Elk County Forum

General Category => Politics => Topic started by: Patriot on October 04, 2012, 08:48:40 PM

Title: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 04, 2012, 08:48:40 PM
It was with interest that I read the article in this week's Prairie Star announcing the new Busy Bee Daycare.  Call me a cynic, but one can't help but wonder if the new, non-profit, company will be an LLC whose managing partner will be Elk Konnected, LLC.  After all, it's the EK 'Action Team' that's starting this venture, no?  Who is/are the action team this week anyway?

All legal, I'm sure, but what a wonderful arrangement for the EK folks.  Busy Bee charges parents for daycare.  EK then gets a management fee from Busy Bee.  I'm sure those proceeds will be most helpful in paying Elk Konnected's annual membership dues to Public Squares, Inc.  Ultimate tax consequences to Busy Bee/Elk Konnected?  Zero. 

Very clever, but at least they would be taking the money from willing parents/guardians and not out of the county coffers... that is unless they anticipate trying to take county rec fund monies as well.  Let's hope not.

It will be an interesting study.  We'll be waiting anxiously to review their state health dept licensing records & corporate filings.  We'll hope this venture has better outcomes than the Howard Wellness Center had under Elk Konnected's planning & leadership.  Unless it's the resume entry that really counts.

Remember, if it has involved EK in the past, real transparency has been a hard thing to come by.  Heck, we're still waiting for answers to questions asked and tabled at the 'Who is Elk Konnected' kommunity konversation in Grenola last year.  Answers that the facilitator promised would be provided soon after the meeting.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 05, 2012, 04:30:08 AM

I'm borrowing your post and posting it at http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.msg197839.html#msg197839

I find it amazing the twist and turns in Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks operations.

Just think if the sole purpose is for their resume' the numbers of people that may be hurt by it.

The family's that rely on the income from in home daycare that my be hurt by the loss of income.
Then the familys that may use Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks daycare if it fails after two or three months,
those familys may not be able to find daycare again.

Great Economic Development move right?

Does Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks care and she knows her record of failure, right?
But does she care?

What the heck do I know, I'm just a retired, uneducated, redneck?

Only time will tell, and I hope and pray for the best of the families and children of Elk County.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: proelkco on October 05, 2012, 08:16:53 AM
Does Patriot or Ross have children that are in need of daycare? Why are you two so hell bent on being negative on a place for child care? Just because Elk Konnected is trying to help is no reason to  not want help for parents that do not have daycare.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 05, 2012, 08:43:14 AM
Quote from: proelkco on October 05, 2012, 08:16:53 AM
Does Patriot or Ross have children that are in need of daycare? Why are you two so hell bent on being negative on a place for child care? Just because Elk Konnected is trying to help is no reason to  not want help for parents that do not have daycare.

Ha! Ha! Ha? Elk Konnected, LLC is not helping, from what I read it is Elk Konnected, LLC's Daycare?

See even you Followers are confused? Can't seem to draw any lines between Elk Konnected, LLC and Elk County Government!

I gotta keep repeating this until, someone, anyone understands.

Human beings are simply more willing to believe falsehoods that confirm their own view, so Instead some in the public increasingly takes issue with those who deliver the facts. To see just how easy it is to be fooled, one need only visit the controlled confines of the university laboratory.

M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   i  c   h  [move]


Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: proelkco on October 05, 2012, 08:53:27 AM
negative again and again. You are a nut case.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 05, 2012, 09:58:00 AM
Quote from: proelkco on October 05, 2012, 08:16:53 AM
Why are you two so hell bent on being negative on a place for child care?

I can't speak for Ross, but I think the idea of daycare is a great idea.  Never mentioned the place for that daycare so I'm neutral on that.  

I do believe, however, the old saying goes something like this:  The ends don't justify the means.  In your knowledge about such things, share with us the means.  When Commissioner Liebau said setting back the start date on the local tax rebate program was great 'if it helped some guy'.  His narrow thinking & ignorance about how that attitude is cheating others who weren't hand picked for favorable treatment under the program is amazing.  In fact, it now appears that the entire issue in that case was a manipulation to 'justify' the ends.  I'm finding that this 'by any means possible' approach often overrides common sense & equitable treatment in Elk County.  So yes, I do question the means.  Free Obamaphones anybody?

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 05, 2012, 10:04:03 AM
Quote from: proelkco on October 05, 2012, 08:53:27 AM
negative again and again. You are a nut case.

Now was that personal attack on an individual really necessary?  Talk about negative.  And you base your psychological diagnosis of Ross on your perception of his negative view?  Wow.  So I guess everybody who is an Elk Konnected cheerleader is happy and mentally well adjusted.  Interesting.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: redcliffsw on October 05, 2012, 10:07:22 AM
Quote from: proelkco on October 05, 2012, 08:16:53 AM
Does Patriot or Ross have children that are in need of daycare? Why are you two so hell bent on being negative on a place for child care? Just because Elk Konnected is trying to help is no reason to  not want help for parents that do not have daycare.

Looks like if those boys need/want daycare, then they ought to determine and discover their own childcare service.

The government intervention into the child care business should not be.

"We're the government and we're here to help".

Think liberty!

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 05, 2012, 10:27:30 AM
In fairness, red, I never suggested that government was directly involved in the daycare scare.  I simply posited a theory about the possible structure of the entities involved and how the cash flow rom Busy Bee could operate to the benefit a private community organizing company.  The fact that the community organizing group is headed up by two elected officials (Commissioner Hendricks & USD 282 Board President Whetstone) is surely just a coincidence.  The chance that the monies from parents might flow in a manner that pays dues to third private community organization (Public Squares) which is headed by and employs Commissioner Hendricks is also surely just the way the cookie crumbles. 

My, my... as I look at all that, if the theory is right, an old phrase comes to mind:  What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 05, 2012, 12:39:40 PM
Quote from: proelkco on October 05, 2012, 08:53:27 AM
negative again and again. You are a nut case.

You are quite wrong, again!

I'm pretty positive that things are pretty screwy in Elk County with Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and Konnected Visionaries and such. There is no seperation, no line in the sand!

I'm not a nut case, I may be crazy, but I'm not insane, I can see there is a lot wrong in Elk County, are you blind!

I'm high, but I'm not high on drugs, I'm high on life!

Can you draw a straight line between Elk County Government and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and Elk Konnected, LLC with out severing one of the groups being severed?

Show us what is right?

I believe Konnected Kounty Kommissioners  Elk Konnected, LLC, is simply "The Old Guard" she claimed to be avoiding? But she won't talk with us, I believe, she stays in hiding to avoid the issues.

She has bigger things to promote then Elk County, Right?
She hasd President of Public Squares Communities, INC Founder of Elk Konnected, LLC and their Visionaries to promote, right? And least we forget she also has to promote the Action Teams too, right?

Yea, I'm positive we need positive change!
What do you find negative about positive change?
Here is some real positive change, he is not busy with all that other stuff and wanting to confuse Elk County Government with a privately owned business that is a self appointed savior of Elk County with no accomplishements in seven years.

So if you really are Pro Elk County and not Pro Elk Konnected, LLC, if you have such a positive attitude, let's hear it from you about this positve change?

Unless of course you are one of those human beings that are simply more willing to believe falsehoods that confirm their own view, so Instead some in the public increasingly takes issue with those who deliver the facts. To see just how easy it is to be fooled, one need only visit the controlled confines of the university laboratory.

M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   i  c   h  [move]

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 05:03:35 PM
Ross, Patriot, proelkco, redcliffsw, and the citizens of Elk County if I could convince the YMCA to either put in a childcare center or help with The Busy Bee Daycare would EVERYONE support it? I am not promising anything, but before I put in any effort; I need the people above to let me know their opinions.

Fire Elk
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 05, 2012, 05:20:34 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 05:03:35 PM
Ross, Patriot, proelkco, redcliffsw, and the citizens of Elk County if I could convince the YMCA to either put in a childcare center or help with The Busy Bee Daycare would EVERYONE support it? I am not promising anything, but before I put in any effort; I need the people above to let me know their opinions.

Fire Elk

I could easily support any legal endeavor of private parties that does not depend on the government for promotion or success.  It is not a function of government to provide such things as daycare.  Once the government connections are completely severed (to include severance from direct association with Elk Konnected/Public Squares & government officials in their elected capacities), I would have nothing but a supportive view going forward.

Now, about this unholy public/private alliance to 'save the Flint Hills' through UN Agenda 21 type of top down 'planning' & taxpayer funded grants for 'sustainability' in which Elk Konnectd & Public Squares (and by extension our local elected officials/employees) are parties (this nonsense seems never ending).....

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 05:36:19 PM
Quote from: Patriot on October 05, 2012, 05:20:34 PM
I could easily support any legal endeavor of private parties that does not depend on the government for promotion or success.  It is not a function of government to provide such things as daycare.  Once the government connections are completely severed (to include severance from direct association with Elk Konnected/Public Squares), I would have nothing but a supportive view going forward.

Now, about this unholy public/private alliance to 'save the Flint Hills' through UN Agenda 21 type of top down 'planning' & taxpayer funded grants for 'sustainability' in which Elk Konnectd & Public Squares (and by extension our local elected officials/employees) are parties (this nonsense seems never ending).....

If I could get the YMCA to participate would you support it? Yes or No? If it was YMCA only? The reason I ask is because I don't want to waste my energy.

One of the problems here in Elk County when it comes to doing things is how fractured it is. Multiple fairs with alternating 4 h competitions when if we could work together we could have a great fair every year. The county has only 2880 people and we have dozens of city council members, schools boards\districts reps, and a whole host of things. Since we don't work together it cost us a lot more money than it should. The county barely has enough people to make a city much less a county. There are high schools with more people than the county that operate on less. There are many, many companies with 3000 employees that make more money than Elk County and have a smaller budget. Answer all you will, but just do me a favor and let me know if you have any problems with the YMCA. If you do I won't waste my energy.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 05:44:18 PM
Patriot, thanks for taking the time to answer, I do appreciate your response. I need to talk to you regarding the UN Agenda 21 Flint Hills, thingy though cause I have no idea what you are talking about. ???
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 05, 2012, 06:05:00 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 05:44:18 PM
Patriot, thanks for taking the time to answer, I do appreciate your response. I need to talk to you regarding the UN Agenda 21 Flint Hills, thingy though cause I have no idea what you are talking about. ???

You're welcome.  Regarding Agenda 21, many citizens remain unaware.  They hear terms like  "community visioning,"  "sustainable development," "livable communities," and all sound positive... but there's far more behind Agenda 21 and the many faces it wears.  Even the Kansas legislature has opposed this movement in our state as it insidiously erodes individual liberty, is antithetical to private property rights, and is cancerous to a representative republic.  As a very basic primer to local impacts, please review the following links and the supporting information provided there.  Then we'll talk if you wish.

http://veracity4truth.wordpress.com/2012/04/08/agenda-21sustainable-developmentsmart-growth-in-kansas/ (http://veracity4truth.wordpress.com/2012/04/08/agenda-21sustainable-developmentsmart-growth-in-kansas/)

http://www.bing.com/search?q=smart+growth+sedgwick+kansas&form=MOZSBR&pc=MOZI (http://www.bing.com/search?q=smart+growth+sedgwick+kansas&form=MOZSBR&pc=MOZI)

http://wichitaliberty.org/sedgwick-county-government/sedgwick-county-commissioner-to-present-on-sustainable-development/ (http://wichitaliberty.org/sedgwick-county-government/sedgwick-county-commissioner-to-present-on-sustainable-development/)

http://kansansforlibertynews.com/agenda-21-update-from-sedgwick-county-commissioner-richard-ranzau/ (http://kansansforlibertynews.com/agenda-21-update-from-sedgwick-county-commissioner-richard-ranzau/)

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 06:13:54 PM
Quote from: Patriot on October 05, 2012, 06:05:00 PM
You're welcome.  Regarding Agenda 21, many citizens remain unaware.  They hear terms like  "community visioning,"  "sustainable development," "livable communities," and all sound positive... but there's far more behind Agenda 21 and the many faces it wears.  Even the Kansas legislature has opposed this movement in our state as it insidiously erodes individual liberty, is antithetical to private property rights, and is cancerous to a representative republic.  As a very basic primer to local impacts, please review the following links and the supporting information provided there.  Then we'll talk if you wish.

http://veracity4truth.wordpress.com/2012/04/08/agenda-21sustainable-developmentsmart-growth-in-kansas/ (http://veracity4truth.wordpress.com/2012/04/08/agenda-21sustainable-developmentsmart-growth-in-kansas/)

http://www.bing.com/search?q=smart+growth+sedgwick+kansas&form=MOZSBR&pc=MOZI (http://www.bing.com/search?q=smart+growth+sedgwick+kansas&form=MOZSBR&pc=MOZI)

http://wichitaliberty.org/sedgwick-county-government/sedgwick-county-commissioner-to-present-on-sustainable-development/ (http://wichitaliberty.org/sedgwick-county-government/sedgwick-county-commissioner-to-present-on-sustainable-development/)

http://kansansforlibertynews.com/agenda-21-update-from-sedgwick-county-commissioner-richard-ranzau/ (http://kansansforlibertynews.com/agenda-21-update-from-sedgwick-county-commissioner-richard-ranzau/)

Is this what you are talking about? Because I have no idea how it relates to daycare, but I will read and watch all.


Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 05, 2012, 07:05:45 PM
It's not about daycare, per se.  Sorry for the confusion.  The Agenda 21 issues are related to the Public Square/EK attachments to 'community organization' through government grants, etc.  The Flint Hills Plan (discussed in another thread) lends itself well to the big federal grant methods of Agenda 21 implementation here & elsewhere in the country.  We'll save discussion of the Delphi Techniques employed by Public Squares in their community conversations for another time.  When it comes to the operation pf sustainable development & smart growth activities, Agenda 21, Public Squares, etc.... think octopus.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 07:48:43 PM
Patriot since you started the thread and we are off the topic of busy bee daycare I hope you don't mind the wandering threads we are creating.

I am familiar with public square, elk connected, the flint hill plan you posted by BINM. I too am familiar with the Delphi Techniques which is not high on my list to talk about. Though, I have been able to read far enough back on the forum to see that Ross doesn't like them and was asked to go outside. I will admit that Ross's experience with being put in a circle and separated from his wife long precedes the delphi techniques. The knights of the roundtable did the same thing and if you have gone to business school in the last 50 years parts of the techniques are used in brainstorming theory. The difference is once you finish, the business technique is to proceed to destroy any and all of the ideas if you can. Then you evaluate and try to pick the best idea to follow. While I have a ton of reading to do on Agenda 21 to get up to speed, my initial quick view of the material both pro and con presents a problem. It is full of buzzwords. I like sustainability, I eat to sustain myself everyday. I like to conserve the environment, it is bad to waste things. Though I am not against the snail darter becoming extinct for progress. Since I have not had time to read all the things I found and you provided I have some reading to do.

Now back to the daycare. Trying to see if the county could support anything other than small daycare in someone's home or something that is supported with government funds.

I am trying to find our max population of possible customers. If anyone knows the number of kids 12 or under in EK let me know.

Using Census data. 576 kids under 18 in EK. Using national data on daycare 29% of kids are in the custodial care of a non family member.  Now the pool of possible kids is 167. I think this represents a max. There are many things that will whittle that number down. Like percent that can pay. Can anyone tell me the number of grade school students in the county. Hey, maybe I can start a daycare. :o Naw that won't happen but the calculations give me something to do.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 05, 2012, 07:50:35 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 05:03:35 PM
Ross, Patriot, proelkco, redcliffsw, and the citizens of Elk County if I could convince the YMCA to either put in a childcare center or help with The Busy Bee Daycare would EVERYONE support it? I am not promising anything, but before I put in any effort; I need the people above to let me know their opinions.

Fire Elk

I could realy care less, but I would be concerned for the familys that depend on the income from home daycare operations!
How do you feel about taking away their lively hoods? Then they may need foodstamps to survive!
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 05, 2012, 07:57:10 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 07:48:43 PM
I am trying to find our max population of possible customers. If anyone knows the number of kids 12 or under in EK let me know.

Elk County Population
July 2011

0 to 4  years old   142   children
5 to 9  years old   159    children
10 to 14 years old   168   children
15 to 19 years old   162   children
20 to 24 years old   105   young adults
25 to 29 years old   116   young adults
30 t0 34 years old   108   adults
35 to 39 years old   128    adults
40 to 44 years old   161   adults
45 to 49 years old   177   adults
50 to 54 years old   222   adults
55 to 59 years old   234   adults
60 to 64 years old   231   adults
65 to 69 years old   198   adults
70 to 74 years old   167   adults
75 to 79 years old   135   adults
80 to 84 years old   116   adults
85 years or older    96   adults
Overall population   2811   people

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 05, 2012, 08:02:39 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 07:48:43 PM
Now back to the daycare. Trying to see if the county could support anything other than small daycare in someone's home or something that is supported with government funds.

I am trying to find our max population of possible customers. If anyone knows the number of kids 12 or under in EK let me know.

I don't have the figures you seek, but I do want to commend you for what I see as the first sound, intelligent approach to local business planning I've observed... market based research.  As opposed to the usual "gee, that sounds funderful" approach, your evaluation methods make sense & are refreshing.  Thanks.  I hope the numbers work.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 08:03:01 PM
Ross, that google public data thing is cool. Thanks. I don't want to say how much time I spent coming up with my number of 167, which by the way is very close to the 168 for 14 and under on the graph.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 05, 2012, 08:13:41 PM
Of course, geographic location of the kids vs the location of the care facility or facilities might be important as well when considering the needs of parents and their commute requirements.  Also, staffing requirements have to be observed.  For the various licensing levels, those are found here:  http://www.kdheks.gov/bcclr/lic_and_req.html (http://www.kdheks.gov/bcclr/lic_and_req.html)
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 05, 2012, 08:28:07 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 08:03:01 PM
Ross, that google public data thing is cool. Thanks. I don't want to say how much time I spent coming up with my number of 167, which by the way is very close to the 168 for 14 and under on the graph.

I was curious about the same question and did a google search yesterday, and put it in a chart for possible future use.
I noticed, I am heading towards the bottom of the list. And you know what, each year goes faster and faster.

I would suggest you keep in mind the number of grandparents that keep their grandchildren in order to save mom and dad the high cost of daycare.

I know of an elderly couple that just took in two of their grandchildren on a full time basis while hoping it is just for a short period of time. say 6 months to a year. And their a lot of other scenerios that may prevent the use of daycare. I'd even consider the possibility that people fro Longton that work in Independence would most likely not want to drive the miles to moline and then turn around and drive back through Longton on their way to work and reverse the route at the end of the day, especially with the cost of gasoline these days. I do believe it would require a great deal of thought and study.

I'd thought about a family center with pinball machines and video games and pool tables and burgers and fries, but I just didn't and don't see the population to support such an endeavor. Although I do believe it would be a great thing for the community. Of course if a person could get everything given to them, it might underscore might be feasible.

I would loved to have done something like that, but oh well, maybe in the next life. LOL

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 03:26:03 PM
This is purely an entertainment exercise for me to figure out the how to put in a daycare center. I have a little experience in that I was responsible for daycare centers as either an employee perk or a customer perk. These were not for profit. You both mention good things to keep in mind and I had considered them.  Using a bunch of rules of thumb If you could get all 168 kinds in day care at 300 per month (state avg.) you could generate 500 to 600,000. Using a rule of thumb on all businesses if you made 7% profit on revenue, I could get $42,000 per year investment income. Just above the per capita income. I do think that someone with the credentials\desire could make a go of something if they can get 20-30 kids. I know you two are against government subsidy. Just remember neither one of you would have roads, electricity, water if the Feds didn't pay for it. It is not necessarily a bad thing if EK went back to a wild prairie might bring in tourism. But then there would  be a push to make it into a State or National Park. :laugh:
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 03:35:32 PM
Thanks Patriot and Ross you actually gave me good resources and things to keep in mind. I will tell you while I am fiscally conservative I am more liberal than you to when it comes to social issues. Thanks for the discussion though, it was entertaining.

Fire Elk
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: jarhead on October 06, 2012, 05:00:26 PM
Quote from Fire Elk :
Just remember neither one of you would have roads, electricity, water if the Feds didn't pay for it.

Where does Uncle Sam get the money to "give" us the roads, electricity and water----"you didn't build that business---we did".
Are you getting bored with yanking our chain yet ?
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Diane Amberg on October 06, 2012, 05:05:24 PM
Kansas couldn't afford it, so the Feds took pity on ya, took it from us and gave it to you. :angel: ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 05:23:21 PM
Quote from: jarhead on October 06, 2012, 05:00:26 PM
Quote from Fire Elk :
Just remember neither one of you would have roads, electricity, water if the Feds didn't pay for it.

Where does Uncle Sam get the money to "give" us the roads, electricity and water----"you didn't build that business---we did".
Are you getting bored with yanking our chain yet ?

No one is yanking your chain. Without further explanation I have no idea what you are talking about. If you want to have a serious discussion then go ahead.  Otherwise go yank your own chain. Your post is rude and not what I would expect from a marine or someone from Elk County.

Fire Elk
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 06, 2012, 06:54:05 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 05:23:21 PM
No one is yanking your chain. Without further explanation I have no idea what you are talking about. If you want to have a serious discussion then go ahead.  Otherwise go yank your own chain. Your post is rude and not what I would expect from a marine or someone from Elk County.

Fire Elk

And you sir are to mushy with your sweet talk, like the Bureaucrats that want to spend money they don't have and use "OPM" Other Peoples Money. You also sound like Elk Konnected, LLC with all the sweet talk about making a business. You apparently don't care about the families that have daycare in their home and their efforts to get qualified, so they could have an income to help put groceries on the table. I asked you about that or at least mentioned it and I hear no concern from you for those families that may be hurt by some greedy organization. Apparently organizations such as Elk Konnected, LLC and the YMCA is what matters more to you. That is shameful in my opinion.

All I'm reading is get all 168 kids in day care and make money, to heck with other people.  

Would Elk Konnected, LLC try to have it mandated through the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

Would the founder of Elk Konnected, LLC diss people that didn't use their daycare, as she did with the actual and real communities that opted out of the trash service?

How Pathetic?

This afternoon Elk Konnected, LLC received a refrigerator, a dishwasher and a dryer and a small kitchen table with my assistance. I surely hope that helps them with their beggar list.  I asked Mrs. Miller if she told Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks that she was talking with me (Ross) she said yes. I asked if her hair stood on end! The reaction was terrific. I can't find the words to describe it. But apparently something happened, so to say funny will have to do. Mrs. Miller was a very pleasant person and she has a terrific family, it was a pleasure to meet them.

Attitude? Really?

I hope the Elk Konnected, LLC appreciates the equipment and table. Compliments of mean old redneck Ross.

I think we need better attitude in County Government and some positive change in November!
What do you think about some new men in office?

So let's get out there and vote for some positive Change, Okay?
Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A  Great  Improvement,   Great POSITIVE change For Elk County

Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk  County

As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-Er-Done!"

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 07:12:16 PM
Ross, you read too much into what I posted. It was purely and exercise of entertainment for me. How viable is any kind of childcare business. I will post on here things I agree with and things I don't. Like I have said I enjoy providing info. and in doing so I hope it will help others on both sides make up their minds. You and jarhead can attack my posts. In fact I appreciate that, it makes for good reading. If we all agreed this forum would be boring. So know that I will continue posting anything that I think will further the discussion, whether it is my opinion or not. Don't take yourselves so seriously, and definitely don't take me seriously. We have far different reasons for being on the forum. Just for the record, as long as I can quail hunt on my land in EK I really don't care much what happens to the rest of you.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 07:23:31 PM
If I were to open a childcare center as a business, no it is not my concern if I put some other business out of business. That is just business. The free market works but it can be brutal. That is business. I would say though that that person you describe might be very happy working for me making a better wage and with benefits.

Good to see you have heard of OPM. Angel investors, venture capital, loans, SBA loans, grants, stock offerings etc. In fact if you are a corporation it is your fiduciary duty to legally use all resources to make a profit for your investors. I don't think you have the stomach for it. You don't have to agree with the rules of the game, but you play by them and change them if you can. Example:

Rommney pays 13% on his income which is legal. If he paid more he would be a stupid businessman. He is not stupid. That is why I urge you all to vote Rommney for President it is in your best interest. (Sorry Ross I for not scrolling that in RWB)
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 06, 2012, 07:50:16 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 07:23:31 PM
If I were to open a childcare center as a business, no it is not my concern if I put some other business out of business. That is just business. The free market works but it can be brutal. That is business. I would say though that that person you describe might be very happy working for me making a better wage and with benefits.

So the founder Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and her freeloader organization should have no concern for the little people and their families because it is just business for her and her freeloaders to make money no matter what the cost to the real actual communities and their families financial well being? That is a truely great attitude for a so called Community organization and a Kounty Kommissioner. Just screw everyone else, right? That's not much of a positive attitude, Is it?

I believe Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks organization's motto is "Watch Us Grow", personally I think it should be "Watch Us Grow On Other Peoples Money", or perhaps, "Watch Us Freeloaders Grow". But, I haven't seen in growth of any kind from them since they started, it appears they are contracting, where is the growth? Could it be there is none because of attitude?

I think we can find better attitude for our County Commissioners positions in these guys:
Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 07:58:36 PM
Quote from: Ross on October 06, 2012, 07:50:16 PM
So the founder Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and her freeloader organization should have no concern for the little people and their families because it is just business for her and her freeloaders to make money no matter what the cost to the real actual communities and their families financial well being? That is a truely great attitude for a so called Community organization and a Kounty Kommissioner. Just screw everyone else, right? That's not much of a positive attitude, Is it?

I believe Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks organization's motto is "Watch Us Grow", personally I think it should be "Watch Us Grow On Other Peoples Money", or perhaps, "Watch Us Freeloaders Grow". But, I haven't seen in growth of any kind from them since they started, it appears they are contracting, where is the growth? Could it be there is none because of attitude?

I think we can find better attitude for our County Commissioners positions in these guys:
Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

Ross, I am not being rude. I don't care what Hendricks, Elk Connected think. I don't speak for them. I was discussing what I would do in a hypothetical situation if I were going to start a childcare business.

Don't Write in Micky Wunderlich, but do vote Hebb
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 06, 2012, 08:12:07 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 07:58:36 PM

Ross, I am not being rude. I don't care what Hendricks, Elk Connected think. I don't speak for them. I was discussing what I would do in a hypothetical situation if I were going to start a childcare business.

Don't Write in Micky Wunderlich, but do vote Hebb

Now that cover up just don't fly. You know it's Elk Konnected, LLC  not ElK Connected, you've read it plenty of times in this thread.
Why get involved in a thread about Elk Konnected, LLC's daycare if not for controversy. If you wanted to talk about your own ideas, why not start your own thread.

Are you saying that what applies to business does not apply to Elk Konnected, LLC's business adventures? The attitude of screw everyone else it just business.

I really don't believe you are saying that, if it applies to business it surely applies to Elk konnected, LLC right?

Postive thinking, Right?

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 08:26:09 PM
Quote from: Ross on October 06, 2012, 08:12:07 PM
Now that cover up just don't fly. You know it's Elk Konnected, LLC  not ElK Connected, you've read it plenty of times in this thread.
Why get involved in a thread about Elk Konnected, LLC's daycare if not for controversy. If you wanted to talk about your own ideas, why not start your own thread.

Are you saying that what applies to business does not apply to Elk Konnected, LLC's business adventures? The attitude of screw everyone else it just business.

I really don't believe you are saying that, if it applies to business it surely applies to Elk konnected, LLC right?

Postive thinking, Right?

Ross, you are correct I do know it is Elk Konnected. But in typing I spelled it correctly, which in this case is spelling it incorrectly.

Don't Write in Micky Wunderlich

Vote for Hebb
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 08:33:31 PM
Ross they say any publicity good or bad is "good" publicity. Thank you for helping me get the name of Busy Bee Daycare out there. When Elk Konnected fails at it I will buy it and change the name. Busy Bee just doesn't do it for me as a name.

Fire Elk
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 09:15:09 PM
I tell you what Ross, I still want to meet you. We can meet at the Cozy Cafe and can have an eating contest to see who can eat the most mountain oysters. There by proving who has the biggest cajones on the forum. Or it would just be a good conversation.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 09:31:37 PM
I almost forgot.

Don't Write in Micky Wunderlich

Vote Hebb.  Vote Hebb. Vote Hebb.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 06, 2012, 10:24:24 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 09:31:37 PM
I almost forgot.
Don't Write in Micky Wunderlich
Vote Hebb.  Vote Hebb. Vote Hebb.

Got family in District 3, do we?  LOL

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 11:05:42 PM
Quote from: Patriot on October 06, 2012, 10:24:24 PM
Got family in District 3, do we?  LOL

Family and property. Even if you don't agree with me, I do read your posts and seriously consider your point of view. Your mention of Un Agenda 21 was new to me. I am reading on it and following your links.

District 2 also Vote Hebb. :laugh:

Fire Elk
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 07, 2012, 06:33:19 AM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 08:33:31 PM
Ross they say any publicity good or bad is "good" publicity. Thank you for helping me get the name of Busy Bee Daycare out there. When Elk Konnected fails at it I will buy it and change the name. Busy Bee just doesn't do it for me as a name.

Fire Elk

I don't know what to believe of what you say.
But it still sounds of a bad attitude.
By the way it wasn't me that started this thread about the Busy Bee Daycare, so i can't accept credit for the credit you give me.
Thanks just the same.

14 year olds don't need day care, as a 14 year old if my parents would have tried to put me in daycare there would have been major rebellion. Would you have accepted daycare at 14 years old? So your numbers are a bit inflated, don't you think?

Do yo really think you can run much of a Daycare Center in a little portable building at the old Moline Grade School ?
How many children do you think you can legally place in one of those little portable buildings.

It sure wouldn't be 168 children, now would it, even thought it would be doubtful to get 10 children let alone 5 children enrolled, in my opinion. So without some kind of government subsidy the place will probably make at most $3000 a month, again only my opinion.

Really who would want to buy something like that.

Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 09:15:09 PM
I tell you what Ross, I still want to meet you. We can meet at the Cozy Cafe and can have an eating contest to see who can eat the most mountain oysters. There by proving who has the biggest cajones on the forum. Or it would just be a good conversation.

I'm busy today and Monday, but some other morning for coffee might work!
I love mountain oysters but seeing who can eat the most proves nothing.
A good conversation even if we disagree could be a good thing.

But I just want to remind you, my posts are only intended to encite conversation through out Elk County about what is happening with our county government. I'm not asking anyone to believe a thing I post but to think for themselves. I wouldn't mind if they said Ross is crazy, he is shooting his mouth off again about such and such. Why? Because it might get a conversation going about Elk County Government.

Infact, I have been told that has happened again. i was told it was said. "Ross won't shut up" now that can be good or it can be bad, right? But people are talking and that is what counts in my opinion!

I am so glad to hear you back a good man, I have no personal connection with Mr. Hebb but I think he is more interested in Elk County then the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners with their displaced loyalties. I believe Mr. Hebb would do a terrific job for Elk County by utilizing his life experiences.

I like your banner:
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 11:05:42 PM
District 2 also Vote Hebb. :laugh:
Fire Elk

I hop you have a good day, mine is going to be busier than I care for, but i wll do my best to enjoy it.

M  I  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h   [move]



Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: daisy on October 07, 2012, 12:38:35 PM
I am guessing that both Ross and Patriot have not had to find daycare in this area.  Is that correct?  I have and let me tell you it is difficult.  Ross, you say that a daycare is taking away business from in-home childcare providers, do you know of any in-home childcare providers?  And they grandparents you were talking about that are raising their grandchildren, they are actually the great-grandparents.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 07, 2012, 02:29:32 PM
Quote from: daisy on October 07, 2012, 12:38:35 PM
I am guessing that both Ross and Patriot have not had to find daycare in this area.  Is that correct?  I have and let me tell you it is difficult.  Ross, you say that a daycare is taking away business from in-home childcare providers, do you know of any in-home childcare providers?  And they grandparents you were talking about that are raising their grandchildren, they are actually the great-grandparents.

Let's suppose Elk Konnected, LLC does open a daycare in the little portable buildings and run it like they di the Elk Konnected, LLC Wellness Center and four or even eight months late,r they shut it down because they can't get enough children or make enough money. Then where will you be?'

No, I haven't tried to find daycare, if I were to look I'd check with the Court House, and City Offices and the Chamber of Commerce and ask them.

I was fortunate enough to have an income that permitted my wife to be a stay at home mother. Only on one occassion did I need daycare and that was when my wife was hospitalized with a slim and no chance of survival. Again I was blessed to havve her survive.

I have no way of knowing if we are talking about the same grandparents, but they are a great couple, that I hold with great esteem. I can not and will not disclose who they are, for their own privacy.

I did help Elk Konnected, LLC acquire some appliances and a table, so it is not a personal thing, except for the Konnection to County Government via Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and the last seve years of begging and the Konnected kounty kommissioners voting to give their organoization what ever it asks for.

I think we need new county commissioners and they are available to vote for in November.

Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A  Great  Improvement,   Great POSITIVE change For Elk County

Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk  County

As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-Er-Done!"
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 05:46:20 PM
Yes Ross if you review what I said you will see that I said that the 168 was a max. population and that number would be whittled away by many factors. My end conclusion was, that someone that wanted to do childcare could get 10- 20 kids, which might be attracitive for someone in EK. Once the Elk Konnected Busy Bee Daycare, as you suggest it might, FAILS ; I will swoop in. We will change then changethe name to Baby Bumble Bee or Bumble Bee Daycare depending on the avg. age of the kids. Here is our first Web ads and theme songs:

Our School Song:

The Bumble Bee Song

I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee -
OUCH!! It stung me!!

I'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee -
EW!! What a mess!!

I'm lickin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm lickin' up my baby bumble bee -
ICK!! I feel sick!!

I'm throwin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm throwin' up my baby bumble bee -
OH!! What a mess!!

I'm wipin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm wipin' up my baby bumble bee -
OOPS!! Mommy's new towel!!

I'm wringin' out my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm wringing out my baby bumble bee -
Bye-Bye baby bumble bee!!
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 08, 2012, 05:58:03 PM

At the bottom of each of your post you say and I quote word for word:

"I will post on here things I agree with and things I don't.  Ross and Jarhead attack my posts it makes for good reading. Don't take me seriously. As long as I can quail hunt  I don't care  what happens. The free market can be brutal, but it works. We are all on here for different reasons."

So I assume the following is not to be taken serious! Good Job!

Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 08:26:09 PM
Don't Write in Micky Wunderlich

So. let's not take it serious.

M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   i  c   h                      M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   i  c   h                  M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   i  c   h  

So. let's not take it serious.

[move] Write-in  
M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h                      M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h                  M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h   
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 06:08:32 PM
Quote from: Ross on October 08, 2012, 05:58:03 PM
At the bottom of each of your post you say and I quote word for word:

"I will post on here things I agree with and things I don't.  Ross and Jarhead attack my posts it makes for good reading. Don't take me seriously. As long as I can quail hunt  I don't care  what happens. The free market can be brutal, but it works. We are all on here for different reasons."

So I assume the following is not to be taken serious! Good Job!

So. let's not take it serious.

M  I  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h   [move]
No that is serious. That is the part were I said I will post things I agree with...

I can't vote for a  last minute write in candidate who's web page could have been done in 10 minutes,. Seems like an afterthought. If he keeps up his commendable record on participating in local gov. and runs next time without being a write in, I think he deserves a consideration.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 06:21:24 PM
Quote from: Ross on October 08, 2012, 05:58:03 PM
At the bottom of each of your post you say and I quote word for word:

"I will post on here things I agree with and things I don't.  Ross and Jarhead attack my posts it makes for good reading. Don't take me seriously.[/color][/b] As long as I can quail hunt  I don't care  what happens.[/color][/b] The free market can be brutal, but it works. We are all on here for different reasons."

Ross think about those two big blue quotes combined and add them to the first sentence. I don't want to explode your head, but you are in philosophy 101. I know you are "just and unedumacated redneck", but I have read enough of your posts to know you can handle philosophy 101 class and be an A student. :laugh:
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 08, 2012, 06:49:03 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 06:08:32 PM
No that is serious. That is the part were I said I will post things I agree with...

I can't vote for a  last minute write in candidate who's web page could have been done in 10 minutes,. Seems like an afterthought. If he keeps up his commendable record on participating in local gov. and runs next time without being a write in, I think he deserves a consideration.

I ain't up on all this stuff. But he ran in the primary and was beaten out by the fact another man was a write-in, spliting the ticket permiting the incumbent. I believe that left him only, the option as a write-in in November.

Now, I ask you who else has shown enough concern for Elk County to attend County Commissioners meetings for the last two years?
Has the other write-in shown this concern? Has the other write-in even been interested enough to attend the meetings for the last six months?  So, which write-in has shown more interest? Which write-in knows what has been happening and therefore better qualified.

And perhaps you don't understand the mans web site and the thought that went into it?

Perhaps you could do better, so why aren't you running?

How about coffee early Thursday or Friday morning?

M  I  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h  [move]


Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 07:14:34 PM
Quote from: Ross on October 08, 2012, 06:49:03 PM
I ain't up on all this stuff. But he ran in the primary and was beaten out by the fact another man was a write-in, spliting the ticket permiting the incumbent. I believe that left him only, the option as a write-in in November.

Now, I ask you who else has shown enough concern for Elk County to attend County Commissioners meetings for the last two years?
Has the other write-in shown this concern? Has the other write-in even been interested enough to attend the meetings for the last six months?  So, which write-in has shown more interest? Which write-in knows what has been happening and therefore better qualified.

And perhaps you don't understand the mans web site and the thought that went into it?

Perhaps you could do better, so why aren't you running?

How about coffee early Thursday or Friday morning?

M  I  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h  [move]


That is all I have to say about Mr. Wunderlich. I thank him for his participation. I think if he keeps involved and decides to run again he will do better.

Why don't I run. Still working and have to travel too much. Maybe when I retire like you.

I would love to have lunch or coffee with you. Visiting family now then headed to Pennsylvania. Looking forward to meeting you at Cozy Cafe for Mountain Oysters. You are right what does an eating contest prove. Nothing, don't take me or yourself too seriously.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 07:16:12 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 06:08:32 PM
No that is serious. That is the part were I said I will post things I agree with...

I can't vote for a  last minute write in candidate who's web page could have been done in 10 minutes,. Seems like an afterthought. If he keeps up his commendable record on participating in local gov. and runs next time without being a write in, I think he deserves a consideration.

It seems the content on Wunderlich's website demonstrates a more thoughtful evaluation of conditions in the county than I've seen any other candidate present.  Making the time it took to put it in digital print a 'qualification' sounds foolish at best.

Nor could I vote for someone whose been to 1 commission meeting and a county fair... or someone whose clearly demonstrated an inability to make good management decisions while on the commission.  

The condition you present as qualification for your vote is yours to have.   I only hope other voters are more critical and serious in their thinking.  If a 'website' is why we do or don't vote for somebody, heaven help us all.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 07:28:50 PM
To know all the reasons why I choose not to support Mr. Wunderlich  at this time or choose to support someone else, or can't stand any of them and wish there was a none of the above box to vote. I don't feel  that is necessary to explain. What I will say is if Patriot or Ross is Micky Wunderlich, I would reconsider my support. (That you can take seriously).
I look forward to seeing your kids and grand kids at Bumble Bee Daycare.  :D

Edited after Patriot's following post.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 07:33:59 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 07:28:50 PM
To know all the reasons why I choose not to support Mr. Wunderlich  at this time or choose to support someone else, or can't stand any of them and wish there was a none of the above box to vote.

Your sentence above is incomplete.  There is, however, a none of the above box... just don't vote.  Based on your previously stated reason for not voting for one candidate (the website excuse), you might do the rest of us a favor by not voting.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 07:49:08 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 07:28:50 PM
What I will say is if Patriot or Ross is Micky Wunderlich, I would reconsider my support. (That you can take seriously).

Thanks for the flattery.  But I'm not running.  Nor is Ross as far as I know.  But, taking Wunderlich up on his offers to talk might be worth the small effort it would take.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 07:58:09 PM
Quote from: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 07:49:08 PM
Thanks for the flattery.  But I'm not running.  Nor is Ross as far as I know.  But, taking Wunderlich up on his offers to talk might be worth the small effort it would take.

I agree for those that are undecided, or interested in Mr. Wunderlich he has posted an invitation and info. that you should take advantage of. Go visit him personally and talk to him. Good advice for anyone seeking your vote.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 08, 2012, 08:04:28 PM
Fire Elk how about that coffee early Tursday or Friday?
And Ross is my real name.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: jarhead on October 08, 2012, 08:08:47 PM
Quote from Fire Elk :

I will post on here things I agree with and things I don't. Ross and Jarhead attack my posts it makes for good reading

Fire Elk,
Before now I have responded to one, that is ONE of your posts, and now I'm an attack dog ? If that one post makes for good reading then it's damn sure a short read. I guess If I might of "attacked " you, if you post under numerous names, then I might be guilty. Hell, if we need to give the fine folks of Elk county "good reading" then let them read things you have said about me in just the last couple of weeks and all of this before I responded to you that one time. So you tell me, who is the attack dog ? Oh yea, my wife goes to a female Japanese Dr. ? That's news to me---the only female Japanese/American woman I know we visit is our sister-in-law and she aint a Doc---that I'm aware of.

Quotes from Fire Elk:
jarhead, I think Diane would have to admit that you got her on the spelling of Jell-O. One point for jarhead. If you want to talk to someone that knows Jello-O history you can't beat a Marine of jarhead's age posting on a Elk County Kansas forum. I have no idea if jarhead drinks or not.I also guess jarhead thinks the getting drunk by enema is asinine. But using what I know about Marines, people of jarheads age, people from Kansas, men etc. jarhead can correct me if he wants to on his personal thoughts and experiences. To signify the difference between my generic statements above and the person on here that is jarhead; I will use Jarhead (capitalized) to represent not jarhead but the generic person I mention above. You could also just substitute any 50 to 70 year old man born in Kansas for Jarhead.

Jarhead, while no stranger to the effects of alcohol would never do the alcohol enema to get drunk. He also, at his age has not had a colonoscopy, probably not a prostate exam. If he has, he switched his doctor from the guy that played center for Oklahoma to that little female Japanese doctor that his wife goes to visit.

Just in case jarhead reads this I will enclose two little mouth sticks for when jarhead cuts out your voice box.

Now that you say that, I'm thinking maybe he meant a ball point pen like Jason Bourne style. I don't know; but I ain't going to the ball game now.

Ross, did you miss the ball point pen tucked neatly in to his Sweet Lacey Feed pocket protector? Maybe behind his ear, maybe just held in his hand?

Shoot Ross that beard is fake, he doesn't have a beard.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 08:14:01 PM
Quote from: Ross on October 08, 2012, 08:04:28 PM
Fire Elk how about that coffee early Tursday or Friday?
And Ross is my real name.

Ross I answered that earlier. I can't I am visiting family now and headed to Pennsylvania.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 08:19:28 PM
Quote from: jarhead on October 08, 2012, 08:08:47 PM
Quote from Fire Elk :

I will post on here things I agree with and things I don't. Ross and Jarhead attack my posts it makes for good reading

Fire Elk,
Before now I have responded to one, that is ONE of your posts, and now I'm an attack dog ? If that one post makes for good reading then it's damn sure a short read. I guess If I might of "attacked " you, if you post under numerous names, then I might be guilty. Hell, if we need to give the fine folks of Elk county "good reading" then let them read things you have said about me in just the last couple of weeks and all of this before I responded to you that one time. So you tell me, who is the attack dog ? Oh yea, my wife goes to a female Japanese Dr. ? That's news to me---the only female Japanese/American woman I know we visit is our sister-in-law and she aint a Doc---that I'm aware of.

Quotes from Fire Elk:
jarhead, I think Diane would have to admit that you got her on the spelling of Jell-O. One point for jarhead. If you want to talk to someone that knows Jello-O history you can't beat a Marine of jarhead's age posting on a Elk County Kansas forum. I have no idea if jarhead drinks or not.I also guess jarhead thinks the getting drunk by enema is asinine. But using what I know about Marines, people of jarheads age, people from Kansas, men etc. jarhead can correct me if he wants to on his personal thoughts and experiences. To signify the difference between my generic statements above and the person on here that is jarhead; I will use Jarhead (capitalized) to represent not jarhead but the generic person I mention above. You could also just substitute any 50 to 70 year old man born in Kansas for Jarhead.

Jarhead, while no stranger to the effects of alcohol would never do the alcohol enema to get drunk. He also, at his age has not had a colonoscopy, probably not a prostate exam. If he has, he switched his doctor from the guy that played center for Oklahoma to that little female Japanese doctor that his wife goes to visit.

Just in case jarhead reads this I will enclose two little mouth sticks for when jarhead cuts out your voice box.

Now that you say that, I'm thinking maybe he meant a ball point pen like Jason Bourne style. I don't know; but I ain't going to the ball game now.

Ross, did you miss the ball point pen tucked neatly in to his Sweet Lacey Feed pocket protector? Maybe behind his ear, maybe just held in his hand?

Shoot Ross that beard is fake, he doesn't have a beard.

jarhead, you said I was yanking your chain. I said that you would need to go yank your own chain. Then in the PM I asked you what was your major malfunction marine. I then told you to go pound dirt. As for the rest of it if you read the threads and follow the conversations it is clear those comments are meant to be in jest.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: jarhead on October 08, 2012, 08:28:06 PM
Fire Elk,
There has been no PM show up on my door step, so no idea what you are talking about. If you said the stuff in jest, then I will stand down. Just kinda touchy when someone I don't know spells Jarhead with a small "j".It's almost blasphemous---only Doc Larry is excused for such vile actions.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 08:34:08 PM
Quote from: jarhead on October 08, 2012, 08:28:06 PM
Fire Elk,
There has been no PM show up on my door step, so no idea what you are talking about. If you said the stuff in jest, then I will stand down. Just kinda touchy when someone I don't know spells Jarhead with a small "j".It's almost blasphemous---only Doc Larry is excused for such vile actions.

I sent you a private message. Doesn't matter now because I told everyone what I said.  Hey numnuts you are the one that is spelling jarhead with a small "j".  I have no real battle with you. I will remove my quote on the bottom of my posts.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 08:38:25 PM
jarhead\Jarhead if you don't want me to use a little "j" you need to change your sign on for a big Jarhead.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 08:39:41 PM
Hot damn buddy y'all!   I say dueling pistols at 30 paces.  But let's wail until the Busybody daycare is open so all the spectators can put their kids up in a safe place during the shootout.

Numnuts?  Really?

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 08:46:35 PM
Quote from: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 08:39:41 PM
Hot damn buddy y'all!   I say dueling pistols at 30 paces.  But let's wail until the Busybody daycare is open so all the spectators can put their kids up in a safe place during the shootout.

Numnuts?  Really?

Yes as in what is your major malfunction numnuts? Full Metal Jacket. I would never do a duel at 30 paces. I don't think j\Jarhead would either. I would prefer a 50 cal sniper rifle where j\Jarhead couldn't see me.  :angel:
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 08:49:20 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 08:46:35 PM
Yes as in what is your major malfunction numnuts? Full Metal Jacket. I would never do a duel at 30 paces. I don't think j\Jarhead would either. I would prefer a 50 cal sniper rifle where j\Jarhead couldn't see me.  :angel:

That would be numb nuts, and I have no doubt you would prefer the hit and run approach to dispute settlement.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 08:54:33 PM
Quote from: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 08:49:20 PM
That would be numb nuts, and I have no doubt you would prefer the hit and run approach to dispute settlement.

Patriot that was a poor come back. I expect better from you.

If all this publicity doesn't make Busy Bee Daycare a hit, I don't know what wiill.

Busy Bee Daycare Moline, Ks

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 09:01:30 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 08:54:33 PM
Patriot that was a poor come back. I expect better from you.

Given your following statement, your expectations really aren't on my list of priorities...

Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 03:26:03 PM
This is purely an entertainment exercise for me...

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 09:06:26 PM
Current people looking at this thread.

Fire Elk, Dee Gee, j\Jarhead Mom70x7, oldfart (OldFart), 2 hidden, and 6 guests. Publicity Publicity Publicity
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: jarhead on October 08, 2012, 09:07:14 PM
Fire Elk,
I found your PM in my "junk e-mail box" Sorry I missed it but I rarely look into the junk box. Why would you call me rude in the PM then turn around and call me numb nuts? What do you know about my nuts ? Wouldn't you think it rude to call me such vile names ?
Your quote was 'go pack dirt up your butt" Ouch---think I'll pass---and don't you think that is rude of you to say such a thing ? Your PM reminds me of someone that used to be on the forum. His handle was sodpacker or something like that. Now you are talking of packing dirt up my butt---do you see the connection ?
For your info, I did not sign into this forum so had nothing to do with the small "j". You'll have to talk to Sarge about that but watch him---he can be a rude dawg !!!
I won't take that as a threat that you would shoot me with a .50 cal. Surely you say that in jest---you are joshing me aint you ?
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 09:08:46 PM
Quote from: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 09:01:30 PM
Given your following statement, your expectations really aren't on my list of priorities...


Post the whole quote, it has nothing to do with the current conversation. Good Try.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 09:13:36 PM
Quote from: jarhead on October 08, 2012, 09:07:14 PM
Fire Elk,
I found your PM in my "junk e-mail box" Sorry I missed it but I rarely look into the junk box. Why would you call me rude in the PM then turn around and call me numb nuts? What do you know about my nuts ? Wouldn't you think it rude to call me such vile names ?
Your quote was 'go pack dirt up your butt" Ouch---think I'll pass---and don't you think that is rude of you to say such a thing ? Your PM reminds me of someone that used to be on the forum. His handle was sodpacker or something like that. Now you are talking of packing dirt up my butt---do you see the connection ?
For your info, I did not sign into this forum so had nothing to do with the small "j". You'll have to talk to Sarge about that but watch him---he can be a rude dawg !!!
I won't take that as a threat that you would shoot me with a .50 cal. Surely you say that in jest---you are joshing me aint you ?

No I didn't say go pack dirt up you butt. Your signon is jarhead.  Don't know Sarge. No it was a response to Patriots remark regarding a duel.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 09:19:40 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 09:13:36 PM
No I didn't say go pack dirt up you butt. Your signon is jarhead.  Don't know Sarge. No it was a response to Patriots remark regarding a duel.

Good grief.... follow the bouncing ball & try to make the stories believable....

Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 08:19:28 PM
jarhead, you said I was yanking your chain. I said that you would need to go yank your own chain. Then in the PM I asked you what was your major malfunction marine. I then told you to go pound dirt. As for the rest of it if you read the threads and follow the conversations it is clear those comments are meant to be in jest.

As for the daycare... I hope it works out... as a private business and without government subsidy.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 09:26:51 PM
Patriot for childcare in EK. There will be welfare, there is earned income credit, there is the childcare deduction on you income tax, there are state and federal grants for childcare providers. If the want to go big SBA loans. So I understand your thoughts, but you know the Feds and State will be involved somehow in the childcare.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: jarhead on October 08, 2012, 09:28:19 PM
Fire Elk,
By golly you are right---you didn't tell me to "pack dirt"---You said---and I quote--"go pound dirt up your butt" same results I would guess but a subject I know nothing about. Maybe you could enlighten the readers as  to the practice.
I'm tired and bored now so if you would excuse me, it's off to beddy beddy time---good night Chesty Puller, where ever you are .
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 09:31:20 PM
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 09:26:51 PM
There will be welfare, there is earned income credit, there is the childcare deduction on you income tax, there are state and federal grants for childcare providers. If the want to go big SBA loans. So I understand your thoughts, but you know the Feds and State will be involved somehow in the childcare.

Just goes to show how far the Republic has drifted toward the socialist model.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 09:34:54 PM
Quote from: jarhead on October 08, 2012, 09:28:19 PM
Fire Elk,
By golly you are right---you didn't tell me to "pack dirt"---You said---and I quote--"go pound dirt up your butt" same results I would guess but a subject I know nothing about. Maybe you could enlighten the readers as  to the practice.
I'm tired and bored now so if you would excuse me, it's off to beddy beddy time---good night Chesty Puller, where ever you are .

j\Jarhead I probably did say that. Why don't you post the whole PM. I have a copy too. We can see if you are correct.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 10:23:16 PM
Good night j\Jarhead I can guess that you are sleepy and bored.We are too. You are a bad detective. Easily distracted  and led astray. You lied about about the private message. The forum has no junk mail section. You also, think you know who I am but I have been posting your comments, Ross, Patriot, mine, and others. It is interesting to see you all try to dispute posts that you have made when I post them. Just trying to measure the hypocrisy vs the statement.

There is someone here that says they are retired. They are not. They are on disability. They have a kid in school that gets subsidized lunch . Yet they are the first to call these things socialist etc. I don't understand. I guess when you are the one getting the subsidy it is ok, but when it is for childcare or crops it is not. Just trying to understand.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 10:33:08 PM
As Daisy, who has been a member for a long time, but who chooses not to say much, you should know. Busy Bee Daycare is coming, tell all your friends. Fire Elk, Patriot, Ross, j\Jarhead,  have nothing to do with Busy Bee Daycare. This is just our political debate on the forum. Though Ross does get bonus points for donating to the cause.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 09, 2012, 05:01:10 AM
Fire Elk

I thought you wanted to meet me?
I to would like to meet yoy!
How about a cup of coffee?
I'll buy with my subsidy, okay?

My retirement check that is!
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: jarhead on October 09, 2012, 07:55:41 AM
Quote from Fire Elk:
You are a bad detective. Easily distracted and led astray. You lied about about the private message. The forum has no junk mail section. You also, think you know who I am

Fire Elk,
You have me confused with Patriot. He was the detective, not I. Now why do you want to be rude and call me a liar ? No idea what you are talking about, the forum having no junk mail section. You said you sent me a PM, which I had not received. Now I aint computer savvy at all but on the left side of my "puter" screen it says:
Sent Items
Junk e-mail
Deleted items

Your PM was in the "Junk e-mail " so not sure why you called me a liar. You get back from your  Missouri trip , come over, and I'll show it to you.
I don't know who you are and damn sure aint loosing any sleep on the matter, so why would you say "You think you know who I am "---and you call me a liar ?
Have a safe trip.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Diane Amberg on October 09, 2012, 12:07:18 PM
Let's see now...dueling pistols, wailing Patsy (#62) bouncing balls and pounding dirt.It's gonna get noisy around here! :angel: ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: greatguns on October 10, 2012, 09:08:09 PM
Such a pleasant bunch!
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: jprxmkt on October 10, 2012, 09:50:48 PM
The people who have tried to have daycares in their homes have struggled for an assortment of reasons.  I believe we currently have no licensed (home based or otherwise) in Elk County.  One reason is the same reason that all small businesses struggle-too many government regulations and hoops to jump through.  Another reason is that some parents are slow to pay their daycare bill.  The last one that was left, closed because she moved to where her husband found a job.  There is a need for daycare here.  The survival rate on new businesses is extremely low (don't have time to google an exact figure) so it will take a lot of freewill donations and volunteerism for it to survive.  It seems overwhelming the time and effort that will be needed.  But does that mean it shouldn't be tried?  If it seems hard or overwhelming, should it be squashed before it is even attempted.  Is the glass half full or half empty?
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 11, 2012, 05:25:24 AM
Quote from: jprxmkt on October 10, 2012, 09:50:48 PM
The people who have tried to have daycares in their homes have struggled for an assortment of reasons.  I believe we currently have no licensed (home based or otherwise) in Elk County.

Generalities and assumptions and no facts?
There were about eight women that were at a meeting with agency's that was set up just before Elk Konnected, LLC held their Kommunity Konversation on Daycare with a flower garden or whatever people wanted. But there were not many people show up for that meeting were there?

It appears this is the way Elk Konnected, LLC and our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners work?
No feasibility study, just assumptions?
No meat!

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 10, 2012, 09:50:48 PM
One reason is the same reason that all small businesses struggle-too many government regulations and hoops to jump through.  Another reason is that some parents are slow to pay their daycare bill.

So if people are slow to pay or don't pay, how is that going to make a daycare center work?

So, this is not good enough, news for the reasons to beg of others, to open a daycare is it?
Why can't Elk Konnected, LLC and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners use their own money to start a business?
Are they that sure of failure that they don't want to risk their money?
I'm talking about that $85,000 that Konnected Kounty Kommission Hendricks discussed with us right here on this thread. 
Where is all that money and the money for the sale of the failed Konnected Wellness Center they sold?

Heck, everyone might start a business if they could beg for everything to start the business and not have to worry about using mtheir own money, right?

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 10, 2012, 09:50:48 PM
The last one that was left, closed because she moved to where her husband found a job.  There is a need for daycare here.  The survival rate on new businesses is extremely low (don't have time to google an exact figure) so it will take a lot of freewill donations and volunteerism for it to survive.  

If this will take a lot of freewill donations and volunteerism for it to survive, and would that be for the benefit of Elk Konnected, LLC to make money?
And then be able to pay themselves a salary?  
Non-profit does not mean non-salary does it?
Where are all of Elk Konnected, LLC's visionaries?
Can't they use that visionary system to come up with the money to start a daycare from their own bank accounts instead of begging? Perhaps those visionaries need to go to a visionary refresher course?

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 10, 2012, 09:50:48 PM
It seems overwhelming the time and effort that will be needed.  But does that mean it shouldn't be tried?  If it seems hard or overwhelming, should it be squashed before it is even attempted.  Is the glass half full or half empty?

What glass?
Begging is being tried?
Opening a business depends on having lots of money and money to back it, doesn't?
I believe you already know that.
Elk Konnected, LLC has shown in this thread they have money, why not use it?
If they want to start a business?
Or go back to the various Kansas agencies for more grants?
Or has their failure to run a business disqualified them from all that free money?

Isn't this why Elk Konnected, LLC doesn't like qiestions, because they have no answers?
Their answer to me appears to be to beg for more!

Is the majority of the people of Elk County wrong?
Is Elk Konnected, LLC the only one that is right all the time?
If so, why all the failures on Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

Is Socialism the answer to all of Elk Konnected, LLC's decisions?
Is everyone in Elk County suppose to give, give, and give to the begging of Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

I think Elk County can do better!

Transparency isn't going to ever happen in my opinion!

So let's get out there and vote for some positive Change, Okay?
Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Diane Amberg on October 11, 2012, 07:36:37 AM
Ross, that retort of yours to J. is exactly why people very quickly give up trying to talk to you about anything. You immediately swung your sails into the wind to get right back to scuttling EK and your personal feelings and ideas instead of talking about the difficulties of any individual trying to start a daycare there.   Who would you like to have do a study? YOU?  You don't trust anyone else.  Who would to pay for it? How long would it take? What would be done with the information and by whom? How would you know it was a valid study? You are such a skeptic of such things.
I'm off to do some more classes.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: redcliffsw on October 11, 2012, 09:16:30 AM

Ross takes a stand against the socialists' causes.  Of course, there'd
be something wrong that - especially in Diane's opinion and her

People know their people.  Ross, you stay right in there.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: proelkco on October 11, 2012, 10:18:27 AM
Ross try keeping your banners on your Elk Konnected hate site. The day care is for children not your band stand. Diane you are so right about Ross. Lets all give Julie a big thank you for always being or at least trying to be positive.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Diane Amberg on October 11, 2012, 10:59:20 AM
Red, your needle is stuck too.You see "undesirables" under every leaf and behind every tree. "My People?" now that's funny!
   Perhaps you could do that study that Ross thinks he wants. Suppose three private different individuals now decide  to start new day cares. They go borrow to start up. Is Ross going to come out against the last one in line because that person is taking the food out of the other peoples mouths? What if any of them fail?
  What if the poorest folks can't afford to send their kids there? Would a subsidized preschool help them out because they can ask less, still pay the professional staff and make ends meet? Is there really a problem or is it more empty speculation?
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 11, 2012, 01:59:23 PM
Quote from: proelkco on October 11, 2012, 10:18:27 AM
Ross try keeping your banners on your Elk Konnected hate site. The day care is for children not your band stand. Diane you are so right about Ross. Lets all give Julie a big thank you for always being or at least trying to be positive.


Who appointed you monitor of the forum,  are you in control of the forum and Elk County, If not, I'll put banners where ever I desire as long as the owners of the forum do not object. You sir are out of line trying to control the forum, IMHO! Bad mouth me all you want, it does not show your positive attitude very well.

As far as Julie, I happen to like her and respect her, I happen to think she is a terrific person. I was in no way putting her down. I was expressing my opinion and view point.

The Daycare being discussed here is Elk Konnected, LLC having a desire to start a business, supported as a welfare company, with the intention of making money for Elk Konnected and supported by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners as I see it! And. I don't see how you can disguise that?

Will the Elk Konnected, LLC provide free daycare?
I doubt it?
What do you think they will ask, $300 or $400 a month pauable on advance?
It will be free going one way right?
If a family can't afford their prices will Elk Konnected. LLC be willing to provide free care to beggars?
After all they are begging for the stuff to start the Daycare, right?

Using the children of Elk County as a crutch is just wrong, I think that is called exploiting the children for the bennefit of Elk Konnected, LLC. Wich IMHO has been the major tool of Elk Konnected, LLC and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners!

So with all that positive you speak of is really not true is it?
If you have such a positive attitude, show it, say something positive about taking back our County Government and something positive about the following, please! Put up or stop all that positive crap! Show your positive, now!

That's why we need new County Commissioners and I recommend the following:

So let's get out there and vote for some positive Change, Okay?
Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A  Great  Improvement,   Great POSITIVE change For Elk County

Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk  County

As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-Er-Done!"

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 11, 2012, 02:18:27 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 11, 2012, 07:36:37 AM
Ross, that retort of yours to J. is exactly why people very quickly give up trying to talk to you about anything.
My comments and response was not in my opinion a retort as defined, A sharp, angry, or wittily incisive reply to a remark. Nor was it incisive which is Intelligently analytical and clear-thinking. My remarks were only my opinion as a redneck, hick. And as I said I happen to like and respect Julie, but does that mean I have to agree with her or her to agree with me on anything of everything? I don't think so and I bet she doesn't think so.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 11, 2012, 07:36:37 AM
You immediately swung your sails into the wind to get right back to scuttling EK and your personal feelings and ideas instead of talking about the difficulties of any individual trying to start a daycare there.

Let me repeat myself:

Quote from: Ross on October 11, 2012, 01:59:23 PM

The Daycare being discussed here is Elk Konnected, LLC having a desire to start a business, supported as a welfare company, with the intention of making money for Elk Konnected and supported by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners as I see it! And. I don't see how you can disguise that?

Using the children of Elk County as a crutch is just wrong, I think that is called exploiting the children for the benefit of Elk Konnected, LLC. Which IMHO has been the major tool of Elk Konnected, LLC and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 11, 2012, 07:36:37 AM
 Who would you like to have do a study? YOU?  You don't trust anyone else.  Who would to pay for it? How long would it take? What would be done with the information and by whom? How would you know it was a valid study? You are such a skeptic of such things.

That is the heart of the problem isn't it?
Who can you trust?
Like Agenda 21?
Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 11, 2012, 07:36:37 AM
I'm off to do some more classes.

Are those classes in socialism that you are taking? Barb for Barb? I couldn't resist, the devil made me do it! LOL

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Mom70x7 on October 11, 2012, 02:59:42 PM
There are times when I'm embarrassed to be from Elk County. And that's sad.  :(

There appears to be little true discussion of ideas - instead a chastisement and castigation of anyone that doesn't totally agree with a few people. That attitude shuts down discussion, stifles a free and open exchange of opinions, and is a major reason some former posters don't share any more.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 11, 2012, 03:05:49 PM
Quote from: proelkco on October 11, 2012, 10:18:27 AM
Ross try keeping your banners on your Elk Konnected hate site.

What a positive attitude comming from an Elk Konnected, LLC follower!
Using such words as hate, just doesn't ring of a positive attitude to me?
Does it ring positive attitude to you?

Actually, it is a thread of questions and opinions, and anger from the Elk Konnected, LLC followers concerning the questions and opinions!
The questions mostly go unanswered by Elk Konnected, LLC and it's founder Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and her Followers.
What few answers we recieved from Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks were less than acceptable or correct and she decided not to return, I suppose for that reason.

Quote from: proelkco on October 11, 2012, 10:18:27 AM
The day care is for children not your band stand.

Let me repeat myself again by quoting myself, thank you.

Quote from: Ross on October 11, 2012, 01:59:23 PM

The Daycare being discussed here is Elk Konnected, LLC having a desire to start a business, supported as a welfare company, with the intention of making money for Elk Konnected and supported by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners as I see it! And. I don't see how you can disguise that?

Using the children of Elk County as a crutch is just wrong, I think that is called exploiting the children for the bennefit of Elk Konnected, LLC. Wich IMHO has been the major tool of Elk Konnected, LLC and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners!

Quote from: proelkco on October 11, 2012, 10:18:27 AM
Diane you are so right about Ross. Lets all give Julie a big thank you for always being or at least trying to be positive.

I beg to differ, I don't think she can see the forest for the trees! But you are still entitled to your opinion.

Transparency isn't going to ever happen in my opinion! Where is your Elk Konnected, LLC Followers positve response to the following?
I don't see it, why? Does that mean Elk Konnected, LLC is not for positive change?

Would Elk Konnected, LLC support some Amazing Improvement for Elk County?

So let's get out there and vote for some positive Change, Okay?
Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A  Great  Improvement,   Great POSITIVE change For Elk County

Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk  County

As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-Er-Done!"

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Mom70x7 on October 11, 2012, 03:07:56 PM
I should add - the people I interact with on a regular and daily basis are wonderful people - give -you-the-shirt-off-their-back type of people - help a stranger - neighborly - polite - courteous - great sense of humor - able to laugh at themselves - wouldn't hurt a fly - well-mannered.

And that's not what I see reflected here on the forum.

It's sad, and I'm sorry.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 11, 2012, 05:27:39 PM
Quote from: Mom70x7 on October 11, 2012, 02:59:42 PM
There are times when I'm embarrassed to be from Elk County. And that's sad.  :(

There appears to be little true discussion of ideas - instead a chastisement and castigation of anyone that doesn't totally agree with a few people. That attitude shuts down discussion, stifles a free and open exchange of opinions, and is a major reason some former posters don't share any more.

Then, by all means, let's discuss ideas?  Please re-read the opening post on this thread, and let's hear your views on government redistribution of wealth for daycare.  Or the creation of a non-profit to evade/avoid taxes by paying dues to a community organizing group as a writeoff.  

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Mom70x7 on October 11, 2012, 06:24:45 PM
Quote from: Patriot on October 11, 2012, 05:27:39 PM
Then, by all means, let's discuss ideas?  Please re-read the opening post on this thread, and let's hear your views on government redistribution of wealth for daycare.  Or the creation of a non-profit to evade/avoid taxes by paying dues to a community organizing group as a writeoff.  

I think the day care is a good idea. It's needed in Elk County. I wish them the best of luck. I've had no problems with transparency and Elk Konnected. Every time I've asked them a question, I've received an answer.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Fire Elk on October 11, 2012, 06:54:11 PM
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 11, 2012, 07:44:51 PM
Quote from: Mom70x7 on October 11, 2012, 06:24:45 PM
I think the day care is a good idea. It's needed in Elk County. I wish them the best of luck. I've had no problems with transparency and Elk Konnected. Every time I've asked them a question, I've received an answer.

Nothing personal Mom70x7 it is just politics, just questions, not meant as a put down against you, never.

Did they tell you how much "Beggar-Thy-Neighbors" money they have in their coffers?

Did they tell you how much money they recieved for the sale of the failed Wellness Center?

Did they tell you about the $85,000 in their coffers, we with Konnected kounty Kommissioner Hendricks that was discussed at the thread
"Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25"? http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.4710.html

Did they tell you why they can't use all that money to start a daycare center?

Is Elk Konnected, LLC a community organization or the "Old Guard" as discussed on the thread "Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25"? http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.4710.html

Why won't they have an open, honest dialog?

Why won't they keep the public informed?

They said they would use this forum, but when challenged about what they say, instead of giving proper answers they just leave?

That really shows transparency doesn't it?

Why do they hide from the Elk County Citizens?

Why are they afraid to talk?   Where is their positive attitude? Where are their positive answers?

I could go on and on, but I will stop for now!

How's this for an idea:

I think we need new County Commissioners that will concentrate on Elk County business and then the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners can give their full attention to Elk Konnected, LLC and both entities will be far better off, each might benefit greatly by the division of Elk Konnected, LLC and County Government! Then there will be no appearance of Displaced Loyalties, which would be a very positive thng for both entities, IMHO!

I suggest people help this happen by voting in November for:

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A  Great  Improvement,   Great POSITIVE change For Elk County

Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk  County

As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-Er-Done!"

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 11, 2012, 07:47:15 PM

Rather than just regurgitate government information about tax credits, how about we address the ideas posed:

Quote from: Patriot on October 11, 2012, 05:27:39 PM
...let's hear your views on government redistribution of wealth for daycare.  Or the creation of a non-profit to evade/avoid taxes by paying dues to a community organizing group as a writeoff. 

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 11, 2012, 08:03:39 PM
Quote from: Mom70x7 on October 11, 2012, 03:07:56 PM
I should add - the people I interact with on a regular and daily basis are wonderful people - give -you-the-shirt-off-their-back type of people - help a stranger - neighborly - polite - courteous - great sense of humor - able to laugh at themselves - wouldn't hurt a fly - well-mannered.

And that's not what I see reflected here on the forum.

It's sad, and I'm sorry.

I have the same experiences.
Today, I went to a friends house near Elk Falls and dug up his sewer line to his septic tank, I did the other end a week ago. While i was finishing up his digging a lady showed up, whom I had never met, and she wanted a whole dug in her pasture in order to bury a horse. I did that as well. No charge.

I had the help of a stranger to me when I first moved here. Someone had stuck a knife or something in the sidewall of my tire and this man helped me change the tire with my spare. And I have never forgotten his help.

I have met a lot of very good people since moving to Elk County,

But that is not what this thread is about, ithis thread is about politics.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:07:22 PM
If Elk Konnected found jobs for every American, stopped childhood hunger worldwide. cured cancer, ended domestic violence, and acheived world peace, some on this forum would still complain about the way they accomplished it.  
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 11, 2012, 08:27:55 PM
Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:07:22 PM
If Elk Konnected found jobs for every American, stopped childhood hunger worldwide. cured cancer, ended domestic violence, and acheived world peace, some on this forum would still complain about the way they accomplished it.  

I am so sorry you had to say that?
Once again I am not attacking you, I am asking what that statement really means.
Does it mean people shouldn;t have the right of freedom of speech? I don't believe for a minute that is what it means.
Are you saying no one should question the organizations methods or actions?
I think we seriously should since they are our County Commissioners, they are our County Government, answerable to the citizens of Elk County!
Are you saying the end justifies the means?
I.E.: Are you saying, anyone can use deception or bad or immoral methods as long as they accomplish something good by using them.
There have been scientist's and doctors and others that have been questioned and tried in a court of law, because they thought the end justifies the means.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Patriot on October 11, 2012, 08:42:05 PM
Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:07:22 PM
If Elk Konnected found jobs for every American, stopped childhood hunger worldwide. cured cancer, ended domestic violence, and acheived world peace, some on this forum would still complain about the way they accomplished it.  

That, ma'am, is a total exaggeration (if not an untruth), IMO.  IF  they did ANY of those things without using undue government influence and in stark opposition to the precepts of limited, constitutional government (that is by doing so by operating totally in the private sector as a private company), I would gladly speak for them, both vocally and with my checkbook.

Unfortunately, however, they have engaged in the misuse (abuse?) of government position, power, and resources to achieve their limited ends to date.  Moreover, they are about to engage in the furtherance of a plan that is a clear extension of the UN Agenda 21 'smart growth' plan. Those shameful things, I can never support.

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
Quote from: Ross on October 11, 2012, 08:27:55 PM

Does it mean people shouldn;t have the right of freedom of speech? I don't believe for a minute that is what it means

Of course not, EVERYONE should have the right to freedom of speech.
Quote from: Ross on October 11, 2012, 08:27:55 PM

Are you saying no one should question the organizations methods or actions?
I think we seriously should since they are our County Commissioners, they are our County Government, answerable to the citizens of Elk County!
No I'm not saying that methods and actions should not be questioned.  IMHO you are EXTREMELY over exagerating the small amount of money that has been given to EK.  I believe there is no way you will accept this statement but I said it anyway. 
Quote from: Ross on October 11, 2012, 08:27:55 PM
Are you saying the end justifies the means?
I.E.: Are you saying, anyone can use deception or bad or immoral methods as long as they accomplish something good by using them.
There have been scientist's and doctors and others that have been questioned and tried in a court of law, because they thought the end justifies the means.

I think you have morphed EK in this cyber world to a viscous greedy group of individuals who are following one person so blindly that they can't think for themselves.  That is so far from the truth that it makes me sick!  We are not exploiting the children.  The children and Elk County's future are our true inspiration.  The small amount of money that has been used to invest in the future of Elk County IMO is in NO WAY excessive.  Again, I'm sure you won't agree, but it is true and I said it.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 11, 2012, 09:11:29 PM

I see we agree on a couple of things and that is good.
I just hope we can agree to disagree on others without damaging our relationship in business, because I truely do like and respect you!

As far as the monies I have discussed the numbers come from Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks in the thread  http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html

But you are entitled to your opinion and I respect that.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Diane Amberg on October 14, 2012, 01:31:24 PM
Ross, what is your beef with the fire safety classes I've been teaching all week?..... All as a volunteer.  (The devil better watch out or I'll throw a bucket of water on him!)
   I'm sure if Red tried hard enough he'd find some way to call the classes I taught those kids socialistic, but I don't really care. Fire safety isn't a time for freedom, it's a time to shut up and do as you were told, if there is a real fire.
  I know in a few cases over the years several kids I taught did experience fires, and knew what to do. So said their parents, or I would never have known. By the way Ross, I got another nice thank you card. See how I'm contributing to your local economy? They'll be buying pizza.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: readyaimduck on October 14, 2012, 03:29:29 PM
Ross, et al:   
Howdy.  Had to go away for awhile.
   If Elk Konnected LLC and some members that were not affiliated with the County Commissioner's list as well as the School Board, etc.  would you still have this thread regarding a Daycare?

In my thoughts, yes.......   As it is about internal corruption, as you see it.  ( I have read all thread jumpings)
Yes, I said it.
Show us the scanned Public documents ( as we all know the internet is just a big ego typing medium )that hides Elk Konnected LLC to the scum that they are and taking away our monies.

Kids need daycare.  I agree.
Parents have to pay for daycare.   I agree
Some parents only make minimum wage and to pay for that with the gas to travel only makes to make the ends meet.
Please don't spin my words.  Just answer the question:
If Elk Konnected LLC wasn't involved, would this topic even come to light?

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 14, 2012, 03:53:32 PM
Quote from: readyaimduck on October 14, 2012, 03:29:29 PM
Ross, et al:   
Howdy.  Had to go away for awhile.
   If Elk Konnected LLC and some members that were not affiliated with the County Commissioner's list as well as the School Board, etc.  would you still have this thread regarding a Daycare?

In my thoughts, yes.......   As it is about internal corruption, as you see it.  ( I have read all thread jumpings)
Yes, I said it.
Show us the scanned Public documents ( as we all know the internet is just a big ego typing medium )that hides Elk Konnected LLC to the scum that they are and taking away our monies.

Kids need daycare.  I agree.
Parents have to pay for daycare.   I agree
Some parents only make minimum wage and to pay for that with the gas to travel only makes to make the ends meet.
Please don't spin my words.  Just answer the question:
If Elk Konnected LLC wasn't involved, would this topic even come to light?


Hi Ready,

I agree with what you say bout daycare, no argument there.

My position in all of this is the confusion and blurred lines between Elk konnected, LLC and our County Government and our School Boards.
If Elk Konnected, LLC were not involved in politics, I could care less what they did.

I hope that answers your question.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: readyaimduck on October 14, 2012, 04:05:44 PM
Now that was an answer I can read over and over.
the scrolled advertisment for Commissioners I will just ignore  no offense.

thank you.  ready
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 14, 2012, 04:51:19 PM
Quote from: readyaimduck on October 14, 2012, 04:05:44 PM
Now that was an answer I can read over and over.
the scrolled advertisment for Commissioners I will just ignore  no offense.

thank you.  ready

No offense taken.
Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 14, 2012, 04:54:11 PM
Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
Of course not, EVERYONE should have the right to freedom of speech.

Well we definitely agree on this one!

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
No I'm not saying that methods and actions should not be questioned.  

Again we agree!

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
IMHO you are EXTREMELY over exagerating the small amount of money that has been given to EK.  I believe there is no way you will accept this statement but I said it anyway.

Here we definitely disagree! And you are quite right your statement is unacceptable to me.
There is the question of the $85,000 that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner discussed with us on the http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html thread.
And while we are discussing money how many thousands did Elk Konnected, LLC acquire for the Wellness Center, when they closed it and sold it? Wasn't that 100% profit, considering everything was bought with "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money called a grant?

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
I think you have morphed EK in this cyber world to a viscous greedy group of individuals who are following one person so blindly that they can't think for themselves.  That is so far from the truth that it makes me sick!  

I do not believe, I have ever said, Elk Konnected, LLC is a vicious greedy group of individuals, those are your words alone! Also, I lack the power to morph anything and I lack the power of a visionary, sorry about that!

And as far as your statement, "are following one person so blindly that they can't think for themselves." Again that is your personal statement not mine. I have stated that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks takes credit for founding the organization. And if you haven't noticed, she has never removed herself from the Steering Committee, even after what seven years on the Steering Committee.
I wonder why?
When the organization first started they made the comment, that the members on the Steering Committee would rotate off every two years. Oh, but they changed that recently to every four years, right?                              
But if you add the two periods of time together 2+4=6 years right?

However, hasn't Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks been on the Steering Committee 7 years? I like to call the Steering Committee the Board of Governors, because, I don't see any difference in their responsibilities can you explain a difference?

And I believe, Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks when she accepts the responsibility as founder of Elk Konnected, LLC, because she was employed by the (for lack of a better term) mother organization Public Squares Communities, INC., Right?
She is now President of Public Squares Communities, INC., Right?

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
We are not exploiting the children.  The children and Elk County's future are our true inspiration.  
The very word exploit means to use unfairly for one's own advantage. I personally feel you are using and have used the children of Elk County to furthur your organizations growth, and I am entitled to my opinion.

Quote from: jprxmkt on October 11, 2012, 08:57:07 PM
The small amount of money that has been used to invest in the future of Elk County IMO is in NO WAY excessive.  Again, I'm sure you won't agree, but it is true and I said it.

I totally agree with you on this one!

The monies you appear to have spent were the county taxpayers money or other "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" monies? And it appears to me that the larger sums of "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" or grants were spent not to benefit Elk County but, to benefit Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks progression to, most likely a paid position, as President of Public Squares Communities, INC!
But, I'm human and I could very easily be wrong.

Where is the investment in the future of Elk County that you allude to?
Please, tell us about this investment?

Truthfully though, I think our beloved Elk County deserves far better leadership in our County Government, instead of leaders with displaced loyalties, IMHO!

Then, those that I feel that have displaced loyalties, can concentrate on their other loyalties fully and perhaps do a better job.
Doesn't that sound like a very positive position for both groups?
I mean even at the "Meet and Greet the Candidates"  several times the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners each discussed Elk Konnected, LLC, it sounded to me that Elk Konnected, LLC was running for those two seats.

I'd like to suggest we let Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau concentrate on Elk Konnected, LLC
By writing in
M I c k e y   W u n d e r l I c h
Please read this, http://www.votemicky.org/issues.htm

I'd like to suggest we let Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks concentrate on Elk Konnected, LLC
By voting for Mr. Hebb

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: readyaimduck on October 14, 2012, 05:32:40 PM
Mr. Ross:
If we can all thnk for ourselves, would you please pray tell why you are suggesting, via internet two people to get us to vote for those two people??????

Are you getting a kickback from these/one person to advertise their compaign?  Now that would be a 'beggar thy neighbor"ly sort of thingy to do.

You have said your piece via many pages of diatribes.  We get it.   

I can't vote in your county.  Yet I see what your county has become. 
Spin that anyway you want.   My grandparents would rise to the occasion, and roll over at the audacity of public outcry!
ready to go

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: Ross on October 14, 2012, 08:09:06 PM
Quote from: readyaimduck on October 14, 2012, 05:32:40 PM
Mr. Ross:
If we can all thnk for ourselves, would you please pray tell why you are suggesting, via internet two people to get us to vote for those two people??????

Easy on that Mr. stuff you'll give me a complex or somthin! LOL
It's like advertisement, I guess. Repetition! Just like all them signs on the roadway.

Quote from: readyaimduck on October 14, 2012, 05:32:40 PM
Are you getting a kickback from these/one person to advertise their compaign?  Now that would be a 'beggar thy neighbor"ly sort of thingy to do.

No, ma'am!  I wouldn't do it for money, not one cent! I want to see improvement in Elk County that's all.

Quote from: readyaimduck on October 14, 2012, 05:32:40 PM
You have said your piece via many pages of diatribes.  We get it.  

Well that makes me happy! Repetition seems to work!

Quote from: readyaimduck on October 14, 2012, 05:32:40 PM
I can't vote in your county.  Yet I see what your county has become.  
Spin that anyway you want.   My grandparents would rise to the occasion, and roll over at the audacity of public outcry!
ready to go

Well, it's all about Elk County on the Elk County Forum. But, I do enjoy your input.

One of the candidates has a bit of a funny spelling name and this I hopes gets the spelling right on the ballot:

M i c k e y   W u n d e r l i c h [move]

Title: Re: The Busy Bee Daycare
Post by: jprxmkt on October 14, 2012, 09:02:52 PM
Quote from: Ross on October 11, 2012, 09:11:29 PM

I just hope we can agree to disagree on others without damaging our relationship in business, because I truely do like and respect you!

I promise I will always remain professional.  This forum and world would be pretty boring if we all always agreed all the time.  ;)