Are you taxed enough already?
It's budget time taxpayers, and there are rumblings about mill levy increases in the both Elk Valley and West Elk School districts.
But to add insult to injury, the Elk County Board of Commissioners is faced with major indebtedness (somewhere north of $1,000,000 and growing), some departmental increase requests, increasing calls for long overdue employee pay increases, AND a potentially major increase in employee benefit (health insurance) costs that could result in a mill levy increase across the board. In a county that already boasts one of the highest, if not THE highest rates in the entire state.
We surely didn't get here overnight. It took those we elected to manage our schools and county several years to do that. But here we are. And it's looking like the taxpayers may yet again be called on to fund the status quo.
Look for the county to possibly borrow another $30,000 to $60,00 today.
What? You say feed costs (human and otherwise) are going up? Not to worry. We're getting a chunk of money from the wind farm in December of the year it's fully operational. Maybe this year, maybe next.
In the meantime, get your checkbooks out. Or, and I know this is radical (racist, terroristic, insane), call or write your elected officials and tell them, "No new taxes!"
Don't you have tax referendums for your school taxes? I guess not.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 08, 2011, 09:00:34 AM
Don't you have tax referendums for your school taxes? I guess not.
Not that I know of. Out here, in the wild west, I've been told we have a giant, community sized tube of K-Y Jelly. They say it helps us 'get Konnected.' :o
Quote from: Patriot on August 08, 2011, 09:06:02 AM
Not that I know of. Out here, in the wild west, I've been told we have a giant, community sized tube of K-Y Jelly. They say it helps us 'get Konnected.' :o
Are you positive its K-Y? I thought it was glue and sand...
ever heard of recall elections!
how long they been in this round? and they can't get control of their spending! Time to recall and put some new folks in.
gee why not cut the spending! Start at the top! Salaries of the commissioners. work their way down, and then GASP bid out all services and products aquired to the LOWEST bidder even if they have to go outside ofthe county!
The county commission are surely spendthrifts, but it's not just the county commission. West Elk Unified school dist just voted to raise their mill levy 1.6 mills this week... $9.5 million a year just isn't enough to educate 250 + kids, I guess. Of course, didn't they just renegotiate the super's contract midterm so they could give him a raise? And why are they going from a capital outlay budget this year of $$36,148 to $919,421 for next year?
I been told the Elk Valley school board bought new leather chairs for their monthly meetings and provides numerous employees with cell phones so no wonder they voted for a mill levy increase of 5.46 mills. Their capital out lay budget is going from $0 to $207387.
All for the kids, right?
Are these boards planning on some wind farm proceeds perhaps?
Oh... remember our $300,000 new historical courthouse roof......I hear it still leaks..... in the same place it did before.
Voters, taxpayers... here we go!
What the hell do you mean the brand new roof on the courthouse STILL leaks and in the SAME damn spot? They borrowed an ass load of money from the Bank of Longton to "FIX" the damn roof! And it still ain't done after all the damn money that's been spent on it! I'm a taxpayer and I feel like I've just been raped. ----MR. KSH
Quote from: kshillbillys on August 11, 2011, 05:00:06 PM
What the hell do you mean the brand new roof on the courthouse STILL leaks and in the SAME damn spot? They borrowed an ass load of money from the Bank of Longton to "FIX" the damn roof! And it still ain't done after all the damn money that's been spent on it! I'm a taxpayer and I feel like I've just been raped. ----MR. KSH
They didn't even kiss ya first now did they
Quote from: Patriot on August 11, 2011, 03:54:02 PM
I been told the Elk Valley school board bought new leather chairs for their monthly meetings and provides numerous employees with cell phones so no wonder they voted for a mill levy increase of 5.46 mills. Their capital out lay budget is going from $0 to $207387.
Uhmm why do they need leather chairs? My God they act like its their freaking money! I can throw together a couple benches out here for them to sit their fat asses on! cost..... 25 bucks for the whole lot of them
the cell phones I could understand. Teachers need to be called in, or alerted to situations.
As long as they are not racking up the minutes for a "Hi, is your day?" kind of call (personal)
I hope the plan for the phones are not charged by the minute!
As far as the leather chairs?????????
I would be, andam happy with a $20 computer chair I got at a garage sale!
That last one is rediculous!
ready....and back to sitting in my cloth-no-arm-chair!
Wait a minute! :o I fogort they need to lean slowly back and stroke their chins, look at the ceiling and make the decisions.
I guess a leather chair would soothe the butt chaping I would give them for their ostentenious spending! ;D
Quote from: srkruzich on August 11, 2011, 06:54:21 PM
Uhmm why do they need leather chairs? My God they act like its their freaking money! I can throw together a couple benches out here for them to sit their fat asses on! cost..... 25 bucks for the whole lot of them
That's right. They DON'T need leather chairs. And when meetings start at 8 p.m. they don't need to eat before or during the meetings either! They have plenty of time to eat dinner like us regular peons before the meetings!
And Ready---I have heard that the cell phones were for teachers and also their FAMILIES!
QuoteAnd Ready---I have heard that the cell phones were for teachers and also their FAMILIES!
The family plan rate: cheaper rates....however, the family members need to pay the difference.
As long as they pay thier share of the excess, then all will be okay...I just worry about texting charges or minute rates.
Perhaps someone could enilighten us and straighten us out on this charge?
ready to dial
So have the installer come back and fix the court house roof. They owe it to you. No excuses.
We haven't had any rain! IF it doesn't rain...the roof ain't leaking. Can't fix it if it ain't leaking!
There must have been a clause in the contract with the rain Gods! <<<<sarcasm off.
What you said is true, there should have been a warranty for that.
ready to be struck with lightening
Of course there's the two chairs that taxpayers purchased for the county attorney's office that are rumored to have cost around $600 each.... but who's counting?
Quote from: readyaimduck on August 11, 2011, 08:00:33 PM
We haven't had any rain! IF it doesn't rain...the roof ain't leaking. Can't fix it if it ain't leaking!
There must have been a clause in the contract with the rain Gods! <<<<sarcasm off.
What you said is true, there should have been a warranty for that.
ready to be struck with lightening
ZAAAPPP! But did we need the strings and added cost that came with an historical site designation for the building which will affect (increased costs) all future repairs?
Quote from: readyaimduck on August 11, 2011, 07:36:34 PM
the cell phones I could understand. Teachers need to be called in, or alerted to situations.
Called in or alerted? Called in for what? Special hall monitor duties? Alerted to what? Dusty chalkboard erasers? When did K-12 teachers become designated emergency service personnel?
How about we provide cell phones to all the parents in case they need to be 'alerted' that Jhonnie upchucked his taxpayer provided lunch, or called in to discuss his poor test performance.
How the heck did the public school system ever survive without taxpayer provided cell phones?
Haven't you heard the county can't borrow the money. The county sold the roof to the bank on a lease to by back program.
We don't own the roof the bank does. I couldn't believe my ears at the Commissioners meeting. I believe the same thing happens with the new boiler and any other such expense involving the bank.
But guess what about two months ago it was supper important to upgrade the telephone system and the computer network at the courthouse. But at the last meeting that was thrown out the window for the boiler.
Even thought the boiler had been inspected and nothing found wrong with it. Just because it is 55 years old and may quit anytime, it is now urgent to replace it. With a computerized boiler. They don't build things like that anymore, ever wonder why? Perhaps because they were made to last forever.
I think what would make more sense if you just want to spend money would be to go with a geothermo unit which would pay for itself and they might even be able to get a larger federal grant for going green to help pay for it.
I worked in the Naval Ship Yard where they had these huge electric motors that were built in 1909 and still using them today.
I mean hugh, one would fill your whole living room. Why are they still using them, because they were built to last.
Oh, well.
$9.5+ million and 250 students... Somewhere north of $38,000 per kid per year. Shoot, that's darn near private college tuition rates.
Do our HS grads have good micro/macro economics training? If so, hire a couple of em to improve the county economy so average folks can continue to afford this crap!
Wake up citizens... something is disKonnected! I'm thinking the folks we have elected are disKonnected from reality. Have you been watching the national economic news? Apparently our leadership hasn't.
QuoteCalled in or alerted? Called in for what?
Ice storm, don't come in BECAUSE the electricity is out and the radio can't broadcast; to have the parents alerted their kid is coming home early, for the bus drivers to fire up those busses...a gunman!
Immediate notification in a situation calls for immediate action...and you just dissed it to a 'johnny threw up'/hall monitor' scenario.
Quote from: readyaimduck on August 11, 2011, 09:01:16 PM
Ice storm, don't come in BECAUSE the electricity is out and the radio can't broadcast; to have the parents alerted their kid is coming home early, for the bus drivers to fire up those busses...a gunman!
Immediate notification in a situation calls for immediate action...and you just dissed it to a 'johnny threw up'/hall monitor' scenario.
Uhmm contrary to popular belief, phones sitll work when the power goes out! :D They are powered by the phone lines not the electric line. Get a corded phone and guess what, you have phone service.
Radio broadcast? Simple! cheap! Solution! a 699.00 8000 watt generator!
Simple cheap effective.
Quote from: Patriot on August 11, 2011, 08:59:46 PM
$9.5+ million and 250 students... Somewhere north of $38,000 per kid per year. Shoot, that's darn near private college tuition rates.
Do our HS grads have good micro/macro economics training? If so, hire a couple of em to improve the county economy so average folks can continue to afford this crap!
Wake up citizens... something is disKonnected! I'm thinking the folks we have elected are disKonnected from reality. Have you been watching the national economic news? Apparently our leadership hasn't.
Patriot don't ya know thats the back door that they slipped a new building through! Watch and see. They'll get that building and then slap the county with new tax to pay for it bypassing the VOTING process!
Quote from: readyaimduck on August 11, 2011, 09:01:16 PM
Ice storm, don't come in BECAUSE the electricity is out and the radio can't broadcast; to have the parents alerted their kid is coming home early, for the bus drivers to fire up those busses...a gunman!
Immediate notification in a situation calls for immediate action...and you just dissed it to a 'johnny threw up'/hall monitor' scenario.
Read again, ready... it's not parents getting phones, They have to rely on the phones they pay for to get emergency notifications. I didn't diss anybody. I'm thinkin you might have missed the point.
Is it a taxpayer's duty to protect the kids? I think, Patriot you are dissapointed with the decisions that the School Board makes with your money to protect the school. Not the kids...
Look at the big picure, not focus on a cell phone. I would rather pay for a cell phone with a good overall plan, then leather chairs.
I would say, "Run for school board position nect go around", Patriot.
I can't...I don't live in the county. And I hate paying taxes to a schoolboard that isn't in my county either! I think that sucks!
ready for the hills
Quote from: srkruzich on August 11, 2011, 09:09:08 PM
Patriot don't ya know thats the back door that they slipped a new building through! Watch and see. They'll get that building and then slap the county with new tax to pay for it bypassing the VOTING process!
Surely nobody in charge would think the taxpayers/voters are so stupid! Heaven forbid! Agendas, what agendas?
you are correct, Patriot...I did miss the point. my apologies.
And my point is:
1. Not sure the spending is in the best interest OVERALL for the county, the school, nor the city.
FREE MONEY!!!! weeeeee....let's get into more debt so we can build our image....ok..
at who's expence.
ready to ponder a bit and not be so reactive.
Ready, we also have a county crisis contact system that can call lots of numbers.
I'm sure that the county could accomodate the school systems in an emergency.
Quote from: Patriot on August 11, 2011, 09:12:18 PM
Surely nobody in charge would think the taxpayers/voters are so stupid! Heaven forbid! Agendas, what agendas?
They tried to ramrod it down the publics throat the last time. The county though had other ideas and said HELL no.
Quote from: srkruzich on August 11, 2011, 09:22:13 PM
They tried to ramrod it down the publics throat the last time. The county though had other ideas and said HELL no.
Do you think that is going to stop Howard or Elk Konnected from continuing to try?
Quote from: readyaimduck on August 11, 2011, 09:11:07 PM
Is it a taxpayer's duty to protect the kids? I think, Patriot you are dissapointed with the decisions that the School Board makes with your money to protect the school. Not the kids...
No, it's the parent's duty first. You're right, and I'm disappointed with their 'gotta have all the toys' mentality. How many kids died or were hurt because there were no cell phones for school staff. Stats please. Forget the want bone. Prove the need.
Quote from: readyaimduck on August 11, 2011, 09:11:07 PM
Look at the big picure, not focus on a cell phone. I would rather pay for a cell phone with a good overall plan, then leather chairs.
The devil IS in the details. And a reported $12,000 phone bill is no small detail. That's a lot of textbooks.
Quote from: readyaimduck on August 11, 2011, 09:11:07 PM
I would say, "Run for school board position nect go around", Patriot.
That's an oft repeated mantra around here. "Unhappy with the elected leadership? Run yourself." What ever happened to the concept of voters holding elected officials accountable?
Quote from: readyaimduck on August 11, 2011, 09:11:07 PM
I can't...I don't live in the county.
And I don't live in that school district... nor do I even have kids in school any more. Which leads to a whole other argument about school funding.
Quote from: readyaimduck on August 11, 2011, 09:11:07 PM
And I hate paying taxes to a schoolboard that isn't in my county either! I think that sucks!
You shouldn't have to... get the folks in your county to build a school that supports the kids in your area.
Quote from: readyaimduck on August 11, 2011, 09:16:03 PM
ready to ponder a bit and not be so reactive.
Hugs all around. I still luv ya already.
Quote from: Ross on August 11, 2011, 09:25:52 PM
Do you think that is going to stop Howard or Elk Konnected from continuing to try?
Come to think of it, one of EK's first Kommunity Konversations was a 'roundtable' meeting led by Mr Woodbury at West Elk HS and was about the future of our schools. Koincidence? One must wonder.
After all, Elk Konnected has well proven that they're all about tax dollars & OPM (Other Peoples Money).
Patriot I said it before.
I pulled my son out of West Elk because they wanted to be the parent instead of teaching.
I tried working with my son on his hand writting and he fought it saying we don't have to do that at school. Of course as a parent I told him this isn't at school this is at home and you will practice.
On the hand writting they also stated when he gets in the higher grades the teachers would not accept hand writing that they can't read and they would handle it. It was simply the lower grade teacher passing the problem on to the higher grade teachers.
At an IEP (individual education plan) the special Ediucation teacher told me they did not want to waste their time working on hand writing and the principal told me some college professor wrote an editorial in the NY Times saying kids didn't need to know how to write because they would all have key boards on computers. Of course they didn't know i had read the same editorial. The professor was beoing sarcastic and was upset that his own daughter could not sign her own name any better than a third grader on her college entrance papers. He also stated that children with better hand writing also made better grades.
When I wanted to hold my son back one grade the school went against my wishes and moved him ahead anyway. I pulled him out and moved him to Elk Valley. The school West Elk does not legally have the option to go against the parents wishes. I know my son far better than they do. I also know when they can't read a childs hand writting they can not possibly give a passing grade on a test but they did anyway. The marked answers correct that he could not even read his own answers to.
On the hand writting they also stated when he gets in the higher grades the teachers would not accept hand writing that they can't read and they would handle it. It was simply the lower grade teacher passing the problem on to the higher grade teachers.
I tried working with my son on his hand writting and he fought it saying we don't have to do that at school. Of course as a parent I told him this isn't at school, this is at home and you will practice.
I find a far better attitude from the teachers at Elk Valley and from the administrators.
I did try to talk with the West Elk Superintendent but to no avail before making the move.
It's all about attitude, attitude attitude.
I have to weigh in on the cell phone issue........when somebody sees a guy with a gun in a school or on a campus they can get the word out to classrooms, which I know most have some kind of intercom, but without the immediate PANIC that would ensue if they just broadcast it over the loud speakers. As a mom who has had her kids school locked down because of bomb threats etc. sounds like a damn fine idea to me. ( and I live in BFE missouri so dont say it wont happen there cause sooner or later it will)
Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on August 12, 2011, 08:43:06 AM
I have to weigh in on the cell phone issue........when somebody sees a guy with a gun in a school or on a campus they can get the word out to classrooms, which I know most have some kind of intercom, but without the immediate PANIC that would ensue if they just broadcast it over the loud speakers. As a mom who has had her kids school locked down because of bomb threats etc. sounds like a damn fine idea to me. ( and I live in BFE missouri so dont say it wont happen there cause sooner or later it will)
In a case like that I'd rather just buy all of the teachers a handgun and some training, it would be substantially cheaper in the long run and would do more good.
Amen mtcookson
of Course get them trained.
Quote from: mtcookson on August 12, 2011, 09:19:04 AM
...and would do more good.
When it comes to school invasions, your idea would surely have more deterrent potential than a dozen cell phones.
I'm also curious how they did the cell phones. If they went with SKT, for instance, the absolute minimum monthly cost for 5 phones is $88.75 per month. That gives you 1000 minutes shared between the 5 phones (nights and weekends are taken from those 1000 as well), no text (texts can be received for free but texts sent are $0.15 per text), no voice mail, and no data. You can only have 5 phones per plan (contract) so they would have to get multiple contracts if more than that were needed. Lets say they get 20 phones you're looking at a minimum cost of $355.00 per month (before taxes) or $4,260.00 per year (before taxes).
Edit: calculated the below wrong first time through, these numbers should now be correct
That's if they are using regular phones. If they for some reason feel the need for smart phones so the teachers/whomever can email and whatnot then costs will jump quite a bit. At a minimum, using the 20 phone scenario again, you would be looking at $954.00/mo or $11,448.00/yr, both before taxes, includes the 1000 shared minutes (nights and weekends come from the 1000), unlimited smartphone data (texts are included in this price), and the phone insurance program (I think it is required for the smart phones), and no voice mail (only $2 per extra phone per month if it was needed). That also doesn't include the initial cost for the phones as I don't believe they currently have any free smart phones with 2 year contract. They used to have some that were $99 with 2 year contract but they stopped carrying them last I heard so you'd be looking at even more than that, probably around $199 per phone at a minimum. Sooooo... first month's cost would be $3,980.00 for the phones plus the $954.00. First year cost should be $15,428.00, before taxes, with tax it should be $16,554.24.
To give an idea of the maximum price, it should be in the area of $1,909.00/mo or $22,908.00/yr before taxes, that's for unlimited everything pretty much (more options can be added though) for 20 phones. :laugh:
Did anyone verify that this isn't just an unfounded rumor? It seems rather strange.
It doesn't matter Diane. The whole point here was taxes.
The whole world is having money pains and our local leaders
don't know or what?
Why are they spending money like there is no tomorrow?
That's the real question Diane.
Quote from: Ross on August 12, 2011, 11:29:25 AM
It doesn't matter Diane. The whole point here was taxes.
The whole world is having money pains and our local leaders
don't know or what?
Why are they spending money like there is no tomorrow?
That's the real question Diane.
Damit Ross, why do you wanna screw with the liberal agenda? Don't you know that we need expensive government projects (like taxpayer funded cell phones for the teachers & leather chairs & after school movies & laptops for the kidz). The government must have those projects so they confiscate more private money so they can spend more private money on government employees/projects all to save the economy all put private citizens back to work... so they can confiscate more private money to pay for more projects.... hey, what
IS that giant sucking sound?
And deflecting discussions about real or perceived uses of tax money is supposed to help keep that cash flow up to speed.
It worked for Greece, right? Get with the damned program, will ya, Ross? :o
What Liberal agenda? I just wanted to know if the teachers really are being given phones or was it just a rumor. Most people already have phones. It just seems strange to me.
Yes, I agree, you don't have the money for unnecessary incidentals. But then who decides what an "incidental" is?
As far as your seemly enormous school budget, have you considered transportation costs? They must be huge out there. Your districts own their own buses? Fuel, mechanical repairs, usual maintenance, tires, lights, windshield wipers, antifreeze, floor mats, seat repairs, cleaning, insurance, inspections, etc. Tain't cheap.
Quote from: Patriot on August 12, 2011, 11:46:33 AM
Damit Ross, why do you wanna screw with the liberal agenda? Don't you know that we need expensive government projects (like taxpayer funded cell phones for the teachers & leather chairs & after school movies & laptops for the kidz). The government must have those projects so they confiscate more private money so they can spend more private money on government employees/projects all to save the economy all put private citizens back to work... so they can confiscate more private money to pay for more projects.... hey, what IS that giant sucking sound?
And deflecting discussions about real or perceived uses of tax money is supposed to help keep that cash flow up to speed.
It worked for Greece, right? Get with the damned program, will ya, Ross? :o
Okay Patriot can we get the rich liberals to pay a much larger percentage on their taxes so I can survive? LOL
Just askin'
Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2011, 01:07:06 PM
Yes, I agree, you don't have the money for unnecessary incidentals. But then who decides what an "incidental" is?
We the People, do. Darn that pesky Constitution.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2011, 01:07:06 PM
What Liberal agenda?
What... you don't understand the ideology & methods of the Fabian based progressives (demonstrated in America over the last 10 decades), or what?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2011, 01:07:06 PM
I just wanted to know if the teachers really are being given phones or was it just a rumor. Most people already have phones. It just seems strange to me.
It is strange. Somebody just needs to stand up at a school board meeting and outright ask about the phone thing. Oh wait, somebody did.
To be continued...
Lost my temper........took it off
The First national bank of Olathe taken over by FDIC.
How many does that make this year?
How many banks have closed this year a lone?
I lost track at 24.
Even the banks can't afford to spend money so what justification
can the school districts and county have for spend, spend, spend.