Elk County Forum

General Category => Politics => Topic started by: Warph on September 25, 2012, 12:41:49 AM

Title: Teen Queen's "Morning After Pill"
Post by: Warph on September 25, 2012, 12:41:49 AM


NYC Dept. of Education to Hand Out 'Morning After' Pill to HS Students.  Oh yeah.  If parents want to be informed whether their daughter is being given powerful hormones as "emergency conrtaception," they will have to opt out of this NYC Department of Education program.  You know, like the credit card companies work their privacy notices.

School nurse offices stocked with the contraceptives can dispense "Plan B" emergency contraception and other oral or injectable birth control to girls without telling their parents... unless parents opt out after getting a school informational letter about the new program.


CATCH — Connecting Adolescents To Comprehensive Health — is part of a citywide attack against the epidemic of teen pregnancy, which spurs many girls... most of them poor.... to drop out of school.
"Comprehensive health? So far, during an unpublicized pilot program in five city schools last year, 567 students received Plan B tablets and 580 students received Reclipsen birth-control pills, the city Department of Health told The Post. This fall, students can also get Depo-Provera, a birth-control drug injected once every three months, officials said. Oral and injectable contraceptives require prescriptions, which, in the CATCH program, are written by Health Department doctors."


Okay.. what happened to the sex ed classes... and the distribution of condoms?  Now we know 14- and 15-year-olds are going to have sex.  It's only natural.  And you know what nature is like.  It's lions and tigers and bears and pregnant high school students.  So I guess we've created zoos for the former and public schools for the latter.  I'm sure both "race realists" and progressives are applauding this move to distribute powerful hormones to teenage girls in the inner cities.  The next step, of course, is abortions during home room.  And then, when that proves disruptive, sterilization.  And then we'll have made real progress, right?  It'll be 1924 all over again, with public schools subbing for those "State institutions."


Don't get me wrong: teenagers should not be having babies.  I'm almost certain, though, that there are ways to prevent this short of distributing these kinds of drugs.

Below is a list of possible side effects from Depo-Provera, which will be prescribed by doctors whose hospital privileges are no doubt limited to prison facilities:

Medroxyprogesterone may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:


changes in menstrual periods (See SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS)
weight gain
difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
hot flashes
breast pain, swelling, or tenderness
stomach cramps or bloating
leg cramps
back or joint pain
loss of hair on scalp
swelling, redness, irritation, burning, or itching of the vagina
white vaginal discharge
changes in sexual desire
cold or flu symptoms
pain, irritation, lumps, redness or scarring in the place where the medication was injected

Some side effects can be serious. The following side effects are uncommon, but if you experience any of them, call your doctor immediately:

sudden shortness of breath
sudden sharp or crushing chest pain
coughing up blood
severe headache
dizziness or faintness
change or loss of vision
double vision
bulging eyes
difficulty speaking
weakness or numbness in an arm or leg
yellowing of the skin or eyes
extreme tiredness
pain, swelling, warmth, redness, or tenderness in one leg only
menstrual bleeding that is heavier or lasts longer than normal
severe pain or tenderness just below the waist
difficulty breathing or swallowing
swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs
difficult, painful, or frequent urination
constant pain, pus, warmth, swelling, or bleeding in the place where the medication was injected

Bulging eyes, seizures, difficulty speaking, pus... sounds like a New York City classroom to me.

What are you going to do?  To be honest, is it that stunning?  Can you really get outraged anymore?  Come on.  This is the Strange New World we live in.  And frankly, parents still can intervene here, as absurd a notion as that may be these days, owing to the powerful forces at work subverting parental authority.  And by that I mean stupidity.  But don't expect a NYC public school to help there.

Title: Re: Teen Queen's "Morning After Pill"
Post by: Diane Amberg on September 25, 2012, 04:08:04 PM
 And the male's responsibility is?
Title: Re: Teen Queen's "Morning After Pill"
Post by: Patriot on September 25, 2012, 04:44:07 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 25, 2012, 04:08:04 PM
And the male's responsibility is?

Don't be a dullard, Diane... read the last paragraph of Warph's post.  Try to stay focused on the immediate subject at hand.  Which seems to be sniveling, bed wetting, know it all, government educators & bureaucrats whose godlike self image leads them to think they have the moral or legal right to supplant parents in the decision making role of teens with regard the dispensing & use of such drugs (and abortion procedures in some places).  Neither the male nor female child are at the core of this particular issue... which are secular humanist would be saviors with Ed. degrees & an overblown sense of self importance trying to be parents to children who are not their own.

Title: Re: Teen Queen's "Morning After Pill"
Post by: daisy on September 25, 2012, 06:35:19 PM
I am not condoning schools stepping in and taking the place of a parent by providing birth control, however I would like to point out that many of the youth that are sexually active have parents that could give a dang less what their child is doing.  There are so many absentee parents that were teen parents themselves, that have walked away from the responsibilities as parents.  They are too wrapped up in their own lives and having "fun" that the child is pushed aside to raise themselves or left to grandparents or even great-grandparents to raise.  And in many cases where the grandparent is raising the child, they are clueless to the worldly ways of teenagers nowadays.
Title: Re: Teen Queen's "Morning After Pill"
Post by: Patriot on September 25, 2012, 07:34:28 PM
You are right on point, Daisy.  So what has happened to us?  Where are the values in society that put pressure on self absorbed parents to grow up and act like adults?  What kind of communities continue to condone, befriend and even encourage parents to think more of themselves and less of their own children.  Have childcare centers in our schools, 'free' lunches, latchkey and other government largess made it far too easy for 'parents' to self indulge at the expense of their own kids?  Perhaps we should consider birth licenses & parenting tests instead of marriage licenses (sarcasm for those who missed it).  Imagine what we will look like two generations from now if this continues.

Title: Re: Teen Queen's "Morning After Pill"
Post by: srkruzich on September 25, 2012, 07:53:23 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 25, 2012, 04:08:04 PM
And the male's responsibility is?

Apparantly not a damn thing since yall wanna shove this shit down our kids throats.
Actually why should it be a males responsibility. Yall are the ones who tell us we don't have an opinion or say so in yalls uterus.  That is until yall get knocked up.   Well screw it.  Yall deal with it.  If you want to carry it then fine you pay for it, if you don't then fine you pay for it. After all women are in charge of their own damn bodies and men do not have a say wahatsoever  in it
Title: Re: Teen Queen's "Morning After Pill"
Post by: Patriot on September 25, 2012, 08:01:31 PM
Quote from: srkruzich on September 25, 2012, 07:53:23 PM
Apparantly not a damn thing since yall wanna shove this shit down our kids throats.

Could be.  Perhaps just a logical extension of Margaret Sanger's (Planned Parenthood founder) stated plan of controlling and/or eliminating the black race through unrestricted abortion.  It would also fit in nicely with Communist Chinese government control of population growth.  Goodness, how far we've come in our disregard of human life.  But God save the baby whales and Darter snails!

Title: Re: Teen Queen's "Morning After Pill"
Post by: Patriot on September 26, 2012, 09:55:55 AM
Wait for it..........