I got my Prairie Star paper today and there were two articles about Elk Konnect sponsored youth activities, what a great cause, working with the young people is very gratifying. I coached youth Baseball there 52+ years ago, I had 3 Nephews playing and it was great fun working with them. Keep it up Elk Konnect, everytime I am at Howard I hear lots of good positive comments about what you are doing.
Also I got some of my Elk County "Valuation Notices" and I was pleased with all of the valuations.
They are dedicated people, who volunteer in and around all their other activities. I agree with you!
Where do they get their financing to do these great "causes"?
Is this an institutional charity supported by government which requires theft of the public?
Good grief Red. Don'cha wanna go play in a tornado or something? I'd love to list all the more than 300 supporters that approve of what E K is doing...all of them taxpayers! (Don't feed the troll Diane, just let it go.) :P :P :P :( :'(
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 14, 2012, 03:48:02 PM
Good grief Red. Don'cha wanna go play in a tornado or something? I'd love to list all the more than 300 supporters that approve of what E K is doing...all of them taxpayers! (Don't feed the troll Diane, just let it go.) :P :P :P :( :'(
Shame on you Diane. Someone jokingly said that Al should slam your head in the car door and you got your bloomers in all kinds of wads----and now with deadly tornados spawning all over this state you suggest Red goes out and plays in one ?? Maybe the one that is on the ground in Marion county right now that is 1/2 mile wide ? And your fellow teacher thinks it's funny ? For shame !!
You know 300 supporters of EK ? Watch out---I think your nose just grew about an inch longer---unless you are using Chicago style politics to base that figure on..
Sadly, it was not said as a joke back then. Since then I've learned sarcastic "humor" from the Kansas experts. I can now cut and slash with the best of 'em, take it or leave it, it doesn't matter a twit to me. Since you guys are so proud of being caustic and rude, I packed my east coast manners away and will only use them with those who also do.
And my nose is just fine, thank you. I'll not fall into your trap.....maybe I'll just list their initials. HA! I promise you they do exist.
I'm still watching the Weather Channel ,so I know exactly what is going on and where. I also told everyone to stay safe tonight. I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.
Thanks for the overexaggeration, Jar...I put out a smiley face, in appreciation for Diane's not backing down to a bully. Nothing more. I'll let you know if and when I do indeed find anything to be funny. Still waiting on that one.
Dear Elk Konnected and all who volunteer for them,
So this thread will go sliding into politics also? Isn't this supposed to be coffee shop stuff? And of a pro E K " thank you" nature?
Varmit, that list does exist, so sorry you won't be on it. I don't have permission to post the names, but I will do initials and you can try to figure out who they are, so you can give them a hard time. It's a shame that you few can't apparently tolerate anyone who thinks differently from you. Why, they might even pay more in taxes than you do. I'll be back later with a start on that list.
And Jar, it was my hand ,not my head. Please don't rewrite history. I'll bet you don't remember who said it. ;)
Quote from Diane:
Varmit, that list does exist, so sorry you won't be on it. I don't have permission to post the names, but I will do initials and you can try to figure out who they are, so you can give them a hard time. And Jar, it was my hand ,not my head. Please don't rewrite history. I'll bet you don't remember who said it.
Hand ? Head ? I will refrain from commenting--poke poke.
Surely you jest in saying you will post 300 sets of initials. If so me and ol Varmit got drunk one night, back when we were pups, and "slept" with 300 of Elk county's finest virgins. We don't have permission to disclose their names but we will post their initials and let you figure out who they were. Sheesh !!
So, here's a piece of the list and all I have time to do now. They are from all over, Howard, Elk Falls, Moline, Longton, Greola and more.
RB, GA, RE, DMcD, JW, JP, AJ, CB, AW, EP, AB,AMcA, AL,AZ, AP, AC, AL,AS, AB, AW, AR, AMW, AK, AS, AA, AA, AJ ,AM, ATB, AT, ABF, AB,AS, BAH, BC, BD, BJ, BMcR, DBC, BPJ, BSG, BCS, BM, BD, BCQ, CJ, BF, BGK, BC, BH, BBS, CJ, CP ,CMH, CB, BH, BBS, CJ, CP, CMH, CB, CW ,CM, CE, CH, CCD,CD, CW, CM-M. Please forgive the poor typing. I know it's bad. If you insist I'll do the rest as I have time. There are more than 300 now. I do not jest, Jar, have fun poking if you must. I will do them all gradually as I have time. Some have the same initials but are different people.
Crap Diane! you forgot two: OMG, LOL :P ;D
And Jug/Jar: I really, REALLY find it hard to believe that there were 300 FINEST. Virgins, maybe but.....finest????? ;)
Carry on!
ready, and making popcorn to go with the coffee in this lounge! Oops, I forgot: This is the BS coffee Shop.
(Somethings never change, however makes for a good Sunday afternoon Matinee) :D
A pro
Elk Konnected, LLC thread, really?
I don't see a special designation from the owners of the forum stating so, why is that?
Did you show enough respect to ask the owners of the forum for such a designation?
So you guys think you can control other peoples property (This Forum, just like the county tax coffers, right?
That is just downright disrespectful in my opinion.
Does that work the same way as commandeering the County web site and the County's Emergency call system?
Just take whatever you want, isn't that the game?
Isn't that the way
Elk konnected, LLC works, by control?
Why is it the Followers keep starting new threads is it to attempt spread their propaganda, and avoid the real issues?
It is not Elk Konnect it is
Elk Konnected, LLC a privately owned company that does Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs using taxpayer dollars.
What other privately owned company (LLC) can go before County Commissioners that are a part of or volunteer or are Follower's of their own company and can get free money from the taxpayers?
And it only takes 2 out of three commissioners to approve their request and two commissioners are Konnected.
Nice huh?
When you can approve your own funding with taxpayer dollars?Everything, I have read from the followers on this thread is make believe, 300 volunteers, really?
How come three hundred volunteers never show up at their so called Kommunity Konversations to support
Elk Konnected, LLC?How many people was it that showed up at the last so called Kommunity Konversation? Maybe 20 and 1/4 of them were the Steering Committee or(Board of Directors) and 2 Kounty Kommissioner and a person from the KSU Extension Office in Howard?
Isn't that right?
Not hardly close to 300 volunteers or supporters is it? Why? 300 or 3000 still wuould not make what is going on proper or right, or show
ethic's or principles.Simply read the thread at http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html for facts and figures (money figures) and figure it out for yourself.
Really great reading and entertaining from page one. Some humorous stuff from Followers and I even tried to be a bit humorous. But, because I don't have a paper to wipe with, oops, I mean a college diploma you will have to pardon me, if you don't find the humor.
About the kid things they do with taspayers dollars, brings to mind as to why the Elk Konnected, LLC founder who happens to be our County Commissioner and use to be our Volley Ball Coach at West Elk, why truthfully did she quit working as coach?
Why didn't the school board or the newspaper sing her praises and give her recognition for her services to the community?Isn't it a customary thing?
Why didn't she write her own letter of praise as County Commissioner, like she did for Elk Konnected, LLC?
Why is it so difficult,
nay why is it impossible, to get open and honest dialog from the
Elk Konnected, LLC followers?
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
Think people, think.
with all due respect Ross, your questions may be valid, however belongs in the Political Lounge.
Just my opinion....and it goes with the same vein as men really don't belong in the women's bathroom, sex should never be discussed in a ....well :o
I would rather think that no comissioners should belong to a group that solicites taxpayers monies...That being said, if so then one should recluse oneself....problem solved, and Ritz can't swing a vote with only one vote.
Now, back to coffee and donuts, please.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 15, 2012, 09:41:37 AM
So this thread will go sliding into politics also? Isn't this supposed to be coffee shop stuff? And of a pro E K " thank you" nature?
Varmit, that list does exist, so sorry you won't be on it. I don't have permission to post the names, but I will do initials and you can try to figure out who they are, so you can give them a hard time. It's a shame that you few can't apparently tolerate anyone who thinks differently from you. Why, they might even pay more in taxes than you do. I'll be back later with a start on that list.
And Jar, it was my hand ,not my head. Please don't rewrite history. I'll bet you don't remember who said it. ;)
It isn't about thinking differently, its about theft. And I don't give a tinkers damn how much they pay in taxes, that doesn't give them the right to steal from the county coffers. The "shame" is that their behavior is tolerated at all, worse yet it is supported and even encouraged by people like you.
And as far as this being the Coffee Shop well, the way I see it EK has insinuated itself into our County government so I will insinunated myself into the "pro E K" conversations in search of answers.
QuoteIt isn't about thinking differently, its about theft. And I don't give a tinkers damn how much they pay in taxes, that doesn't give them the right to steal from the county coffers. The "shame" is that their behavior is tolerated at all, worse yet it is supported and even encouraged by people like you.
Quote: And as far as this being the Coffee Shop well, the way I see it EK has insinuated itself into our County government so I will insinunated myself into the "pro E K" conversations in search of answers.
that was a fair statement Varmit. However, two wrongs don't make a right.
Welcome to the bi-partison potty lounge! ;D
Sorry, I'm not nearly done yet...section two.
Diane: before you correct me on the spelling, I just realized that is why I don't like politcks...I can't even spell party-son right!
Ready to back out of the race.
only to the J's? really?
I will check back in 3 hours
Ready for a nap zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
If need be, I will post the rest of the initials, so, Jar I hope you guys enjoyed those finest virgins. I'm posting my list ...can you produce yours? ;) I love a good challenge. My nose is just fine...is yours squeaking as it grows? ;D ;D ;D ;D :-* Ready, I agree with you, some of the questions are probably quite fair, but the attacks are not. If they are using budgeted money, it's not theft.
People will probably never come to a consensus on how tax money is to be spent,too many differences of opinion. Change it during the election if something else is wanted. Protest the budget, but nothing will change by beating it to death on this forum and making personal attacks and insulting people. Kidnapping threads won't do a bit of good. So why bother trying to justify it? The coffee shop wasn't meant to be the place to do this! I'm pretty sure I'm right.
Unless they say "uncle," I'll do the rest of the list another time, not quite half so far. Sorry for boring the rest of you.
I'm glad everyone made it through the storms. Ready, I wasn't checking spelling today, so I missed it too. ;)
She "took the bait" ---does this mean" I win"?
OK, now for my list--AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH--------------------- Ok, I cry uncle----it is all bull shit---I will quit before the fine folks of Elk County think I'm an old windbag-------too.
Oh hell Jug, we already knew that.
Now put your name on the list to run for County commisioner's seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ready to relocate and vote!
QuoteReady, I wasn't checking spelling today, so I missed it too.
Not a problem Diane....it was a play on words, for the political and the good ole boys (partison/party-son)
however it must be too early to talk deep.
My apologies....<<<woosh>>>> ^^^^^^^^^^
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 15, 2012, 02:00:21 PM
Sorry, I'm not nearly done yet...section two.
I 'm sorry to inform you, these two and three letter groups that you are posting mean absolutly nothing, and prove nothing.
But here are a few for you 3 and 4 letter groups that do mean something:
Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few, Very Few,
Would it help if I add a few more pages of this. It would be just like your's. Only mine means something.
Propaganda doesn't seem to work, does it?
Jarhead are you refering to me as an old windbag? ROFLMAO
Read all their tomfoolery at http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html
Followers you can run but you can't hide. Come on back to the main thread and converse like decent folks.
QuoteCome on back to the main thread and converse like decent folks.
Then put your comments where it belongs, Ross with all due respect .....in the Politcal lounge.
I am not dictating, I am asking politely.
and actually, Red started this crap!
Quote from: readyaimduck on April 15, 2012, 03:06:30 PM
Then put your comments where it belongs, Ross with all due respect .....in the Politcal lounge.
I am not dictating, I am asking politely.
And thanks for asking so politely.
I was done here anyway.
Good to hear from you.
Take care.
Quote from Ross:
Jarhead are you refering to me as an old windbag? ROFLMAO
Nope it wasn't you Ross, that I think is the guilty party---plus---do you really think I would use such kind words talking to an old Squid---unless it was a Corpsman---or a Navy Jet Jokey bringing in much needed snake & nape---or a Chaplin or etc ? ;D
Three Hundred taxpayers in EK? Voluntarily or did the government pay their way?
Ready, we just gotta set the record straight. Who's taking money from the public treasury?
The record being set straight is who is hijacking a lounge for politcal information. ?
If it is EKonnecected to praise themselves, then take it outside of this thread.
I may be interested in trying to persue the quasi issues of Ross', however this is NOT the thread.
You just hikajaced this Red, and that is ungentlemanly.
You see, irrespective of IP addresses', spell check and emotions, there tends to be one side with accusations, and the other side that refuses to address them. Whether it is bully tactics, which a few have tried to negate the bullying of EK, I find the whole topic to be mute.
Let's continue this at the next election of Commisioners, and see where this topic goes????
respectively, ready for the next spark to get us all up in arms.
Methinks those initials are probably from Elk Konnected's facebook page, all 335 of their so-called friends, of which Diane is one. Those are their "supporters" and a bunch of them aren't even of taxpaying age yet or even from Elk County. Interesting though that the children of Elk County are being raised as sheep, ready to be led to slaughter by wolves in sheeps clothing.
The Shadow KNOWS!
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 14, 2012, 03:48:02 PM
Good grief Red. Don'cha wanna go play in a tornado or something? I'd love to list all the more than 300 supporters that approve of what E K is doing...all of them taxpayers! (Don't feed the troll Diane, just let it go.) :P :P :P :( :'(
Thanks Shadow for the wake up.
Nice try Diane, simply the children of Elk County that have been and are being
Exploited by you and
"Elk Konnected, LLC" right?
You haven't go their permisssion to list their names because of being under age, right?
But Elk konnected, LLC's Facebook which is open to the public does right?
So we can check out the names and coompare your initials with those names, right?
And there actually 335
Elk Konnected, LLC Facebook Friends, right?
I apologize Ready I had planned to stay off this thread,
but I find the
exploitation of children deplorable and
vile (vile as in the words of a Konnected Kommisioner)Typical of
Elk Konnected, LLC and their
I find this activity very gross and demeaning to the Children and Citizens of Elk County.
Just My Humble Opinion.
OMG...Here we go again. One simple reminder...This is not the Politics board. Please stick to the intent of the board...Keep all of the Political statements where they belong...In the Politics section. What had to be gross and demeaning to the person posting political drivel is the fact that they don't seem to be able to read..."Coffee Shop". I can understand the inability to tell the difference, I guess... ::)
Quote from: Catwoman on April 15, 2012, 09:22:09 PM
OMG...Here we go again. One simple reminder...This is not the Politics board. Please stick to the intent of the board...Keep all of the Political crap where it belongs.
OMG...There you go again pretending to own the Forum and having the power to give orders.
But, I am gone of my own accord unless an
Elk Konnected, LLC Follower post's any further far fetched tales on this thread and that includes you.
Thank you and goodnight to you Boss. LOL
Ross, come off it. I have never pretended to own anything...I have only pointed out the painfully obvious. It is funny, how you seem to resent...And not be able to do anything with...The obvious. And...I have to tell you..."Boss" is one name that I smile at... ;D Thanks for that. After the last two days that most of my people have gone through...A smile was appreciated, even if it came from nothing more than you. ;)
My, my. Walk into any coffee shop across this great land and you're usually going to find 2 things: a television tuned to Fox or CNN and people discussing politics. Sometimes you just have to comment where you can. It's ridiculous that this public forum that one can comment anywhere on is so disgusting anymore. Diane has stated several times all over this forum that people should go play in tornadoes, which is in very poor taste. Catwoman belittles everyone she disagrees with like it's nothing to her. Wilma had been asking Ross if his knee was okay a while back. Then you have Patrick Perkins and his comment about wanting to see a taxpayer bullet shoot a forum member. You all found nothing wrong with any of those comments and threats; but Ross and his so-called loons aren't allowed to ask questions? Questions, really? You people are wrong when you say it is Ross and his loons running people off of this forum. All they want are answers and trust me those answers are out there, it's just that some people are too afraid to talk. But no, they aren't running people off of this forum, quite the opposite in fact. I've noticed anything that Ross posts on turns to gold; if you don't believe that then watch the number of views. More people in this county are tuned into this whole Elk Konnected mess than any of you want to believe. And I've noticed that it's usually those that don't live here and see things going on firsthand, that take the biggest offense to any of it. My God, Catwoman, Diane, Flint and Frank you guys are the biggest pot-stirrers on this forum! Oh, I just brought God into this post, maybe it should now be moved to the Religion section too!
The Shadow KNOWS!
The Coffee Shop
General topics and friendly conversations among the people of Elk County, Kansas
Good post Shadow. Let's see, Elk Konnected is a "general topic" and for the most part it has been a "friendly conversation " , then we have "the people of Elk county". Bingo, there lies the problem. We have three people trying to dictate where anyone can post---the Aflac Duck (that's payback for calling me Jughead), Kittylitter(that's because you love calling people vile names ) and The Alphabet Soup lady from Delaware----so tell me again you three---where do you fit in on the "people of Elk County "part ?
We don't stir the pot or dictate where to post...We have merely reminded you all that politcal rants don't belong on this thread and are better suited to the subject matter of the Political board. We just don't back down to the bullies that have come to infest this Forum. I don't disparage anyone who disagrees with me...I've had intellectual discussions with other members on this Forum who heartily disagree with me...The difference being, we agree to disagree amicably (for those who call names and become belligerent, I respond in kind...'nuf said). I don't take their posts and pick them apart, line by line, in some OCD rant. As far as you throwing mud on Frank, Diane, Charlie...You need to back off. There are very few Moderates who continue to post on this Forum, because of its far right leanings...There has to be someone who represents the majority...And the rightwing extremists don't even come close to doing that.
Might I remind you that almost all of the regular participants on this Forum have ties to Elk County. Some of them grew up in Elk County, but have had to go elsewhere to find a job that fits there education and training. It would be pretty dull if it were limited to Elk County residents. All we would have would be the rants of the radicals and the home based comments of the contented.
Quote from: Wilma on April 16, 2012, 07:56:25 AM
Might I remind you that almost all of the regular participants on this Forum have ties to Elk County. Some of them grew up in Elk County, but have had to go elsewhere to find a job that fits there education and training. It would be pretty dull if it were limited to Elk County residents. All we would have would be the rants of the radicals and the home based comments of the contented.
Anybody remember a time in America when those with socialist & communist ideals were considered the radicals? I do. Yet I think it's still to early to celebrate the demise of a truly free society in the US. So fight on you believers in the collective, the theft of private resources by government for the benefit of a few and the idea that government power & control is the answer to our ills, because it ain't over till it's over. Long live a free and open Elk County where the liberty of the one outweighs the power of the many.
Quote from: Wilma on April 16, 2012, 07:56:25 AM
Might I remind you that almost all of the regular participants on this Forum have ties to Elk County.
By all means you might remind us but
Isn't that just simply a wish or can you provide us a link to a web site where we can read the facts to back up such a statement? Perhaps you know each and every one of the 699 members of this forum, but somehow I doubt it. So show us the facts, please.
Quote from: Wilma on April 16, 2012, 07:56:25 AM
Some of them grew up in Elk County, but have had to go elsewhere to find a job that fits there education and training.
Sure some grew up here in Elk County, but are not here now.
Often people leave their home towns to look for work, adventure, individuality and to be grown up (out from under mommy and daddy's thumb), some join the military, others go to college. So what is the point?
What does that have to do with
Elk Konnected, LLC and
Konnected Kommissioners? Please explain!Quote from: Wilma on April 16, 2012, 07:56:25 AM
It would be pretty dull if it were limited to Elk County residents.
I agree fully with this statement, good job Wilma.
Quote from: Wilma on April 16, 2012, 07:56:25 AM
All we would have would be the rants of the radicals and the home based comments of the contented.
You shouldn't call people names and please don't refer to yourself as a radical.
And I think you made a mistake saying home
based comments of the contented, I'm home based but far from contented with the
Elk Konnected, LLC and
Konnected Kommissioners and the
secrets held by them from the taxpayers and citizens of Elk County especially concerning
Economic Development. Are you suggesting by using home based, that those that don't live here lack something?
Let's get it right, okay.
You tried, Wilma... ::) Keep on with the keepin' on...If enough Moderates keep posting, then the bullies don't completely win, do they.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
We don't stir the pot or dictate where to post...We have merely reminded you all that politcal rants don't belong on this thread and are better suited to the subject matter of the Political board.
Yet, you continue to post your political opinion's, and trying to order people not to reply to them. Which I find pretty narrow minded. You even put down the way others communicate. Again, I will remind you of the fact that an
Elk Konnected, LLC Follower posting a notice associated with
Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kommissioners is of and by itself a political statement.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
We just don't back down to the bullies that have come to infest this Forum.
It is difficult to back down from yourselves and that is terrible problem. Which side has made the threats and told people to play in a Tornado. Please, be reasonable.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
I don't disparage anyone who disagrees with me...I've had intellectual discussions with other members on this Forum who heartily disagree with me...The difference being, we agree to disagree amicably (for those who call names and become belligerent, I respond in kind...'nuf said).
So you claim!
What's your problem communicating intellectually right here and now?
Have I called you any names?
But you have called names right here in this post by using political labels and not very politely either?
And I believe you have used the terms incorrectly.
Your poor form of communication is what comed across as belligerant to me, sorry.
To emulate you, I respond in kind, 'nuf said.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
I don't take their posts and pick them apart, line by line, in some OCD rant.
I wish you would take any of my posts apart and communicate clearly. Sometimes it is difficult for this old man to keep all of your statements straight and I don't consider it taking the post apart, but simply keeping my responses straight with your statements. Much less confusion that way for you, me and everyone else.
There is nothing OCD about clear communication. This post might be very confusing without responding in this form.
However, might I suggest that the name calling could be considered OCD or maybe even something worse.
No you don't tear a post apart you just have the same OCD rant over and over and don't recognize the convience of clear communications.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
As far as you throwing mud on Frank, Diane, Charlie...You need to back off. There are very few Moderates who continue to post on this Forum, because of its far right leanings...There has to be someone who represents the majority...And the rightwing extremists don't even come close to doing that.
Oh come now, throwing mud at statements like, "Go play in a Tornado" really and some of the other off the wall remarks, Really?
And this post of yours is just full of political statements, but yet, you won't follow your own advice, nice job.
Moderates, far right leanings and right wing extremists are for your information, political terminologies.
And again with the orders, "You need to back off." Can't you find a better way of protecting them?
Like stating what has been said, that makes, you make such a statement, and then communicate why it is wrong?
Try communicating instead of a statement that could be confused as a possible threat.
Another thing can you provide specific and detailed information who the moderates, far right leanings and right wing extremists are? Or are you just in to making radical statements?
One last thing, please give proof of the minority and majority you speak of.
I bet you can not do it!
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
There are very few Moderates who continue to post on this Forum, because of its far right leanings...There has to be someone who represents the majority...And the rightwing extremists don't even come close to doing that.
? why? This country was not founded on the majority. Only the rule of law. Where the majority cannot bully the minority into submission.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
We don't stir the pot or dictate where to post...We have merely reminded you all that politcal rants don't belong on this thread and are better suited to the subject matter of the Political board. We just don't back down to the bullies that have come to infest this Forum. I don't disparage anyone who disagrees with me...I've had intellectual discussions with other members on this Forum who heartily disagree with me...The difference being, we agree to disagree amicably (for those who call names and become belligerent, I respond in kind...'nuf said). I don't take their posts and pick them apart, line by line, in some OCD rant. As far as you throwing mud on Frank, Diane, Charlie...You need to back off. There are very few Moderates who continue to post on this Forum, because of its far right leanings...There has to be someone who represents the majority...And the rightwing extremists don't even come close to doing that.
Quote from catwoman :
We just don't back down to the bullies that have come to infest this Forum.
Cat, That is so funny.
My dear lady, you are the biggest bully on this forum IMO. Someone asks a question and you don't like their question so you fire right back calling them names. Don't believe me ? Go back and read some of your own posts. Let me see what some of the names were----cone head---little man---small man---nimrod and pig head are just a few of them.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 08:29:08 AM
You tried, Wilma... ::) Keep on with the keepin' on...If enough Moderates keep posting, then the bullies don't completely win, do they.
Pardon me Catwoman for asking, but what was Wilma trying to do?
Win what, Catwoman?
Do you comprehend enough, if so
Please put your intellectual communication skills to work and finally answer a few simple questions. Just once, please.
Clue this redneck, hick without a college diploma in and please keep it simple. I'll check back later this afternoon, I have chores to attend to, so please take your time.
There is that name calling again Catwoman. Don't you get your own messages?
It seems typical of Elk Konnected, LLC
Followers.And I didn't give you guys the name
Followers that came from Elk Konnected, LLC .
A few of their insiders were talking out at Harrods one day and didn't realize an employee over heard them laughing about and making fun of the
Followers. I can only say this now, because the employee no longer works there. I sure would not want to cause someone their job.
No, I can not prove it, enuf said. Terrible, huh!
As usual ,people will misquote me if they think they can somehow do me harm.. It's not me they are hurting. Even extremists will catch the differences.
Kids also pay sales taxes when they spend, so they do pay taxes. I wasn't specific, and tried to be careful with the wording. (In a manner of speaking, so do I as a Delaware resident, but that's too long and complicated to get into here.)
I'm glad that I don't have to print the rest of the initials, but I said they were people who approved of E K. And yes, I am one of them, but I also support Girl Scouts, 4-H, library improvements and many others including the Howard Fireworks. My choice to make, nobody has to agree, but don't act uncivilized about it...please?
I'm sure like any group or committee, things can be improved, as it can with any group that is just getting started.
Without being extremist, can you make some really positive suggestions? Is the general population of Elk County getting good value for their tax dollars? If not, how can that improve? And I don't mean by going to extremes and cutting off all services to everyone.
Why doesn't every resident see it the same way?
Are you saying they are all fools and only you few know "the truth?" Have you tried the honey instead of vinegar approach?
The ones who volunteer, regardless of for whom, deserve thanks for trying and working hard for something they believe in that benefits the whole community, or at least the ones who choose to participate. But....if you pound on 'em enough they may give up and I guess that's what you really want? Dog in the manger stuff?
Ross, I don't want to fight with you, but of the 669 members here you can easily count for yourself who posts regularly, who occasionally and who is inactive or never posted at all. Just look at the members lists. Now see, I did it for ya, but don't ask me to count 'em too!
As far as the tornado comment, it was one time, in one place, to one person only, and IT WAS A QUESTION, NOT A STATEMENT. I'm sure you do know the difference. Get it right! If you need to go back to reply #3 and read what I really asked! I'm told that questions are just fine. HA!
Didn't you read what I really asked? He could have simply answered "no." If he's offended, I'm sure I'll hear from him. He must get tired of you feeling you need to to protect him from nasty influential me and all that power I wield. :' ( You will even cheat to try to skewer me? Why bother? People can read what I said for themselves.
Remember too, we did have a hurricane, including a tornado, in our area last summer with lots of house and tree damage right here and sadly, two deaths not far from me. Our season starts again June first. We were personally lucky last summer. If you despise me that much you can always hope that this summer we won't be so lucky.
If you are keeping count, I expect there are at least 50 rotten comments made directly to me personally for each one that I get up off the door mat and throw back when I finally call foul to the bullying.
So I'm not perfect. I've run out of cheeks to turn. Why must you keep score? It doesn't strengthen your position. Double standard? You can rip me on and on and over and over, but I can't return it? How convenient for you. Where is that in the invisible rule book?
IMHO, some of you are suffering from what is called ''Small Town Syndrome," and a few other similar research names. It's unfortunately so common now it is actually being studied. There are little places that are on the cusp of becoming ghost towns and the residents who are trying to do something about it are met with opposition at every step. Some would rather see the towns die than make any changes, welcome new people in or encourage anything that isn't old and musty.
If you really have proof of foul play and illegal things are really happening, why not stop grousing and do something about it. Go for legal action. Are you hoping someone will do it for you? Not likely.
By the way,, Ross why does your lack of a college diploma bother you so much? You keep putting yourself down with all that "ah, shucks," stuff. Isn't that getting a little old? As I've said many, many, many times education is important, but it needs to be what the individual needs and that isn't always college! I certainly don't look down on people without a degree. Heck, lots of them have more and make more money than I do/did. But some optimistic person like me started them off with all the basics.
My pizza shop friend sure has many more millions than I do and owns a lot of Newark's commercial property... He's a real self made hard work success story from Greece. A very generous man also. ( Gus Tsongus ) He worked hard, invested well and taught his kids to do the same. He's retired now.
In the meantime, thank you, ALL volunteers of all kinds and from all groups, for keeping on, ignoring the trolls, and doing your best to do something good in and for all of Elk County, especially for the families with children. They will have good memories to look back on, from many sources.
Maybe one will grow up and start a Brew Pub there some day, with local flavor, and make Elk County famous...the only local beer with the ever- so- slight hint of salt and crude oil in it. Great with catfish sticks. (that's not a poke, just a joke, honest)
Now, back to the original point of this thread please. I'll not add anything more unless, as Thumper would, it's something nice. That is unless someone tears into me personally again.
So you claim!
What's your problem communicating itellectually right here and now?
Have I called you any names?
But you have called names right here in this post by using political labels and not very politely either?
And I believe you have used the terms incorrectly.
Your poor form of communication is what comed across as belligerant to me, sorry.
To emulate you, I respond in kind, 'nuf said
I just had to do this because I find it so funny - - - line 6 of the above post, word number 8 - comed It's not in my dictionary, so would you please enlighten me as to it's meaning, Mr/Ms Ross?
Quote from: flo on April 16, 2012, 11:00:23 AM
So you claim!
What's your problem communicating itellectually right here and now?
Have I called you any names?
But you have called names right here in this post by using political labels and not very politely either?
And I believe you have used the terms incorrectly.
Your poor form of communication is what comed across as belligerant to me, sorry.
To emulate you, I respond in kind, 'nuf said
I just had to do this because I find it so funny - - - line 6 of the above post, word number 8 - comed It's not in my dictionary, so would you please enlighten me as to it's meaning, Mr/Ms Ross?
Good one Flow, I think that is pretty funny, seriously.
My fingers don't have a college diploma either, and that stinking finger next to the middle finger has a problem staying on the key where it belongs and the fore finger is to short due to a farm accident. It all makes it difficult totype what's suppose to by typed Sometimes it is fun what happens.
I think them educated folks call it a typicalgraphical erroor or some such thing a ma jig.
Now wasn't that a bunch of fun, I enjoyed it.
Quote from: jarhead on April 16, 2012, 10:05:45 AM
Quote from catwoman :
We just don't back down to the bullies that have come to infest this Forum.
Cat, That is so funny.
My dear lady, you are the biggest bully on this forum IMO. Someone asks a question and you don't like their question so you fire right back calling them names. Don't believe me ? Go back and read some of your own posts. Let me see what some of the names were----cone head---little man---small man---nimrod and pig head are just a few of them.
You are good at reading, Jar...So go back and read what I was responding to...I never initiated...I only responded. I didn't formerly respond to stupidity...But I learned quickly from the bully set. I found out that sounding like a lady got me nothing but attacked...So I started firing back. I am the biggest bully? Jar...Seriously? LOL I am not the one who takes posts and literally tears them apart, line by line, in some kind of psychotic rant that literally can fill up page after page. If I am able to aim my barbs better than most, not needing as much verbage, then good for me! lol At least I am no longer just laying down and letting the rightwing fanatical bullies run over me any further. I respect you, Jar. Always have. But your loyalties are showing...And are clouding your ability to recognize the damage that others on this Forum have caused through their incessant use of bullying. I refuse to stand down to such...Especially when it has resulted in some of the people that I truly like being not only hurt but driven off the Forum.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 01:16:00 PM
You are good at reading, Jar...So go back and read what I was responding to...I never initiated...I only responded. I didn't formerly respond to stupidity...But I learned quickly from the bully set. I found out that sounding like a lady got me nothing but attacked...So I started firing back. I am the biggest bully? Jar...Seriously? LOL I am not the one who takes posts and literally tears them apart, line by line, in some kind of psychotic rant that literally can fill up page after page. If I am able to aim my barbs better than most, not needing as much verbage, then good for me! lol At least I am no longer just laying down and letting the rightwing fanatical bullies run over me any further. I respect you, Jar. Always have. But your loyalties are showing...And are clouding your ability to recognize the damage that others on this Forum have caused through their incessant use of bullying. I refuse to stand down to such...Especially when it has resulted in some of the people that I truly like being not only hurt but driven off the Forum.
You seem to have a comprehension problem so I will politely repeat myself word for word by quoting my self, please re-read slowly and good luck with you comprehension skills. And you filed to answer a single one of the simple questions.
Here we go:Quote from: Ross on April 16, 2012, 09:52:27 AM
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
We don't stir the pot or dictate where to post...We have merely reminded you all that politcal rants don't belong on this thread and are better suited to the subject matter of the Political board.
Yet, you continue to post your political opinion's, and trying to order people not to reply to them. Which I find pretty narrow minded. You even put down the way others communicate. Again, I will remind you of the fact that an Elk Konnected, LLC Follower posting a notice associated with Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kommissioners is of and by itself a political statement.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
We just don't back down to the bullies that have come to infest this Forum.
It is difficult to back down from yourselves and that is terrible problem. Which side has made the threats and told people to play in a Tornado. Please, be reasonable.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
I don't disparage anyone who disagrees with me...I've had intellectual discussions with other members on this Forum who heartily disagree with me...The difference being, we agree to disagree amicably (for those who call names and become belligerent, I respond in kind...'nuf said).
So you claim!
What's your problem communicating intellectually right here and now?
Have I called you any names?
But you have called names right here in this post by using political labels and not very politely either?
And I believe you have used the terms incorrectly.
Your poor form of communication is what comed across as belligerant to me, sorry.
To emulate you, I respond in kind, 'nuf said.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
I don't take their posts and pick them apart, line by line, in some OCD rant.
I wish you would take any of my posts apart and communicate clearly. Sometimes it is difficult for this old man to keep all of your statements straight and I don't consider it taking the post apart, but simply keeping my responses straight with your statements. Much less confusion that way for you, me and everyone else.
There is nothing OCD about clear communication. This post might be very confusing without responding in this form.
However, might I suggest that the name calling could be considered OCD or maybe even something worse.
No you don't tear a post apart you just have the same OCD rant over and over and don't recognize the convience of clear communications.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
As far as you throwing mud on Frank, Diane, Charlie...You need to back off. There are very few Moderates who continue to post on this Forum, because of its far right leanings...There has to be someone who represents the majority...And the rightwing extremists don't even come close to doing that.
Oh come now, throwing mud at statements like, "Go play in a Tornado" really and some of the other off the wall remarks, Really?
And this post of yours is just full of political statements, but yet, you won't follow your own advice, nice job.
Moderates, far right leanings and right wing extremists are for your information, political terminologies.
And again with the orders, "You need to back off." Can't you find a better way of protecting them?
Like stating what has been said, that makes, you make such a statement, and then communicate why it is wrong?
Try communicating instead of a statement that could be confused as a possible threat.
Another thing can you provide specific and detailed information who the moderates, far right leanings and right wing extremists are? Or are you just in to making radical statements?
One last thing, please give proof of the minority and majority you speak of.
I bet you can not do it!
Please try to understand and respond accordingly with proper answers to the questions if at all possible.
Thank you.
I'm not sure what you mean by my "loyalties." Do I think Ross is asking some legitimate questions ? You can bet your sweet bippy I do but I don't think that means I'm "loyal" to him. Heck, I wouldn't know the ol swabbie if he walked up and slapped me in the face. I just can not fathom why he can't get any answers to his questions. I think this whole business could be resolved if the county commissioners would sit down with him ,amicably, and just answer his questions---to the best of their ability.
My best friend in this old world is a former Elk County Commissioner and trust me---I held his nose to the grind stone to get answers to some questions on occasion, and the old fool (there I go with the name calling ) answered them openly ----to the best of his ability.
As for you respecting me---I thank you for that---BUT---I think you have me confused with my brother. I doubt we have ever met. He is a tall ugly feller and I'm the shorter handsome one.
Sarge I don't believe the Elk Konnected, LLC Followers have a clue as to what they are following.
I don't believe they understand the concept of
They just follow, and follow anyone that has formed a group.
Just to be a part of the group mentality.
It's about the same as a mob mentality, follow the leader and we know there are plenty of no so good leaders out there.
So, I forgive them for not being able to answer even the simplest questions.
There is no group or leader on this side of the fence.
Each one of us simply have good moral's, ethics, and principles and speak our true minds.
But on the other side of the fence they keep jumping from thread to thread in an attempt to hide and spread their propaganda, and not face the truth.
Thank you.
[quoteAflac Duck (that's payback for calling me Jughead), ][/quote]
Ah gosh Jar! I sort of like that ^^^ name....and I would write your name in, or vote for you as comissioner, if I lived in Elk County.
That doesn't mean I am not concerned regarding the impropriety or slight of hand with any county coffers, especially when the infrascture is crumbling. Your county or mine or surrounding neighbors.
Snake oil comes to mind...and like a lot of people, I have no proof, and no one is talking.
In my world (where several voices talk to me ::) ), the abstinence of admission or non is just as alarmingly a direction of guilt on some level.
ready to aflac the world!
Talking about crumbling counties and failing commuities, what is it that keeps one alive. To answer that all one has to do is go back to the old west. What drove towns? Railroads, Gold, cattle, some resource that this nation needed. without it the towns died. The concept hasn't changed. The list of resources have broadened because now you can expand the area that those reasources are in due to automobile.
But the bottom line is this, IF you have no production here, its nothing more than a retirement community which in the end will die. The kids will leave for good jobs, and maybe just maybe return to die here after they've made their money. There isn't enough cattle industry here in the county to keep the county alive. so its going to take much more than that to bring in people. Heck towns were born on nothing because there was opportunity. There is no opportunity here except government programs and even that is failing because the resources aka taxpayers are gone.
Unless you bring in jobs/industry something that will produce more than 4 or 5 jobs, its just going to go downwards until theres not even a courthouse or government present much less people. And no EK or any other "LLC" is going to produce that. Those types of "companies" do nothing but consume. Just like managers in a corporation, they are blood suckers, always consuming producing nothing.
The question i would ask is why do they see the taxpayer as needing to be managed. Which pocket of yours do they have their hand in while they are patting you on the back as you are giving them your good ideas.
IMHO, the moment that Elk Konnect appeared in the title of this thread it became political. Ross, Patriot, Diane and Cat have all responded to it in just that manner. As a demonstration, had the title held the name Obama instead of Elk Konnect or Santorum instead of Elk Konnect it becomes obvious that it is indeed a political thread. It's okay if some think that Elk Konnect are saviours of this county, but it is also okay to think that indeed they are not. Coffee Shop subject? I don't think so, just as I don't thnk that Obama or Santorum should be praised in this in this venue.
Quote from: readyaimduck on April 15, 2012, 02:11:19 PM
only to the J's? really?
I will check back in 3 hours
Ready for a nap zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I was waiting too... it has now been 30+ hours. Another job started by a supporter and not finished? Or did The Shadow squirrel up that plan with some reference to fact that made continuing an exercise in futility?
Quote from: sixdogsmom on April 16, 2012, 05:04:22 PM
Coffee Shop subject? I don't think so, just as I don't thnk that Obama or Santorum should be praised in this in this venue.
You are probably right, six. But as Catty said once, months ago, it's like a train wreck.... impossible not to go look at the carnage. Since there are so many discussions in the Coffee Shop, maybe we can just consider this the oddball's table. Everybody's gotta eat sometime. LOL
If is off topic and inappropriate, then why hasn't Teresa moved it?
Quote from: readyaimduck on April 16, 2012, 05:37:32 PM
If is off topic and inappropriate, then why hasn't Teresa moved it?
Mighty fine question. Can't say for sure, but perhaps these things are real life topics on the real life streets in real lfe Elk County, and therefore relevant. Be ready... November's coming.
That is an answer I can believe!
Cat, Diane, Wilma, and the rest of you Elk Konnected sheeple that don't want people expresin their opinion on the subject please pay close attention....ready?...
How DARE you try and stop people from expressing their opinions on a subject that affects the county as a whole! BACK OFF!! With your tryannical, opressive, thread NAZI like behavior! This isn't some EK sponsored round table town meeting that can be controled by those FEW who want to manipulate the conversation. You DO NOT have the authority to tell anyone that their posts should be moved to a different thread, nor is the sheriff or his cronies, i mean deputies here to back your play, not this time.
And if you don't like that " then you can go to hell 'cause my Rebel Yell volume don't go down!!"
If I go, I'll be in good company... ;D...I'll see you there first... ;D
Whoops...Is that me responding to someone else's initiating something? Uh oh. I'd better watch out...After all...Responding to bullies on here isn't condoned, is it.
I am not affiliated with Elk County, nor E-knonnected.
I am however affiliated with protesters, the Phelps group (btw, they were at my brother in laws funeral...the wifey said, well he was important if they show up), as well as the terroists in the Church, meaning those in power have the control.
That being said: where is the decorum of our upbringing? I don't care if you are right, left or center of the political ring.
If I want to have coffee in a lounge, and you are talking about things I was talking about in the Politics lounge..then I will go to the Politics lounge and speak freely as the Vets have provided that privege to me.
ready, with NOW a Mocca Latte White Russian!
affiliated was the wrong word.....I see this everday....but not Konnected.
ready to admit a mistake
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:07:49 PM
Whoops...Is that me responding to someone else's initiating something? Uh oh. I'd better watch out...After all...Responding to bullies on here isn't condoned, is it.
Please explain how I am being a bully?
Readyaimduck, I didn't mention you in my post. The "...ready?.." was meant as a question to the EK folks. Sorry if you thought I was addressing you with that.
no problem varmit...it is the chat room, and that is why things get misconstrued with typing and inflection.
face to face is always a better duel, or debate, depending how skewed one's perception of it is.
Wow! Have I missed out on some good stuff.
My isp has been down for the past twenty four hours.
And it has been a great moment to come back and catch up.
Good job communicating in my books people.
A very positive thing people, I believe Elk Konnected, LLC should be able to appreciate it.
Perhaps Elk Konnected, LLC might try emulate it.
Well, I just found out the meeting tomorrow evening being sponsored by the Extension office and was informed by Kansas State Department of Health and Enviroment that the presentation is being presented by Childcare Aware of Kansas.
Their web site is:
I haven't studied their finances closely, however, to me they appear to be another "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" Organization, but have they have ton's of money. Search and read their web site your self. Of course remember often web sites are a form of advertisement.
From their web site:
Child Care Aware® of Kansas (formerly Kansas Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agency)
1991: Passed Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Received 501(c)3 Tax Status
Received first funding from the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services CCR&Rs serving 30 counties.
Membership is open to any individual, group or business who is interested in helping us positively influence the lives of children in Kansas. The purpose of our membership campaign is to build a community, which can assist us in promoting the welfare of children who need child care services and advocate for quality services in the child care industry. If I have been given truthful answers, it remains to be seen.
Membership Benefits
â– Free annual subscription to KANSAS Child Magazine
Special alerts and publications
■Updates on Child Care Aware® of Kansas special initiatives
â– Join us as we strive to create a positive future for the children of Kansas.
I think it is always nice to know a little bit about what/who might be making a presentation.
Perhaps if some of the local land owners had known more about the landmen that talked to them a year ago about leasing their mineral rights for $25 an acre, perhaps they would have said no and waited untill the offer was $2oo an acre as it is today. And with a little more knowledge may have waited untill the actual oil companies had arrived and got substantially more for their leases. Afterall the oil companies stand to make huge profits. Possibly not from the oil or natural gas but from the butane and propane in the natural gas. All the other is possibly just lollipops for the oil companies.
Knowledge can be very useful and that is why some people don't want others to have any knowledge.
Please don't believe a word of what I have written here. Do your own thinking.
So, are you saying that maybe EK Konnected, LLC may not have had anything to do with scheduling this meeting?
Are you saying that maybe Mom70x7 may not have posted the announcement of this meeting on behalf of EK Konnected, LLC?
Are you saying that maybe you jumped to incorrect assumptions, without fully checking out available information, before making your allegations?
If so, in my opinion, you owe some apologies, especially to Mom70x7. It would, after all, be the ethical and honorable thing to do.
But of course, don't believe a word I'm saying here. Do your own thinking.
Quote from: ddurbin on April 17, 2012, 01:48:40 PM
So, are you saying that maybe EK Konnected, LLC may not have had anything to do with scheduling this meeting?
No! I have no idea one way or another.
Do you have an idea?
Quote from: ddurbin on April 17, 2012, 01:48:40 PM
If so, in my opinion, you owe some apologies, especially to Mom70x7. It would, after all, be the ethical and honorable thing to do.
You are entitled to your opinion!
However, all I did was ask questions!
Asking questions require no apologies!
Elk Konnected, LLC and their followers have came up with a new rule of course, have they by chance
?Quote from: ddurbin on April 17, 2012, 01:48:40 PM
But of course, don't believe a word I'm saying here. Do your own thinking.
But I do, I believe everything you have attempted to do here has been in the sincerest of intentions.
And thank you, I do, do my Own thinking.
I have responded to each of your statements to the best of my abilities.
Have a nice evening, I'm going fishing.
Quote from: readyaimduck on April 16, 2012, 05:37:32 PM
If is off topic and inappropriate, then why hasn't Teresa moved it?
Quote from: Patriot
Mighty fine question. Can't say for sure, but perhaps these things are real life topics on the real life streets in real lfe Elk County, and therefore relevant. Be ready... November's coming.
Quote from: readyaimduckThat is an answer I can believe!
:) Then believe it!! Because you will be correct. It was started in here as a local discussion.. and as far as I'm concerned, its' still a "local discussion".
Carry on with the discussions. :police: ....
This thread was started as a compliment to a private company organized under the Kansas Corporation Code as a limited liability company & to their volunteers. Perhaps some of the members, supporters and volunteers would be so kind as to itemize specifically the many fine deeds accomplished via Elk Konnected, LLC.
Since they have taken public funds and used taxpayer resources, it would also be helpful to know how the results of their efforts are measured in terms of economic development. How has prosperity and quality of life in Elk County been measurably improved? And for whom?
C'mon ddurbin, catty, mistress di, et al... show us the beef. Give us something specific to praise, please.
Thanks for clearing that up for us Teresa.
Your efforts are appreciated.
However, I think I will drag my last communication with Mr. durbin over to the political side.
And resume communication with him there, if he would be so kind.
Thanks again.
A very interesting turn of events for sure. But what's good for the gander is also good for the goose.
Varmit, the only people who don't understand what bullying is are bullies themselves. They never see what they say and do from anyone else's perspective, least of all the person who they are trying to victimize. ( being bullied themselves at some point in time may be true, but is no excuse!)
Here's one definition for you..."Bullying is intentional aggressive behavior. It can take the form of physical or verbal harassment and involves an imbalance of power"........"
Now that Teresa has turned the junk yard dogs loose that means I don't have to be polite here either. .Goody!
Varmit, this is for you and your ridiculous short fuse. I'll refer you back to reply# 63.
Nobody is out to get you, in spite of your troubled history. Nobody on here contributed to any of that. It's sad but over.
If some of you must try to get back at me somehow, at least be honest and a person of good character and quote me correctly. To do otherwise is cheating and that devalues anything else you may have to say. People do notice!
Frankly, I have family and life long friends in southern states and they are shocked at how I am treated by Kansans, the home of my relatives, both living and dead. Even some on here who sometimes disagree with my moderate independent politics will PM me and tell me how shocked they are at how I, and others, are treated. And the hot tempered Varmit is just a kid! Poke,poke.How dare he be so disrespectful!
I remember telling one young bully (6th grade) years ago that he might want to rethink what he was doing as he might want to work for that child's father some day.
Varmit, I know how you are employed. Are you really sure you want to complain about people" wasting" tax money? ;D ;D ;D ;D
As far as what EK has done that is positive, that has been answered before! Asking again and again won't change what others have already said. and yes, if you demand it, I will finish that list of initials and bore you to death. I know they aren't fake. I know right where I left off. They think that they or others are getting something out of the EK efforts.
If some projects are not popular or successful, perhaps they will try others, especially from the ideas that have come from the meetings .
Ross suggested that the notes and ideas from the first meeting were collected an weren't really even considered. Is what you would do? Are you that dishonest yourself? Prove it! Prove what you think they did. That's what some of you demand quite often when someone's comments opinions don't suit you.
If the bully tactics and constant negative attitudes do causes EK to finally fail, perhaps someone should contact all those who like the effort and name names so they know exactly who did them in. No, it wouldn't be me. But there are some parents who would!
Am I always right? Of course not, but I do try. Will I error some times? Of course, but I normally respect my opponents ideas don't belittle them, label or call names. That restriction will no longer apply to me or stifle my comments in any way. My Kansas upbringing will suffer, but too bad.
So now when you choose to come back at me the "well what about what "YOU"said or whatever. It won't work. My self- imposed manners barrier has been dropped. Some of you who really ARE dumb hicks just might get called on it. Now you decide who fits that description. Yuck,Yuck.
I may be back since this is still in the coffee shop, but you can have all the political threads to you few who will soon be listening to just your own voices echoing up and down the empty political halls. You few already know who you all hate and why, so there won't be much left to say, now will there. Red can keep on posting other people's words ,some of which can be proved to be political lies, but with some points I do agree. I'm not nearly as pro Gov't as some of you think, but perhaps in ways you can't, don't, or just plain won't understand. I still think it's hilarious that those political bloggers list their degrees and academic achievements like they have value, while at the same time criticizing formal education.
Ya better pay attention to what just happened in Michigan. It could easily be coming your way ,especially in very rural areas.
Better break out your oil lamps again and be prepared for 7 day work weeks and 10 hour work days...for the same money. Of course real ranchers and farmers already do that. ;D
Hey Varmit! Go get stuck in a mud puddle! Now that's a real order I can live with. :angel:
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
A very interesting turn of events for sure. But what's good for the gander is also good for the goose.
Varmit the only people who don't understand what bullying is are bullies themselves. They never see what they say and do from anyone else's perspective, least of all the person who they are trying to victimize. ( being bullied themselves at some point in time may be true, but is no excuse!)
Here's one definition for you..."Bullying is intentional aggressive behavior. It can take the form of physical or verbal harassment and involves an imbalance of power"........"
Imbalance of power? I don't see a imbalance. You know think about it. They are asking questions is all. And when the answers don't add up, you call it what it is. The truth hurts sometimes.
Frankly, I have family and life long friends in southern states and they are shocked at how I am treated by Kansans, the home of my relatives, both living and dead. Even some on here who sometimes disagree with my moderate independent politics will PM me and tell me how shocked they are at how I, and others, are treated. And the hot tempered Varmit is jut a kid! Poke,poke
uhmmm quite frankly Diane, your letting shit just get to you for nothing. The locals here don't accept me for the most part and i live here. to them i am a outsider.. So what. I don't give a rats ass. I'm still going to give my opinion and as far as i care i don't care what they think.
So if you think You will ever be accepted as one of the locals, your sorely misguided. ITs that way all over small town america. They don't like new folks. Usually it takes a influx of new folks to break that.
QuoteI remember telling one young bully (6th grade) years ago that he might want to rethink what he was doing as he might want to work for that child's father some day.
Varmit, I know how you are employed. Are you really sure you want to complain about people" wasting" tax money? ;D ;D ;D ;D
Actually he ought to be majorly concerned about it. IT affects his job! IF they keep sucking the teat dry, there will be no job.
QuoteAs far as what EK has done that is positive, that has been answered before! Asking again and again won't change what others have already said. and yes, if you demand it, will will finish that list of initials and bore you to death. I know they aren't fake. I know right where I left off. They think that they or others are getting something out of the EK efforts.
EK's positive actions are only those actions that have given things bought with tax dollars away apparantly. Don't see any Positive Economic results.
QuoteThat's what some of you demand quite often when someone's comments opinions don't suit you.
If the bullying causes EK to totally fail, perhaps someone should contact all those friends and name names so they know exactly who did them in. No, it wouldn't be me. But there are some parents who would!
What are you calling bullying? The questions asking where the hell the taxdollar is being spent? If thats bullying then by God this nation needs to start beating the crap out of everyone in charge of taxdollars. In fact we need to get out the bullwhip and rain barrels and strap them all down and give em a lesson. They have BENT us all over far too long and screwed us silly. ALL in the name of fairness. Screw the fairness, lets get the govt out of our pockets!
Your rant looked very much like that which you incessantly complain about. You have done well... by appearances you've become the very thing you claim to disdain so much... a bullying buffoon.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
A very interesting turn of events for sure. But what's good for the gander is also good for the goose...
...Now that Teresa has turned the junk yard dogs loose that means I don't have to be polite here either. .Goody!...
I'm glad to see that two wrongs make a right in your value system. Hypocritical?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
...Here's one definition for you..."Bullying is intentional aggressive behavior. It can take the form of physical or verbal harassment and involves an imbalance of power"........"
However, I'm not without empathy. You poor thing. I do realize how terribly painful it must be for any know-it-all busybody to have so little power over events in Elk County and over some posters on this forum (hence your constant self perception as a victim). Feeling powerless can be tough. While I don't really feel your agony, I can understand it. However, in reality with respect to this forum, there is no imbalance of power and therefore no 'bullying'. You have equal power with all other posters here: to post or not, to reply in kind or differently, to favor one thread or another, to stay or leave. What more power is there here?
Perhaps a professional counselor could help you work through it all. I'm sure the Biden state offers lots of government subsidized counseling services. While you can't fix us, maybe you can fix yourself. Good luck.
Now.... for folks who are locally, personally and painfully aware of realities in our community:
EK pays dues to Public Squares Communities, LLC and is operating under the program developed by Public Squares Communities, LLC. Public Squares is a community organizing operation that advocates, encourages and helps develop public/private 'partnerships' to enhance community economic development.
Notwithstanding my personal views that such programs are leaches on the public teat that promote social engineering (and line the pockets of their promoters), our two Konnected Kommissions have both said they don't know how to measure the results of economic development activities or don't believe it can be measured. How can one know that EK's efforts are praiseworthy if they have no idea of the real effects they are having on the community?
While a thank you note from a prepubescent child for the Elk River Festival Tilt-a-Whirl ride or some teen for after school movies are nice, those are hardly a substantial testimony to or evidence of economic growth in Elk County.
My turn to voice my opinion.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
A very interesting turn of events for sure. But what's good for the gander is also good for the goose.
And the gander tried. But in my opinion failed miserably. I'm sorry to have to inform you.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Varmit the only people who don't understand what bullying is are bullies themselves. They never see what they say and do from anyone else's perspective, least of all the person who they are trying to victimize. ( being bullied themselves at some point in time may be true, but is no excuse!)
Here's one definition for you..."Bullying is intentional aggressive behavior. It can take the form of physical or verbal harassment and involves an imbalance of power"........"
Now that Teresa has turned the junk yard dogs loose that means I don't have to be polite here either. .Goody!
And you just bad mouthed the owner of this forum. Which is very unkind and a form of bullying. Didn't you recognize it.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Varmit, this is for you and your ridiculous short fuse. I'll refer you back to reply# 63.
Nobody is out to get you, in spite of your troubled history. Nobody on here contributed to any of that. It's sad but over.
If some of you must try to get back at me some how, at least be honest and a person of good character and quote me correctly. To do other is cheating and that devalues anything else you may have to say. People do notice!
Some people cry because statements are answered in this fashion, for clarity, that cry that their post is being torn apart, some how mutilated. Others worry about typographical errors or spelling. Some of mine are intentional and others just human error. I personally am not trying to get back at anyone and I diligently try not to take the affronts I have received as personal. I try to avoid bully tactics such as making accusations as to a persons character, such as your remark in this paragraph by you, "Varmit, this is for you and your ridiculous short fuse." Oh, I'm human and I may goof, but it appears in this post that you have continually attempted to bully in one form or another.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Frankly, I have family and life long friends in southern states and they are shocked at how I am treated by Kansans, the home of my relatives, both living and dead. Even some on here who sometimes disagree with my moderate independent politics will PM me and tell me how shocked they are at how I, and others, are treated. And the hot tempered Varmit is jut a kid! Poke,poke
There it is again, the bullying, "And the hot tempered Varmit is jut a kid! Poke,poke." Poke, pok does not make the statement the least little funny.
Perhaps your friendss should read this forum?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
I remember telling one young bully (6th grade) years ago that he might want to rethink what he was doing as he might want to work for that child's father some day.
You were talking to a child that has difficulty with the present day problems, that he has to deal with on a daily basis and you expect him to consider and understand something 10 or 20 years down the road. Really?
In my opinion the furthest out, that would be of interest to him would be getting his drivers permit in two years. Maybe not even that far out.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Varmit, I know how you are employed. Are you really sure you want to complain about people" wasting" tax money? ;D ;D ;D ;D
Now that statement really sounds like a threat and another form of bullying. Can you see it?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
As far as what EK has done that is positive, that has been answered before! Asking again and again won't change what others have already said. and yes, if you demand it, will will finish that list of initials and bore you to death. I know they aren't fake. I know right where I left off. They think that they or others are getting something out of the EK efforts.
No answers have been given except in the same form as this statement. But that a nice try Diane.
Initials prove nothing and I am sorry if you think otherwise. What exactly do, you think, these folks think they are getting out of
Elk Konnected, LLC ? Nobody says, not even the Followers, why is that?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
If some projects are not popular or successful, perhaps they will try others, especially from the ideas that have come from the meetings .
Do you mean they will continue to run
"Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs until they get something right?
Do you think taxpayers should continue to finance their failures. Is that what you are saying?
Do you think it was productive of
Elk Konnected, LLC , to diss actual communities in Elk County?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Ross suggested that the notes and ideas from the first meeting were collected an weren't really even considered. I that what you would do yourself? Are you that dishonest Prove it! Prove what you think they did That's what some of you demand quite often when someone's comments opinions don't suit you.
Now a few paragraphs back up the line there you said, I quote,"at least be honest and a person of good character and quote me correctly." , didn't you? Well shouldn't that apply to you as well?
I have never suggested and I quote you again, "Ross suggested that the notes and ideas from the first meeting were collected an weren't really even considered." I do remember asking where is the proof that anyone at the meeting made any of the suggestions provided to the County Commissioners. That was a question and if you wish to misconstrue as something else, go for it.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
If the bullying causes EK to totally fail, perhaps someone should contact all those friends and name names so they know exactly who did them in. No, it wouldn't be me. But there are some parents who would!
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Am I always right? Of course not, but I do try. Will I error some times? Of course, but I normally respect my opponents ideas don't belittle them, label or call names. That restriction will no longer apply to me or stifle my comments in any way My Kansas upbringing will suffer, but too bad.
Nobody Diane is ever right 100% of the time, except for my God and Lord Jesus. So don't be so hard on yourself and please quit considering yourself as a victim.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
So now when you choose to come back at me the "well what about what "YOU"said or whatever. Iit won't work. My self imposed manners barrier has been dropped.Some of you who really ARE dumb hicks just might get called on it. Now you decide who fits that description. Yuck,Yuck.
Diane, I have personally conceded to lacking a college diploma, I have also conceded to being a redneck hick. And I am real proud of it. But I think I have fared pretty well in life and better then some with college diploma's and I am quite happy to play with my horses, chickens and cows. I just don't want to be taxed to death by a
"Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" little group of folks. Pretty simple, huh?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
I may be back since this is still in the coffee shop, but you can have all the political threads to you few who will soon be listening to just your own voices echoing up and down the empty political halls. You few already know who you all hate and why, so there won't be much left to say, now will there. Red can keep on posting other people's words ,some of which can be proved to be political lies, but with some points I do agree. I'm not nearly as pro Gov't as some of you think, but perhaps in ways you can't, don't, or just plain won't understand.
Only time will tell? But if things continue, you may find more people leaving the area. Those that don't own their own retirement homes. It's mostly about attitude, in my personal opinion.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Ya better pay attention to what just happened in Michigan. It could easily be coming your way ,especially in very rural areas.
What just happened in Michigan that you might be referring to? There is so much going on all over the place it's difficult to guess as to what you are talking about?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Better break out your oil lamps again and be prepared for 7 day work weeks and 10 hour work days...for the same money. Of course real ranchers and farmers already do that. ;D
A person should perhaps be prepared for far more then that. Perhaps another great depression.
Who knows?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Hey Varmit! Go get stuck in a mud puddle! Now that's a real order I can live with. :angel:
Can that be considered bullying? Diane don't take all this so personal, after all none of it affects where you live in Delaware where each of the prisons in your county are capable of holding more prisoners than the number of people that live in Elk County Kansas. Now that is something isn't it?
If i am not mistaken this is what she is talking about. DNR came in and forced a man to shoot all his livestock or go to prison.
I said this would start happening 2 years ago. This is part of NAIS. The Ag department also has came into farms and forced farmers to allow them to map their farms out for destruction of livestock. IF your neighbor happens to get mad cow in his livestock, they will come in and use scorched earth doctrine and destroy everything for a couple mile radius of the infected area.
Same thing for any disease whether or not its a serious problem. For a good example, goats get a disease that causes arthritis. They theoretically can come in and desigate it as a kill zone and any goat within 2 or 3 miles is to be destroyed and the farmers have to pay for all of it and their land is used for the destruction and burial. Then it is deemed unsafe to use for however long the Ag department wants.
Quote from: srkruzich on April 18, 2012, 02:25:03 PM
If i am not mistaken this is what she is talking about. DNR came in and forced a man to shoot all his livestock or go to prison.
I posted that and I would have guessed she was referring to.
However I din't want to assume so.
There are just so many things going on that I think are perhaps wrong.
So, why should we have to suffer wrong doings here in Ellk County?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Varmit, I know how you are employed. Are you really sure you want to complain about people" wasting" tax money?
I suspect Varmit is a taxpayer. I also suspect he is well aware of his rights under the 1st Amendment. Ross may be on to something here as the comment sounds vaguely similar to a very out of place comment made by Commissioner Hendricks in closing the last commissioner's meeting... she uttered a general 'warning' about the use of social media (blogs, Facebook and forums, etc.). It almost sounded like a veiled threat to someone (county employees?) regarding comments they may make in such venues.
I would remind the government (Ms Hendricks, Mr Liebau, Mr Ritz, and others) that there are serious restrictions placed on government officials regarding any limits they may enforce on government employees' rights of free speech especially when expressed on their own time. Civil rights lawsuits in federal court can be very messy and are terribly expensive to defend.
Commissioner Hendricks was very accurate about one thing... she said, "
The taxpayers are watching."
Over an hour of consultation.... hope it's Skype or Vonage. ;D
Quote from: Patriot on April 18, 2012, 02:56:22 PM
I suspect Varmit is a taxpayer. I also suspect he is well aware of his rights under the 1st Amendment. Ross may be on to something here as the comment sounds vaguely similar to a very out of place comment made by Commissioner Hendricks in closing the last commissioner's meeting... she uttered a general 'warning' about the use of social media (blogs, Facebook and forums, etc.). It almost sounded like a veiled threat to someone (county employees?) regarding comments they may make in such venues.
I would remind the government (Ms Hendricks, Mr Liebau, Mr Ritz, and others) that there are serious restrictions placed on government officials regarding any limits they may enforce on government employees' rights of free speech especially when expressed on their own time. Civil rights lawsuits in federal court can be very messy and are terribly expensive to defend.
Commissioner Hendricks was very accurate about one thing... she said, "The taxpayers are watching."
Now that would be a cause i would donate to to defend.
Be forwarned, this is long and rather angry. I sincerely apologize to my real friends, who know I'm not normally this common and coarse, but once I've gotten this out of my system I'll feel whole and renewed and stronger. :angel:
O K... bad dogs, watch my lips...er... fingers.
Bully? I DO NOT CARE ANY MORE. I even wrote one definition of bully so I'd be clear, but I guess a few have only second grade reading level and it was beyond them. I am not a victim. I am simply returning in kind whatever was unnecessarily meanly or rudely said. Turning whatever I said back on me is gonna get ya yelled at! I'm no victim.
I'm going to practice being a verbal bully whenever it suits me. Don't pretend you don't know what excessively rude is. Your mother probably slapped you upside your head if you were caught being mouthy and rude, especially to your elders. I know exactly what I said back aways, and how and to whom, you don't need to tell me. I can read what I wrote, as well as write. I was being rude on purpose and you all should have been able to figure that out! Some of you are much more practiced at this being mean business than I am, but I am trying and I'm willing to learn.
The constitutional amendments apply to me too, I'll have my say however and wherever and whenever I choose. I AM EMPOWERED! ;D I'm not a victim!
(Teresa doesn't need protection from you, she's tougher than I am. ;)) I ain't no victim!
If I'm rude to one of you bad boys or girls...EAT IT!!!!
Patriot just proved me right. I guess he just doesn't know any better. Turn what I say around or me will ya...PIFFLE! But then...... that means he DOES know what a bully is, so shame on him. Ya throw a rotten egg at me prepare to catch it, because it's coming right back to you. Bullies just can't help themselves. Personal insults and hot headed, impudent, self righteous, verbal and written attacks just go on and on, but to them are totally justified. They don't care to see the damage they do because the receiver "had it coming".
Ross, who is the goose? Ya lost me.
No, it wasn't the business with the pigs, and as so often is the case, another part of the story was left out.
That guy is not just some poor picked on little piggy farmer who would have killed those pigs himself, just a little later. How do you feel about feral pigs? I think you have them there too. I don't approve of what happened to him either, but he's not as innocent as the story sounds. It was slanted for political purposes and I don't and never will like that stuff from any side.
I was talking about the business with telephone lines and rural customers. If it happens, or spreads and has pups into other services, good luck. Hopefully it will never happen. I thought it was Michigan...or maybe Wisconsin. I'll double check that...Regardless, it does worry me. Yes, of course,I worry about how taxes are spent. Why wouldn't I? Problems happen here just like everywhere else.
Earlier I had a big discussion with someone about the Secret Service. As far as I know, President Obama doesn't get to choose who or how many agents are assigned to protect who and where and when. That is done within the Secret Service. Much changed after 9-11 and yes, it is extremely expensive.
I just can't imagine what those agents were thinking. seriously stupid. They will get punished I'm sure.
You don't have to keep reminding me where at least some of EK's money comes from. I GET IT!. I also know that there are adult taxpayers there who DO approve how much and for what they have been spending.
Beating it to death and revisiting it over and over is not ever going to get those questions answered. They are not going to answer you on here! No matter what they said long ago, it has changed. It had to. Ross, I know you are going for a record, and aside from being annoying, which I can deal with, you are not mean about it or particularly rude....most of the time. Usually Steve isn't either.
But ...Varmit and Patriot are something else. Not that they care, they like making a game out of insulting this old gray haired, but feisty outsider. Perhaps there are prizes? I'm not impressed. Why do you carry on so? Why so thin skinned? I'm harmless, as are my opinions.They don't hurt anyone.
Don't you want people to come there to spend money, at least in the businesses that do exist? You would be nasty and chase out any new person who would come and try to make it a go with a new business there? Steve, that really is sad.
So, no more"nice" me. Flip stuff back on me and I'll remind you we are not on a playground, and this is not "but what about what you just said," being tossed back at me.
I just knew my purposefully nasty comments would come back. I could have won a bet that they would be used against me. I baited a trap and caught 'em. (I'm usually above that kind of thing but playing in the verbal mud can be fun.)
It's that double standard again. The dogs can be nasty and hurtful and as insulting as they want, and rant and rage on and on because of their "rights," but those of us on the receiving end are supposed to remain polite and just let it go, because we're supposed to above all that and just consider the source and not get our undies in a wad? Am I right? After all, rights are only for a certain few WASPMs right? I have the same rights to fee speech as anyone else here. Pat said so!
What about your own skives dudes? Why do you get so unnerved and upset? It's no big deal right, Steve? Now I'll wait for patriot and Varmit to have their heads explode.They won't be able to get back on here fast enough to try to put me in my place again. HA! O K have fun. Sayonara
Wow! What a dysfunctional, disconnected rant. From rotten egg tosses to adiut taxpayers to dead piglets to white, anglo saxon, Protestant males to secret service agents and 911 to imaginary exploding heads. You sure showed us, by golly. Feel better? Hope so.
You repeatedly say that you're no victim. Who are you really trying to convince? No, you're not a victim. In that, you are correct. Which makes your constant self-portrayal as a victim even more puzzling. Any explanation? I thought not. Bullied? Hogwash! Truly empowered? Not even close, just out of control.
Now, about those appearances of impropriety in EK's use of political position & power, public funds, resources and employees... any good explanations?
Yup, just what I expected...and didn't take long either. Yes, I sure do feel better. I may ramble when I feel like it, but you can't prove I'm dysfunctional or "out of control." Ya wanna see out of control? Look how mean Varmit writes. Now that's out of control. I'll admit it took me awhile to get the rhythm of the forum when you few showed up and started in on us. I had to understand that mean, rude personal attacks are allowed here. My Kansas parents did not bring me up that way. But sometime later I got some PMs that explained your kind.This forum was not that way back when it started. It has changed a lot. So have I. So bite me if you can't take it and deal with it.
I never said "hogwash." But maybe you are dyslexic and can't quote me correctly even though you might be trying to. I'm not sure.
I don't have to have any explanations about EK or anything else. I've never heard any complaints except for you few self made enemies on the forum, nor does anyone owe me anything as an outsider. If you have proof go to the authorities and stop being a victim!
How's this for speedy? LOL
Wow! Another essay. Going for extra credit in the advanced debate class, teach?
You didn't waste much time either. Speaking of reading for comprehension... "Hogwash" wasn't a quote, it was an opinion. Authorities? I think we covered that with someone months ago in another thread.
Tell me, can the real Diane come out and play? :)
Now, to what specific thing can you point for which EK deserves our praise?
Not Ready... but waiting. LOL
I would say the real Diane just left the room... :o ;D...You go, girl!
In answer to Patriot's question...EK deserves praise just for having attempted to bring something other than the same old, same-O to a place where anything new is viewed with great suspicion and closed doors. Again...I am not a member or a follower...I am merely one who has watched as a hardworking group of people attempted the impossible...In spite of the naysayers. That alone is enough to gain my respect.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 06:01:30 PM
Ross, who is the goose? Ya lost me.
Not meaning to be ugly but I don't want you thinking I am making this up, Okay?
I am quoting you.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
A very interesting turn of events for sure. But what's good for the gander is also good for the goose.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 18, 2012, 07:33:05 PM
In answer to Patriot's question...EK deserves praise just for having attempted to bring something other than the same old, same-O to a place where anything new is viewed with great suspicion and closed doors.
Thanks. But "attempted to bring something other than the same old" isn't terribly specific. Perhaps you could be a bit more detailed? Taking public funds to pay dues to Public Square Communities, LLC, not paying for printing flyers advertising a events they falsely claim they are sponsoring on government equipment and allowing a county employee (and EK member) to claim mileage reimbursements for posting those flyers countywide a just don't seem to rise to the level of praiseworthy. In retrospect, those things sound exactly like the "same old".
Geesh and good grief! Don't login for a couple of days and there's several new posts for these old eyes to read over and some long-winded posts at that! There is a lot to address so I might be a little windy too. So get comfy kids!
It has never been a crime to ask questions. Questions are how we learn. It is only a crime to
answer questions when people have something to hide, as is evidenced by this whole Elk Konnected thingy (stole your word there Ross!). If they started this thingy with good intentions (which I highly doubt) then they went downhill really quick. When you start taking taxpayer monies in one of the poorest (if not THE poorest) counties in the state for extracurricular activities for kids and you let important things (say like the roads) go to pot, then there's a problem. When you cut a county budget for roads and can still put on a soccer camp for the kiddos with taxpayer money, there's a huge problem. Don't borrow money from the county, spend, say $200 on something for the "kids" and then write the rest of it off and stick it in your pocket! Don't borrow money from the state in the form of a grant for say $200 grand to start up a fitness center (because the Lord knows that's what the people of Elk County NEED), turn around and close it down and sell everything you bought with taxpayer money and pocket that too!
I don't give a rat's fuzzy behind about how many initials can be pulled from Facebook claiming to be FOR a group. A lot of those are impressionable kids who ONLY care about what THEY can get out of people and some of those people just might be "liking" and befriending that group to keep tabs on them and see what they can learn. Moles if you will.
As has been stated before, if it's so important to use the drunk tax on the kids as intended, then give it to the cities of the county and let them use it for parks and recreation and swimming pools and slipper slides. Don't be giving yourselves money, wasting it on a one time "goody" then writing stories patting yourselves on the backs. Give them something substantial, something that lasts. THAT would be something other than the same-old, same-O.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 18, 2012, 07:33:05 PM
I would say the real Diane just left the room... :o ;D...You go, girl!
Yes, please, you GO, girl!
The Shadow KNOWS!
I say to heck with anything for the kids of this area! I didn't have soccer when I was a wee youngster and I turned out just fine. Parks and swimming pools, now that's some "hogwash". Kids don't need those either. They need to be working and paying there own way. I say we implement internship and our kids go directly from primary school to endentured slavery to pay for their way in life. Give them a bed and food and they work it off in your fields, gas stations, stores, and use a shovel and fix the county roads. They learn a skill and become productive :P citizens, and we don't have to worry about our tax money being used frivolously. :P
Slavery? I think that's a bit extreme. But a work ethic... how is that a bad thing?
YSoSerious! Date Registered: Today at 09:47:04 pm. Welcome back to the forum.
uh, OK. WOW, and I thought I was angry. I'm sorry, Y I don't know you do I? Go for it! Welcome to the stew pot.
Ross, yes I know what I said about the goose and gander, (my memory isn't that bad quite yet ) but you said that the gander had tried hard but failed...not quite a quote.... and I wondered who the gander was that you referred to. Not a big deal though.
For Patriot... you folks keep bringing up the same things over and over and over so I'll demand the right of doing the same whenever it suits me. As far as writing long for extra credit, sure, when I wanted to respond to so many posts it takes awhile. I just don't cut them up into a bunch of purple boxes. Besides my typing is very bad.
Shadow, for once you just stated your opinions without resorting to rude demeaning and underhanded smarmy remarks to anyone else. It doesn't matter if I agree or not.Thank you.
The real Diane will be back another day. I'm tired and going to bed.
WOW Diane, way to deflect and not answer the question! I'll refer YOU back to post #63, the question was "Please explain how I was being a bully?"
And you call me dumb! You can't even answer a simple question. I am well aware of definition of "bullying" and I have never engaged in it.
I don't give a hootin' hell what the commisoners or anyone else thinks of my posts! I do have the Right to Free Speech and will excerise it when I want to. If they have a problem with that or try to infringe on it in any way then I hope they have a damn good lawyer!
As to the rest of your post diane, I say...whatever! You don't live here and are clueless about whats going on so it doesn't really matter what you think. Like me, hate me, personally I don't really care.
Work ethic being a bad thing? Did I say it was Patriot? I am saying to put the little turkeys to work. Is endentured servants a better word to use than endentured slavery? Maybe Red could tell me, Red seems to be the authority on all things dealing with slavery?
Quote from Patriot
. Welcome back to the forum.
Are you trying to tell us that you smell Duck doo-doo ? "Shocking " isn't it ?
Actually, I just found the concept of slavery a bit.... shocking. No, it wouldn't hurt to instill a solid work ethic, but I read your post as somewhat harsh toward youth. It seemed that you want to, uh, short circuit their overall development by re-wiring their lives to a work only mode after elementary school. For kids that age, road work might spark other issues that could be short circuited by child labor laws.
As for Red's expertise on slavery, I'm not sure. I've seen his focus generally fused to the concepts of individual liberty and his ideals shunted away from tyranny. The forces of free market capitalism coupled with individual excellence and unfettered by over-regulation produced results in America's growth that were nothing short of electrifying.
Well I was under the impression that government schooling does nothing for a person but brainwash kids. All of the "mumbo jumbo", that the government has going on in their schools. Take Reds cartoon he just posted in the political section. It points out the problems with government education. We skip all that crap.
Patriot, that was very punny...Yes, I got it. Warning Will Robinson, long retort follows!
I cleaned my devil horns and am back for one more go at this; or maybe Diane's evil twin is here. ;)
Varmit, as I said before, bullies do not recognize themselves. So you do fit as a verbal bully in writing. All teachers have had to deal with these kinds of problems at one time or another.
YOU go back to #63 and look again. "BITE ME" is NOT a question. Please tell me the question I that posted. I don't think just saying "ready?" is what you meant. Now for a sideways example of bullying.
How about if I publically say you must be queer because everybody I've ever known who does your job is queer? Is that nice? I have the right to say it, but should I? No, of course not. I'm not really saying that, it's just an example. But what do I put up with? I'm freely being called a Nazi, Socialist,commie, liberal TEACHER out there indoctrinating those poor kids. This from a few who have never seen me teach, never saw my curriculum or lesson plans or the variety of kids I had in class.They were handicapped, mildly retarded, devote Christians, Baptists, Methodists, Jewish, black,white,mixed race and of many ethnic backgrounds They were from very wealthy to dirt poor and the children of local politicians, Ministers and other teachers, etc. It was a big heterogenous group and I had to become a human chameleon every day to accommodate all their needs. I dealt with kids who had already suffered poor parenting problems, alcoholic parents, parents in prison and a few who had already had some sad, very bad school experiences from bullying and yes, some very poor teaching. It has made me a very broad minded understanding person because between school and the fire service I've experienced so much. So why do some of you jump to so many conclusions about who I am? I truly thought all Kansas people were as nice as the ones I've known for my entire life. Wrong!
Am I a real bully? No, because I know I'm temporarily being a mean bitch on purpose and for a purpose. If you are really reading what I've been saying you would know I've explained that several times. Kent, or Shadow or whatever comic book you are...emphasis on "comic." You too can have a very rude, ugly side. Why is it necessary to be so aggressive? It's so easy to get your points across without resorting to being nasty about it. Why does that come so naturally to several of you? And no, I will not go back to find examples to rub your nose in. By now you know exactly what I mean. More of the silly "I know I am but what about you?" Surely, everyone here should be much beyond that stuff .Yes, me too, but that's not the real, natural me. I'm just doing it for effect.
On a very serious nature, Kent, a few posts back you wrote that people, were spending only part of Elk county tax money on certain projects and then pocketing the rest...not quite a quote, just a summary. If that's true, that's a very serious charge and you have an obligation to take legal action if as you can prove it. Otherwise it could be construed as slander...rights of free speech do have limits, I'm not a lawyer, (but I played one on TV) but you may want to tread cautiously with public statements like that. Personally, I don't really care as I'm not out there, as you keep reminding me.
Actually back when I joined the forum ,not being from there was an asset. We got kick out of comparing "here and there" notes. A number of people who have gone now joined in and it was a very fun and full filling time. I indeed was accepted by a very nice group of people and we all treated each other with good natured fun and respect. That sure has changed, but could be brought back if we would just try again. I certainly would enjoy it. It was great fun when Janet and Teresa would have friendly pokes at each other. Oh well, life goes on I guess.
Ross, you didn't understand my comment to the 6th grade bully. Were you trying to stick it to me? In deference to time and space I hadn't told the whole story. I didn't know I'd be under a microscope for it. Ross, the father of the child who was being bullied was a prominent businessman in the area (Maryland) who hired a lot of local kids for part time and summer work. "Da bully" could have been hired at fourteen, which was certainly not 10 or 20 years away, more like two or three and yes, he did understand exactly what I meant. Well ,we'll see who will try to make shish kabob out of me next. A few just will not get what I'm trying to explain. Too bad.
In the meantime ,thank you all you volunteers, of whatever kind you may be, for all you do wherever you are out there in wheat and beef land.Your communities are all better for your time and dedication. Ignore the trolls when you can.
Now, I'll go back to the real me for awhile, take off the horns, make a nice cup of tea and go sit on the front porch and enjoy the sweet smells of a beautiful day. I might be back later.
Actually anyone that takes tax dollars to start up any business, then sells said business and keeps any money from the sale without paying back said dollars is stealing/pocketing tax dollars. They are nothing but thieves
My neighbors were here this morning looking at the Forum and one of them said it is really neat that everytime the Negative crowd posts to this thread they are repeating to everyone that follows it that Elk Konnect and the Volunteers are doing a great job.
Oh my. :o Am I part of the negative crowd? I surely don't mean to be, especially for visitors. My horns are just on temporarily. I hope I just misread that.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 19, 2012, 12:46:31 PM
Oh my. :o Am I part of the negative crowd? I surely don't mean to be, especially for visitors. My horns are just on temporarily. I hope I just misread that.
Diane, I think the Negative Crowd knows who they are, and everyone else knows who they are.
I find it fascinating that the Positive Crowd are incapable of addressing the message & instead repeatedly have to focus on the messengers. No wonder they are seen as 'followers'. Perhaps lemmings would be a better comparison. Do tell, what Pied Piper has you so enamored? I thought only the children of Hamelin were the deluded ones.
Still waiting to read of some specific praiseworthy EK accomplishments. Are any of those nondescript accomplishments resulting in any definable improvements in the Elk County economy? EK,after all, bills itself as being all about overall community & economic development in concert with Public Square Communities, LLC.
I wonder if EK has secured their annual multi-thousand dollar dues payment to Public Squares. Wouldn't those monies have fixed a broken swing set in some park somewhere or purchased school supplies of some sort instead of lining the pockets of Public Square owners/employees?
What is it about ducks walking and talking like ducks that some folks don't get. No personal reflections intended Ready.
Quote from: ELK@KC on April 19, 2012, 12:26:48 PM
My neighbors were here this morning looking at the Forum and one of them said it is really neat that everytime the Negative crowd posts to this thread they are repeating to everyone that follows it that Elk Konnect and the Volunteers are doing a great job.
Asking for answers of a supposedly Community Organization that makes outlandish claims is not being negativ, it is actually an attempt a procuring a positive response. Thank you.
I do find your attitude rather negative in giving any positive information about the supposed good that
Elk Konnected, LLC has accomplished.
I'm so sorry for your neighbors, they surely must have less of an edumaction then I do.
When people can understand the negative aspects of
Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners voting to give taxpayers money to their own organization and understand how uncouth and unethical that it is, they really need to get some more edumacation.
It's either that or you are fabricating!
Or perhaps you may be arrogantly ignorant to think anyone, anyone at all, believes that fairytale.
So let's try a little harder, okay?
To get taxpayer dollars to hand out lollipops is far from accomplishing anything, the same as exploiting children to further some unknown cause. And to fail so miserably at running a simple workout center that was handed to them on a silver platter is a real accomplishment, right?
And following on the tails of a state agency and an organization from Pitsburg about daycare isn't an accomplishment, just phoney as all get out.
And not a sole can point out anthing that
Elk Konnected, LLC has accomplished.
What are all those great minds doing, resting?
Do you really think everyone is blind?
Do you thnk everyone should be blind to the true situation and accept your negative attitude about the truth?
Do you really believe, if you call something good or positive that just the words make it so?
The truth really hurt's doesn't it?
Our County Commissioner herself in esscense perpetrated a couple of lie's about
Elk Konnected, LLC when she wrote public letters about
Elk Konnected, LLC as Elk County Commissioner by the omission of not saying she was the founding member writing to herself. Now that is pretty bad in my opinion.
Do you condone such actions? I bet you do!
So tell us what has
Elk Konnected, LLC done to make Elk County more habitable?
Where are all the people that are flocking here because of
Elk Konnected, LLC ?
Where are all the jobs because of
Elk Konnected, LLC .
No I don't want to hear about lollipops and squeezing into the real and actual communities festival and such, let's hear what the fabricated
Elk Konnected, LLC Kommunity has accomplished.
Please respond to each question and statement, be precise and complete.
I doubt that you can do it. That I am comfortably positive about. Make me out a liar, please, respond!
Well, the sun finally came around and started to get too hot so I came in.
Steve, I do have a question. Why do you think the money that was received for the selling of the wellness center and/or the equipment wasn't given back from whence it came? I don't know anything about the agreement of course, but are you just guessing or do you know for sure?
[quoteNo personal reflections intended Ready][/quote]
None taken, although I almost chimed in to the: "duck poo-poo" comment just to say: HEY, I'm not Yso.
I would think I have a few more Cheerios in my bowl!
Diane: I think if someone that who was a Real Estate Certified Appraiser could get the sales information (not everyone can), then the amount that they received could be subtracted from the amount they got to purchase it. (Unless they sold it as a loss).
Then, to their books to see what was left, after expences (sp) and upkeep. However in this instance, I doubt the books would look like a perfection of assessts and liabilities. I question wether there isn't some 'shifting' of monies.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 19, 2012, 02:29:50 PM
Well, the sun finally came around and started to get too hot so I came in.
Steve, I do have a question. Why do you think the money that was received for the selling of the wellness center and/or the equipment wasn't given back from whence it came? I don't know anything about the agreement of course, but are you just guessing or do you know for sure?
Steve may I.
The welness center was purchased locally by a person that may be Konnected or at least possibly a booster and he is running the thing. Elk Konnected just had something going on fat loosers or something and they were sending people to the privately owned wellness center. I am not bad mouthing the new owner, I happen to like him, and at least he is accomplishing what
Elk Konnected, LLC could not and keeping it open and I bet he boutght it for a good price.
That's great, but I wanted to know whether the purchase $ went back to Elk County. There was some suggestion that E K had just pocketed the money from the sale and didn't return it to the county coffers. Any thoughts? The money to purchase the wellness center by E K in the first place had come from Elk County taxes, right? Or do I have that wrong?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 19, 2012, 03:14:07 PM
That's great, but I wanted to know whether the purchase $ went back to Elk County. There was some suggestion that E K had just pocketed the money from the sale and didn't return it to the county coffers. Any thoughts? The money to purchase the wellness center by E K in the first place had come from Elk County taxes, right? Or do I have that wrong?
I think they got themoney from the Kansas Dept of Health or some such thing. I'd have to go search the other thread. I'm not going to do that, but if you choose to you can also find information about $85,000 that the Konnected Kommissioner talked about in
Elk Konnected, LLC's books. However when they became an LLC that put their books in the privacy realm. Which also means they are now a privately owned business. Before that they qualified for grants and such. But now they I believe they have to rely on the County and ECCEF to get money for them, you know the
"Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs.
Good deal, for a business to lack the ability to be self sufficient, isn't it. How many other business in Elk County would survive if they were not self sufficient?
Jar, I doubt you've ever seen 300 virgins in 1 night, drunk or sober! Must have been a damn young pup or the Mrs. might have been a little upset. I don't have you mixed up with your tall, handsome brother that is somewhat quieter and more polite.
My research indicated that the equipment for the EK fitness center was purchased with a $19,900 gant from SEKAN (sp), if memory serves. I don't know where the grantor gets their money. As I understand it, the building was also owned by that organization. As a grant and absent the actual grant documents any return ov capital requirements are not known. I posted the details about all that months ago in Politics. The project itself, however, is quite a testimony to EK's apparent lack business management skills. As I recall there had been similar efforts in prior years that were failures as well... so where was the market research & business plan? Or did free money just make somebody salivate?
Here are some other questions, asked & answered:
Has EK taken public funds for other projects? Yes, from both city and county coffers.
Has EK specifically solicited & received public funds to make dues payments to Public Squares Communities LLC? Yes.
Has EK used county resources and name to accomplish their ends (whatever those may be)? Yes.
Has EK had a steering committee member/county employee solicit grants from the Kansas Health Foundation in county name for their use and then taken full credit for any resulting projects? Yes, over $45,000 worth. Why not apply directly? Because those grants can only be given to government bodies and/or 501(c)(3) non-profits.
Has EK taken scholarship grant money from the Kansas Commerce Department and diverted that to Public Squares for dues & fees? Yes, $3000, as admitted by Ms Hendricjks in a formal county commission meeting. Was Mr. Woodbury authorized to those fees directly from the Commerce Dept? Admittedly not.
Has EK diverted donations to their efforts through the Elk County Community & Education Foundation (ECCEF) to allow donors to taken a tax deduction as an incentive to donate and then receive those donations back in the form of a grant? Yes.
Is there solid evidence of the above mentioned grants to EK from ECCEF? Yes. IRS tax returns showing over $37,000 in one year alone and lesser amounts in prior years.
Has EK (a private, for profit business) admitted to using the ECCEF (a non-profit charity group) as their personal bookkeeping/money handling agency? Yes.
Is there evidence to support the above claim? Yes. A public admission of same by David Whetstone (EK steering committee member) at an EK community conversation recently in Grenola, KS.
Are the above activities involving ECCEF lawful under the US Tax code? Final answer pending. Tentative answer from an attorney at the IRS Fraud & Compliance Division? No. Do they give the appearance of impropriety? To many people, Yes.
Are legal members/owners (termed 'admitted or managing members' in Kansas law) of EK, LLC also holding elected government positions that are in a position to influence/direct the utilization of government resources for the benefit/advancement of EK? Very likely. Ms Hendricks is a county commissioner & Dr. Whetstone is president of the West Elk School Board.
Are elected county officials also paid employees of Public Squares Communities, LLC who has received public funds indirectly through EK? Yes. Ms Hendricks is listed as a Public Squares staff member on the Public Squares website.
Are there other government employees who have shown themselves to have some vested or intimate membership interest in EK? Yes. Ms Jennifer Montgomery (formerly Brummel), County Economic Development Director/Youth Coordinator and Ms Julie Englebrecht, Longton City police/code enforcement officer have both been held out as EK steering committee members.
Is the foregoing information enough to raise taxpayer eyebrows? Among many... yes. Among the lemmings.... apparently not.
Are these situations any different from what we see daily regarding questionable events in Washington, D.C.? Only in size & scope, IMO.
Have their uses of resources produced any measurable economic development in Elk County? Still waiting for the lemmings to produce some factual evidence.
When are countywide elections? November 6, 2012.
Well, since you already have your answers, I guess you and Ross will stop incessantly asking the same questions over and over then, right?
You wanted to know what EK had hosted, sponsored and/or organized fairly recently. I'm not sure what you had in mind but here are a few that I like. Having been involved in some similar activities myself, I know how much time and work these things take.
Several free movies
Volleyball tournament
Fitness classes at four different places
five days of multiple session soccer academies.
Upcoming pitch, hit and run day
Are these specific enough for you? I can only post what I know, not what I don't know.
Patriot, why aren't you taking legal action if so much is provable? Do you plan to just ride it out until the election?
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 04:53:22 PM
Well, since you already have your answers, I guess you and Ross will stop incessantly asking the same questions over and over then, right?
So is that yet another confirmation of unethical behavior on the part of
"Elk Konnected, LLC" and Konnected Kommissioners voting to give themrselves money from the County Coffers?
And you openly do not contest any of Patriots facts?
But where are all of your facts about all the good
Elk Konnected, LLC has done? and I don't mean lollipops with our own money.
You REALLY don't get the concept of sarcasim do you Ross?
Do I "openly do not contest any of Patriots facts"? Would it do any good if I did?
You and Patriot have been presented factual answers time and time again, but you just brush them aside like dandruff on your shirt collar.
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 05:13:51 PM
You REALLY don't get the concept of sarcasim do you Ross?
Do I "openly do not contest any of Patriots facts"? Would it do any good if I did?
You and Patriot have been presented factual answers time and time again, but you just brush them aside like dandruff on your shirt collar.
So are you saying
Elk Konnected, LLC is something to be sarcastic about?
I think the rest of us are being quite sincere.
If everything that is presented goes uncontested then what the heck does "ELK KONNECT & VOLUNTEERS KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK" mean?
What good work?
B.Sing everyone, is that it?
Did I not just list some good things? ???
Yes you did Diane.
And as proof of one of my points, Ross just brushed that post aside like it didn't exist.
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 04:53:22 PM
Well, since you already have your answers, I guess you and Ross will stop incessantly asking the same questions over and over then, right?
Another lemming heard from....
Who are the admitted/managing members of Elk Konnected, LLC? And what measurable improvements have this economic development organization produced since their inception in 2007?
Does that answer your question?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 19, 2012, 05:43:22 PM
Did I not just list some good things? ???
Yes you did. Can you enlighten us on any lasting measurable outcomes from same?
Sure, improved strength and stamina, planning and follow through, learning and respecting rules, sportsmanship, good character traits, manners, (decorum), learning to be gracious after a win, accepting loss with dignity, team work, pride without arrogance and also many of the following.
. As far as the fitness classes, weight loss, lowered pulse and stronger heart strength, stronger and slower breathing, improved BMI, improved stamina, improved leg and arm strength lowered B/P.... Can you list any measurable negative outcomes from same?
And from a community economic development viewpoint, my one sentence answer to "what is Elk Konnected trying to accomplish?" is - They are utilizing both internal and external financial capital in an attempt to slow and ultimately stop the loss of human capital through the creation of an entrepreneurial social infrastructure by bridging and bonding social capital and cultural capital.
I can't wait to see the comments you'll get on that one. ;) :angel:
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 19, 2012, 06:24:04 PM
Sure, improved strength and stamina, planning and follow through, learning and respecting rules, sportsmanship, good character traits, manners, (decorum), learning to be gracious after a win, accepting loss with dignity, team work, pride without arrogance and also many of the following.
. As far as the fitness classes, weight loss, lowered pulse and stronger heart strength, stronger and slower breathing, improved BMI, improved stamina, improved leg and arm strength lowered B/P.... Can you list any measurable negative outcomes from same?
Nice laundry list of goals. Where's he measurable results?
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 06:46:44 PM
And from a community economic development viewpoint, my one sentence answer to "what is Elk Konnected trying to accomplish?" is - They are utilizing both internal and external financial capital in an attempt to slow and ultimately stop the loss of human capital through the creation of an entrepreneurial social infrastructure by bridging and bonding social capital and cultural capital.
I'll bet that's the same 'desired outcome' and methodology that's been in place since your failed tenure as the local economic development director. But I didn't ask about desired outcomes or failed methods. After about 8 or 9 years, where's the measured results? The only real measures I've seen are supported by a history of increased taxes and a declining population. At what point do you libs & moderates admit your best laid plans aren't working? I suspect about the same time Obama and Reid admit all their failures. Or should we double tax rates and throw more money at youth programs?
I guess you could do absolutely nothing and see what that gets you. Oh, wait that is what you and Ross are doing, absolutely nothing except attacking any and all who are trying to improve things.
There have been different groups of people trying many different things to change the economic situation in Elk County for decades.
Without their efforts and financial sacrifices, I doubt there would be 1500 people left.
But you and your ilk just keep right on gettin on with whatever it is that you are doing to improve things.
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 05:45:39 PM
Yes you did Diane.
And as proof of one of my points, Ross just brushed that post aside like it didn't exist.
As I stated those were
lolipops provided by taxpayers money, county coffers.
Money that should have been available to the actual/real communities, not some imaginary
Kommunity supposedly run by a privately owned company called
Elk Konnected, LLC and their Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.
Not brushed away, but explained very carefully, only stolen Lollipops, IMHO. Lollipops in no way increases the population of Elk County either.
They failed at running a Wellness Center and now according to this weeks newspaper they want to start a Daycare Center.
And my bet is with
"Begggar-Thy-Neighbor" funds, right, by the continuation of manipulation of the County Coffers by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, right?
You know like you mentioned:
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 06:46:44 PM
And from a community economic development viewpoint, my one sentence answer to "what is Elk Konnected trying to accomplish?" is - They are utilizing both internal and external financial capital in an attempt to slow and ultimately stop the loss of human capital through the creation of an entrepreneurial social infrastructure by bridging and bonding social capital and cultural capital.
Easily understood to be set up for
Elk Konnected, LLC by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.
Is that what taxpayers dollars are called, social capital?
Spending money on a daycare center for
Elk Konnected, LLC will in no way increase the population of Elk County, what a foolish idea.
Enuf said for the moment.
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
I guess you could do absolutely nothing and see what that gets you. Oh, wait that is what you and Ross are doing, absolutely nothing except attacking any and all who are trying to improve things.
Darn! You really don't get it, do you? Typical bureaucratic tunnel vision. If you had been paying attention for the last year, spending time in local meetings and talking to a wide range of voters, you might see what change we've already promoted. I'm confident that Elk County will see significant changes & results in much less than a 'few decades'. If in no other area than better, more effective county management.
Your co-dependent view of our observations & questions as 'attacks' is shortsighted, at best. Just like Diane, you and yours are not victims. Neither are you martyrs deserving of some monument. The real victims are the uninformed residents and overburdened taxpayers who have been kept largely in the dark about county operations & management practices.
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
There have been different groups of people trying...
Without their efforts and financial sacrifices, I doubt there would be 1500 people left.
Now, now... that's pure conjecture on your part. Is that like Obama's 'jobs saved' mantra?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 19, 2012, 06:24:04 PM
Sure, improved strength and stamina, planning and follow through, learning and respecting rules, sportsmanship, good character traits, manners, (decorum), learning to be gracious after a win, accepting loss with dignity, team work, pride without arrogance and also many of the following.
. As far as the fitness classes, weight loss, lowered pulse and stronger heart strength, stronger and slower breathing, improved BMI, improved stamina, improved leg and arm strength lowered B/P.... Can you list any measurable negative outcomes from same?
For what all of ten people, really something to brag about in the weight loss program.
And besides that, very few opeople need fitness classes if they exercise their arms pushing away from the talble and getting off their butts and doing something. I know, I allowed myself to get way over weight laying on the couch doing nothing but eating, i wasn't thinking about all them calories that I could not burn off. My big goof. But as soon as I was able to, I got back on my feet and got busy and I cut back on the hand to mouth. I was really ashamed of the big gut I had and now it's gone and been gone for a long, long time.
But actually none of what you say has anything to do with stopping the outflux of people or the growth of Elk County. It is all lollipops most likely at County Coffers expense.
If there was ever an individual I'd listen to, it's Flint. Among his many accomplishments: The creation of Elk County Rural Water District #2, the inclusion of Moline and Longton in the expansion of Public Wholesale Water Supply District #20 (Quivira Lake), the receipt of CDBG funding to start the only micro-loan program specificly for Elk County businesses, the researching of and speeches given on the pro's and con's of wind energy development and the initiation of contact with developers, the first use of industrial revenue bonds in Elk County that financed the $1 Million + expansion of Flint Oak, etc. He has done a lot to attempt to help Elk County. Wish everyone posting ad nauseum could say the same, on the same level.
Thank you, Cat. I think we all needed to be reminded of that.
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
I guess you could do absolutely nothing and see what that gets you. Oh, wait that is what you and Ross are doing, absolutely nothing except attacking any and all who are trying to improve things.
Oh, really. Asking that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners become Elk County Commissioners, is doing nothing. Pointing out all that is wrong with your failed concepts. And the fact that you failed as Elk County Economic Development Employee is doing nothing. Asking people to get out annd vote in November is doing nothing.
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
There have been different groups of people trying many different things to change the economic situation in Elk County for decades.
What happened when Sam's Club wanted to build their warehouse in Elk County?
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
Without their efforts and financial sacrifices, I doubt there would be 1500 people left.
Look around lot's of properties are up for sale. Where are the jobs that can provide a half way decent living?
Oh that's right, Sam's Club warehouse built in the country in Oklahoma.
And actually if something similar wanted to come into Elk County I think they would be run off. Why? Because with them would come people with more money then the wealthy in the county have. And we all know money is power. Only one thing tops it, honest people. People like Mr. Ritz. And we need everyone to vote similar people into County Commissioners positions at election time.
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
But you and your ilk just keep right on gettin on with whatever it is that you are doing to improve things.
And your ilk, want socialism for a few select. Take from the taxpayers and citizens of Elk County to benefit only your ilk.
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 06:46:44 PM
And from a community economic development viewpoint, my one sentence answer to "what is Elk Konnected trying to accomplish?" is - They are utilizing both internal and external financial capital in an attempt to slow and ultimately stop the loss of human capital through the creation of an entrepreneurial social infrastructure by bridging and bonding social capital and cultural capital.
Sure Elk Konnected, LLC wants social infrastructure, so that they might have even more control and access to more "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money. Just how is an Elk Konnected, LLC daycare center paid for with "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money going to keep people from leaving, to find a job that pays a half way decent living.
Hasn't Elk Konnected, LLC had their eye on the wind farm money since the beginning?
Wasn't Elk Konnected, LLC formed for that one reason?
Didn't the founder of Elk Konnected, LLC know long before anyone else that the wind farm was being planned?
So really, hasn't social welfare for a few has been planned for a long, long time, right?
Well, well well, you know people can't come into the county to take a day trip to view, shop and reminense, as Howard has the only quasi-descent roadfrom 400 tp 99 travelable to it's fine city. Go South, and you take your life into your own hands.
I have been there, alot and I used to take the back roads so I could see deer, turkeys,the view, etc but not any more.....the roads have not been kept up. And yet, the county cut their (Road & Bridge) budget. enuf stated?
well cut off my leg and call me Shorty!
And IF, IF they were to to come to the county, to start a business???? I would bring $100,000 of my own money to the table?
I think I could do it. However, not the way the county is focusing on a select few of people prominsing things that aren't shaping up.
Let me put this another way, then I will shut up:
I said this before a year ago...in the ..ahem political lounge....I see Elk Connected as a Brushfire. You know when really dry grass starts a huge blaze, then peters out? It was fun and and an excited moment to watch at that time. We all were in awe, or frightful. Then it required other gasoline or other flammables/inflammables...they mean the same if you think about it(fill in the blanks) to fire that sucker back up. I think the original issue from 2007 was that brush fire....and methinks the gasoline is coming from the weekly meetings.
I may not like Ross' methods as well as Patriots of questioning, however they do bring up interesting questions if not verging on the version of "Danger, Wil Smithl"! (refer to the 70's) Only thought provoking questions to get everyone to think. And I can.
I do however, find that 2 commissioners of this crumbling county seem. seem to be a part of the same issue that is causing all of this chaos.
Whether or not we get the result from the "dancing with the Commisioners Konnected results", we at least as a community need to get the results from priorites of the county! It's not about Elk Konnected as a focus, Ross, it's becoming about what is fracking wrong with the priorities? They are not the only problem.
I do not live in Elk County, and I am in NO way affialted with elk Konnected, LLC, nor am I sleeping with any of the comissioners.
oh...Ready to cringe at my typing
Quote from: Catwoman on April 19, 2012, 08:03:07 PM
If there was ever an individual I'd listen to, it's Flint. Among his many accomplishments: The creation of Elk County Rural Water District #2, the inclusion of Moline and Longton in the expansion of Public Wholesale Water Supply District #20 (Quivira Lake), the receipt of CDBG funding to start the only micro-loan program specificly for Elk County businesses, the researching of and speeches given on the pro's and con's of wind energy development and the initiation of contact with developers, the first use of industrial revenue bonds in Elk County that financed the $1 Million + expansion of Flint Oak, etc. He has done a lot to attempt to help Elk County. Wish everyone posting ad nauseum could say the same, on the same level.
Admittedly, those are laudable accomplishments... save two that I question. That would be Flint Oak & the micro loan program....
While Flint Oak has certainly served as an employer for a percentage of the population & contributes through liquor taxes to the county recreation fund, how many tens of thousands of dollars in property tax revenue has been sacrificed through the 100% abatement given to them in the last dozen years, how much of their operating expenditures actually go to local business, and where do the profit distributions to their LLC members end up? As to the tax abatement issue, who makes up for that loss of revenue? Answer... every other property tax payer in Elk county.
If the micro loan program is the same one that recently ceased to operate, I was given to understand that only a very few loans were ever dispensed and only one business that was given those funds still exists. All others failed or shut down. Discussions at a recent commission meeting further revealed that the county, as administrator of those loans, operated as an unpaid middleman. That would mean the taxpayer, again, supported that program via labor and saw nothing in return. If the program you mention is different, then I'm mistaken. If so, please indicate the evidences of success stories from the one you mentioned.
Finally, since Mr D has such glowing capabilities to enhance growth, why is he gone?
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
I guess you could do absolutely nothing and see what that gets you. Oh, wait that is what you and Ross are doing, absolutely nothing except attacking any and all who are trying to improve things.
Oh, really. Asking that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners become Elk County Commissioners, is doing nothing. Pointing out all that is wrong with your failed concepts. And the fact that you failed as Elk County Economic Development Employee is doing nothing. Asking people to get out and vote in November is doing nothing.
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
There have been different groups of people trying many different things to change the economic situation in Elk County for decades.
What happened when Sam's Club wanted to build their warehouse in Elk County?
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
Without their efforts and financial sacrifices, I doubt there would be 1500 people left.
Can you elaborate on those financial sacrifices.? Or are you just spewing words?
Look around lot's of properties are up for sale. Where are the jobs that can provide a half way decent living?
I'm sorry I forgot you don't live here to see for yourself, do you?
Oh and that's right, Sam's Club warehouse built in the country in Oklahoma.
And actually if something similar wanted to come into Elk County I think they would be run off. Why? Because with them would come people with more money then the wealthy in the county have. And we all know money is power. Only one thing tops it, honest people. People like Mr. Ritz. And we need everyone to vote similar people into County Commissioners positions at election time.
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
But you and your ilk just keep right on gettin on with whatever it is that you are doing to improve things.
And your ilk, want socialism for a few select. Take from the taxpayers and citizens of Elk County to benefit only your ilk.
Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 06:46:44 PM
And from a community economic development viewpoint, my one sentence answer to "what is Elk Konnected trying to accomplish?" is - They are utilizing both internal and external financial capital in an attempt to slow and ultimately stop the loss of human capital through the creation of an entrepreneurial social infrastructure by bridging and bonding social capital and cultural capital.
In laymans language isn't saying
"bridging and bonding" simply another way of saying
manipulate what ever you want?
I'm Sure
Elk Konnected, LLC wants
social infrastructure, so that they might have even more control and access to more
"Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money. Just how is an
Elk Konnected, LLC daycare center paid for with
"Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money going to keep people from leaving to find a job that pays a half way decent living.
Elk Konnected, LLChad their eye on the wind farm money since the beginning?
Elk Konnected, LLC formed for that one reason?
Didn't the founder of ]Elk Konnected, LLC[/b] know long before anyone else, that the wind farm was being planned?
So really, hasn't
social welfare for a few has been planned for a long, long time
Quote from: readyaimduck on April 19, 2012, 08:27:34 PM
...Whether or not we get the result from the "dancing with the Commisioners Konnected results", we at least as a community need to get the results from priorites of the county! It's not about Elk Konnected as a focus, Ross, it's becoming about what is fracking wrong with the priorities?... (emphasis added)
B I N G O ! ! !
Well 'thank you very much' <in my best Elvis impression)
I will still get afflac from this though, ;D
night all and be safe in that sandbox!
ready to yawn and get horizontal ALONE, naturally. It's a given! :P
Years ago, a manager I worked with reminded me of the following: The speed of the leader(s) is the speed of the crew.
As true then as it is today.
Diane, I stand corrected it wasn't post #63 it was #68, however you still didn't answer my question as to how I was being a bully.
As to the rest...the simple fact of the matter is that EK hasn't done anything worth a tinkers damn to improve this county. In fact just the opposite is true. By funneling money that could have been used to make actual improvements to "pet projects" they have limited the county and stolen from the average taxpayer.
And for the record I haven't called anyone a Nazi on this thread, I made reference to their Nazi like behavior...so who is misquoting who??
Quote from: readyaimduck on April 19, 2012, 08:27:34 PM
Let me put this another way, then I will shut up:
I said this before a year ago...in the ..ahem political lounge....I see Elk Connected as a Brushfire. You know when really dry grass starts a huge blaze, then peters out? It was fun and and an excited moment to watch at that time. We all were in awe, or frightful. Then it required other gasoline or other flammables/inflammables...they mean the same if you think about it(fill in the blanks) to fire that sucker back up. I think the original issue from 2007 was that brush fire....and methinks the gasoline is coming from the weekly meetings.
Very well put.
Quote from: readyaimduck on April 19, 2012, 08:27:34 PM
I may not like Ross' methods as well as Patriots of questioning, however they do bring up interesting questions if not verging on the version of "Danger, Wil Smithl"! (refer to the 70's) Only thought provoking questions to get everyone to think. And I can.
Trying to get people to think has been my main goal. I have often told them not to believe a thing I say, think for themselves. Hell, I didn't even know what to think when I first started this thread. I perhaps could have, should have said, talk about it with friends and neighbors and relatives. But I just assumed that would happen. And I believe it has happened.
I appreciate your honesty about stepping on my style or lack there of. LOL
I got no education in the fine arts, or anything political.
Yep, the sky is falling. But perhaps in November it will float back up.
Quote from: readyaimduck on April 19, 2012, 08:27:34 PM
I do however, find that 2 commissioners of this crumbling county seem. seem to be a part of the same issue that is causing all of this chaos.
Quote from: readyaimduck on April 19, 2012, 08:27:34 PM
Whether or not we get the result from the "dancing with the Commisioners Konnected results", we at least as a community need to get the results from priorites of the county! It's not about Elk Konnected as a focus, Ross, it's becoming about what is fracking wrong with the priorities? They are not the only problem.
Well I don't claim to be a great or even a good communicator. And I have said openly, I lack tact an diplomacy. But I seem to have brought some information to light, and I don't know, what goes on behind the closed doors. Once in a while, there is a crack in the door, but not much. But anyway, I believe you are right County priorities are out of whack.
Quote from: readyaimduck on April 19, 2012, 08:27:34 PM
I do not live in Elk County, and I am in NO way affialted with elk Konnected, LLC, nor am I sleeping with any of the comissioners.
oh...Ready to cringe at my typing
Thank God for that information. Sometimes, I have a hard time understanding what you say, but this whole post came through loud and clear.
I have had a busy and hard day, I'm tired and going to bed.
Good night all.
So Patriot, I take it that you think I am someone you know. Well, I hate to disappoint you but I am not who you have insinuated that I am. No electrical experience here.
Quote from: YSoSerious! on April 19, 2012, 09:45:11 PM
So Patriot, I take it that you think I am someone you know. Well, I hate to disappoint you but I am not who you have insinuated that I am. No electrical experience here.
Well, that's special. Irrelevant, but special. C'est la vie.
Quote from: Varmit on April 19, 2012, 08:57:58 PM
Diane, I stand corrected it wasn't post #63 it was #68, however you still didn't answer my question as to how I was being a bully.
As to the rest...the simple fact of the matter is that EK hasn't done anything worth a tinkers damn to improve this county. In fact just the opposite is true. By funneling money that could have been used to make actual improvements to "pet projects" they have limited the county and stolen from the average taxpayer.
And for the record I haven't called anyone a Nazi on this thread, I made reference to their Nazi like behavior...so who is misquoting who??
She's referring to my spelling Nazi comment 2 years ago.
Sorry Steve, go back to reply # 63 on this thread. he screamed about Nazi "like behavior" and then said it didn't count as bully talk ,but when I said someone had been "acting" like an inbred hillbilly long ago, it counted and I was called on it. Double standard again. . Steve, you aren't the only labeler and name caller on here. Some simple people just don't know any better. ::) They don't want to be called out on anything but want to be able to stick that old pointy finger at everybody else in their own defense .Ya gotta share the glory Steve,...(just pokin' ya..I really do like you)
To answer his comment.... if he doesn't know, then he is one. I had said I was putting my manners aside for a time. He doesn't like it. If he hasn't by now figured out bully talk; would he talk to his mother as he does some of us?
Thanks again all you volunteers! Don't let any of the sorry as**s break your sunshine spirit. You all are a very valuable asset to your communities, especially those who work with the kids.They need good positive role models outside their own homes. Parents can't do it all.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 20, 2012, 09:58:46 AM
Sorry Steve, go back to reply # 63 on this thread. he screamed about Nazi "like behavior" and then said it didn't count as bully talk ,but when I said someone had been "acting" like an inbred hillbilly long ago, it counted and I was called on it. Double standard again. . Steve, you aren't the only labeler and name caller on here. Some simple people just don't know any better. ::) They don't want to be called out on anything but want to be able to stick that old pointy finger at everybody else in their own defense .Ya gotta share the glory Steve,...(just pokin' ya..I really do like you)
To answer his comment.... if he doesn't know, then he is one. I had said I was putting my manners aside for a time. He doesn't like it. If he hasn't by now figured out bully talk; would he talk to his mother as he does some of us?
Thanks again all you volunteers! Don't let any of the sorry as**s break your sunshine spirit. You all are a very valuable asset to your communities, especially those who work with the kids.They need good positive role models outside their own homes. Parents can't do it all.
You are correct about how how important it is to work with the young people, that is why we need to keep people Like Ken Libeau and Liz Hendricks in office. Not only are thay doing a great service by providing activities for all levels they did a great job in getting the Windfarm which will payoff for Elk County way into the future.
Did I just hear a couple of heads exploding? ;) That's nice to hear someone who is a Kansan say something nice. They tend to write me off since I'm so far away.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 20, 2012, 10:22:09 AM
Did I just hear a couple of heads exploding?
KABOOM!There missy. Feel better now? LOL
Sure! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. Have a beautiful day. 8)
you know if all this hokie pokie stuff is going on wiit this bunch and the commish call in the KBI ,and the state A G fraud unit
Nobody will bell the cat.
Quote from: ELK@KC on April 20, 2012, 10:06:02 AM
You are correct about how how important it is to work with the young people, that is why we need to keep people Like Ken Libeau and Liz Hendricks in office.
Bullshitter Alert! Bullshitter Alerrt! Bullshitter Alert! Bullshitter Alert! Bullshitter Alerrt! Bullshitter Alert!
Working with kids is not the job of County Commissioners, the job is taking care of county business.
It they want to be
Elk Konnected, LLC so be it?
If they want to run a centrally located daycare center in competition with the folks that want to open in home daycare, as
Elk Konnected, LLC, so be it.
If they want to be members of
Elk Konnected, LLC and serve
Elk Konnected, LLC so be it. Just get out of office first. Konnected Kounty Kommissioners should not show their prejudice of favoritism towards their own organization as County Commissioners by voting to give taxes from the county coffers to thier organization.
They should
RECUSE themselves on items brought to them from
Elk Konnected, LLC or
ECCEFit is the only
ethical and
principled and
moral and
honorable thing to do.
And until they
RECUSE themselves they continue to show a lack of those qualities, IMHO.
They can make a choice and Either be an elected official representing
all Elk County Citizens and pay atttention to county business or get out of office and be a babysitter. Pretty Simple.
Quote from: ELK@KC on April 20, 2012, 10:06:02 AM
Not only are thay doing a great service by providing activities for all levels they did a great job in getting the Windfarm which will payoff for Elk County way into the future.
Come on now, how long did they keep it secret, about the windfarm?
Possibly, All during the time the wind tests and the contracts with the landowners were being written?
And who are the landowners, friends and relatives of the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and possibly land owners themselves?
The windfarm was not brought to Elk County, by and for Elk County, there is no way you can convience me of that.
You could convience me that the landowners are responsible for bringing the windfarm here, because without the property being available the windfarm would not exist.
Or perhaps the Enel Corporation through their own decisions brought the windfarm here by offering the land owners sufficient money for their own wallets, which really makes more sense, because Enel has tons and tons of money and it would be their decision where they want to do business.
And if the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners did such a good job for Elk County, why isn't Elk County getting
$3,000,000 like Enid, Oklahoma who is getting the same size windfarm from the same foreign company?
Could it possibly be because the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners were concerned more about their families or their own wallets?
I worked up on the hill I asked them why we spread them out all over the place ,told me they tested the wind currents up there for 7 years ,so land owners knew it for along time ago.
Quote from: oldfart on April 20, 2012, 05:10:24 PM
I worked up on the hill I asked them why we spread them out all over the place ,told me they tested the wind currents up there for 7 years ,so land owners knew it for along time ago.
Well thank you Oldfart that is terrific news.
It proves that our Elk konnected Kounty Kommissioner may have very well fibed about the inception of Elk Konnected.
She claimed Elk Konnected, LLC was formed before the windmill plan came about.
I really never believed that from the beginning.
So it really does appear that our Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner can B. S. along with the very best, doesn't it.
And it really does appear that Elk Konnected, LLC was founded based having eyes on the money from the windfarm.
But they have expanded to games like economic Developement and possibly property tax rebates to further line their pockets at taxpayer expenses.
Do they really want to do good for the county or for their own wallets?????
Is it no wonder Elk konnected, will not return to the
"Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25" thread for an open honest dialog. They are afraid the truth will come out.
Is it any wonder the followers want us to shut up.
Thanks again oldfart. It really sheds a new light on the situation.
Quote from: Ross on April 19, 2012, 08:16:55 PM
What happened when Sam's Club wanted to build their warehouse in Elk County?
Oh that's right, Sam's Club warehouse built in the country in Oklahoma.
I didn't know that Sam's Club warehouse wanted to build in Elk County, but instead went into Oklahoma. Ross, where did you get that information?
I was wondering the same thing...????
There are no Sam's Club Warehouses except for the Sam's Club Member Only Stores in the big cities. There is a Walmart big Warehouse on Hwy 75 South of Bartlesville. It was built there due to the great Highway access via several Turnpikes, and 4 lane highways. Walmart trucks do not even run on Hwy 99 between Sedan and Moline, why would they even consider having the 200+ trucks that go in and out daily at their big Warehouses. Ross that is a new one that I have never heard before.
Quote from: ELK@KC on April 20, 2012, 07:49:12 PM
There are no Sam's Club Warehouses except for the Sam's Club Member Only Stores in the big cities. There is a Walmart big Warehouse on Hwy 75 South of Bartlesville. It was built there due to the great Highway access via several Turnpikes, and 4 lane highways. Walmart trucks do not even run on Hwy 99 between Sedan and Moline, why would they even consider having the 200+ trucks that go in and out daily at their big Warehouses. Ross that is a new one that I have never heard before.
I believe the correct terminology or title for this Walmart thingy is, Walmart Distribution Center.
And, EK@KC, I wasn't aware that Walmart turcks did not run on Hwy 99 between Sedan and Moline. Wow. Had no idea. I always see them between Moline and Howard, but I hardly ever travel to Sedan anymore, so that was a new one on me.
Not a bull crap alert! Walmart is owned by Sams or vice versa, no big deal.
So, I stand corrected it was the Walmart Warehouse. Big deal, basically same thing.
And I have seen Walmart trucks travel through on Highway 160.
Residents that have lived here far longer then I have told me about the fact that they wanyd to build here but were not wanted here.
Large corporations don't operate based on what Elk@KC necessarily thinks they should.
Walmart and Sams has done a lot of things other corporations never thought of. They broke the mold.
But really that has nothing to do with the failures of Elk Konnected, LLC because it was before Elk Konnected, LLC came about.
Are they really serious about trying to start a central Daycare Center?
Even though two other organizations with far more standing believe that Home Daycare is the way to go in such a spread out rural community?
Or are they just going to start a daycare center for and in Howard?
Will Elk Konnected, LLC be going before the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Board Meeting asking their own Founding Member and Steering Committe Member for County taxpayers, County Coffers Monies? You know "Beggar-thy-Neighbor" monies?
If they do will the County Commissioners that are deeply invloved with Elk Konnected, LLC do the proper, ethical and honorable thing and RECUSE themselves.
It's a shame, Walmart trucks don't travel on only the roads and highways designated by Elk@KC.
I don't think he has the power to designate or restrict their driving.
Too bad.
Yes, I'm beng a jerk for a change.
Thank you.
Steve you can get you disagreement across without having to be a jerk. All of you can.
Speaking of same, I still need to swat Varmit again before I go back to being mellow ;D ;D ;D
Varmit go back and reread post 102 and then 106. You'll find I did not accuse you or anyone else specifically of calling me that list of names...but if the shoe fits.... I did not quote anyone, nor did I put anything in that sentence in quotation marks. Your swat at me for supposedly misquoting you was untrue and unnecessary, but just proves my point.You have an unnecessary mean streak. Mine is artificial and temporary. Yours appears to be stuck on you like glue, at least when it comes to me. I'd question your reading comprehension level but that wouldn't be nice, so I won't.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 20, 2012, 09:42:10 PM
Steve you can get you disagreement across without having to be a jerk. All of you can.
When was i a jerk? I haven't said a thing in the last two pages since you commented to me before.
Quote from Diane:
Speaking of same, I still need to swat Varmit again before I go back to being mellow
I'm kinda disappointed in you. Try as you might, you can't seem to get ol Varmit to take "the bait"---but---you go girl and keep trying--poke poke ;D ;D
Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. Coming to a forum near you soon.
Whoops! Steve, I meant to say Ross. I'm so sorry. Senior moment. I do apologize. Smack my hand if you wish. :-[
As far as Varmit is concerned, good luck. I don't care what bait he takes or doesn't, but he needs to be responsible for what he says just like the rest of us are.
So let me get this straight, you call me a bully and yet won't state why to back up your claim? Oh well. It wasn't like you could anyway.
Question my reading comphresion? Go for it.
Call me a "sorry as**s" ...whatever.
There is one comment you made however that refers to my "troubled history" I was wondering what you meant by that exactly?
Also, how and when have I ever NOT taken responsibilty for what I have said?
Is this me taking the bait?...don't know, don't care.
Quote from: ELK@KC on April 20, 2012, 10:06:02 AM
You are correct about how how important it is to work with the young people, that is why we need to keep people Like Ken Libeau and Liz Hendricks in office. Not only are thay doing a great service by providing activities for all levels they did a great job in getting the Windfarm which will payoff for Elk County way into the future.
Excuse me while I puke up a lung....
Ok seriously...you're holding up lebeau and hendricks as role models?? :o :o
This is the same ken libeau that wanted the road crews to come in before 7am to get the trucks and equipment ready for the day, WITHOUT BEING PAID FOR THEIR TIME, as well as wanting them to keep blading and hauling rock until 530pm before returning to their respective shops AND NOT BE PAID FOR THE TIME SPENT TRAVELING BACK, and who announced at a commissioners meeting that they had a plan to fix the roads only to be told by liz that THEY DIDN'T HAVE A PLAN? The same Ken Libeau who said that he could rebuild 5 miles of road for $15000.
Yeah great role model...IF YOU'RE RAISING YOUR KID TO A MOBSTER!!
And liz? Are you referring to the same one that said "people are going t complain, you can't please them all, screw'em" The sam liz hendricks that voted to give a PRIVATE organization that she just happens to help run taxpayer money, the same one that made veiled threats about people using "social media" and such?
Great Role models?...Forgetaboutit!
Are you serious? You really don't get it that so much of your verbage to some of us is mocking, condescending, impudent, egotistical, berating, sarcastic, crude, common, bulling and downright rude. Really? REALLY?
After you are done verbally beating up on me I've never ever smiled and felt good about it. How about that #63 that I referenced before....SEVERAL TIMES! " BITE ME".."Nazi like behavior" et al...And that's just one tiny one. Is that an acceptable way to talk? I hate having to put on emotional armor just to talk to you, and several others also.
That's why I've given up the political threads. It's easier on my blood pressure. There are others on here who can disagree about politics without resorting to that kind of rudeness. If they can why can't you? Why should any of us have to deal with it. Ya know, the 10 commandments and all that. Would your mother be proud of how you talk to your elders?( In fact I'm old enough to be your mother!) Do you let your two kids watch that kind of talk on TV? Do you let them talk that way?
Why do I have to " prove" anything to you? You have said plenty and you must know what you said since you weren't asleep at the time.
Your troubled history...why you have your stand on abortion the way you do. Very sad and you were very unfairly treated. That was you wasn't it?
As of Monday I will be returning to the real me again. I don't care for feeling I have to be rough. I'm really a very gentle person...but I'll not be a door mat for anyone.
By the way, I was never paid for set up time, take down time or travel time either when I worked hourly for the state fire school down in Dover, an hour away. It's not that uncommon.
Me?..condescending, egotistical, sarcastic,...never!!!
Actually, I can be most of those things, and quite frankly you and the rest of your kind should be proud!! It shows that I have "diversity of character". I thought diversity was supposed to be a good thing?
Seriously though it was the "other side" that at the beginning of this thread that tried to manipulate the conversation by stating that people with a different view on the topic should place their opinions elsewhere. Yet you said nothing to them. Coincidence? Me thinks not!
So frankly my comments about nazi-like behavior fit. Espcially since it was "your" side that started with the name calling and such on this thread. YOU were the one that made the comment about Red playing in a tornado and you call me mean and a bullyl? I mean seriously 6 posts into this thread and you're already packing away you "east coast manners"!
And for the record most of my comments are not any of those things you listed, I just call it like I see it. You see my mother raised me to be able to spot bullshit when I see it. As for the "several others also" that have to "put on emotional armor" just to talk to me, if they have a problem with me then they should take that up with me, as of yet they haven't.
And yes my mother raised me to respect my elders and others, which I do until they give me a reason not to. In my opinion respect is earned not just given regardless of a person age. As for how I raise my kids thats really none of your business.
As for working and not being paid, it would be one thing if at the time of hiring it would have been explained that way, but to change it after several years is just wrong. Not to mention illegal. You can't make a person work and not pay them for it.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 21, 2012, 10:39:33 PM
By the way, I was never paid for set up time, take down time or travel time either when I worked hourly for the state fire school down in Dover, an hour away. It's not that uncommon.
Actually that is quite illegal. I don't care who practices that. The law says you get paid while carrying out duties of the job.
Varmit you are 100% correct in what you are saying.
You have a handle on the truth and the truth really upset those
that have no clue, comprehension and only need fictious leaders to follow.
And it is plain to see that some people twist words to meet their own needs.
Such as trying to use our earned retirement, something we paid into and effectively bought
throughout all the years we worked as an unearned entitlement.
And trying to compare those hard earned retirement checks by the retired to youngesters asking for handouts
from taxpayers and even the wealthy asking for handouts from taxpayers.
Yes, they want to set up subsidy programs that are actually nothing more then "Beggar-Thy-Neigbor" and call themselves
leaders of the community. Really, I think the term sociopath would be a better discriptive word. As in lack a concious, lacking soul, feelings, don't understand guilt, but yet pretend to have all those qualities.
I am proud of having earned my monthly Social Security that is earned by many years of hard work, plus the fact of paying into the system since I was 11 years old. Nobody can diss me for that. It is earned and bought and ppaid forby me. I am not ashamed of other retirement checks I also recieve, nor should I be, they too were earned and paid for by me.
So Varmit, you are still 100% correct. These arrogantly ignorant @@@@@@@@ manipulators can not in any way diss you or me or anyone else that has worked hard all their lives and paid into the system all our lives, as demanded by the federal government that sold us retirement insurance for our money they took.
But leaders they are not. What is the actual job of County Commissioner isn't it mainly a position of management to see that there is some kind of county budget. If leadership applies it applies to leading the county employees in accomplishing county business and so far as I can see that job isn;t being done well. Why rob the road department of thousands of dollars and I would bet to finance the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" program suggested and put into effect by Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, not county leaders. Which programs? Perhaps Economic Development, and Youth Development. And they wish to call themselves leaders? Leaders of what?
True leadership requires in my books requires honesty, integrity, ethics, principles and hard work. And a true leader doesn't take credit for what the hard work people that people under their leadership do, they give credit to the the people. A good leader doesn't write open letters to the public praising themselves for accomplishing fabricated accomplishments. That perhaps would make for the begining of a book of fiction, maybe.
Really, does anyone avctually know the truth as to why County Commissioner Hendricks's quite her prestigious job as Head Volleyball Coach at the great establishment of West Elk Unified School District 262? Curious minds want to know.
So anyway, hang in there Varmit you are right as rain.
Varmit, I don't have a "side." I'm just me. I did ask that the political comments in the coffee house be moved to the political threads...I even said "please." I didn't order anyone to to anything.
It didn't happen. So now you have free reign to talk mean to people? Whoope, I'm really impressed. Just because you can doesn't mean you should or must.
Varmit, you are a character all right.You flail at me because you know you can get away with it.
As far as what I have said recently, in the way of rough and rude talk, I explained what I was doing. Go back and read it. . I just thought It would be nice to have you few on the receiving end for a change. There is a big difference between truth, facts and twisted logic. There is a lot of all of that on these pages, depending who is writing.
Ross, why should working hard all your lives protect you from being "dissed". Some of us get verbally slapped quite often here and we worked or are still working. Also, you might want to check the definition of radical if you aren't sure.
I'll be back to the real me tomorrow, so we'll see how many of the verbal bullies or whatever they are will take advantage of that. I guess I'll have to get my final licks in here today, as I don't go on the political threads any more.
As an aside, most teachers learn to keep their verbal cool no matter what. Teachers can't just blurt out just anything.
Just recently here, a male teacher lost his job after he had spoken to an older, girl several times about her misbehavior and disruptions in class. He'd finally had enough and told her to stop acting like a spoiled bi**h. The girl went home and boo-hooed to her parents, who went to the school board, who fired him. He had been asked to come out of retirement to fill that slot. The rest of the kids were horrified as he was a very well respected and effective teacher, The girl even admitted she had been acting up and regretted what had happened. The class is being filled by a sub for the rest of the term.
My final word for now,,,You talk about truth...Where's the proof?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 22, 2012, 08:51:34 AM
Varmit, I don't have a "side." I'm just me. I did ask that the political comments in the coffee house be moved to the political threads...I even said "please." I didn't order anyone to to anything.
And continued to bitch about it when get moved
QuoteIt didn't happen. So now you have free reign to talk mean to people? Whoope, I'm really impressed. Just because you can doesn't mean you should or must.
Actually I've always had free reign to talk how I wanted. And there you go agian with telling folks how and what they should say. Mighty Left of you.
QuoteVarmit, you are a character all right.You flail at me because you know you can get away with it.
No diane, thats not true. I do it to point out just how compeletly full of crap you are, well that and the fact you make such an easy target. (poke, poke)
QuoteAs far as what I have said recently, in the way of rough and rude talk, I explained what I was doing. Go back and read it. . I just thought It would be nice to have you few on the receiving end for a change. There is a big difference between truth, facts and twisted logic. There is a lot of all of that on these pages, depending who is writing.
The big difference between Truth, which by the way your side has none of it, Facts (again EK supporters have no idea what these are) and Twisted logic is that EK supporters won't tell the one, have no idea of the other, and use the third to further their agenda.
By the way we "few" have have been on the recieveing end of "rough" talk and name calling for a long time! Thats how the Left debates an issue because they sure as hell can't resort to little things like FACTS.
QuoteRoss, why should working hard all your lives protect you from being "dissed". Some of us get verbally slapped quite often here and we worked or are still working. Also, you might want to check the definition of radical if you aren't sure.
I'll be back to the real me tomorrow, so we'll see how many of the verbal bullies or whatever they are will take advantage of that. I guess I'll have to get my final licks in here today, as I don't go on the political threads any more.
Promise? Please tell me thats a promise!!
QuoteAs an aside, most teachers learn to keep their verbal cool no matter what. Teachers can't just blurt out just anything.
Holy Crap when was the last time you were in a Public Schol classroom??
QuoteJust recently here, a male teacher lost his job after he had spoken to an older, girl several times about her misbehavior and disruptions in class. He'd finally had enough and told her to stop acting like a spoiled bi**h. The girl went home and boo-hooed to her parents, who went to the school board, who fired him. He had been asked to come out of retirement to fill that slot. The rest of the kids were horrified as he was a very well respected and effective teacher, The girl even admitted she had been acting up and regretted what had happened. The class is being filled by a sub for the rest of the term.
My final word for now,,,You talk about truth...Where's the proof?
Guy lost his job...good. Teacher calls my daughter a spoiled bitch and hes gonna lose teeth.
Quote from: Sons of Elk County on April 22, 2012, 01:21:57 AM
They are radicals and should be grouped with the Unibomber Manifesto and the radical left Anarchists.
Given the substantial resistance that 'moderates' and liberals are facing nationally, regionally and locally, your fearful overreactions are understandable. Since at least 1913 efforts to undermine our constitutional republic with Marxist doctrine & pure Democracy foolishness are well documented and easily seen (even in revisionist history)... as are the outcomes of the folly that is liberalism, the progressive movement, socialism and ultimately Marxism & Communism.
Collectivism in many forms is being played out in government bodies across this country. In recent years, our school curricula (driven more & more by a financial allegiance to the Federal government) emphasizes the fraud that it is collective mediocrity. Individual excellence that deserves the spotlight has been supplanted. The outcomes are both obvious & measurable. Our local and state governments & school boards have been enticed by the false notion that 'free money' from the federal government will somehow make them better in the long term. And with all the power derived by indenturing the states & schools the feds have advanced the process of central planning & control for the 'good of the collective.'
The flaw in all this is the left's total inability to perform advanced analysis sufficient to account for the unintended consequences that should have been obvious: A free people, at liberty to prosper (or not), to rise or fall on individual merit, will not forever 'sit down & shut up' when attempts are made by collectivists to silence them with pejoratives or threats. So flawed are these assumptions that when the free person stands up and remains standing in the face of petty name calling, that fear on the part of some is inevitable in the realization that they have pushed too far & for too long. Tea Party types, libertarian leaning types, and independents all pose a serious threat to the desires of collectivists.
This isn't Russia, freemen are not the Bolshevik's, and anarchy is not what you are seeing. But I understand your terror. you are losing your war on the individual and take great personal risks in continuing to attempt to stifle individual liberty. Not from individual anarchists, they are the bogymen in your mind. No, your real enemies are liberty, individual freedom and a constrained government. It is those things that curb your power to control others. And, God willing, will be your undoing.
Quote from: Sons of Elk County on April 22, 2012, 01:21:57 AM
I bet none of them get elected to the County Commission.
Heck, why in heavens name would 'we' try? According to you, 'we' ain't even smart enough to know where to get the papers to run, let alone understand or fill out that 12 page packet. Shucks, 'we' ain't even 'sons' of elk county. That probably disqualifies us anyway, right? Hell, all 'we' capitalists would do is waive the $500 campaign limit, form an election committee and run a $100,000 money driven campaign designed to expose government failures, cronyism, and poor management of taxpayer resources.... oh, wait, that wouldn't take a big money campaign. All 'we' would have to do is hijack the forum and the Prairie Star editorial page. And, according to your cronies, 'we' have half that job done already. Hmmmm, you've given me an idea...
But for now, can we get back to naming those laudable & measurable accomplishments made by Elk Konnected and the public resources they've used?
Quote from: Sons of Elk County on April 22, 2012, 01:21:57 AM
...radical left Anarchists...
LMAO! I was just re-reading your socialist grounded drivel, and I realized the depth of your ignorance regarding political landscapes. On a continuum, from left to right, political ideology reads as follows (space limits inclusion of all 'ists' & 'isms'):
LEFT<-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> RIGHT
GOVERNMENT CONTROL<------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->NO GOVERNMENT
So would 'we' not be radical
right anarchists? Of course, if you were an educated thinker with a reading comprehension level beyond 3rd grade, you would have realized that 'our' positions do not advocate an 'everyone for themselves/no government' (anarchy) belief system. 'We' hold to the position that there are valid functions of government under our Constitution. Social engineering is NOT one of those functions. Neither are special public/private 'partnerships' nor crony favoritism. Take a look at the Declaration of Independence & Amendments to the Constitution (esp. the first 10). Your ignorance (likely the result of a liberal public schooling) is showing. Of course, since your positions would more likely fall in line with supporters of the totalitarianism of a benevolent king (like ole George?), I'm sure 'we' do look a tad radical to you.
So how about ginning up some examples of why 'we' should support the oligarchy that Elk Konnected and a few elected folks (and their bureaucrat minions) have been foisting upon the citizens (and sons/daughters) of Elk County... In the mean time, I've got forms to fill out.
Quote from: Patriot on April 22, 2012, 10:33:36 AM
Heck, why in heavens name would 'we' try? According to you, 'we' ain't even smart enough to know where to get the papers to run, let alone understand or fill out that 12 page packet. Shucks, 'we' ain't even 'sons' of elk county. That probably disqualifies us anyway, right? Hell, all 'we' capitalists would do is waive the $500 campaign limit, form an election committee and run a $100,000 money driven campaign designed to expose government failures, cronyism, and poor management of taxpayer resources.... oh, wait, that wouldn't take a big money campaign. All 'we' would have to do is hijack the forum and the Prairie Star editorial page. And, according to your cronies, 'we' have half that job done already. Hmmmm, you've given me an idea...
But for now, can we get back to naming those laudable & measurable accomplishments made by Elk Konnected and the public resources they've used?
Patriot you'd never get your letter to the editor published. it just aint going to happen
Quote from: srkruzich on April 22, 2012, 01:19:20 PM
Patriot you'd never get your letter to the editor published. it just aint going to happen
Did I say
anything about a 'letter to the editor'?
Well, Varmit I see you are still at it.
OK, It's not midnight yet, so screw you and the road grader you scraped in on. ( ooh, this is fun and SO fulfilling.)
Nope. I didn't keep on complaining about the political stuff not being moved..if that's what that preschool level comment was supposed to say. It was very incomplete. So where are your facts? You would benefit from a tutor or at least some proof reading ( I say D- )
When Teresa said "No", I respected what she said as owner and that was that. Now prove I complained after her statement. Go on, show me.
I also didn't order anybody to do anything "again." in regards to moving a section of posts It was a declarative sentence. Now YOU prove it was an order. Go ahead, do it! Not that you would follow orders anyway. As far as telling you to go jump in a mud puddle ,different post put the order till stands. Did you do it yet?
When was I last in a public school classroom? How about just last week and will be again next Friday. So what?
By the way, in Delaware our hourly pay at fire school started when the class came in and sat down at either 8:00 or 9:00, depending on the class and ended at 4:00. If we ran overtime for some reason, that was on us.The clock stopped on pay at 4:00. No one ever got paid for setting up the classroom and getting out the teaching materials ,props, films, practice materials etc., doing attendance sheets or checking and recording papers, breaking the classroom down at the end of the day or any mileage. Sometimes we were asked to transport materials to some fire house on the way home if an evening class was going to be held there.
We did get free lunch, such as it was, at the school cafeteria.A caterer provided lunch during the week and the Kent County Ladies Auxiliaries provided it on weekends.The fire school trains every day and evenings too. Nothing illegal about they way we are paid here. To what law were you referring?
You talked about people,even elders, not getting your respect unless it was somehow earned. I find that really strange. Your own minister had to somehow earn YOUR respect? It didn't just come with the territory.? As a certain comedian says,"well, aren't you special?''
I'm off to do some high school reunion work. Be sure to hug Angel. I wonder what she has to do to earn and keep your respect. :angel:
Quote from Diane:
OK, It's not midnight yet, so screw you and the road grader you scraped in on. ( ooh, this is fun and SO fulfilling.)
Holy crap Varmit---don't look now but I think you just got propositioned---but better hurry buddy, cause it looks like at midnight that carriage might turn back into a pumpkin!! poke--poke--and I do mean POKE POKE !!
Ha,Ha! ;D ;D ;D ;D He deserves a lot worse than that for insulting anyone who has even a slight difference of opinion. He doesn't seem to understand "bully," so I'll see if these fit. How about pompous, irritating, impudent, spiteful, egotistical, extremely self absorbed and indulgent and self righteous. Woo Hoo!
Trust me, he's no Prince Charming. He could be, but he doesn't like himself enough. Apparently he doesn't have any self respect either, or he wouldn't allow himself to lose his cool and be so unnecessarily incredibly rude and then brag about it. A good many people are not impressed. I'm told by people who should know that he can be very nice and they wonder whats wrong with him on here. Which side of the lamp do ya have to rub to see that side come out? :P
I'm still counting coup.I assume you know what that means.
Tag you're it!
You know what Diane, you're right. I am all of those things and more!! Maybe I should just put a disclaimer before my posts, something to the effect of...
"Old people that get offended easily, ya'll should just get the fu@k out now."
By the way you bloated, self important, scraggly haired, blowhard, know it all..my neighbors poodle called and told me to tell you it wants its hair back.
You haven't been told by anybody that knows me a damn thing. Of course those types of lies fly out of your blow hole on a pretty regular basis, that really its nothing new.
As for Angel, I kicked her to the curb quite a while back.
Count all the coup you want, personally I don't give a shit anymore. Like I said before Bite Me.
So suck on that chocolate covered poop factory you flip lipped windbag.
Hi Diane,
This is Billy's new wife Robyn. I have something to say to your Mrs. Knowitall attitude... When you start knowing everything you would have found out that Angel moved out of this county back in September. You would also know that he has moved up in the world and I am better than her!!!
After reading the things you post on here I have realized how some people come to be like her in this community.
Oh I am sorry if I offend you but you should know your facts before you start asking my husband to prove his. IF THIS IS ALL ABOUT FACTS THEN I GUESS YOU DON'T HAVE MUCH DO YOU!!
My husband can be the world's biggest ass to people that deserve it! Me and our six children on the other hand we don't have that luxury! So I guess we are blessed abundantly!
He respects our Pastor at church. If you attended our church you would know that. But I understand that you are not from here so YOU HAVE NO PROOF OF THAT NOW DO YOU?
So please before you open your big mouth and bring up something from the past LEARN YOUR DAMN FACTS and GET THEM STRAIGHT!!
Oh and God bless you I am sure going to pray for you!! I know the truth that is in the Bible. Pick it up sometime and learn something. IT MIGHT BENEFIT YOU IN THE FUTURE....
Sorry, I don't have to make up these things. I know what I was told. I gather the poodle has gray hair. More insults? Tsk,tsk. What a shame, but not surprising on here I guess. Now prove I'm telling lies, go on, just try. The best you can do is throw insults and speculate.I do not need to lie.The truth is what is is.
In closing once more, thank goodness for volunteers of all kinds, including the Candy Stripers and Gray Ladies, the Donut Dollies and USO. The ones who sit with the the sick who are about to die so they won't be alone as they pass, the folks who read to children and cook for the needy and deliver the food from Meals On Wheels, the gardeners who grow extra food for the food banks and donate to church closets, the good people who pack tee shirts, socks, bug spray, soup packets, cookies and more for our troops over seas, especially the ones who don't have family there and all the youth sports coaches too.Then there are the women who go to the burn centers to rock and cuddle little ones with serious burns when their families can't be there, the volunteer fire fighters and EMTs who literally die for what they believe in. There are of course many, many more of what we call "everyday heroes." They transcend politics and carry on no matter who is in office. I was fortunate enough to be awarded a Jefferson Award in 2006, for which I am very grateful and humbled. I am nationally in very good company. Keep up the good work people! That's what makes America one of a kind and something to be forever proud. Congratulations Robyn,keep those home fires burning.
The proof of your lies is in the fact that you don't talk to anyone that really knows me. And yet you say you do, that is a lie! Hence you are a liar.
EK volunteers go to burn centers... sit with the sick & dieing? Now I didn't know that. Yes, that's laudable. But is it factual?
Dedicated to Diane. I first heard this song sometime in 1973. Loved it then and feel that it's appropriate now in depicting your true character! Enjoy!
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 22, 2012, 09:08:52 PM
Sorry, I don't have to make up these things. I know what I was told.
We used to call that gossip, I think.
Quote from: Varmit on April 22, 2012, 08:25:01 PM
You know what Diane, you're right. I am all of those things and more!! Maybe I should just put a disclaimer before my posts, something to the effect of...
"Old people that get offended easily, ya'll should just get the fu@k out now."
By the way you bloated, self important, scraggly haired, blowhard, know it all..my neighbors poodle called and told me to tell you it wants its hair back.
You haven't been told by anybody that knows me a damn thing. Of course those types of lies fly out of your blow hole on a pretty regular basis, that really its nothing new.
As for Angel, I kicked her to the curb quite a while back.
Count all the coup you want, personally I don't give a shit anymore. Like I said before Bite Me.
So suck on that chocolate covered poop factory you flip lipped windbag.
How sad that the Forum has stooped this low, this has to be embarrassing to the the good people in Elk County that love it. This type of talk and trash should make people appreciate the quality of people that Liz and ken are. Remember the kind of people that Ross and Patriot represent when election comes.
Quote from: ELK@KC on April 23, 2012, 07:14:32 AM
See the quote of your's the first line of this post, your post is totally blank. why?
Because you had absolutly nothing to say, Nothing, Nada.
As a follower you show exactly what I think
Elk Konnected, LLC is all about,
by this show of arrogant ignorance and saying absolutely nothing. At least
Elk Konnected, LLC at least in my opinion
Elk Konnected, LLC does the samething with words.
Why? Why do you do this type of thing instead of trying to quell the problem?
Why egg on something between other people?
Why perpetrate the continuance of a wasted argument?
Are you as a Follower practicing manipulation, as in
Elk Konnected, LLC?Are you as a Follower practicing a form of control, as in
Elk Konnected, LLC?What do you hope to gain or prove by simply quoting someone else's post with out remarking or responding to it?
What is decent about such a post?
Nothing, simply nothing!
But I'm certain, we won't hear from the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners that your post is
vile!Because you are a born and raised Elk Countyian and a Follower, right?
what ever that means.What good work? What good work? What good work? What good work? What good work? What good work? What good work?[/b]
Hi everyone.
May I, make a suggestion?
Can we all take a break and simply agree to disagree on the bullying subject and the personal bickering!
We are all guilty of incivilities, afterall we are all human!
That includes me, yes, I'm admitting, I'm guilty, as well of incivilities.
But please, this one I believe has gone on far to long and to let ELK@KC egg you on is just wrong.
No, I am not telling you to stop, I don't have that authority, but I'd like to see this end because it is non-productive for anyone.
Thanks everyone.
Quote from: ELK@KC on April 23, 2012, 07:14:32 AM
Remember the kind of people that Ross and Patriot represent when election comes.
I'm not sure I understand. Are there 'people' that I represent? Beyond the likes of Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, & company, I think not. No, I represent some
ideas... here are a few of those:
1 ) open, honest & frugal government
2 ) government that preserves the public trust
3 ) government that avoids favored entanglements with private business.
4) government that first takes care basic functions of police/fire protection, infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.), emergency planning, and the like.
5 ) government that recognizes there is no such thing as 'free money', and knows that taxpayers ultimately pay for everything government spends.
6 ) government that recognizes Elk County as the #1 taxer in the State of Kansas & that abatements & rebates results in lost revenue & contributes to keeping tax rates high for its citizens.
7 ) government that recognizes the difference between a 'need' & a 'want' when it comes to spending the taxpayer's money.
8 ) government that understands its debt is the taxpayers debt & that debt is a curse on the public trust and must be reduced and eliminated where possible.
9 ) government that understands Elk County is shrinking, if not dieing, and creates & promotes a welcoming atmosphere to new residents & businesses.
10 ) a government that understands the laws that govern it and does not willingly to violate those laws (KOMA, wage/labor laws, unemployment insurance laws, etc.)
11 ) government that promotes teamwork between all elected offices and among its employees... not a hostile working environment.
12 ) government that recognizes individual communities are not only subsets of the state & county, but are organized that way in order to maintain their own unique cultural flavor. They are unique in their own right & no single town should be generally favored above another by county government.
13 ) government that does not wait until the last minute to make changes in things like roads, repairs, replacements & roofs.
and finally.....
a government that understands it is responsible to the people
not the other way around.
No, the only 'people' represented by these views are
THE people. And, yes, please remember that at election time. Ask yourselves, "Are my family & I driving better roads, paying less taxes and receiving better service from government than we were 4, 8, 10 or 20 years ago? Are there more & better local jobs? Do my children have a better future here? Do my children & grandchildren have more reason to stay?" If so, then keep the leaders you have. If not, then elect different leaders.
In any case, remember:
The speed of the leader is the speed of the crew.
Ross I agree too. I promised to stop fighting back as of midnight last night and I did. Besides, I used up my list of words.Bully, insult and rude are the only ones that are left in my storehouse. They will only be used if someone else starts on me again.
Varmit is right though.I do make a good target. People with nice open personalities always do. Varmits insults last night show again how I'm treated .But I'm wearing my duck feather cape now.
My "real self " is right here. Both my cheeks have healed so I can turn them once again if need be.
Varmit, you are correct, I did not know you had kicked anyone to any curb. I suspect that is why you were among the missing for so many months. Anyway, I wish you well with this newish union. Also, I do not lie.You have no idea who knows me who also knows you. Why do you think they would tell you? Grenola isn't exactly on the moon ya know, and forum people aren't my only friends and family in Kansas. Why I might even know some road workers,Ya never know. ;D ;D ;D No, I won't name names.
A wife and six kids now? I really do wish you well. I'm not sure how you have moved up in the world, but that's what she said.
Patriot, if you are running for office I sure hope you won't treat people there as you do me. That stuff sure won't get you many votes.
Now as far as my comments on volunteers. I never mentioned EK now did I? Those were things that I know volunteers do.Yes my friend Georgia is a death and dying volunteer at our big Christiana hospital. They take some training and then are on call to come in when the time is close and there are no family or friends there. Not quite the same as hospice. Why in the world would anyone question the truth about that? Why so suspicious? ???
I really doubt a few of you are able to knock it off, but we'll see. Thanks Ross.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 23, 2012, 09:36:31 AM
Patriot, if you are running for office I sure hope you won't treat people there as you do me. That stuff sure won't get you many votes.
For anyone running running, I'm sure that would be good advice. Of course, one would also have to recognize that the input, ideas, conditions & abilities of local constituents would be of immensely greater import to local issues than those of some distant person or group living in a culture & environment that bears little, if any, resemblance or relationship whatsoever to that locally.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 23, 2012, 09:36:31 AM
Now as far as my comments on volunteers. I never mentioned EK now did I?
No, you didn't. The point I was making is that this thread/discussion
IS about EK and the praiseworthiness of their contributions to our local society or lack thereof. What happens in Delaware or even Texarkana is, to be blunt, completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand, Which parallels a comment I made elsewhere regarding adult attention deficit disorders. :)
Perhaps we just have different interpretations of the title. It says E K AND volunteers. I thought it meant all volunteers. You think Frank meant just E K volunteers?. Regardless, I'm not sure thanking a general variety of volunteers is harmful, do you? So you think the ADD mention is cute or an insult or what? I turned off the insults as promised. and You?
That could have been the easiest bet I had ever won---except I couldn't find a taker.
A person can only poke a bobcat so many times until it goes on the attack and then said poker wants sympathy for getting scratched---then "poker "just keeps poking in little subtle ways so we can have a bigger pity party. So predictable !!!
It certainly was. It used to be a treat to read all of the posts.
I agree, Wilma. I miss the days when the discussions were a bit more genteel and everyone was far more supportive of each other. Now...The discussions are a free-for-all, with whomever can be the nastiest coming out the winner. I wasn't raised that way...And I would be willing to bet no one else was, either.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 23, 2012, 10:54:50 AM
So you think the ADD mention is cute or an insult or what?
I was neither. More like an observation of how easily & regularly sidetracked/distracted from a core topic some folks get.
I'm sorry, what you Elk Konnected, LLC Followers ask is impossible.
However I will try to be civil.
I will blatantly refuse to blindly follow a socialist group that wants to, and does control our county government.
By socialist, I mean with their hand out to themselves as Kounty Kommissioners asking for "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money from the taxpayers.
Gimme, Gimme, Gimmee.
I would have no problem with Elk Konnected, LLC if they got out of our government and that means school district government. I just don't believe they can do that, I believe that was the main purpose of Elk Konnected, LLC, to control.
Nuf said.
To everyone here..
I apologize for getting caught up in a personal argument and sidetracking this thread. As for the reply I made #190 It was very sarcastic and aimed at only one person and the language was rough and for that, again I apologize if I offended anyone other than who it was intended for. In the futrue I will refrain from such tactics.
To the supporters of EK...
Can anyone here name just one lasting improvment Elk Konnected LLC has made?
Quote from: Varmit on April 24, 2012, 05:09:02 AM
To everyone here..
I apologize for getting caught up in a personal argument and sidetracking this thread. As for the reply I made #190 It was very sarcastic and aimed at only one person and the language was rough and for that, again I apologize if I offended anyone other than who it was intended for. In the futrue I will refrain from such tactics.
To the supporters of EK...
Can anyone here name just one lasting improvment Elk Konnected LLC has made?
Their Hands deep in the countys pocket.
Quote from: Varmit on April 24, 2012, 05:09:02 AM
To everyone here..
I apologize for getting caught up in a personal argument and sidetracking this thread. As for the reply I made #190 It was very sarcastic and aimed at only one person and the language was rough and for that, again I apologize if I offended anyone other than who it was intended for. In the futrue I will refrain from such tactics.
To the supporters of EK...
Can anyone here name just one lasting improvment Elk Konnected LLC has made?
If nothing else, they at least attempted to bring people together to try to do something different for the children. I can't vouch for their methods, as I am not a member and not privy to their discussions. However...Looking at the list of activities that they have at least tried to have happen, it is heartening to know that the children of Elk County are at the heart of their efforts.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 24, 2012, 04:12:12 PM
If nothing else, they at least attempted to bring people together to try to do something different for the children. I can't vouch for their methods, as I am not a member and not privy to their discussions. However...Looking at the list of activities that they have at least tried to have happen, it is heartening to know that the children of Elk County are at the heart of their efforts.
Catwoman it has been said over and over they use the county coffers and they vote to give tthe money to themselves.
They have used county resources such as office machines and paper and an employee or perhaps more without proper authorization.
They even hijacked the county's web site, until County Commissioner Liebau's own aunt called the on it at a County Commissioners, meeting.
They also hijacked the county's emergency call system, untill lot's of people complained. They sent out several messages (4 or 5) on just one day alone for Elk kOnnected, LLC.
By using the county recreation fund for use by their privately owned company (whose buisnes is apparently, begging for money) IMHO they are stealing from the actual/real communities of Elk County. These community's could use those funds for children in their communities.
So i only want to ask you how are all these wrongs by
Elk Konnected, LLC justified by handing out lollipops to a few children in the name of
Elk Konnected, LLC?
As I said before...Not being a member, I am not privy to their inner workings. I have no idea how things are or are not done there. I refuse to comment on something I have no knowledge of...Period. I only know how dull things are in Elk County for the children there...And anything that can bring some happiness to them is all right in my book. I don't give a fig about things I can't control...I worry only about what I can personally have an effect on...To do otherwise is just to sit there and spin my wheels, going nowhere. I leave that activity...Spinning wheels aimlessly...To others.
Cultural Dictionary
Ignorance is bliss definition
Not knowing something is often more comfortable than knowing it.
Note : This proverb resembles "What you don't know cannot hurt you." It figures in a passage from "On a Distant Prospect of Eton College," by the eighteenth-century English poet Thomas Gray: "Where ignorance is bliss, / 'Tis folly to be wise.'"
Wow, I'm shocked (not really)!
Asked for a single accomplishment done by Elk Konnected and all that was said (by a non-member) was "at least they tried." Thats paraphrased of course but I would have thought that for all the praise they're recieveing there would have been at least one thing that could have been mentioned!!
I mean seriously, all that money and nothing to show for it.
How dull is it in Elk County for the kids? How is that measured?
Does the spending of government money somehow or another alleviate the purported dullness there?
Quote from: redcliffsw on April 24, 2012, 07:13:18 PM
How dull is it in Elk County for the kids? How is that measured?
Does the spending of government money somehow or another alleviate the purported dullness there?
Why should the entertainment of the youth be of concern of government or the taxpayer? The only thing that the youth need is a solid foundation in respect, and being honest and hard working. Fun and games is the responsibility of the parents or the youth themselves.
WHy can't the youth go out and earn their own fun? I did when i was young. I worked mowing yards, (Of which you can find today any kid that is willing to do that unless they are high paid and have riding mowers). Gone are the days where you tie your mower handle to the back of your bike and tote it around cutting the lawns for people. I've even tried to get kids to mow, they said nahhh their perents give them money they don't need to work.
By age 14 i had regular customers, made couple hundred a month and that was in the late 70's. not to shabby for only working on saturdays and a afternoon on weekdays. back then min wage was 2.15 a hour. I cleared 5 a hour after buying parts and gas.
15 -18 i fixed cars, did brakes, tuneups, ect ect. I don't see that today anymore. All i see is kids wanting to drive and party and have fun. I did the driving and partying and worked hard on my own nickle, not my parents nor the taxpayers.
If you start working at a young age you MIGHT wear out by the time you are 50. ;D
It's my personal opinion that Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners are simply exploiting the children of Elk County to further their agenda, whatever that maybe.
You don't see them spending time and money volunteering to make the lives of the elderly at the nursing home better, by handing out lollipops there, do you?
You don't see them handingout lollipops to the aged and homebound, do you?
You don't see them volunteering to handout lollipops in the form of food to the poor, do you?
It seems to me everything is about children, right?
Simply Exploitation of children in my books.
Afterall, we have real/actual communities and if they could recieve the money squandered on Elk Konnected, LLC perhaps those communities could do for their own children. Perhaps somethig more pemanent, like an extra slipper slide or swing set for their community park. Just whatever, that community deemed best for their children.
Now it appears that this so called community organization, which is really a privately owned company, might be trying to start a centralized daycare center (see children again) to make money off of them children and in competition with what might be as many as eight women or more that might start in-home daycare. Go figure.
I guess those women could then go to work for Elk Konnected, LLC at minimum wage, do you suppose? Can anyone tell us what the going rate of daycare is here in Elk County?
All that is really something to be proud of I suppose? But since we can't indulge this so called Community Organization, to remain in an open and honest dialog with the real community and the fact that they only use publications which provide one way communications, or so called Kommunity Kommuity Konversations where they will have the sheriff throw you out if you question their agenda, remember it is their business meeting and they can do that, right? I guess we will never know the truth. Especially, since they became an LLC and are not required to open their books showing how much money they have actually recieved and how much they have spent and how much might be pocketed. Again we will never know, will we?
But we do know they are required by a Kounty Kommissioners Employer to pay his organization thousands in membership fees, recieved from Elk County and the School Districts tax coffers to remain a member of his business, Public Squares Communnities, LLC . It's a requirement listed on Public Squares Communnities, LLC web site. At least that is the way I read it. You too can go there and read it.
I shall repost this on the "Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25" thread so no one misses it.
Quote from: greatguns on April 24, 2012, 07:52:18 PM
If you start working at a young age you MIGHT wear out by the time you are 50. ;D
LOL aint that the truth!
Quote from: greatguns on April 24, 2012, 07:52:18 PM
If you start working at a young age you MIGHT wear out by the time you are 50. ;D
I started working at a very young age. And as a 15 yer old, while I was working and paying for my own clothes, my own car, my own gasoline and yes my own cigarettes, I had fellow classmates getting killed drunk driving, I had another classmate die of alcohol poisioning and his friend go blind from it. There were many other incidents similar where a classmate ended up at the Hucthinson Boy's Reformatory and girls were ending up pregnant and sent to homes for pregnant girls.
I, in the meantime was working and staying out of trouble. I was working a part time day job and an evening job.
I worked until 59 years of age, I had planned to work to 70 years of age. But due to on the job injuries, I was forced and I mean forced into disability retirement. And I really did not appreciate being forced by management into disability retirement one little bit.
But just think if they hadn't forced me into disability retirement I would not be having this conversation with you.
Steve: it may be to the benefit of the community to have social/trades etc for the kids in the area. I do not believe the county should provide it. and to your comments as to why don't they make their own fun? Because in most of some minds, fun is video and blowing the other icons off the charts to be a BIG man to their friends that can't type lol. Or, they blow up animals just to see what they do, or they walk around trying to be cool.
Kids need direction, and from some of the things I have seen ELK KONNECTED sponser, it is just a party, or a disatraction with no followthrough.
Now, to Cat's comment: "At least they tried" I might agree with you , and yet I find that a very passive response from you Cat.
I don't wnat to take this to a OMG reaction, however people with questionable motives have tried, and was caught...others succeeded at a cost (that was the most generic parrallel that I could think of).
Perhaps they tried, but out of our pockets. You can only tap the well a few times, but when the well needs to feed cattle and water the vegetables so we can eat our well is dry for others to a point.
If I give you 5 of my hard earned dollars to spend it on beer, does that make me feel good? No
If I give you 5 of my hard earned dollers to spend it on a party? No, and I won't contribute anymore to that same person that keeps asking.
If you ask me to pay taxes to help the youth have an education with a trade, learn how to cook, how to fish, how to balance a checkbook, I would raise that and double it.
This is only my opinion: The monies are misappropiated by design, predjudiced in it's fundings and highly selfish in the reason for asking.
The youth? Yes, they need guidance. I just am not sure they are interested, but hey! if there is a party....we'll be there, especially if it is free.
Night...Just had to get that off my chest. Will answer any issues in the morning or after work.
ready to .......(fill in the blanks)
Sorry guys, ya can't turn back the clock.
Steve just said said the kids won't mow now. They apparently don't have to. If their parents have enough so they choose to give them the money instead, then it stands to reason that those same adult taxpayers don't object to having Elk County tax money spent in part on behalf of their kids. Those parents must have something else in mind for their children. It's their choice. If they didn't like it they wouldn't let their kids go to those activities and they would die from lack of attendance.
Steve, or one of you, said that a great many people who live there aren't from there. Perhaps they are more familiar with tax supported activities than you would expect.They don't seem to mind how things are being done or they wouldn't support the activities.
If your kids there are like many, they spend a lot of time on the computer. Your people there might want them to have the choice available to get outside and interact with real kids and get some air and exercise with organized sports. There will still be plenty of time for them to spend many ,many hours watching sports on TV...with their parents, the fathers in particular. ;) Not all kids in Elk county are farm kids. Most of them get plenty to do at home.
It would appear the local kids' activities are well attended. The only EK flop seems to have been the wellness center, which as sold, or the rent was transferred, so money was saved or regenerated. It wasn't a total loss. I'm told there was a grant involved, perhaps a fundraiser, and some equipment was donated. If ideas as to spending money in other ways are serious, suggest them at a committee meeting.
I'm not sure what the party analogy was. As far as extra money for school activities, sure, but doesn't the PTA do that already?
You keep reminding me that I don't live there. Well duh! I do try to see all sides, even though I'm not there.
It appears the events are well attended, the key word appears.
Where are the numbers.
A few kids out of how many?
And this again is still exploiting the kids er children by a privately owned business.
It really doesn't matter if all the children show up or none show up/
Exploitation is still exploitation, simple.
Using children as an excuse to get government money by a privately owned company to further their agenda, what ever it is, by using children is exploiting children.
I just can figure out any other way to explain it. And for Konnected Kounty Kommissioners to vote to give their Konnection taxpayer dollars to exploit children is just plain VILE IMHO.
Quote from: readyaimduck on April 24, 2012, 08:44:22 PM
If you ask me to pay taxes to help the youth have an education with a trade, learn how to cook, how to fish, how to balance a checkbook, I would raise that and double it.
ready to .......(fill in the blanks)
So if you volunteer to pay taxes to "help", then would you expect others to be forced to pay too?
Or do we use "democracy" to vote upon on the thing - to take the liberty of others by forcing them to pay?
Quote from: readyaimduck on April 24, 2012, 08:44:22 PM
Now, to Cat's comment: "At least they tried" I might agree with you , and yet I find that a very passive response from you Cat.
I don't wnat to take this to a OMG reaction, however people with questionable motives have tried, and was caught...others succeeded at a cost (that was the most generic parrallel that I could think of).
Perhaps they tried, but out of our pockets.
Ready, the reason I pointed out the fact that "at least they tried"...So many people in Elk County will sit in the coffee shops, bitching and moaning...But not putting forth one ounce of effort to effect any sort of difference. Lip service...Just another form of spinning those wheels, burning up yards of rubber but not going anywhere at all. Yes, I have no doubt that the efforts were out of the pockets of the citizens of Elk County...Elk County, as a society, is not a monetarily rich one. There is no ability for there to be handouts on a continual basis. The money for the activities has to come from somewhere, either private donations or monies that originally came in as taxes. There have been a lot of allegations of wrong doing bandied about on this Forum...If these allegations are factual, where is the proof? Have there been any arrests made of the offending individuals? I agree...Some of what has been posted looks and sounds suspicious...And if there is any wrongdoing that is exposed, then it needs to be dealt with in a decisive manner. However...I still thank EK for having at least gotten off their duffs and DONE SOMETHING...Amazing, given the amount of lethargy that exists in Elk County.
It seems to me that there is a "creation" of "needing to do something".
Yet, the 'gap', whether it exists or not, "must" to be filled with tax money, or the property of others?
Reminds me of the 13th Amendment, which eliminated private slavery and initiated government slavery.
Yet, some seem to thuink that democracy makes it better or even legitimate to steal from people thru government.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 24, 2012, 09:11:54 PM
Sorry guys, ya can't turn back the clock.
Steve just said said the kids won't mow now. They apparently don't have to. If their parents have enough so they choose to give them the money instead, then it stands to reason that those same adult taxpayers don't object to having Elk County tax money spent in part on behalf of their kids. Those parents must have something else in mind for their children. It's their choice. If they didn't like it they wouldn't let their kids go to those activities and they would die from lack of attendance.
When i was growing up friends parents bought them everything, christmas their tree was piled high with new stuff, mine was sparse. The reason? To teach character. When you are given everything, presents, cars, education you don't care about it, it has no value. But when you work for it, it suddenly becomes very valuable. You see the value in it as you have given up some of your life to attain that goal. Since you cannot get back the time you spent it then becomes very valuable to you hence you take care of it work with it and better yourself.
Parents are fools these days. They think they can just give their kids everything. All that happens is these kids get a very unrealistic view of life. No one serves anything on a silver platter to you after 18.
The same goes for bad events. You can't protect them from bad things but you shouldn't molly coddle them. They will survive it and be stronger for it.
If your kids there are like many, they spend a lot of time on the computer. Your people there might want them to have the choice available to get outside and interact with real kids and get some air and exercise with organized sports. There will still be plenty of time for them to spend many ,many hours watching sports on TV...with their parents, the fathers in particular. ;) Not all kids in Elk county are farm kids. Most of them get plenty to do at home.
This again is parents fault. What ever happened to get off the computer, get off the tv and go outside. You got Chores to do you know, get em done. Worked wonderful for my boys.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
Ready, the reason I pointed out the fact that "at least they tried"...So many people in Elk County will sit in the coffee shops, bitching and moaning...But not putting forth one ounce of effort to effect any sort of difference.
Yes Ready they have tried, to bamboozle the whole county with, "we are a community organizer" and we are going to exploit your children to prove it. But they, become an
LLC, a privately owned company so they don't have to answer to the actual communities or anyone they don't want to respond to. They even dissed an actual/real community to get peoples attention. And as they hopped most people over looked their negative side of dissing the people of Elk County just as Catwoman is doing in her statement. And they fabricated their fictitous Konnected Kommunity to further confuse people. It appears to me to be a Kommunity not on the map and only consisting of a very few people. And their visionaries they claim to have, have recently mimicked another organization that had been planning a daycare meeting since as far back as January and they thought if they held their meeting first that it would appear to be an original idea. It didn't work.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
Lip service...Just another form of spinning those wheels, burning up yards of rubber but not going anywhere at all.
In actually Catwoman, it is called trying to communicate. And yes we are spinning our wheels, because
Elk Konnected, LLC appears to be a failure at open and honest communications with the real and actual community of Elk County. Failure as in running a Wellness Center, which they tried, yes they tried, with other peoples money.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
Yes, I have no doubt that the efforts were out of the pockets of the citizens of Elk County...Elk County, as a society, is not a monetarily rich one.
I'm glad you recognize at least this much. But it was Elk Konnected, LLC asking elected officials that were acting as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners voting to give themselves the Elk County citizens taxpayer dollars to themselves, A very unethical move on the part of elected officials IMHO. These Konnected Kounty Kommissioners n order to have done the ethical thing would have recused themselves. Very simple.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
There is no ability for there to be handouts on a continual basis.
There is no basis for the first handout from the county coffers.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
The money for the activities has to come from somewhere, either private donations or monies that originally came in as taxes.
If the privately owned company
Elk Konnected, LLC needs money, how about they earn it like any other privately owned business?
Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
There have been a lot of allegations of wrong doing bandied about on this Forum...If these allegations are factual, where is the proof?
You are in fact alleging that what has been said is a lie by making such a statement. Where is your proof?
Where is your proof that you are not an Elk Konnected, LLC member?
They did not put it in the County Commissioners minutes that Konnected Kommissioner Liebau stated boisterouslyduring a meeting the he would defend Konnected Kounty Kommissioners . Nor did they put in the minutes that he called my posts here on the forum
vile. Nor did they put in the minutes that he said he did not have time to read this forum.
So anyway the proof is the word of upstanding citizens of Elk County, whose word is just as good as yours, maybe more so, since we live here and attend meetings. When you say are not a member of Elk Konnected, LLC do you have proof?
Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
Have there been any arrests made of the offending individuals?
There has not been any alleged criminal offense that I am aware of.
Do you know of some criminal activity that we don't know?
Ethics, unethical behavior is what has been pointed out.
The lack of principles, honesty with the public is what has been pointed out.
But if you know of something illegal the ethical thing to do is
report it to the sheriff's office.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
I agree...Some of what has been posted looks and sounds suspicious...And if there is any wrongdoing that is exposed, then it needs to be dealt with in a decisive manner.
And you would deal with ethical wrong do in what fashion?
Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
However...I still thank EK for having at least gotten off their duffs and DONE SOMETHING...Amazing, given the amount of lethargy that exists in Elk County.
I suppose you find our attempts at an open and honest dialog with
Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners lethargic? Pat yourself on the back.
You may thank them for getting off their duffs and doing something and that is acceptable and your privilidge. But milking the county of funds that should be going to actual communities to be used by them for the benefit of their children is just wrong IMHO. And to continue to exploit children for God only knows what they want to accomplish, is wrong, IMHO.
My best guess and opinion for the exploitation of children, is to establish themselves more in the county to further more control of the county, i.e. they have two county commissioners the President of the School Board and maybe another member or two on the school board. Is it possibly total control they want?
A few things to think on and consider.
Ross ,who says the money should go to "actual communities" for their use? What community groups are already in place? Are you sure they aren't happy about the existence of EK? Have there been complaints of a short fall by some groups already in existence? If they feel that there is competition, why don't they say so? Maybe they actually like the cooperation.
Are you tending to parade your personal opinions as facts? Opinions are fine as far as they go, but facts have to be backed up with specific provable information, not rumor or hearsay.
Please tell me how does one prove they are NOT a member of an organization, if simply saying so isn't enough? Can you prove you are not a member of the communist party? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
As far as the "exploitation of children." Why and how so? Do you have proof? Do the parents agree? If they think their kids are being exploited why don't they say so? They aren't mute are they? Do you really feel you must rescue them as they don't know any better? Exploitation of children is a very serious charge. You have it down that E K actually said, we are going to exploit your children to prove it. (You just didn't bother with the quotation marks.) Who said they have visionaries?
You said they claim to have them. I'd like to read that statement, please.
As far as the daycare business, you have a really long stretch going there to try to make a connection between the two organizations, when the one group already told you they aren't involved with the other? Why wouldn't it be true? Why would E K care? If your people in Elk County really have been lamenting the loss and/or shortage of day cares why wouldn't that tend to come up as a subject of interest? Why must it somehow be an evil plot?
I was told that all some here are doing is asking questions and that is just fine, so I am asking questions too. Care to bet how many true answers I get? There is an awful lot of unproved negative speculation going on. Just think a bit folks.
LOL...Now, Diane...No fair "Rossing" Mr. Ross. ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D
lol Diane, and you DID say: What is good for the goose is good for the gander!"
(not that I am related, affiliated or sleeping with said goose. ;D
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 03:11:56 PM
Ross ,who says the money should go to "actual communities" for their use?
It has always been that way and I believe that was the purpose of the recreation fund.
That is until a privately owned company started tapping it because they have members as county commissioners that voted to give it to themselves. Haven't you been reading the other thread?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 03:11:56 PM
What community groups are already in place? Are you sure they aren't happy about the existence of EK? Have there been complaints of a short fall by some groups already in existence? If they feel that there is competition, why don't they say so? Maybe they actually like the cooperation.
There are various groups and various City Councils which are governments that provide recreation in their communities. Many people won't speak out publicly because of things like this post of yours attempting to make me the subject matter, but that does not bother me because I know what the real subject matter is. The subject is Elk Konnected, LLC about keeping up the good work, yet nobody knows what that good work is.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 03:11:56 PM
Are you tending to parade your personal opinions as facts? Opinions are fine as far as they go, but facts have to be backed up with specific provable information, not rumor or hearsay.
No Diane I am parading my personal opinion as fact and if you paid attention I often say in my humble opinion. The fact that numerous people have heard the county commissioners at commissioners meetings express themselves as supporters and members of Elk Konnected, LLC. One commissioner has openly claimed to be a founding member and is on their steering committee. Check their web site for yourself don't take my word for it.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 03:11:56 PM
Please tell me how does one prove they are NOT a member of an organization, if simply saying so isn't enough? Can you prove you are not a member of the communist party? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
In case you did not notice, the question was directed towards Catwoman who was, implying the posters about the LLC might lying. She has said she is not an Elk Konnected, LLC member and I simply asked where her proof is in the same manner that she questioned our integrity. It was not directed towards you.
I do not need to prove whether I am a member of a communist party or any other party for that matter. The subject is not apart of this thread.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 03:11:56 PM
As far as the "exploitation of children." Why and how so? Do you have proof? Do the parents agree? If they think their kids are being exploited why don't they say so? They aren't mute are they? Do you really feel you must rescue them as they don't know any better? Exploitation of children is a very serious charge. You have it down that E K actually said, we are going to exploit your children to prove it. (You just didn't bother with the quotation marks.)
What is it, when you focus all your attention on providing lollipops and post your name in a form of advertisement and seek recognition for what you may have done for a few of the county's children in order to build a reputation throughout the county while using county resources and the local newspaper.
They even wanted West Elk school children to hold a clean up in Howard, why? To get their name in the newspaper. They were wanting to mimic what Elk Valley school does every year but it didn't fly at West Elk.
Diane, does anyone that exploits anyone else say we are going to exploit you?
How is it a serious charge? It is an observation and an opinion. Open your eyes and see for yourself.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 03:11:56 PM
Who said they have visionaries? You said they claim to have them. I'd like to read that statement, please.
As far as the daycare business, you have a really long stretch going there to try to make a connection between the two organizations, when the one group already told you they aren't involved with the other? Why wouldn't it be true? Why would E K care? If your people in Elk County really have been lamenting the loss and/or shortage of day cares why wouldn't that tend to come up as a subject of interest? Why must it somehow be an evil plot?
Elk Konnected, LLC claimed to have visionaries, do a little reading of their open letters, read their web site, do a tiny bit of googling and find it for yourself if you aare truly interested in the truth, and know the truth for yourself. Simply Google Elk Konnected and find a lot of information. I just don't have the time to go back looking for it.
The point in telling you there were no konnections between the two organization's was openness and honesty. Also the fact that the group working with the County Extension Office had planned their meeting far in advance and that it appeared to me that Elk Konnected, LLC's visionaries thought they could fool people into thinking addressing the daycare problem was originally their idea by holding their meeting a week before the Extension Office held their meeting with the ladies wanting to do in-home daycare. The second group told me they concluded that in-home daycare would be the best idea for such a rural area. And they have considerably more experience then Elk Konnected, LLC in this area, IMHO. And I understand it, they were there to work with the ladies to help them get going, not to talk about flower gardens.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 03:11:56 PM
I was told that all some here are doing is asking questions and that is just fine, so I am asking questions too. Care to bet how many true answers I get? There is an awful lot of unproved negative speculation going on. Just think a bit folks.
Diane it took a lot of effort to respond in a civil manner to this post. You have questioned my integrity and honesty and interest as a concerned citizen and taxpayer in this county. And that attitude is very difficult to respond to politely. However, I have tried to respond to you openly and honestly. An Elk Konnected follower or member or whatever they call themselves told me on the thread, "Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25" that everything I posted was being printed out for use in a law suit against me. Well it has been nearly a year ago, two more days will be the first posting of that thread.
Has Elk Konnected, LLC taken any action? Has elk Konnected, LLC denied anything said by anyone on theses threads? And yes they have been on the other thread but apparently could not handle an open and honest dialog and left. But s I have said long ago in my opinion they are reading every word.
So, why don't you question their purpose and honesty and integrity instead of mine?
I will now remind you again this thread is about all the good Elk Konnected, LLC has or is doing for Elk Konnected, LLC. And nobody can tell us anything.
No folks it is my personal opinion that you might give it all a lot of thinking or not.
And you are not required to believe anything I say or suggest, as my personal opinions are just that my personal opinions. There will not be a pop quiz tomorrow.
You don't need me to tell you what to do or how to think, i owuldn't try to anyway.
[quoteSo if you volunteer to pay taxes to "help", then would you expect others to be forced to pay too?][/quote]
Red, what I truly meant was if it is brought up to help kids get skills, not movies but real life lessons that is budgeted in the coffers for Youth, then I would vote for that in the I hope the majority did too. If, the majority doesn't want that, then there must be another unerliying reason.
This isn't about democracy with the counties coffers. This is about the commissioners being swayed (or so alledged) to throw your good hard earned tax dollars after bad issues.
Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 05:04:53 PM
LOL...Now, Diane...No fair "Rossing" Mr. Ross. ;D
You are absolutely right on that one Catwoman.
I'd really enjoy a new thread on an new subject just to see how quickly it was abandoned.
She should perhaps start a new thread to make it fair.
This thread is suppose to be about all the good Elk Konnected, LLC is doing and no one can give any decent answers.
But, do what you want and have fun doing it.
Ross, I know questioning Cat's proof of membership was not directed at me. I just jumped in like a couple of other people have jumped in on other people' postings.
I already listed what I thought were good things E K was doing that I happened to know about, and yes, they were all about kids, which I'm very interested in also. Remember my list was just brushed off? What do you call a decent answer? I,for one, don't know what you are looking for.
Calling everything "lollipops" just doesn't ring true with me, so we'll just have to disagree on that. That to me seems like an insult to make those efforts sound so small and trivial. The volunteers worked hard on those events and projects.
Ross ,if the commissioners were very open and up front about their interest in E K, then they didn't keep it secret did they?
There will always be people who want their taxes spent some other way aren't there? In Gov't there will always be winners and losers, so to speak. Rarely will everybody be happy at the same time.
Ready has different ideas too, and expresses them in a very civil way. She doesn't see free movies as being of much use. I doubt they cost much, and that is just a guess of course, but now that the Drive Ins are gone, I can see where, from a kids point of view, getting the family together outside on a blanket with other families and some popcorn might make some fun times and memories. Reminds me more of 2007,2008 before a few joined the forum.
Yes, I did go back and read all the threads here. As far as I'm concerned I have not, nor meant to in anyway question your personal integrity. If you felt that I did, it wasn't on purpose and I do apologize. But, does that mean you are too thin skinned too? That's what they used to accuse me of. As you saw, I learned! ;) Big Time! I do think you are overly suspicious though. Do the counties out there have a history of fraud and deceptive behavior? I really don't know.
You say people won't speak up because of ME? Oh come on now, I don't believe that at all.
The exploitation of children isn't part of this thread either but here we are talking about it....again.
Ready...for the last time with the goose and gander thing. I know what I said, I never denied it! I questioned what was said to me afterward. Something about the gander having tried hard and failed and I wanted to know who the gander was. I didn't understand what he meant. My goodness, it was such a little thing and we're still talking about it? That is so funny.
One last comment on this for now. Ross, why in the world does the business about the flower garden bother you so much? Don't you know how women chat and get temporarily side tracked when they get together? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Why are you apparently being so critical of them? On here no less.
Once again, all you volunteers out there, thanks. Sorry this subject got hijacked.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 07:39:11 PM
Ross, I know questioning Cat's proof of membership was not directed at me. I just jumped in like a couple of other people have jumped in on other people' postings.
The point was that I really did not doubt what she said about it, but the reason for the post was her questioning our integrity and doubting what has been said.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 07:39:11 PM
I already listed what I thought were good things E K was doing that I happened to know about, and yes, they were all about kids, which I'm very interested in also. Remember my list was just brushed off? What do you call a decent answer? I,for one, don't know what you are looking for.
Where is all that which their Vision Statement, about Strong families,
Solid education, Superior Lifestyle.
What do they have to do with family structure outside of their own, especially as a privately owned ?
What say do they have to about our education system as a privately owned business?
How do they propose to provide anyone with a superior lifestyle as a privately owned business looking for hand outs as "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs and could not run their own business, namely the wellness center that was provided by a "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" program. When they sold the Wellness Center do you think they returned all that "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money to the people that provided it?
I care about kids also. Don't even think otherwise but are they the business of a privately owned company?
What if every privately owned company in the county wanted county money to rent something to set up for the kid's in their place of business, maybe a video arcade game to draw people in to their business and then advertise it in the newspaper? Do you think the county commissioners would go for it?
Lollipops are anything provided from a privately owned company provided with "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money from the County Coffers especially when voted on by their own members. Easy, right?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 07:39:11 PM
Calling everything "lollipops" just doesn't ring true with me, so we'll just have to disagree on that. That to me seems like an insult to make those efforts sound so small and trivial. The volunteers worked hard on those events and projects.
I repeat, Lollipops are anything provided from a privately owned company provided with "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money from the County Coffers especially when voted on by their own members. I would feel insulted too, but I would be ashamed of myself, if I was on welfare too.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 07:39:11 PM
Ross ,if the commissioners were very open and up front about their interest in E K, then they didn't keep it secret did they?
The problem is voting to give money to the privately owned company they are associated with. The honorable and ethical thing to do, would be to recuse themselves.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 07:39:11 PM
There will always be people who want their taxes spent some other way aren't there? In Gov't there will always be winners and losers, so to speak. Rarely will everybody be happy at the same time.
But that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about Konnected Kounty Kommissioners voting to give money to their own cause, when they should ethically recuse themselves.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 07:39:11 PM
Ready has different ideas too, and expresses them in a very civil way. She doesn't see free movies as being of much use. I doubt they cost much, and that is just a guess of course, but now that the Drive Ins are gone, I can see where, from a kids point of view, getting the family together outside on a blanket with other families and some popcorn might make some fun times and memories. Reminds me more of 2007,2008 before a few joined the forum.
Is it you don't like they way I express myself?
Or is it you don't like the truth being expressed?
There are other threads that are fun and you are not forced to partake in any special thread.
As far as movies for children that were put on by a county employee with county money, I thought her job was Youth Development, where is the Development in movies. It seems ot me that parents can show their children movies as a strong family unit. What I have seen of the Elk County summer camps appeared to be nothing more than babysitting for a couple of hours a day. And don't give me that socializing crap that can be accomplished in the family and at school and at church. What are they learning that pertains to youth development when only provided with the cheapest of toys and being watched like by a babysitter?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 07:39:11 PM
Yes, I did go back and read all the threads here. As far as I'm concerned I have not, nor meant to in anyway question your personal integrity. If you felt that I did, it wasn't on purpose and I do apologize. But, does that mean you are too thin skinned too? That's what they used to accuse me of. As you saw, I learned! ;) Big Time! I do think you are overly suspicious though. Do the counties out there have a history of fraud and deceptive behavior? I really don't know.
No apologize are requested or required concerning my integrity, I was not offended, that's why I did not get ugly about it.
Why bring other counties into a local situation?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 07:39:11 PM
You say people won't speak up because of ME? Oh come on now, I don't believe that at all.
Did I really say that? OMG!
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 07:39:11 PM
The exploitation of children isn't part of this thread either but here we are talking about it....again.
Oh but it is! Exploitation is the use or utilization of whatever to accomplish something. Again simple! It appears they are exploiting the children to further their goals, whatever they are and doing it with "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money from the County Coffers with Konnected Kounty Kommissioners voting to give them the money that could better be utilized by the actual/real communities in a more permanent way, such as play ground equipment the children could use whenever they wanted to.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2012, 07:39:11 PM
Ready...for the last time with the goose and gander thing. I know what I said, I never denied it! I questioned what was said to me afterward. Something about the gander having tried hard and failed and I wanted to know who the gander was.
I didn't understand what he meant. My goodness, it was such a little thing and we're still talking about it? That is so funny.
One last comment on this for now. Ross, why in the world does the business about the flower garden bother you so much? Don't you know how women chat and get temporarily side tracked when they get together? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:Why are you apparently being so critical of them? On here no less.
Once again, all you volunteers out there, thanks. Sorry this subject got hijacked.
I messed that up about the goose and the gander, I meant to say the goose and it was not meant viciously but as a compliment. Human error, Human Error. My error, My error. I apologize, I appologize.
The subject did not get hi-jacked just questioned and still no answers? If I recall properly, Elk Konnected, LLC paid people to baby sit at last summers Summer Day Camp.
Now Ross, I'm sure the folks who did the day camp didn't consider what they were doing babysitting, nor did the parents who sent their kids to it. That's a mighty big opinion to have if you never stopped to see what was going on and why. All that opinion from just driving by? What would you have them doing? It won't be long before that season is here again.Do you suppose there will be any attempts at day camps this summer? Why not go volunteer at one and see what really goes on?
I wish I understood more about what I was told about the LLC business. There are are many types for many reasons. Legal personal liability protection is one and there can be tax advantages and other things that went right over my head. One of the things that was said was, "It can be a private business run in the public interest." I've mentioned some of this before but it just gets swept away as so much dust. And as Cat and Ready and I have all said, if there is evidence, real evidence, of wrong doing...do something about it. Griping is cheap and easy but accomplishes nothing, even if you state the same complaints over and over and over again. Apparently they have chosen not to engage some of you on here. They don't have to and aren't going to. If I were a public official, I wouldn't put up with the way some have spoken to me more than once either!
I din't just drive by I stopped and observed for a short time. And remember I said I thought I remember those volunteers being paid.
Where is the development Diane?and I do my volunteering helping people when I have the time and the money to do so.
I don't have to or want to belong to some organization to do good, I also don't need to advertise what I do it in the newspaper.
I have a full life and enough responsibility
Is having a lack of ethics or acting in unethical manner a chargeable offense?
Is lacking integrity a chargeable offense?
And this one for me;
Is lacking tact and diplomacy a chargeable offense?
Would you prefer tact and diplomacy over truth and integrity Diane?
And where did the answers to these questions go?
Quote from: Ross on April 25, 2012, 08:55:34 PM
Where is all that which their Vision Statement, about Strong families,
Solid education, Superior Lifestyle?
What do they have to do with family structure outside of their own, especially as a privately owned business?
What say do they have about our education system as a privately owned business?
How do they propose to provide anyone with a superior lifestyle as a privately owned business looking for hand outs as "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs and could not run their own business, namely the wellness center that was provided by a "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" program. When they sold the Wellness Center do you think they returned all that "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money to the people that provided it?
And I noticed you did not rebut my statement of opinion:
Quote from: Ross on April 25, 2012, 08:55:34 PM
The problem is voting to give money to the privately owned company they are associated with. The honorable and ethical thing to do, would be to recuse themselves.
I grow weary of this banter and shall take a break from it.
Come visit thread at: Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25.
Another essay, but shorter. 8)
Ya know, I did go back and reread about six months worth of those posts. I hope someone else is responsible for all those unnecessary apostrophes. They make my teaching certificate hurt.
It started out being about an informal group getting together to discuss the disposition of the coming wind farm monies.
A few were pissed at the way the meeting seating was organized. That's a very common group style when interaction is wanted, but apparently not among people who don't get out much. Poke, poke ;) It's much harder to chat freely when chairs are in straight lines. Can't you see that?
Some people just don't do well as a part of an organized group and are better as loners. Especially if they are very suspicious and have to constantly evaluate everything and everybody for value. Some will even admit that they just want to be left alone.
Ok fine, but then let the river flow on. Sit on the bank and enjoy watching it go by.
At that meeting a free exchange of ideas was encouraged, not all of which were practical of course, but they all did have the constitutional right to assemble and express their ideas without being trashed. Such comments!
Then there was Liz's apparent comment to a local town about trash pick up? My word you sure have gotten a lot of mileage out of that. They have probably long since forgotten it.
Brown heroin? (#Two) Really? Steve shouldn't even know what brown heroin is, let alone be using it in a post.
Perhaps it would have suited better if the various citizens names had been published so they could have been ridiculed personally.
Then just because they attended the meeting and signed the attendance sheet, those folks were labeled as EK forever and therefore the enemy.
Slowly, but surely, the posts stopped being about wind farm money, which isn't "taxpayer" money since it didn't come from taxes as far as I know. Isn't it profit sharing of some kind? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong about that. t The posts moved to being very picky, wanting micro information about Ek's projects and goals. Some may have been well intended, but perhaps not all were practical for everyone. Then the posts went back to taxpayer money and perceived fraud. It was a slow, but sure and subtle change.
First it was carrots ,now its lollipops. First it was wind farm money, now it's tax payers' money and of course a few think they've got it right and the rest don't. Do you few really believe the majority of the citizens there are blind and /or don't care? I'm accused of being blind all the time, but then again, I can step out and see things from the a different perspective.
Now it seems those original ideas have bloomed and the wind farm money is on the table once more. It appears to be being considered for allocation to those things, or at least some of them, that were high on the list of concerns of the people who went to that first meeting. See? The commissioners did listen.
People don't have to be cookie cutter copies of each other do they? Some people are shy and some are forward. Some have strengths that others don't have .Some parents want their kids to be exposed to different kinds of things in life. Some things aren't right or wrong, just different. For example, how tax money is spent. As far as what happened to the money from the closure of the wellness center, how could I possibly know? But EK is accused of pocketing it. Why? Is there proof?
Some of your questions would be better answered by folks out there. You want micro answers that I can't give.
The way I've been talked to and snapped at and verbally attacked hasn't been ethical or shown integrity at all from my point of view. Why do it? I just don't know what a few get out of it. That's my share of rambling...my specialty. I've got a nice chuck roast in the oven, time to add the veggies. We'll eat at 7:00
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 03:39:40 PM
...wind farm money, which isn't "taxpayer" money since it didn't come from taxes as far as I know. Isn't it profit sharing of some kind? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong about that...
The windfarm money is a payment in lieu of taxes (property taxes), PILOT. Once that money hits the county's bank account, it would be public funds. Regarding taxpayer money, in particular, the origin of wind energy funding is currently about 70%-90% federal & state subsidy. Last time I checked, federal & state monies are also public funds, the vast majority of which is supplied by taxpayers in one form or another.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 03:39:40 PM
Brown heroin? (#Two) Really? Steve shouldn't even know what brown heroin is, let alone be using it in a post.
Perhaps it would have suited better if the various citizens names had been published so they could have been ridiculed personally.
Why what? Why did you bring up heroin in a post? How should I know?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 05:50:58 PM
Why what? Why did you bring up heroin in a post? How should I know?
I believe i used it as a comparison to the addiction of windfarm money.
Perhaps they should just hand the money over to you few and the rest of the residents can then complain that their ideas weren't heard. Shouldn't everyone have an opportunity to be involved? Personally, I thought some of the first ideas suggested on here were very good ,but it is a process. Should ideas be ridiculed immediately? If so, then there is no free flow of ideas. It sounds like some good choices are being made by the people who were elected to make them.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 09:44:12 PM
It sounds like some good choices are being made by the people who were elected to make them.
To which choices do you refer specifically?
HOW many of those ideas were actually valid ideas worthy of receiving tax dollars based on valid county expenditures. By that i mean infrastructure, county payroll, ect. Not parties, EK, or any other socialist expenditure.
IF i remember pay down the debt was one valid idea, roads was another, lowering taxes is another.
Why do they need ideas? It's county government, not some club or charitable organization.
Americans ought to stand against the socialists and their principles and Elk County is as good as any place for folks to stand.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 09:44:12 PM
Perhaps they should just hand the money over to you few and the rest of the residents can then complain that their ideas weren't heard.
No Diane, that is not the way anything get's accomplished, neither does anything proper get accomplished by using weird tactics and outsiders from half way across the State. Nor does it help by, county commissioners by using a privately owned business with which they have an association with. Food for thought.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 09:44:12 PM
Shouldn't everyone have an opportunity to be involved? Personally, I thought some of the first ideas suggested on here were very good, but it is a process.
But shouldn't the
biggest idea be to tend to
County Government business, first and foremost. I.E. roads and equipment and paying off debts, etc. Getting County Business under control first.
Yes Diane, everyone that wants to be involved should be allowed to be, but not controlled by a privately owned company.
There were a couple of ideas that were good but the WMCA, how many millions would it cost to build and how much would the yearly franchise cost. And again all theses ideas were secret, done in a very controlled atmosphere by a third party. The third party being another privately owned company, "Public Squares Communities, LLC and Employer of a"Konnected Kounty Kommissioner[/color", who is also the self proclaimed founding member of
Elk Konnected, LLC. If the county commissioners really wanted input they could have held their own meeting and showed real leadership abilities. The local schoolboard actually did that very exact thing when they were discussing shutting down the grade schools.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 09:44:12 PM
Should ideas be ridiculed immediately? If so, then there is no free flow of ideas. It sounds like some good choices are being made by the people who were elected to make them.
Most of these ideas ridiculed themselves, but some showed methods of control. A free flow of ideas does not mean having the sheriff's office on stand-by outside the door as a deteriant and then calling them to escort people out of what was suppose to be a public meeting. as called on to do that to. And Diane I was not the only person the sheriff wBut was actually a private meeting of a privately owned company, where perhaps that is proper procedure.
I believe some good choices are being made by our elected officials, but only because of public pressure brought about by this and and any other thread concerning this situation, see, Topic: Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25 (Read 64665 times) at:
http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html and any other thread praising
"Elk Konnected,LLC".
I believe it has been clearly stated and shown that
Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners should not be in bed together and that the
Konnected Kounty Kommissioners should do the proper and ethical and show some integrity and
recuse from voting on anything that
Elk Konnected, LLC and
ECCEF bring before them. At least one Konnected Kounty Kommissioner has said many , many times she wears so many hats, she can not keep them straight, she even said at a County Commissioners meeting. If she truely means that statement perhaps it is time for her to make some serious decisions for her self, which would be of a big help to Elk County, don't you think?
This whole sitituation is not near as simple as you appear to think it is, now is it?
Every situation in every part of the country is different for each situation and every part of the country.
And nobody from
Elk Konnected, LLC disputes anything said on these threads, and they have been represented on this forum by the self proclaimed founding member
Elk Konnected, LLC. They have claimed to want to have open and honest dialog with the Elk County citizens and as yet have failed to do so, IMHO.
Just a few of RED Flags that have been brought out ovever the last year:They also failed at running their business know as the Wellness Center?
They failed at commandering the County Web site, didn't they?
They failed at commandering the County Emergency Call System also, didn't they?
They did accomplish commandering the County's Summer Day Camp last year by having a County Employee who is also Konnected put
Elk Konnected, LLC's name on it, didn't they?
These actions have been stymied by concerned citizens displaying their concern's by calling the County offices and attending County Commissioners Meeting's and even having the County Commissioner's challenged by the Aunt (relative) of one of the County Commissioners at their meeting. So people ar not so afraid to experess them selves as you seem to imply.
How long will these kind of actions continue by
Elk Konnected, LLC ?Percieved idea's are brought about by actions follwed by in-action on the part of the person or person's or company's or organizations who brought those actions, now aren't they Diane?
What choices? Patriot ,the ones you reported on in the new thread you wrote, mostly the roads and associated costs.That was very high on people's list of interest in how the windy money should be spent. I thought retiring debt was good too, suggested long ago.
To continue on from yesterday....Ross, why keep revisiting things that are now a year old as of today? People and groups do make mistakes but they learn from them, perhaps change horses and keep trying.
Keep in mind the original seed money for E K was from donations from 57 people, not your tax money. They were willing to support a new venture and try to accomplish something good for the area. I doubt success was guaranteed. As far as what they tried to "commandeer," our Channel 22 here is for the City of Newark, but groups are permitted to put information and coming events on it. Our reverse 911 is also used for things other than emergencies also. We got a call recently as to what day our fire hydrants were to be flushed. We also got one that a naked man was running down Wilson Street. ;)
I read every thing I could find on Public Squares so I know what they are about. They do have a number of communities on board now. How many have gone, of course I can't say. I don't see how you mean "controlled" by a private business. If there is a certain "recipe" for how they wanted things to be explained back in the beginning, why not? If they have a consistent program to be presented, then everyone gets the same information and understands the same thing. Misinformation, which is so common on here, is less likely.
I still don't know why the sheriff was at that first meeting. All I've heard is your interpretation of it. He may have been there for his own interest...or Public Squares requested him. Was he paid to be there? I can't say. You are assuming if he was, it was from tax money...perhaps Public Squares paid him directly. Our State police hire out often for private work.
You said the commissioners could have have held their own meeting for input. I thought they did and do, every month.
The aunt who spoke up? Good for her for catching an error and saying something, but that was one person, one time and that action doesn't represent everyone.
I'd be more interested in what is happening now. Summer day camps being organized? one? several? Paid or volunteer or some of both? County? EK? Both? Your schools will be out soon, right? Fairs and parades and such being planned?
Thanks all you volunteers who work so hard every year.
Patriot that comment about Delaware was uncalled for. I didn't approve of that bill in the first place. How can I get it through your hard head, I grew up in Dairy country in PA! I even lost a friend at age 9 when the John Deere he was driving rolled over on a hill and crushed him . What farm experience do you have? Do you even know which end of a cow to milk? >:(
You have lots of opinions, but which of us has more farm experience? Phooey!
As far as Delaware, where I live now, we are 41% farmland, which is a lot for a little state....2,480 farms.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
What choices? Patriot ,the ones you reported on in the new thread you wrote, mostly the roads and associated costs.That was very high on people's list of interest in how the windy money should be spent. I thought retiring debt was good too, suggested long ago.
Thanks. Just wondered. Wasn't sure if Delaware was Moraware of what was happening here than the locals were.... again. ;D
Of course you Araware in Delaware that it's an election year here.
Oh yes, I do keep up. Cute puns, or whatever those are.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 10:30:37 AM
Oh yes, I do keep up.
No doubt. So what's the latest from the social grapevine in Tucumcari, NM & is the noon balloon to Rangoon still running on schedule?
And as for those good choices you mentioned... truth be told, it looked a lot more like this: http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,13594.0.html (http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,13594.0.html)
Perhaps the EK supporters had no other choice.
Diane, I don't mean this ugly or disrespectful, but what are you?
Where do you come from with your ideas?
Are you hired by Elk Konnected, LLC as a volunteer to put out all of these mis-directions?
Really, are you just playing some kind of a game of distraction?
Or do you really fail to comprehend what is said to you?
I suppose your thinking is along the lines of, Spend as much of other people's money as you can get your hands on - it's good for the economy, oh and use other peoples resources it's free, except to the taxpayers.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
To continue on from yesterday....Ross, why keep revisiting things that are now a year old as of today? People and groups do make mistakes but they learn from them, perhaps change horses and keep trying.
That information is not a year old as of today, only the thread Topic: Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25 (Read 64665 times) at http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html
Is a year old today.
Why do you wish to twist information? The rest happened days, weeks and months later.
But it happened and when do tigers change their spots. Oh, I expect them to keep trying, keep trying to utilize "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs designed as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, yeah I expect that. I expect they continue to try to work behind closed doors and secretly as the good old boys club redesigned to control everything in this county, I expect that. They said they want open and honest dialog but run from it, Diane. So where is the change??????
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
Keep in mind the original seed money for E K was from donations from 57 people, not your tax money.
No, not true, they claim that, but we showed that at it actually came from a state agency, go to the original thread and look it up. Read and read till you get it right, please. Even the self proclaimed founding member and member of Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee, while acting as County Commissioner at a County Commissioners meeting openly denied using taxpayers dollars and said the check from the state agency went straight to her Employer, Public Squares Communities, LLC. At which I explained it was still money for Elk Konnected, LLC.
But beyond that their has never been any proof of any donating people, just believe what we say, right? The supposed number of donors of $50 each equaled the exact amount of the check paid to Public Squares Communities, LLC by Elk Konnected, LLC to join the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner's employeers organization. How many time does it need to be repeated before you comprehend?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
They were willing to support a new venture and try to accomplish something good for the area. I doubt success was guaranteed.
So you say?
Where is their Vision Statement of:
Strong families what do they have to do with families and what happens in the homes of these families? Are they the SRS or what? By what actions or authority are they going to strengthen families? Are they keeping that secret?
Solid education what do they have to do with education? We have the local School board, and the State Board of Education. How are they going to provide a solid education? Are they going to secretly start a private school?
Superior Lifestyle what the heck does that mean? Is that another secret of theirs?
"Stay with us as we grow!"
Where is their growth? On one hand they claim they don't have membership and on the other hand they claim membership, what's with that? If people are members why are they refered to as followers? If there are members where is the membership list?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
As far as what they tried to "commandeer," our Channel 22 here is for the City of Newark, but groups are permitted to put information and coming events on it. Our reverse 911 is also used for things other than emergencies also. We got a call recently as to what day our fire hydrants were to be flushed. We also got one that a naked man was running down Wilson Street. ;)
The groups you refer to are not in Elk County now are they? And, I would bet they had to have permission to post, right? They did not try to commandeer anything. Right?
The report of fire hydrants were to be flushed was probably city or county business, right? Not an event put on by a privately owned company, right? The naked man was also reported by county or city officials or probably by police as a very important situation, and not solely for the benefit of a privately owned company, right. County or city government business. Apples and oranges Diane.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
I read every thing I could find on Public Squares so I know what they are about. They do have a number of communities on board now. How many have gone, of course I can't say. I don't see how you mean "controlled" by a private business. If there is a certain "recipe" for how they wanted things to be explained back in the beginning, why not? If they have a consistent program to be presented, then everyone gets the same information and understands the same thing. Misinformation, which is so common on here, is less likely.
We are not dealing with Public Squares Communities, LLC but Public Squares Communities, LLC and our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners are. They have been paying the equivalent of dues to one of the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners employeers which is Public Squares Communities, LLC. This is a requirement of Public Squares Communities, LLC for Elk Konnected, LLC to pay with local government funds. Surely you read that on their web site. So where is that change you spoke of earlier, has the tiger changed it's spots???
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
I still don't know why the sheriff was at that first meeting. All I've heard is your interpretation of it. He may have been there for his own interest...or Public Squares requested him. Was he paid to be there? I can't say. You are assuming if he was, it was from tax money...perhaps Public Squares paid him directly. Our State police hire out often for private work.
I believe someone told you on the other thread that our Sheriff's dept is paid a salary.
The Sheriff's department is a county agency and works ro Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, is that difficult to understand????
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
You said the commissioners could have have held their own meeting for input. I thought they did and do, every month.
So then Diane, why did the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners need to ask their organization Elk Konnected, LLC hold a special meeting on the subject. The outlet for input is already in place, right?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
The aunt who spoke up? Good for her for catching an error and saying something, but that was one person, one time and that action doesn't represent everyone.
Elk Konnected, LLC definitely doesn't represent everyone either do they. So far it only has 5 or 6 people listed on their web site.
I think the elderly aunt was pretty representative of the actual and real community. And due plenty of respect for her input. But that was not the only incident pointed out, was it?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
I'd be more interested in what is happening now. Summer day camps being organized? one? several? Paid or volunteer or some of both? County? EK? Both? Your schools will be out soon, right? Fairs and parades and such being planned?
It will be interesting to see what or how Elk Konnected, LLC operates this summer? Will they use county resources and county grants to get their name on a Summer Day Camp again? Will they try to provide some form of development for the children if they do? Will they be able to get volunteers or will they have to pay people? Will they provide reciept's for money spent from any grants for a Summer Day Camp? If they receive money from the county and if there is money left over will they return it to the county?
We that live here know what the real and actually communities of the county do for the summer and we support them by showing up and having a good time.
But this is really about not knowing what Elk Konnected, LLC with it's imaginary or non-existent community might pull next? Since they won't communicate openly and honestly IMHO.
Patriot, Tucumcari? That's so funny. I've actually been there ;) ,East side of NM., west of Amarillo.Ya could hop on US 40 right near here and it'll take ya right there, even has some old pieces of Rt 66 nearby if I remember correctly.They'll be getting ready for the big chuck wagon cook off and the Cinco de Mayo celebration. We love NM and have been pretty much everywhere there at one time or another. We like AZ too, but Al likes NM better. We have traveled a lot, but not so much now as Al's Polio problems are worse these past two years. I've been to all 50 states so I can't complain. I can't help you with the noon balloon, the only one I've been on was at dawn near Reno. (It was called, Under the Rainbow). If you've never done that you really should. It's amazing.
Ross I have to leave, so I'll read yours later. I wonder how I'll be grumped at this time. :P ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
I'd be more interested in what is happening now. Summer day camps being organized? one? several? Paid or volunteer or some of both? County? EK? Both? Your schools will be out soon, right? Fairs and parades and such being planned?
Thanks all you volunteers who work so hard every year.
Diane - They've been holding (or will hold) soccer camps in the different communities in the county. My kids are all grown, so I really don't keep up with that age; I've just heard some of the students at school talking about them. Several kids have been going to more than just the one in their home town. There is also a
Pitch, Hit and Run event this Saturday. I haven't heard of any summer activities yet. I think they're still in the planning stages.
Quote from Ross:
Diane,Really, are you just playing some kind of a game of distraction?
Give that man a cigar!!
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 11:16:18 AM
Patriot, Tucumcari? That's so funny. I've actually been there ;) ,East side of NM., west of Amarillo.Ya could hop on US 40 right near here and it'll take ya right there, even has some old pieces of Rt 66 nearby if I remember correctly.They'll be getting ready for the big chuck wagon cook off and the Cinco de Mayo celebration. We love NM and have been pretty much everywhere there at one time or another. We like AZ too, but Al likes NM better. We have traveled a lot, but not so much now as Al's Polio problems are worse these past two years. I've been to all 50 states so I can't complain. I can't help you with the noon balloon, the only one I've been on was at dawn near Reno. (It was called, Under the Rainbow). If you've never done that you really should. It's amazing.
As I suspected, you are personally familiar with even totally remote places & things that involve hot air. Thanks for the confirmation. Poke, poke?
Aint google a wonderful thing ?
Quote from: jarhead on April 27, 2012, 12:24:05 PM
Aint google a wonderful thing ?
Seems so. :o
So you don't think I've been to Tucumcari? Why? I've also been to White Sands and Truth or Consequences, Alamogordo, Las Cruces, Mescalero, The Apache Reservation, Ruidoso, beautiful Cloud Croft and many others also. Until we visited I hadn't known that White Sands wasn't really beach sand. Why would I be making it up? >:(
Ross, I can't possibly answer all your tedious questions, so I'll turn most of them over to others. Distraction? For what purpose?
As far as my question about the sherrif being at that first meeting, someone, I don't recall who, said he was there after hours, that's why I wondered how he had been paid or whether he was there on his own time, just for interest.
You do know of course that tigers have stripes, not spots. 8)
Patriot, if you run for office, and I think we've already seen your platform, you will soon be full of hot air too. It's a requirement ya know. Yuk,yuk.
Thanks Mom 70x7
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 02:47:24 PM
Patriot, if you run for office, and I think we've already seen your platform, you will soon be full of hot air too. It's a requirement ya know.
A. I'm not sure anybody has seen anything yet.
B. Hot air is only a requirement for Demoncrats & so-called moderates, because the heat is needed to bend things. If one isn't bending anything, there's no need for heat.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 02:47:24 PM
C. He who laughs last, laughs best.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 02:47:24 PM
You do know of course that tigers have stripes, not spots. 8)
That was the whole point of that particular post.
Meaning I don't know where you are coming from.
See right here.
Quote from: Ross on April 27, 2012, 10:54:22 AM
Diane, I don't mean this ugly or disrespectful, but what are you?
Where do you come from with your ideas?
Are you hired by Elk Konnected, LLC as a volunteer to put out all of these mis-directions?
Really, are you just playing some kind of a game of distraction?
Or do you really fail to comprehend what is said to you?
Why do I have to be coming from anywhere? How could I be "hired"by anyone and then be a volunteer? Vollies aren't paid.
I'm not a what, I'm a who, and a very independent thinker who tries to see both sides of issues if there are controversies. I don't make decisions, especially about wrong doing, without proof.
There have been comments made by several of you as to stealing money...but avoiding the word "stealing"in most cases. Theft, lining their pockets at taxpayer expense,#160, pocketing the extra money #93 and other similar statements I will hunt up if you insist. You asked if what they are doing is illegal. Ok, I'll ask you. Is pocketing extra money illegal? If you have proof then yes, it's illegal.
Remember, it's not what you think you know but what you can prove. In politics many things can be done that might appear to be in bad taste but are legal. Shouldn't you just suck it up and be done with all the accusations?
Is it an "I want blue and they want green" situation? You four don't want tax money spent in certain ways. What do other people want? Are they being fairly represented here on the forum?
So far anyone with an apposing view who dared to speak up has been verbally attacked and insulted. You won't even let them speak from behind screen names without trying to figure out who they might really be so you can take them on, yet you use screen names yourselves because you can. How is that right?
I didn't break this up into little purple boxes, so I'm sure I'll be rudely called on it by one smart alec snot or another.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 10:10:09 PM
Why do I have to be coming from anywhere? How could I be "hired"by anyone and then be a volunteer? Vollies aren't paid.
I'm not a what, I'm a who, and a very independent thinker who tries to see both sides of issues if there are controversies. I don't make decisions, especially about wrong doing, without proof.
So, why all the diversions about what goes on in your county? You just can't compare apples and oranges.
Ethic's, Principals, Honorable Actions, Integrity those are the main issues.
This is not the 1950's where volunteering was done without compensation of one form or another.
Today is different: This is only to show that volunteers can and do get paid.
I repeat, I am not comparing towns and states, simply showing volunteers can and do get paid.
Today's volunteers at the Washington Township Fire Department actually receive a paycheck for the time they invest in the community. Volunteers are paid for each call they respond to, Centerville, OH
My son (13yo at the time) this last summer was going door to door mowing lawns and at one house the lady needed her lawn mowed but said she had no money. He said I'll mow your lawn no charge, and that was exactly what he did. He Voluntarily mowed the lawn without some organization telling him to do it, he made the decision on his own. True volunteering don't you see. Oh, he was compensated for his perspiration with a glass of ice water, which was really nice of the lady. And I am
super proud of him for his action.
But just to show how words have gotten twisted and their meanings changed by adding to or subtracting from them, check this out.
Yes, Diane there are paid volunteers and there are volunteers that pay to volunteer. You can do a google search for "paid volunteers" and you can also check out www.volunteermatch.org and type in "paid" or "internship" in the advanced keyword search. Even Elk Konnected, LLC said they, paid their volunteers last summer to work the Summer day Camp.
You say you make decisions based on both sides of the issue, well the issues have nothing to do with where you live. Yet, you try to compare this predominately rural farm area in Kansas of only 2880 people with your east coast area of how many 10's of thousands of people, where you probably have a shopping mall or two and major employers and I have read there are 2 prisons there, that are capable of holding a total of 5000 people, more people then the total of the population in Elk County. We don't even have a Wal-Mart in Elk County and they are almost everywhere.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 10:10:09 PM
There have been comments made by several of you as to stealing money...but avoiding the word "stealing"in most cases. Theft, lining their pockets at taxpayer expense,#160, pocketing the extra money #93 and other similar statements I will hunt up if you insist. You asked if what they are doing is illegal. Ok, I'll ask you. Is pocketing extra money illegal? If you have proof then yes, it's illegal.
Where is the documentation of the County monies, is what I have politely asked. Where are the reciepts. Where is the transparency? Who is accountable? Is it wrong to ask polite questions, I don't think so?
Ethic's, Principals, Honorable Actions, Integrity these are the main issues. Are they illegal activities, I don't think so but are they actions and attitudes that can be questionable, IMHO you bet. Should they be questioned? I think so, when they involve the County Government and the School Government. Elk Konnected, LLC has their self proclaimed founding member Konnected Kounty Kommissioner working for them and one other Konnected Kommissioner working for them in the way of voting to provide this privately owned company with money from the county taxpayers coffers. It only takes 2 out of 3 commissioners to vote to do this. Wouldn't it be an
Ethical and
Principled as well as an
Honorable Action and a show of
Integrity for these two
Konnected Kommissioners to
recuse themselves when an issue of taxpayers money to line their organization wallet, comes up?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 10:10:09 PM
Remember, it's not what you think you know but what you can prove. In politics many things can be done that might appear to be in bad taste but are legal. Shouldn't you just suck it up and be done with all the accusations?
You talk about bad taste as if it is something acceptable to you, well that fine with me if you find it acceptable. I sure hope you didn't teach that in school.
But I do believe that most people do not find it acceptable. In bad taste, concerning
Ethic's, Principals, Honorable Actions, Integrity is something that should never be acceptable. That IMHO is what is wrong with our great country.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 10:10:09 PM
Is it an "I want blue and they want green" situation? You four don't want tax money spent in certain ways. What do other people want? Are they being fairly represented here on the forum?
You are right Diane, the majority of the county won't speak up because, maybe an uncle or aunt or daddy works for one of these respectable, upstanding citizens (as they have been called by followers), because their uncle or aunt or daddy may get fired or laid off because of something they say. That's the real essence of real politics, IMHO.
So what kind of fairness are you really talking about. The fairness of being placed in a circle of chairs by a privately owned company and being told what to think about and what to talk about and peer group pressure to insure you are compliant. I Personally am fortunate enough not be able to be controlled that way, however, if you remember, I was threatened with the possibility of a lawsuit right here on the forum. And that didn't work either.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 10:10:09 PM
So far anyone with an apposing view who dared to speak up has been verbally attacked and insulted. You won't even let them speak from behind screen names without trying to figure out who they might really be so you can take them on, yet you use screen names yourselves because you can. How is that right?
If you go back and take a look at the original thread I believe, you will find the threats and name calling and such started with the followers. And from this side of the wall that was built by the followers, there has never been any threats.
I don't use a screen name. I don't really care who is behind a screen name, I probably don't know them personally anyway. This is not personal on my part, it's politics, plain and simple. The followers as they are called by Elk Konnected, LLC are not individual's that are the subject here, it is Elk Konnected, LLC a privately owned company that appears to be entangled in our County and School Governments.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 10:10:09 PM
I didn't break this up into little purple boxes, so I'm sure I'll be rudely called on it by one smart alec snot or another.
No Diane, you will not be rudely called on for not breaking your post down into little purple boxes. You like everyone else, has the privilege of posting the way you want, based on the guide lines of the Forum Owners.
I choose to break the post down for clarity in communicating.
But you see, there is that bullying and name calling, you so often talk about other people doing, throwing out "Smart Alec Snot", (a grade school child's remark) that's not nice at all. As a retired teacher, I would have thought better of you than that! You have stated in a previous post, telling someone, that a Bully doesn't recognize the bullying tactics. I would appreciate it if you would review that for yourself.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Ross, I have to disagree. In the fire service true volunteers are not paid. "Combination" companies, (ours has finally had to become one due to area growth over the years) have" paid on call" or some paid full time staff along with their volunteers. They are called career staff and are never called vollies. You are preaching to the choir here. That article was poorly written.IMHO
Our unpaid people far outnumber the paid folks. I am a volunteer. Al and I have never been paid for anything we ever did, or now do at the fire house. I run a $150,000 fire fund drive for free. It's my pleasure to do so. Whoops! I lied ..I get as much free coffee as I can drink. ;)
All our officer cadre are volunteers, no pay ever, from the Chief on down.
We are still listed as a volunteer company, even with some paid staff, especially with the ambulance service part. One can't service 8,000+ emergency calls a year here with just vollies.
People who are paid cannot be called volunteers. The people who are paid for part of their time are not called volunteers for that part of their day.That's called "paid on call" or "part time employees" depending on the set up. I won't bother you with the details. If you think I'm wrong, look up the definition of volunteer.
Your camp folks who were paid hourly or salaried were not " volunteers." Someone may have called their pay an honorarium or some such to change the classification, I don't know. Perhaps they turned in expenses for reimbursement, but one cannot make a profit and be called a volunteer. Was there a combination of paid and volunteer camp counselors?
Our Safety Town day camp is like that. The main "counselor' who is in charge every day for two weeks, supervises everyone else, does the lesson plans, arranges for trips and volunteer speakers, and keeps thing running smoothly, is a kindergarten teacher who is hired by Newark Parks and Rec. The rest are all volunteers. No pay. Mc D's provides free snacks for everyone at camp. Many are teenage counselors, one for about every 8 kids. It's not free, parents pay for their kids to go.
Internships are a whole other thing, so are apprenticeships. A volunteer army is different too.They are paid of course, but were not drafted.
Why do I sometimes write about things here? Because some there do enjoy hearing about it, and have told me so. I'm sorry you don't. But then you voluntarily read it. At least I don't think you are paid to do it. ;D ;D ;D
I like hearing about what is going on out there because I've been there often enough to know where things are and who people are. That is an advantage for me. I also enjoy hearing about the trips people take, their gardens ,the wine people are making ,successful fishing, tall tales, jokes, the bull being thrown in fun, and so on. I love the photos and posts about long ago. I'm a very sociable person, when I'm allowed to be and don't have to defend myself from the personally and unnecessarily rude and crude people. That stuff never adds to anything and makes the writer look bad.IMHO.
Why would you think my writing is for some kind of political diversion? I don't know how that would work. You said my vote doesn't count.
I think our readers can tell the differences between here and there without have to be told! Except for the number of people the issues are very similar, the money numbers here are just bigger. You think we don't have road problems? Think again! We get flooded roads when the roadside ditches aren't properly maintained etc. Every spring we get pot holes big enough to swallow a motorcycle and deeply eroded road edges on some paved, but very narrow country roads. Ya drop a wheel off that and its game over.
People here don't agree on how taxes should be spent either. Some people get a real reputation for being a nuisance. (Fritz) They try to stop anything and everything, in some cases to the county's regret.
A few years ago several people lost their homes due to terrible flooding because some county ditches and flood gates weren't maintained. The money allocated for that was shifted to another budget line. Big mistake. A tropical storm sent the rain, but the county had to buy those properties.
We can and do have some serious traffic problems that you don't have. But "country" is only a few minutes away up the road from me, just as busier traffic isn't that far away from you. When the University is in session, I have to add an extra 10 minutes to wherever I'm going if it's on the other side of town. Fortunately I don't have to do that too often.
I know where that Walmart is in Independence, I've been in it. We didn't have one in New Castle County either until just a very few years ago when they moved into a defunct Gaylords store. The next closest is in Maryland.
As far as documentation of county expenses.... Isn't there a financial report available? Here there is a financial report available on line for that transparency you talk about, and audits when scheduled. You all don't have that? ( Why would they ever pass the receipts around for inspection by the audience? How long would those meetings be? ;D ;D ;D)
I know what real dirty politics looks like. A few year ago a past county police chief here ran successfully for County Executive. As a political deal the FOP said they would back him if he took the current police chief with him to get her off their backs. He did and she was promptly made his CEO. BIG Bucks!. They pulled all kinds of shenanigans, including violating the hatch act using police officers to do political work, promoting existing county employees up to ridiculous salaries for positions they weren't qualified for, created new ones for their friends and more. You wouldn't believe how many "Administrative Assistants" they had...bought and paid for for their loyalty.
My one girl friend was given a raise, but then was politely "asked" to donate that same amount to their campaign fund! Of course it was done verbally, nothing in writing.The employees were "asked" to donate their time to the annual weekend Easter Egg Hunt and the annual county Ice Cream Social. All county employees were also expected to volunteer to work hours at the County Fair they tried for a few years, That was a real hardship for some of the single parents who had to hire someone to watch their kids while they did forced slave labor at the county displays they were expected to create and populate at the fair. BUT the county police were paid to be there.The NCC Paramedics were expected to volunteer their time! And don't try to get out of it. You will never ever be considered for a raise or promotion because you aren't a "team player." Nice huh? Ya wanna talk about unethical ? They wrote the book on it. Some hourly people were expected to work as many hours as the super called for but never write in more than 40!
The President of Council tried to do something about it for quite awhile and was eventually successful. They finally found enough evidence to prosecute. She took most of the fall for their crimes, as well she should have.The only reason I mention it is because he's back now and wants to take a run at being elected County Executive again! I'm very worried.
By not having a County Executive and a Council President and a bigger council you don't have the benefit of those checks and balances. I can see how it would be harder there.
As far as asking "polite" questions at your council meetings, EK meetings and such, I think there might be a real miscommunication with the word polite. What you are saying may not be what they are hearing.
Bad taste? from me? Please don't put words in my mouth. It was a general statement about politics and that is all. No names were used. If others can use that excuse so can I. Ya talk about twisting words around! "As if it is acceptable to you," There was nothing I said that could cause you to come to that as legitimate conclusion. Wanting it to be doesn't make it so. Then a dig about my teaching... again? That was was an intentional cut...again... and added nothing. Are you really like that at heart? EEEK. Perhaps I should put my rude horns back on. I sure didn't have to wait long to be swiped at again,did I. Is it fun making cutting remarks to me? Why? Someone recently told me they would never have the patience to put up with the personal nonsense ,especially from two of you.I told that person it was the teacher in me that makes me normally very patient and that I've seen kids show off for each other in exactly the same way. But they are incomplete organisms. There must be points given that I don't know about, right? You can trade them in for something at a store, right? ;D
You few make all kinds of excuses for how you word things .."telling it like it is" ''the truth" and all that. (I'm not sure how that excuses personal insults.) Except, it is so often just your (plural) version of how you THINK things are. It can easily be disputed by others, who are them immediately attacked for having a different opinion. You really can't see that? You keep saying it's just your opinion, but then don't seem to try to ever see anyone else's opinion as being legitimate. You(plural) just cast it aside or some will even mock it and make sport of it. What happened to our freedom of speech, HMMM? No polite listeners?
Why did the EK seating arrangement and agenda get to you so badly? It saves a lot of time when it's to be a structured meeting for a specific reason, to let people know what the subject matter is to be. Would you have felt better about it if the agenda and seating had been advertized somehow? Peer pressure? How? I had already explained the circle seating. I rather suspect Public Squares uses that same "formula" at all their introductory public meetings for consistency and time predictability. I did something similar when I was teaching several EMT classes in the same subject for several different sessions .It kept me on track and assured they all got the same information in the same allotted three hour time frame.That takes practice!
So EK became a "private" organization. Why does that bother you? It was recommended that they do it for the liability of the group. They aren't rich folks and some people can be suit happy. You seem to have to come to your own conclusions as to why the LCC part was done, but is it factual information or your personal opinion? I'm sure the county allocates money to other private companies when it's something they can't do themselves...like the expensive new court house roof. That caused a few tongues to wag too..or so I heard.
I really do understand your having a problem with possible conflict of interest. But... there has to be proof of personal, or monetary gain, right? What would that be? Your county lawyer would have addressed that if there was a problem, back when EK started, wouldn't he?
We see that here too and that's what the lawyer says if it's not a real issue but a perceived one. NCC even has an Ethics Board to handle such inquires. Perhaps you should there too. Most people don't understand the real legal definitions of conflict of interest and there are many.
Every year Al had to "declare" that his sister had a real estate license and worked in NCC. That's also why we live where we do in Newark proper. No chance of conflict or perceived conflict with the county. We never even bought extra land in the county either.and yet Al had to some how live in NNC as a job requirement. It's been dropped finally,long after he retired but we couldn't even buy my parents place or move in there to help them as they aged without his having to give up his job.
That's one problem with having so few people there and even fewer who have "get things done" personalities. You just don't have the critical mass. Personal displeasure and gripes can be easy, can't they?If people can be fired for their personal opinions,well that's sure no endorsement for living there, is it?
You say of the three people on council ,two are EK supporters. I would be interested in knowing if the third person votes with the other two making a unanimous vote when EK issues arise, or whether he is always a no vote, making it two to one. That would say a lot.
You say Ross isn't a screen name? You really have only one name ? ;D ;D ;D No, I didn't see any law suit threats to you on here. If I go back on some thread ,I don't know which one, I would really question who struck first with the rude and insulting talk. Some time I'll go see for myself. By the way, as far as the purple boxes, you weren't the rude snot I had in mind.
Yes, I've chatted and rambled and jumped around as I've thought of things. I should be able to when it suits me. We'll see. I suspect you've fed those Delaware chickens by now. It's getting dark here and too chilly .Have a peaceful evening. We'll bicker again some other time.
QuoteYou say of the three people on council ,two are EK supporters. I would be interested in knowing if the third person votes with the other two making a unanimous vote when EK issues arise, or whether he is always a no vote, making it two to one. That would say a lot.
Sorry for the purple box Diane lol
You see, that is one of the main issues. If there is a 3 man team, and 1 or 2 are ELK Konnected supporter and admittedly so, it would only seem ethical for one or both to recluse oneself from the vote to allocate monies to said Elk Konnected.
That is just plaine and simple eithics.
Loved your rant, and Ready...to read the rest.
Okay Diane, I read it all. (And to think I was a rambler :P ;D)
I truly respect what you wrote....you wrote that from experience and from the gut.
I am not so sure that the County DA sees things here as he/she see things in your county.
It is so laid back that Policies and Procedures get thrown into the ditch that isn't graded correctly because of lack of funds.
It isn't until the squeaky wheel gets greased, that the wagon rolls onward...and this is an election year...hmmmmm
And then, the junk in the trunk of progression becomes our new best friend.
ready to .....
Diane glad you volunteer where you live but you dont have to tell us everyday.all of you need to step back and regroup , wont change athing around this county If you are in the clickyou get special treatment in this county Rodney King said it best CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG .NO I THINK NOT.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to over do it and I know I can and do ramble, but when a bunch of questions are asked of me or I disagree with something I tend to give very complete answers, whether you like it or not. ;D ;D ;D.
I wish you could all get along . :'( You're right, I can't fix it, but I do have more friends there and in other counties nearby than any of you know about, and some family too. The ugly fighting makes me sad. Especially sad for a number who no longer post or have cut 'way back. There are at least 14. I'll try to talk shorter, but keep in mind I don't go on the political forums any more at all and only here because it's in the coffee shop. I don't have many choices left. :'( :'(
Holy moly,
Ross if you are gonna break all that down and answer every question---then you better get started son---cause you got your work cut out.
Diane, I have one little simple question to ask---and I aint being snarky, just curious. I have read 100's and 100's of posts on the New Castle county forum and the Newark,De forum and I see no rant----I mean post from you---none. My question is---do you not try to solve the problems in your own back yard ?
Oh my...you have no idea! Al and I are both letter writers and phone callers and council meeting attendees, etc. You'd be surprised how often our ideas, especially Al's, are implemented. I'll spare you the details but the answer is YES!
I am on forums here too but with a screen name, so if you went on it you wouldn't know me.
Reply 3264
Quote from Diane:
So far anyone with an apposing view who dared to speak up has been verbally attacked and insulted. You won't even let them speak from behind screen names without trying to figure out who they might really be so you can take them on, yet you use screen names yourselves because you can. How is that right?
So you use a screen name on your local forum ? OK, thanks for answering my question.
No, you don't get it. Nobody here uses their real names,at least not on the forums I'm on. They would think it was strange if I did. No, that's not correct, the administrator does. Welcome to them. They can be really fun. Join in if you wish.
Not sure what you mean, "no I don't get it" Didn't know I said I got anything. I only went to the two forums I mentioned so I might not of went to the Forums you post on. Care to share the links to them and your screen name so some of us can keep up with stuff you post so when you are too busy to post on the Elk County forum?
I figured I went to different forums that you are on because I know you talk about "east coast manners" and believe me---some of the posts I read are a far cry from what I would call using any manners. Gives a new meaning to "vile". :D
The two forums I went to had lots of people using their names so again, guess that confirms I went to forums you don't post on. Thanks
Sorry, I misunderstood what you meant. But I did misspeak. I went back and looked and there are a couple of people who do use their real names. Vile? Better not... Use the personal insults on my main forum here, and you will be banned, some times for six months, some times permanently. There are lively political discussions, but personal insults aren't tolerated. (Many of them too can't stand President Obama) A couple of you wouldn't last 5 minutes on it unless you changed your ways. Like yours, we have people with ties to Newark but aren't here any longer, some who went to UD. You asked have I helped people.If you mean by way of the forum,yes to that too. I've been able to help some people with specific needs ,answer questions and match some people with help they couldn't find and answer a lot of fire safety and EMT type questions.There is more but that's enough for here.
The one Newark forum (Topix) and the NCC one,(also Topix) I don't really care for. They have a lot of short news threads and very few posts, but can be rude and rough... I rarely go there unless I'm looking for something specific.The other in particular I check in every day. The trouble is I'm much older than most of them .Silver Eagle is about my age and one or two more, but most are much younger. By the way, if you see a RobForaker, He's everywhere!and makes me sound like a mute.
And still we wait for a few specific laudable, measurable examples of EK's community unification & organizing skills.
How about it frawin? ddurbin? catwoman? diane? elk@kc? Other friends of EK?
Chirp... chirp... chirp.
Whoa! Talking about asking the impossible.
Wait a minute!
Just wait a minute!
It's been an impossible question since the beginning, hasn't it?
The Who?
How's have been impossible to respond to in any form of intellectual reasoning, hasn't it?
Quote from: Patriot on April 29, 2012, 07:58:29 PM
And still we wait for a few specific laudable, measurable examples of EK's community unification & organizing skills.
How about it frawin? ddurbin? catwoman? diane? elk@kc? Other friends of EK?
Chirp... chirp... chirp.
Patriot, there you are standing in the way of socialism again. That's good.
Jar, you said you had read hundreds and hundreds of posts from forums here. May I ask why? You have no ties to here that I know of and you all seem to think we're nothing but a bunch of socialist commies here, with no positive attributes at all, so why would you bother? I can't trust you any more than I can the others, so what are you up? ???
As for the others and EK, haven't you figured out yet you are not going to be catered to? You are considered just a negative distraction and a minor nuisance.IMHO
Red, I really do wish you would find out what modern socialism is. According to the way you seem to think, any group that bands together to share resources (and save money) are socialists. Any person or group that creates a village or town or city where there is a collective funding of money, taxes, if you will, that benefits the group rather than just one person must be socialist in nature. Yet some communities celebrate Founders Day rather than hide in shame.
According to that thinking the founding fathers were socialists too! They banned together in New york and Philly and shared resources for what they thought was the greater good.They benefited themselves too. Remember good old Ben Franklin managed to get the contract to print all the money. An early monopoly. They also didn't just leave people alone to do whatever they wanted.There were rules of conduct and health regulations and much more that I won't get into for fear of being too wordy again.Were they Marxist before Marx existed? You snarl those Commie, Marxist, Socialist, labels around like they taste bad, but I'm not sure you understand their real principles.
Quote from Diane:
Jar, you said you had read hundreds and hundreds of posts from forums here. May I ask why? You have no ties to here that I know of and you all seem to think we're nothing but a bunch of socialist commies here, with no positive attributes at all, so why would you bother? I can't trust you any more than I can the others, so what are you up?
Yes, by all means you can ask---It's a free country--for now !!
Why would you think that I have no ties from back there ? My mothers side of the family came from back east. Why would you not think that have exchanged PM's with people from Newark and surrounding areas ? Why would you not think that one of our Corpsmen is a recreantly retired Paramedic from your neck of the woods ? Do you really think that some of us from Elk county has not traveled as extensively as you and have been to many of the same places ?
My "feelers "are very hurt that feel you can't trust me---but that's OK ,but please explain what you mean "so what are you up ? "
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2012, 11:57:24 AM
As for the others and EK, haven't you figured out yet you are not going to be catered to? You are considered just a negative distraction and a minor nuisance.IMHO
Diane, you have certainly proved a point.
If that is their negative attitude, that only makes them a negative force by your own description.
They may throw them a lollipop here or there, in an attempt to create their message, but will not offer up meaningful change. Just what is that worth? Not a plug nickle.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2012, 11:57:24 AM
Red, I really do wish you would find out what modern socialism is. According to the way you seem to think, any group that bands together to share resources (and save money) are socialists. Any person or group that creates a village or town or city where there is a collective funding of money, taxes, if you will, that benefits the group rather than just one person must be socialist in nature. Yet some communities celebrate Founders Day rather than hide in shame.
I know I'm not Red, but this is an open forum.
And this is not founders day is it?
Is modern socialism some form of brainwashing? Do question anything, do as peer group pressure demands? How sick is that?
We only have one group trying to claim a lot of benefits with no way of showing any such thing.
Sounds to me like you have been brain washed, Diane and I sure am sorry to hear that. Try to be nice to yourself, you as an individual are just as important as any group.
The County is made up of communities (real, actual communities), not groups. The communities are made up of individuals. But under your modern socialism I guess individuals are nothing, is that right?
Elk Konnected, LLC is not a community, and only has an imaginary community, an Imaginary exsistant community. . They consist of very few people that beg for money to continue to Exploit the children of Elk County as a form of advertisement and by handing out lollipops IMHO . They may throw them a lollipop here or there, in an attempt to create their message, but will not offer up meaningful change. Just what is that worth?
Regardless of whether the average American's actions are ethical or not, simply by being instructed by authority, it was proven that most people would compromise their own compassion and empathy in order to succumb to authority. Elk Konnected, LLC has no authority, zero, nada. They are simply a privately owned company. And people should not compromise themselves because someone says modern socialism is the way to go.
There are always individuals or small groups of very few individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of imperical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome. Such as surveys and lists they turn over to County Commissioners as shown on page another thread on this forum.
When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of anonymity, then others must ask why. What does the individual or group have to gain (or lose) by the presentation of unadulterated facts or statistical analysis?
Such as names attached to the information, unless they do not exist?
They simply throw a Taxpayer paid for lollipop here or there, in an attempt to create their message, but will not offer up meaningful change. Just what is that worth?
A board of directors is a body of elected or appointed members who oversee the activities of a company or organization. In most cases it can require very little involvement in the day-to-day functioning of the governed entity, but it is typically always staffed with individuals vested in the best interest of the company or organization. Isn't a Steering Committee the same thing with a different name? Isn't it just word twisting?
There is a fervor for ever more tax cuts for the wealthy, paid for on the backs of the middle class and lower class.
I have long felt the purpose of an organization: it is to create a mutually beneficial relationship between itself and those that it serves. But where is it? Where is the attitude of working with the people of Elk County? Hidden behind an LLC. No transparency, just hiding from everyone.
"I am as desirous of being a good neighbor as I am of being a bad subject."
"Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king/And a king ain't satisfied till he rules everything," Bruce Springsteen 1970's.
I think Thomas Jefferson put it best in his 1816 letter to John Taylor: "I sincerely believe, with you, that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale." This, I believe can also be applied to the economic programs suggested by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2012, 11:57:24 AM
According to that thinking the founding fathers were socialists too! They banned together in New york and Philly and shared resources for what they thought was the greater good.They benefited themselves too. Remember good old Ben Franklin managed to get the contract to print all the money. An early monopoly. They also didn't just leave people alone to do whatever they wanted.There were rules of conduct and health regulations and much more that I won't get into for fear of being too wordy again.Were they Marxist before Marx existed? You snarl those Commie, Marxist, Socialist, labels around like they taste bad, but I'm not sure you understand their real principles.
What gibberish!
By all the wise comments our little states gets, especially the fact that Al and I go back many years as casual friends with Joe Biden, and Al working for NCC, and associated with Joe all those years, why would I expect anything but negative comments from the self absorbed smart Alecs. Am I touchy about it? You bet your sweet bippie I am.
You ask a number of "whys". Because in 5 years you have never mentioned any of it, that's why. Of course you may have traveled, I would never question that, but military doesn't count, and very few people have been to all 50 states! You would have said so. ;) By the way, according to Red it hasn't been a free country here since the Civil War.
As far as you knowing one of our NCC, Kent or Sussex "recently retired", Paramedics, chances are I would know him and you would have said so, or asked if I knew him.That's just what people do. There are so few of us, we mostly all know each other. Besides, I'm famous...they all know me. 8) ;D ;D ;D
Since Al is on the pension board for NCC he knows who is retiring because they go over the paperwork at the pension meetings ,and he represents the retired Paramedics. They all know him.
If they are old enough to retire, they are in my age group and I trained a lot of them before they went on to Paramedic school.
My question about what are you up to...you people love to set me up as a mark, so what else would I think? Another excuse to play "Gottcha?" Why wouldn't I be suspicious? I doubt your little feelers are the least bit hurt. I'm not that much of a sucker.
So where are your mother's people from? Most every bodys family is from "back east" at some point.
By the way, Ross... My comments to Red had nothing to do with EK, so don't try to make a connection where there is none.
Every day he posts from professional bloggers who write about everything that is wrong with everything and everybody in this country, from their own point of view, of course. I have caught misinformation, misleading partial information and outright lies from people who should know better. I get tired of the socialist labels being tossed around. People most certainly can be part of an organized group and remain as individuals too.They don't have to give up their citizenship or become discontented grumps to try to do good for a community.There will always be differences but at some point a consensus needs to be reached or nothing happens.
My comment to you about the forum was just my personal opinion, so try to chew off my leg if you must.
Please tell me, how many people do you have now who are against EK and what they are trying to do? Do you have committee meeting too? Are you organized? This inquiring mind wants to know.
Gibberish? Don't you wish! "It was proven"....by whom? proof please?
Self absorbed smart alec ?? Wow, so much for me trying to be civil. I asked what---4-5 questions and I get called names? You can ask 20 questions in one post but no one else is allowed to ask any ? Why is it you always resort to calling people vile names ? Why do you have to bully people ? Is it because years and years ago when you were a teacher and dealt with children, you could bully them around and it is so ingrained in your personality that you continue today ?
You say "military doesn't count"---I hope you are referring to your world travels obsession with that comment. No, I have never been to all 50 states and never hinted that I had. Probably been to three quarters of them but what difference does that make ? Being to all 50 does not impress me, nor on my bucket list, but if that's what floats your boat, then I salute you.
Now why in the world would I ask you if you knew my corpsman buddy ? Spilling ones whole life story on a forum is not what most people do.
I'm done here so go bully someone else. Ross has broad shoulder I hear---for a little feller !!
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2012, 11:57:24 AM
Red, I really do wish you would find out what modern socialism is. According to the way you seem to think, any group that bands together to share resources (and save money) are socialists. Any person or group that creates a village or town or city where there is a collective funding of money, taxes, if you will, that benefits the group rather than just one person must be socialist in nature. Yet some communities celebrate Founders Day rather than hide in shame.
According to that thinking the founding fathers were socialists too! They banned together in New york and Philly and shared resources for what they thought was the greater good.They benefited themselves too. Remember good old Ben Franklin managed to get the contract to print all the money. An early monopoly. They also didn't just leave people alone to do whatever they wanted.There were rules of conduct and health regulations and much more that I won't get into for fear of being too wordy again.Were they Marxist before Marx existed? You snarl those Commie, Marxist, Socialist, labels around like they taste bad, but I'm not sure you understand their real principles.
Diane, you should be saying they are banded together for the of sharing resources that they took from the government.
Individual freedom and liberty trumps your organizations and it's your organizations that are stealing from individuals thru government.
It's no wonder that you seem to favor the Marxists. Our founding fathers were not socialists.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2012, 11:57:24 AM
Red, I really do wish you would find out what modern socialism is.
She's got a point... the "modern" way is called being a progressive. And to be inclusive, liberals, moderates, democrats, republicans and independent centrists are allowed in the club. New name, same old theft & redistribution of private property. I wonder, are there "modern" definitions for communism, Marxism & Leninism.
Get with it, will ya red! LOL
Quote from: jarhead on April 30, 2012, 05:24:05 PM
No, I have never been to all 50 states and never hinted that I had. Probably been to three quarters of them but what difference does that make ? Being to all 50 does not impress me, nor on my bucket list, but if that's what floats your boat, then I salute you.
UNfortunately i have been to 49 out of 50 states, my truck wouldn't float over to hawaii. I had the displeasure of going through dc deleware and its shit roads, and maryland all the way up the northeast. Roads are shit, commies run everything, was never so glad to get out of there! The ONLY state i enjoyed was new york state near fulton where i went salmon fishing. It was a nice visit there but wouldn't want to live there. California ranks right down there with dc. as low as it can go.
Sorry larry, i just hated it there.
Jar, when I said self absorbed smart Alecs I didn't have you in mind, but there are several on there who are and they know It. I said smart Alecs, plural, and you are only one person. Now tell me what names I called you personally? How did I bully you? I just tell it like it is!
After the verbal battering I take from them every time I post anything you'll have to understand why I'm skittish and shy about answering certain kinds of questions. Every thing I say gets thrown back at me.
Again with the teaching snipes! Now who is being rude! Traveling to all 50 states? That wasn't even this post.
Red, "My" organizations? What organizations? The local fire company? Oh, please!
Steve, I agree our roads should be better. We gripe too, so you'll have to stand in line to complain. But at least they are paved.
All in all, we get pretty good services for our tax money. We don't charge beach fees the way New Jersey does and we don't have sales tax. We pay less in taxes than PA or MD. Having said that I'm glad we don't have to do a fund drive every time a street light has to be changed. Taxes do some good as well as being a nuisance. Yes I'm grumpy.Just deal with it.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2012, 10:03:10 PM
After the verbal battering I take from them every time I post anything...
First it was bullied. Now it's battered. What's next? :'(
Some measurable EK results, please.
Poor, poor, littel Jarhead! Head to your bunker and drink some of your whine. ;)
Who rattled your cage ? Thanks for the advice though---If your good sister, Rita, was here I would invite her into my bunker to partake of the fruit of the vine and we would have an intelligent conversation :angel:
Quote from: greatguns on May 01, 2012, 07:52:09 AM
Poor, poor, littel Jarhead! Head to your bunker and drink some of your whine. ;)
You've been to the Amberg School of Socially Enlightened Discourse (A$$ED), I see. What is it about smiley faces that make a comment like that less inflammatory, let alone on point regarding Elk Konnected success stories? Poke, poke?!?
Perhaps you have some input on those specific, measurable results obtain by EK in their four pillared Public Squares community unification/organization programs.
Military travels don't count??...Well thank you so much for your support of our troops Diane. I'm sure they all would be happy to hear your opinion of them. East Coast manners...you bet. Soliders and dogs stay off the grass, huh?
You and Al are friends of Biden, pretty much says it all not to mention explains your outlook on things.
And since it was never answered I'll restate my question...
Can anyone name just one measurable, lasting improvement that was done by Elk Konnected, L.L.C that actually improves our county or brings our communities together?
Sorry Jar, You caught me in a really bad mood yesterday. I get so sick of the double standard you folks use. I get swiped and clawed by name and personally, but if I say something about it, I get the various lectures about big girl undies and the every ready "victim" business. Yet, If I say something in self defense or get in the first snipe for a change, it isn't judged in the same way. Frankly, I'm getting tired of some of the repetitive insults. I really did laugh though when Varmit said the neighbors wanted their poodle back. That's really funny. I wonder what Varmit looks when he first gets out of the water? :P :P :P
I still think it's very interesting that some of you folks are are so stuck in the past you'd rather have a ghost area than have any progressive people out there actually do something. Do you really want to go back to kerosene lamps, dirt tracks in town, wood board sidewalks and the 1880's?You wan tthe diseases from back then too? You have plenty of Kansas folks right there who are forward thinking, you just don't want them to be.
Some of your villages have moved from somewhere else to be where they are now .Should you do that again? Or perhaps follow Michigan's model? Or make the entire county an over 65 community? That could be fun and might attract tourists. HA!
Back to the thread title.This is the time of year when people, all volunteers ,clean up trash and junk that has accumulated from the winter. Trucks are volunteered, trash bags, drinks and snacks are donated and tons of junk disappears from the roadsides, creeks and rivers. Thanks to all who do that and to those who adopt roads everywhere to keep them cleaned up too. It really shows.
Varmit ,there you go again trying to make negative connections where none exist. How dare you think I don't support our military! >:(
First of all, did you have to buy your own plane tickets? And here I thought our taxes paid for it. My travels around the states were paid for by me! Why must you look for negatives everywhere? Even Steve got paid for his traveling, as much as he apparently hated every minute of it. What a waste.
Varmit, as for as your making personal comments about me again, you know where you can stick it. You have no idea about who I am and I'll never tell you either. I'll never answer any more questions about EK either, I already did and you chose not to accept them. It must be nice to be boss of the world
All this smart mouth from someone who is named after fish eggs? Now that really is funny! No wonder you are touchy. I'm amazed you weren't picked on as a kid...or were you? ;) poke poke. Heh, heh, heh Actually, I do know where the name comes from. It's an old one.
Hey Genuis, the military folks pay taxes also.
Diane I know EXACTLY the type of person you are, that is, a liberal, progressive socialist. YOU said so yourself...
Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 01, 2012, 10:34:19 AM
I still think it's very interesting that some of you folks are are so stuck in the past you'd rather have a ghost area than have any progressive people out there actually do something. Do you really want to go back to kerosene lamps, dirt tracks in town, wooded board sidewalks and the 1880's? You have plenty of Kansas folks nearby who are forward thinking, you just don't want them to be. Some of your places already have moved from somewhere else to be where they are now.Should you do that again? Or perhaps follow Michigan's model? Or make the entire county an over 65 community? That could be fun and might attract tourists. HA!
Only a progressive socialist would make the leap that anyone that doesn't like their programs is stuck in the 1880's.
As for EK not you or anyone else has answered the question relating to measurable lasting improvments. But Hey, I'll give you an "A" for your efforts of deflection.
Nope, I'm an Independent Moderate, leaning toward Libertarian. I'm just not fanatical or obsessed with it.
You labeling me as something else might make you feel superior, but that doesn't make it true. Why do you feel you have to label everyone? Does that mean now I can call you a "radical ultra conservative evangelical survivalist blogger puppet?" Speaking of being brainwashed!
I evaluate things and decide depending on whatever circumstances may affect things. If facts and circumstances change, I may change my mind too.
Sorry kid, ya can't pin me down or chain me to a category. I just won't stay there. People on here who can read and have some memory must be tired of hearing me say that, but some just will not accept me as me. Too bad.
Hey genius, so do teachers! All public employees do. But they don't give me free plane tickets to exotic places ;D and there are people who will tell you that in some areas teachers go into combat every day. So What? Again, trying to make connections where there are none.
Hm....I don't recall ever saying I'm a" progressive socialist." You'll have to show me. I said there are some progressive people out where you are, and as YOU keep reminding me, I'm not there, I'm here. yuk.yuk They ain't my programs, ya cute li'l rock squasher. Something about rocks does comes to mind. Your mind that is. I gotta million of 'em!. Now if you are finished with your silly name calling ritual, I have other things to see about. Maybe ya can send yur new wife back on ta stand up for ya again ;)
Jarhead, I am not in a cage. I know that must disappoint you! I will let the good one know you VOLUNTEERED her to go underground with you. ;)
Sorry Diane, but the ideals and values you have expressed on here on numerous occasions say otherwise as to your political leanings. But you are right about one thing, folks on here know the truth.
As for you labeling me an "radical ultra conservative evangelical survivalist blogger puppet", you're right about all but the puppet bit. That you'll have to explain. As to the rest of it, yes I believe in God, Yes I am a survivalist, Yes I do "blog", and Yes I am hardcore in my beliefs. I see nothing wrong with any of those things.
And yet once again, can you name just one measurable, lasting improvement that EK has made to this county?
UH ....the good sister and the bad sister...and you are the bad one? Nah, that can't be .You are so much fun, you can't be the bad one. Unless bad is really good?
I really had to laugh at one of the other threads. A comment was made about a few people being given free rein to say what they want...as if they can't. I pay dearly to protect my constitutional right to free speech. We all know I'm one of the "bad" ones! That is so funny..Like my comments have any weight or influence. HA!
I'm the bad sister, thank God. Who in their right mind would want to be underground with the tipsy Jarhead? ;D
Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 01, 2012, 04:32:40 PM
A comment was made about a few people being given free rein to say what they want...as if they can't.
I believe I have proven in here that EVERYONE who is a member in this open forum has free rein to say anything that they want to... I think that is very apparent!!!!
(((and right now, that's all I hope I have to say on the matter)))
Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 01, 2012, 04:32:40 PM
..Like my comments have any weight or influence. HA!
No Diane I totally believe that statement vs. the one you made about having all those contacts and people of influence that you talked about one time.
Thanks for being honest.