost of the trip amounted to $115,500.87 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Secret Service (No. 12-cv-01562)).
The following is a breakdown of the costs as detailed in the documents:
Ground transportation: $23,964.81
Lodging: $21,682.92
Airfare: $47,767.34
"Vouchers": $21,636.14 (not itemized)
Support Charges: $449.66 (travel for one from Mexico City to Oaxaca, not itemized)
Malia Obama's spring break trip evoked controversy after the Obama White House reportedly ordered the removal of press reports detailing the trip. On March 19,2012, numerous online press outlets reported that the president's 13-year-old daughter, Malia Obama, was on a Spring Break trip to Mexico accompanied by 25 U.S. Secret Service Agents and as many as 12 of her friends. However, shortly after the press reports surfaced they were quickly removed from the Internet. The trip took place shortly after the Texas Department of Public Safety issued a statement advising students on Spring Break "to avoid Mexico."
But wait, there's more:
"In these economic times, with huge public debt and high unemployment, spending $115,000 in taxpayer funds on a Spring Break trip to Mexico is inappropriate. Is this what Americans are being asked to pay higher taxes for?" stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Judicial Watch has been active in documenting the cost to taxpayers for the Obamas' personal trips. For example, Judicial previously obtained records from the United States Air Force and the United States Secret Service detailing Michelle Obama's February 2012 President's Day weekend ski vacation to Aspen, Colorado, with her two daughters. The records indicate U.S. Secret Service costs, including accommodations at the Fasching Haus deluxe condominium and the Inn at Aspen, were $48,950.38.
Judicial Watch also obtained documents from the United States Air Force and the United States Secret Service detailing costs associated with Michelle Obama's controversial August 2010 vacation to Spain. According to a Judicial Watch analysis, the records indicate a total combined cost of at least $467,585.
Judicial Watch also obtained documents detailing costs a June 21-27, 2011, trip taken by Michelle Obama, her family and her staff to South Africa and Botswana. Judicial Watch received mission expense records and passenger manifests for the Africa trip that described costs of $424,142 for the flight and crew alone. Other expenses, such as off-flight food, transportation, security, etc. were not included.
If it wasn't for the fact that so many people are suffering and being seduced into empty lives of government dependency (symbolized by Julia, the world's most disappointing daughter)....
....I might feel sorry for Obuma.... NOT!
He promised unemployment would never climb above 8 percent if Congress squandered $800 billion on a Keynesian stimulus scheme.
Well, Congress said yes and the results have not been pretty. And every month we get new numbers to show us that the Administration's policies have failed. It's like Chinese water torture for the White House.
The numbers released by the Department of Labor (http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t17.htm) don't change the narrative. The Republican and Democratic spin-doctors obviously will spit out their talking points, but here's a visual put together by Political Math that trumps all the political maneuvering.
If you're wondering where Obuma is, look at the lower left portion of the image.
Welcome to the Thugocracy
By Ben Shapiro
"I'm in the top two percent," said Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, this week on CNBC. "Right now, I'm paying 45 percent of my total income in income taxes ... You tell me, what's fair about that when medieval serfs pay 25 percent, I'm paying half? I don't care what the majority voted to do, they don't have a right to steal my money just because they vote for it."
But according to most Americans, they do.
And that's the problem.
As America racks up more debt than God has ever seen on this earth, Barack Obama prepares to right all wrongs by taxing the top 2 percent of income earners in America. What right does he have to their money? Well, says Obama, it's only fair and just -- they make the most money, so they should foot a disproportionate burden of the tax load.
Obama, like all other liberals, thinks in vague terms like "fairness." He doesn't worry about a fair process -- whether or not it's right to allow a majority to discriminate against a minority simply because the minority is rich. He worries instead about a fair outcome. According to President Obama, a fair outcome -- greater income redistribution -- justifies the means. If a majority votes to seize the money of a minority, that's fair, because greater income equality is fair. No Democrat has yet explained convincingly why it wouldn't be most fair for the government to simply seize all wealth in the country and then split it up equally. After all, fair is fair.
But this notion of fairness was anathema to the founding fathers. They rightly recognized that the only real sort of fairness is fair process -- a process that deliberately takes into account minority rights. They knew that a majority giving its stamp of approval to wealth confiscation of a minority was not fair. As James Madison said, "Our government ought to secure the permanent interests of the country ... [It] ought to be so constituted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority." Madison wasn't saying this because he was a brutal rich fellow trying to protect his pocketbook. He said this because he didn't want a government in which the majority could oppress the minority. And he also recognized that, in economic terms, wealth confiscation is directly opposed to economic innovation.
Madison wasn't alone in this regard. The founders despised what they termed "faction." They didn't mean political parties -- they meant, as Madison wrote in Federalist #10, "a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community." The purpose of the Constitutional order was to check faction against faction, to prevent a combination of the majority against the minority.
And yet over the past century, America has moved away from this limited view of government. The majority, which has since time immemorial wanted to rob the richer minority, moved to rewrite the system to allow such wealth confiscation. They did it under the guise of fairness. But once the process is overthrown, the tyranny of the majority is no longer speculative: it is a living, breathing reality. If the majority decides on the purest form of wealth redistribution -- from each according to his ability, to each according to his need -- then that thievery and impediment to human progress is branded with the stamp of legitimacy.
America is no longer a republic. It is a thugocracy. So long as fairness of result trumps fairness of process -- so long as a majority can trample the rights of a minority, then point at a simple majority vote as moral legitimation -- America has lost its way.
Obama stated he's sure that if he had been elected 25 years ago he would have received a far better reception and would have been seen as a mainstream conservative Republican.
25 years ago he would never have made it to Senator let alone president.
25 years ago his program of Communism would have been seen for what it was.
25 years ago he would have been laughed off the stage.
25 years ago there were still Americans around who had never fried their brains with drugs.
Therefore 25 years ago a large number of us actually knew better.
Grrrrrr !!! Where is our CiC on this ? He damn sure had time to call cops "stuidly" when some POS black teacher rants about his "mistreatment " by the cops---and made time for a beer summit. He had time to get involved because Rush called Sandra Flake a slut. You aint telling me if he told Mexico your several hundreds of million a year in aid is stopped as long as this Marine is sitting in a cell---he would be released "yesterday". Because of him letting the 2 SEALs to be slaughtered in Libya and now letting this Marine rot in a dirty cell, the lad is not making any friends in our military. I say if Mexico likes Marines so well, lets send in about a Division of them and bring this Cpl home. The whole world knows our CiC is so weak they can do whatever they want.
Letter from Mexican ambassador dampens hope for early release of Jon Hammar
By Joseph J. Kolb
Published December 20, 2012
Any hope that Jon Hammar, the Marine imprisoned in Mexico on a disputed gun charge, might be freed in time for Christmas has apparently been dashed by a terse letter a top Mexican diplomat sent to Hammar's congresswoman.
The two-page missive from Mexican Ambassador to the United States Arturo Sarukhan to Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), who has been aggressively advocating for Hammar's release, leaves little hope of a diplomatic solution. In it, Sarukhan takes a thinly veiled swipe at the U.S., blaming it for gun proliferation south of the border.
"Mexico has had very stringent gun-control laws in place for many years, and have reinforced their application as a result of the flow of weapons illicitly purchased in the U.S. and then trafficked into Mexico and into the hands of Transnational criminal Organizations."
- Arturo Sarukhan, Mexican ambassador to the U.S.
"As you know well, Mexico has had very stringent gun-control laws in place for many years, and have reinforced their application as a result of the flow of weapons illicitly purchased in the U.S. and then trafficked into Mexico and into the hands of transnational criminal organizations," Sarukhan wrote.
Hammar has been stuck in a notorious, drug cartel-controlled prison just 15 miles south of the U.S. border since Aug. 13, after he crossed into Mexico and declared an antique shotgun to Mexican customs officials.
Sarukhan failed to mention that Tamaulipas, the state which the CEDES prison in Matamoros is located, is controlled by the Los Zetas Cartel, arguably the most vicious of the cartels.
Hammar's father said the letter is fraught with statements at odds with what he knows and what his son has told him.
"There are huge inaccuracies about what is happening in their system," Jon Hammar Sr., said.
Sarukhan said Hammar was arrested for possession of a weapon that, according to Mexican law, is restricted for the exclusive use of the Mexican Armed Forces.
But high-ranking Mexican military officials have told Hammar's attorney, Eddie Varon-Levy, that the gun Hammar tried to declare shortly after crossing into Mexico on his way to Costa Rica is not the type of firearm the laws are meant to block. The gun Hammar claims he also declared to U.S. Customs and border protection is a .410 gauge antique Sears Roebuck shotgun.
But Mexico's top diplomat to the U.S. said the letter of the law must be followed.
"Regardless of what he may have declared or stated to CBP agents and then to Mexican Customs authorities, the sole introduction or possession of this type of weapon (not withstanding its intended use or year of manufacture) in Mexican territory constitutes a federal crime in Mexico and is not subject to any prosecutorial discretion," Sarukhan said.
Varon-Levy disagreed, saying no one can make the argument the antique, small-gauge shotgun is anything resembling a military weapon. He said the prosecutor and his team can't even agree on specifics of the rifle.
Perhaps the biggest bone of contention Hammar's family and legal team have with Sarukhan is the ambassador's pledge that Hammar will be held "in conditions that ensure his well-being and his rights." Already, Hammar, who suffers post-traumatic stress disorder from his service in Iraq and Afghanistan, has been denied an interpreter at court appearances, had his life threatened and has been chained to a steel bed.
Two days after his arrest, Hammar's parents received a midnight extortion attempt by a male caller who said he "owned" the prison, giving credence to speculation that the criminal elements control CEDES prison.
The ambassador also neglected to appreciate the Nov. 23 incident where Hammar was brought to court before the judge -- there are no jury trials in Mexico -- and asked to plea without his lawyer or even the arresting customs agent present.
Sarukhan claims in the letter that, had Hammar pleaded guilty at a Nov. 23 appearance, he would have likely been released. But Varon-Levy said his client was brought before a judge with no attorney present and no way of understanding what was happening. And despite Sarukhan's claim, conviction on the charge carries a potential penalty of 15 years in prison.
In his letter, Sarukhan alluded to the fact there will be no wiggle room for negotiation and that Hammar is going trial.
"This circumstance requires that he remain under detention during the duration of his trial," Sarukhan said.
A trial date is set for Jan. 17.
Barack Obama 'eager' to fall off fiscal cliff, says senior Republican senator
Senator John Barrasso tells Fox News Sunday he thinks the president is 'eager to go off fiscal cliff for political purposes'
Barack Obama, has been accused of 'sensing victory at the bottom of the fiscal cliff' by a senior Republican senator.
President Barack Obama has been accused by a senior Republican of being eager to take the US over the fiscal cliff for political gain, as Washington edges closer to a year-end deadline with no deal in sight.
Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Senator John Barrasso, the third-highest ranking senator in the GOP, suggested that the president "sensed victory at the bottom of the cliff".
Earlier, Obama called on Congress to "cool off" over the holiday break, amid rising rhetoric on both sides. On Friday, the White House raised the prospect of settling for a stopgap measure to avert the punitive tax rises and swingeing spending cuts which are due to come in effect on 1 January. The president had previously pushed for a grand compromise to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff.
But with just nine days to go until the year-end deadline, Democrats and Republicans are seemingly still some way off from any agreement, be it to a comprehensive deal or short-term measures.
Asked if he believed that the US was heading towards missing the deadline, and thus falling off the fiscal cliff, Barrasso said: "I believe we are. I believe the president is eager to go over the cliff for political purposes. He senses a victory at the bottom of the cliff. I think it hurts our county and it hurts our economy."
Speaking on the same show the Democrat senator Kent Conrad, chairman of the Senate budget committee, held out some hope of a comprehensive solution ahead of 1 January, rather than scaled-down package that could merely kick the debate into 2013.
"I would hope we have one last attempt," he said.
Conrad suggested that the two sides could come to a compromise somewhere between the president's last offer and a plan that was put forward by John Boehner, the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives.
Obama had been pushing a plan that would have seen tax revenues rise by $1.6tn over the next decade, with a hike in the rate for those earning upwards of $250,000 a year central to proposals. Boehner has argued that such a move would be a "crippling blow" and that it was not accompanied by a large enough swipe at federal spending.
His "plan B" would have pushed more limited tax increases on those earning in excess of $1m. But even that was not enough to assuage Tea Party-backed Republicans in Congress, who rebelled against the proposal on Thursday.
The White House has indicated that it is willing to move the threshold for those targeted for more tax to $400,000. But with anti-tax House representatives in no mood to compromise it is uncertain if this offer, or even a greater concession by Democrats to move the line to $500,000, will get much traction in the House.
Obama is currently on holiday in Hawaii. Before leaving he urged both sides of the aisle to have a rethink over the consequences of not reaching a deal.
The fiscal cliff represents some $600bn worth of spending cuts and tax increases which will hit all Americans which are due to be automatically triggered on 1 January, in the event of no deal over how to stabilise national debt. Experts have warned that the situation would be catastrophic for the fragile US economic recovery.
"Now is not the time for more self-inflicted wounds, certainly not those coming from Washington," Obama said on Friday. As such he urged Democrats and Republicans to "cool off" over the Christmas break and return to Congress in a mood to compromise.
Aides have said that despite being on vacation in Hawaii, the president will be receiving regular briefings on the state of talks and is prepared to come back to Washington early, if events demand.
Iran State TV Praises Obama's 'anti-Israel' Hagel selection
BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
January 6, 2013 4:10 pm
Iran's state-run Press TV praised President Barack Obama for his likely selection of the "anti-Israel" former Nebraska Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel to head the Defense Department, according to a report published Saturday.
"All signs indicate that U.S. President Barack Obama is poised to nominate anti-Israel ex-Senator Chuck Hagel as the next defense secretary soon," reported Press TV, a news outlet that is controlled by the Iranian regime.
"Hagel's nomination is expected to spark a row in the Senate," the report continued. "Many pro-Israeli groups and neo-conservatives have spouted diatribe against Hagel over his criticism of Washington's anti-Iran policies and Israel's sway over the U.S. political arena."
Hagel has long advocated for direct, unconditional talks with Iran as well as with the terror group Hamas.
Hagel in 2008 was reported to be "solely responsible" for blocking a bill that would have tightened economic sanctions in Iran, according to the Huffington Post.
He also voted against renewing the Iran Sanctions Libya Act in 2001. The measure would have prevented Iran and Libya from securing funds that would have been used to acquire weapons of mass destruction and support terrorist operations.
Hagel was just one of two Senators to vote against the act.
Multiple Jewish leaders and lawmakers have additionally criticized Hagel for comments they believe are anti-Israel and anti-Semitic.
Hagel has faced sharp criticism from Jewish communal organizations for 2008 comments in which he state that the so-called "Jewish lobby" intimidates lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
The Anti-Defamation League's executive director Abraham Foxman and others have termed this language as anti-Semitic.
Hagel also is said to have offended Jewish leaders in 1989 when, as the head of the USO, he campaigned to close down a popular USO port in the Israeli city of Haifa.
"He said to me, 'Let the Jews pay for it'," according to Marsha Halteman, director for military and law enforcement programs at the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), which led the battle to keep USO Haifa operational.
The Free Beaon reported Sunday that the newly installed Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) has become the latest in a long line of lawmakers to proclaim that they would vote against Hagel should be nominated by the president.
(Brought to you by "We Bury Your Dead for a Small Fee" Funeral Home @ 1600 Penn. Ave. Wash D.C.)
Government-mandated ObamaCare was touted on the Democrat party's and liberal media's groundless, perpetuated lies that the
Non-Affordable Care Act would make health care far better for Americans, would make it cost less for more people, and would save and/or create jobs.
For those who've had the wisdom or skepticism to look behind the power-grabbing, socialism-woven curtain of the slick, fact-deprived left-wing rhetoric, and did some actual research (or took time to read the poorly written gargantuan health bill), they've known since the health bill's passage in 2010 that it was a steaming pile of horse puckies.
Just last week, Americans discovered that they will be paying for morning-after pills for women who engage in unprotected sex and want their post-sex contraceptive options to be funded by taxpayers. We've known for a while that we'll be paying for abortions and Viagra for convicted pedophiles.
Employee hours in non-medical American jobs are already being cut back so as to pay for ObamaCare's increased health care costs to American employers. The ObamaCare tax hike of $1 TRILLION went active on New Year's Day.
The current fallout is only just now beginning with major hospital layoffs across America — and still, the happy-to-be-placated liberal masses believe and parrot the Team Obama lies. While at this point many of the medical-related jobs slashed are for non-patient care employees, it is only a matter of time before many of those patient-related jobs, too, are eliminated.
Reported last month by Orlando Sentinel, Orlando Health to cut record number of jobs to save money:
In the largest staff reduction in its nearly 100-year history, Orlando Health is cutting up to 400 jobs starting immediately, hospital system officials announced Monday.
The move is part of a broader effort to position the hospital system for the health-care overhaul, CEO Sherrie Sitarik said.
The elimination of jobs will occur in two phases and represents a 2 percent to 3 percent reduction in the system's 16,000-person work force, said Orlando Health spokeswoman Kena Lewis. The cuts affect all departments and all eight of the system's hospitals, including Orlando Regional Medical Center and Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, two of the system's better-known facilities.
Although no staff nursing positions have been eliminated, the hospital has cut nursing management positions. Those workers may apply for lower-level nursing jobs.
The first wave of employees affected received their notices Friday, Lewis said. The next wave of downsizing will occur after the first of the year.
The non-profit health network also will reduce staffing through attrition, she said.
Another part of the system's five-point cost restructuring includes eliminating "admirable but not sustainable" programs, Lewis said. The hospital also will work to standardize certain health-care procedures.
The hospital is cutting supply expenses by consolidating pharmaceutical purchases through one wholesaler and by renegotiating contracts for cardiac pacemakers and implantable defibrillators. Those two measures combined will result in an annual savings of $825,000, Lewis said.(http://www.frugal-cafe.com/public_html/frugal-blog/frugal-cafe-blogzone/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/ocare17.jpg)
Last month, Louisiana State University announced it would cut 1,495 positions as well as programs across its seven hospitals to trim more than $150 million from its budget.
"It's a challenging time for hospitals," said John Bigalke, senior partner of global health care for Deloitte, one of the nation's largest professional services firms.
Hospitals are looking at an $800 billion to $900 billion reduction in Medicare payments over the next 10 years, along with reductions in Medicaid payments, he said.
Don't get sick, Democrats.
Obama Administration Covers for Terrorist Havens
Posted by Quin Hillyer
The indispensable U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf, R-VA, has put out a wonderfully strongly worded press release blasting the government of Tunisia for releasing a prime suspect in the Benghazi terrorist assault and, more importantly for our purposes, blasting the terrorist-coddling (my words, not his) Obama administration for not only failing to exert enough pressure on Tunisia to do otherwise, but for refusing to comment on this outrage and for refusing to cut off aid to Tunisia.
To quote Wolf on what happened:
Ali Harzi, a key suspect in the September 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate and annex in Benghazi, was released by Tunisian authorities today. I have every reason to believe that Harzi was involved in the attack, which took the lives of four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador, and resulted in the destruction of two U.S. facilities. For months following the attack, the Tunisian government blocked the FBI from interviewing Harzi. Now Harzi walks the streets of Tunisia a free man – facing no consequence for his role in the Benghazi attack.
Last month, I asked the Obama Administration to cut off aid to Tunisia. I am very disappointed to learn that the State Department is once again ducking this issue and today refusing to comment on Harzi's release.
"The release of this key suspect, nearly four months to the day following the attack, further underscores the need for a House Select Committee to fully investigate the attack and the U.S. response in the days, weeks and months following.
Wolf is absolutely right that a special "Select Committee" is called for. Its first witness should be Hillary Clinton; its second witness should be John Brennan; its third witness should be the usually honorable Leon Panetta. Wolf said that next week he will reintroduce his resolution to form such a select committee. Meanwhile, the establishment media should interrupt its Nina Burleigh act on Barack Obama long enough to demand to know why Tunisia is still getting use of American taxpayer dollars, in light of (and in contradiction to) Obama's multi-repeated promise that his "biggest priority right now is bringing [the attackers] to justice."
Not even Jimmy Carter was so feckless when it came to upholding American honor, and protecting its assets and people, abroad.
To Inaugurate Or Not Inaugurate... that is the Question!
It's origins are heathen. The end, therefore, cannot be good.
INAUG'URATE, v.t. To introduce or induct into an office with solemnity or suitable ceremonies; to invest with an office in a formal manner; a word borrowed from the ceremonies used by the Romans when they were received into the college of augurs. Kings and emperors are inaugurated by coronation; a prelate, by consecration; and the president of a college by such ceremonies and forms as give weight and authority to the transaction.
1. To begin with good omens. AU'GUR, n. [L. augur. The first syllable is from avis, a fowl; but the meaning and origin of the last syllable are not obvious.]
1. Among the Romans, an officer whose duty was to foretell future events by the singing, chattering, flight and feeding of birds. There was a college or community of augers, originally three in number, and afterwards nine, four patricians, and five plebeians. They bore a staff or wand, and were held in great respect.
2. One who pretends to foretell future events by omens.
AU'GURAL, a. [L. auguralis.] Pertaining to an augur, or to prediction by the appearance of birds. The Romans had their augural staff and augural books.
AUGURA'TION, n. The practice of augury, or the foretelling of events by the chattering and flight of birds. It may be used for prediction by other signs and omens.
"Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama" -- Jamie Foxx
" I mean, in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God." -- Newsweek's Editor Evan Thomas
"I pledge to be a servant to our President and all mankind because together we can, together we are, and together we will be the change that we seek." -- The Presidential Pledge to Obama
"This is the moment ... that the world is waiting for. ... I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions."
"...generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal". -- Barack Obama on himself.
Men have enough high minded ideas of their own self-worth let alone entire nations catering to their delusions of grandeur.