Even though almost half of registered voters tell pollsters they are not convinced Barack Obama's birth certificate is authentic – and even though the first official U.S. law enforcement investigation into the matter established "probable cause" that the document released with great fanfare by the White House last April is a computer-generated forgery – a virtual media blackout remains in effect on the most controversial story of the Obama presidency. ------
------ What about Fox News? (In the tank with the liberal MSM) Media blackout on Obama eligibility near-total
When it was announced that talk radio powerhouse "Mancow" Muller would be featured in two one-hour Fox TV specials called "Mancow TV Worldwide," the radio host specifically requested that WND senior reporter Jerome Corsi be his first guest. Corsi, a two-time No. 1 New York Times bestselling author and Harvard Ph.D., was set to discuss Iran and Israel, as well as globalism.
When Fox was setting up the time for Corsi to be interviewed on Muller's debut show, he was specifically prohibited by the show's producers from discussing anything to do with the constitutional eligibility questions still plaguing Obama.
Corsi has been the nation's leading investigative journalist on the Obama eligibility issue and is the author of the New York Times bestseller "Where's the Birth Certificate?" As such, he played a central role in introducing the issue to Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio. (The sheriff's investigative team recently completed the first phase of an ongoing law-enforcement investigation into the many vexing and totally unvetted issues of Obama's past that bear directly on the legality of his serving as president.
http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2012/03/sheriff-joe-obama-investigation-this-is.html )
Corsi agreed to the restrictions on the Mancow interview, and the Fox segment was taped and scheduled for broadcast.
But then, Corsi's publicist received a call from the show's producer saying network executives had viewed the segment and determined that it "didn't fit," and thus would be scrubbed.
CONTINUED HERE: http://www.wnd.com/2012/03/media-blackout-on-eligibility-near-total
Quote from: Warph on April 02, 2012, 01:11:32 PM
And masses of government educated citizens (including many government educators & politicians) were heard saying, "Huh? I don't get it. That Paul fella sounds like some kinda radical wing nut."
God help us all.
If wanting to uphold the Constitution, restore the rule of law and save our country from destruction is now considered terrorism or even treason; then count me among the guilty.
When a government stops listening to the voice of the people; then count them among the tyrants that patriotic Americans have always stood against. Deceitful and arrogant political leadership has made the entire federal government culpable of obstruction of justice and dereliction of duty. Ignoring our Constitutional crisis and the endemic corruption of the political establishment will, without a doubt, lead to the end of the United States. Believe me, it is coming, people if something isn't done to stop this.
...There is no doubt that Barack Hussein Obuma was illegally elected to the Presidency according to Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the Constitution and the Supreme Court binding precedent of Minor and Happersett.
....There is no doubt that he committed felonies by forging birth documents and his Selective Service registration and has been illegally using a Social Security Number. Obuma is a usurper and a criminal. He must be removed from office.
...There is no doubt that a good portion of Congress is hopelessly corrupt and incompetent. They must be weeded out and replaced.
....Finally, and most critically, and believe me... I hate to say it but...there is no doubt that Obuma does not want the United States to survive. My God, the damage that this narcissistic lying SOB has done in the 3 years he's been in office is staggering!
....There is also no doubt that the political establishment, both Democrats and Republicans, have aided and abetted the Obuma agenda by not challenging his Constitutional eligibility or providing vigorous opposition to his destructive policies.
America is well down the road to national suicide.
Uh, Patriot, would you mind telling me where you heard all those people saying they didn't get it? I for one like a lot of what Ron Paul has to say. There are a few points I don't like, but much I do.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 03, 2012, 11:30:17 AM
Uh, Patriot, would you mind telling me where you heard all those people saying they didn't get it? I for one like a lot of what Ron Paul has to say. There are a few points I don't like, but much I do.
It isn't what they say, it's what the present. When one vacates the elitist cocoon, leaves the alter of the Church of Government is the Answer, and ventures into the real world, one will meet large numbers of those that you refuse to acknowledge as 'sheeple'. People who lack critical thinking skills, any semblance of understanding in re the Constitution, the founding principles on which this republic was based and who, like sheep, are easily led to the slaughterhouse that is tyranny. Heck, look at the vast numbers who were so stupid as to vote for Obama in spite of his lame record as a senator, both in Illinois and Congress, his association with a morally bankrupt cadre, and even when he had already voiced his misguided direction for our nation. Sheesh, I frequently meet government educated young adults who can't even count change, let alone understand the benefits of a representative republic or the rule of law.
I've heard it said,
"If you aren't a liberal in your 20s, you may have no heart. If you aren't a conservative by the time you reach 40, you likely have no brain."
Again with the swipes at public education. Kids today, no matter where they went to school are often very poor at making change. If they have a job where they must, they pick it up rather quickly, otherwise they don't have to! They have grown up in a charge card world. It's just like the fact that kids are about to lose learning to write cursive and can't tie shoe laces. It's not earth shaking, it's just different.
Much of what you think they don't know is more in depth knowledge than high schools teach. There just isn't time anymore. Ya gotta go to college to get those classes. Not everything is taught at lower levels except for some AP classes. Most of the Gov't and history I know now was taught in college, not high school. I had the standard histories and Civics and POD, but the in depth teaching and texts came later. Just as Al had that tough Constitutional Law course at UD, not Brandywine High School.
I happen to have a personal interest in how our founding fathers "matured" after all those wonderful founding documents were written.
You know how young most of them were when they met and wrote them? With the exception of Ben Franklin, you might be surprised at how young they were. It's interesting to dig into the letters they wrote when they were older.
One of my favorites is the one written by Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, July 12, 1816. Very interesting! If you haven't, you should look for it and read it. It's quite long and has something to say about the life of the Constitution. You might be surprised.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 03, 2012, 01:23:19 PM
Again with the swipes at public education. Kids today, no matter where they went to school are often very poor at making change. If they have a job where they must, they pick it up rather quickly, otherwise they don't have to! They have grown up in a charge card world. It's just like the fact that kids are about to lose learning to write cursive and can't tie shoe laces. It's not earth shaking, it's just different.
Why defend a failing system? More excuses. It's the parents, it's the kids, it's poverty, it's money/budget shortages, it's hunger pains. It's always something other than the government controlled school model, isn't it? Hell, maybe it's Bush's fault. I call the loss of the culture and the knowledge of America's founding principles a darned sight more important than shoelaces. For several years our kids have been falling behind in comparison to other developed nations in math & science skills.. Are you really satisfied with anything short of #1 when it comes to the education of our youth?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 03, 2012, 01:23:19 PM
Much of what you think they don't know is more in depth knowledge than high schools teach. There just isn't time anymore. Ya gotta go to college to get those classes.
More excuses. Time? Perhaps if your precious government run puppy mills quit using valuable early education time to engage in social engineering, the latest educational fad, union driven curriculum agendas, sex ed, LBGT/ABCDEFG issues, singing praises to Dear Leader Obama, and climate theory there might be time to teach them something of governmental forms and how unique our system is among nations. Doing so might instill a bit of cultural pride and enhance critical thinking skills that will serve them lifelong.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 03, 2012, 01:23:19 PM
I happen to have a personal interest in how our founding fathers "matured" after all those wonderful founding documents were written.
You know how young most of them were when they met and wrote them? With the exception of Ben Franklin, you might be surprised at how young they were. It's interesting to dig into the letters they wrote when they were older.
One of my favorites is the one written by Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, July 12, 1816. Very interesting! If you haven't, you should look for it and read it. It's quite long and has something to say about the life of the Constitution. You might be surprised.
The founder's ages notwithstanding, they were, IMO, brilliant thinkers of whose ability to make change I have no doubt. Our youth would likely be better off should some of the founder's concepts be kept alive.
The public school system is isn't failing as a whole.There are failures and the big cities certainly have their share and then some, but public schools also turn out merit scholars and kids who win scholarships to good colleges, Business schools, Industrial Arts schools, Fine Arts schools, Culinary Arts schools, etc.
There are "at risk"kids who come into head start who are so incredibly behind and some never do catch up in spite of the teachers' best efforts. On the other hand, some schools have gone to the Canadian program of 13th grade to help kids gain even more.
We have one high school in our local that is awful and I don't know why. It had been fine until about 5 years ago and it slipped very badly and can't seem to get itself straightened out. Our Newark Charter Director was even asked to take it over as a Charter, but they refused to go along with what he wanted to do to revive it. The other two high schools here are very good. As for a curriculum, there is no one Gov't curriculum. There are many with many choices of style and texts usually chosen by the school boards and often the teachers, especially with books. There is no one size fits all that I know of. Besides, the private and religious schools should be producing top kids shouldn't they? There are a kazillion of those, and home schooled too, so what's their problem? They do grow up and go to work somewhere don't they?
I'm heavily involved with Newark Charter for a reason.Their program works!
Now the local pubic schools are having a fit because we'll be opening a high school for the 2013 school year. I'm already helping design the classrooms.
As far as comparisons with other countries, I really don't care until it's time to compete for jobs. If our engineering schools aren't producing enough engineers ,then shame on them. The top math majors now tend to go to wall street rather than the the big 500 companies.
There is no question that education was often sponsored by companies to produce workers for their jobs.That was very true here.The DuPont family built all the schools back in the thirties to produce well educated employees for the DuPont Company. They sponsored the UD Engineering college and any engineering graduate was almost guaranteed a life time career with the DuPont Company.
I am still and will always be a firm believer in whatever education fits. It can be public, private, religious, magnet, choice ,military,at home or whatever. Just get it and don't stop at high school if possible.There is just so much more to learn.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 03, 2012, 04:41:14 PM
The public school system is isn't failing as a whole.
BOO. :o ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 03, 2012, 01:23:19 PM
Again with the swipes at public education. Kids today, no matter where they went to school are often very poor at making change.
Diane this is unacceptable! My graduating class could count change and even tally up the bill in their head including the tax. I still can to this day. There is no excuse for todays kids to not be able to do the same. Nothing but sheer absolute laziness.
QuoteIf they have a job where they must, they pick it up rather quickly, otherwise they don't have to! They have grown up in a charge card world. It's just like the fact that kids are about to lose learning to write cursive and can't tie shoe laces. It's not earth shaking, it's just different.
No its laziness! Theres no excuse for it.