In another thread, Ross made the following statement about monies received by entities serving Elk County citizens:
QuoteGrants from the Kansas Health Association are not Taxpayers dollars, at least not directly.
(emphasis added)
It acheived the desired effect. Among the reactionary statements made in response to this statement:
From srkruzich (emphasis original)
QuoteWell quite frankly USING TAX DOLLARS to send your kid on a vacation is highly offensive! The rest of us folks have to work and pay for our kids to go to camp. Same thing should be of everyone. IF a private organization such as a church wishs to help out kids whose parents cannot afford to pay for the camp, then kool. More power to em. But spending money stolen from workers to pay for someone elses kids to go to camp is a outrage and offense
Did Ross purposely leave out this statement:
QuoteThe Kansas Health Foundation is a private philanthropy dedicated to improving the health of all Kansans. Our funding comes from an endowment created by the sale of Wesley Medical Center, and our asset base remains strong thanks to a dedicated team of advisers and investment managers. We do not solicit or accept donations. Instead, we seek opportunities to invest our resources in people and projects that meet our mission and create long-term, sustainable health improvements.
which is repeated several times on the website of The Kansas Health Foundation. From the page showing where grants have been made:
QuoteThe Kansas Health Foundation is a private philanthropy. We do not receive taxpayer dollars or any kind of funding from the state or federal government. We do not solicit or accept donations. Our funding stems solely from an endowment created by the sale of Wesley Medical Center.
There are two alternatives here.
Either Ross was aware of the source of The Foundations funding and purposely made a misleading statement -
"are not Taxpayers dollars, at least not directly" - to insinuate that they
are taxpayers dollars and solicit emotionately charged reactions such as Steve's.
Or Ross did not bother to do even a five second cursory search of the Foundations website to ascertain the origin of its funding.
I present, you decide.
I agree with Srkruzich.
Ross appears to be doing OK. Is KS Health Foundation a 501c3? If so, then what's your issue?
So, in making this minor observation, you are saying that other grants & funding received aren't taxpayer funded? Nice try, but one half fast atta boy doesn't cancel a handfull of uh ohs.
Based on careful review, I've decided. I think you are resorting to sensationalism over a very minor phrase used by one person ("at least not directly") to deflect from and attempt to bulldoze over the greater issue, which is: Elk Konnected, LLC. & Public Square Communities, LLC. take tax dollars.
But that's only the foul odor. One big source of that odor is how some of those tax dollars are handed out.
In receiving some of those tax dollars from Elk County, the undisputed Elk Konnected, LLC founder, appears to be an elected official who does not recuse from votes to give the private company our taxpayer money, but rather routinely votes in favor of using taxpayer money to fund a company they founded and with which they are still closely involved. In government, I think we call that a conflict of interest.
You report, we'll decide. But FOX News you aren't.
For more fun:,11780.0.html (,11780.0.html)
Hmmmm.... interesting.
The difference here is that the city council members that recuse themselves from voting on paying bills to their business are profiting from that business.
The commissioner that does not recuse herself/himself from voting on funds to the organization he or she belongs to does not profit from that transaction as the (business) is a non-profit organization.
As to the city or the county doing business with a business that belongs to a councilman or a commissioner, aren't we promoting "buy at home"? In this small county and community you cannot find enough quality people to fill the elected offices without using the business owners. And I said quality rather than qualified because that is exactly what we have. The only people who will run for these offices are the quality business owners and the flak they have to take because of their elected position is shameful. It is no wonder that no one wants to hold public office anymore, from the president of the country down to the city councilmen. Our most qualified people don't want to be poked and prodded over everything they have ever said or done every time they say or do something. So the less qualified run for office and because they are unopposed, they win. And who is doing this poking and prodding?
Quote from: Wilma on May 26, 2011, 06:01:27 PM
The difference here is that the city council members that recuse themselves from voting on paying bills to their business are profiting from that business.
The commissioner that does not recuse herself/himself from voting on funds to the organization he or she belongs to does not profit from that transaction as the (business) is a non-profit organization.
Then that commissioner should not be the commissioner. Choose running their business or get out of the commissioner position. Thats highly unethical.
QuoteAs to the city or the county doing business with a business that belongs to a councilman or a commissioner, aren't we promoting "buy at home"?
NO. Your promoting and encouraging theft, fraud, and waste. Once they learn they can get away with it all poltiicians do it.
QuoteIn this small county and community you cannot find enough quality people to fill the elected offices without using the business owners.
Then go out of county. out of city submit it up for bid like its supposed to be done with the "member" in conflict ineligible to bid on the said contract.
QuoteAnd I said quality rather than qualified because that is exactly what we have.
Thats insulting as hell. THeres TONS of Quality businesses elsewhere. Just because its in elk doesn't mean their shit don't stink.
Are we trying to promote Elk County or destroy it? How can Elk County businesses be successful if the county itself goes out of county for necessary services? How can we have good councilmen and commissioners when they are continually attacked and torn at without actually stateing what their transgression is?
I repeat, the commissioner in question does not have a conflict of interest because the organization he or she belongs to is a non-profit organization from which no individual is profiting. Let me be more specific. Any money that the Board of County Commissioners gives to any organization does not end up in the pockets of one of the commissioners. Can you prove otherwise?
Quote from: Wilma on May 26, 2011, 07:37:03 PM
Commissioners gives to any organization does not end up in the pockets of one of the commissioners. Can you prove otherwise?
Can you prove it doesn't. Thats why commissioners and any county government official must be held accountable They must prove what they say they are doing is what is actually happening. Thats called accountability
This BS of Trusting til they get caught is whats got this country in a mess..
Quote from Wilma:
Our most qualified people don't want to be poked and prodded over everything they have ever said or done every time they say or do something. So the less qualified run for office and because they are unopposed, they win.
Don't you think that's kind of a harsh thing to say about our commissioners ? That they are "less qualified" but they were unopposed so they won !! That would be like saying the elected county sheriff (past & present ) was "less qualified---etc "
Quote from: jarhead on May 26, 2011, 08:58:38 PM
Quote from Wilma:
Our most qualified people don't want to be poked and prodded over everything they have ever said or done every time they say or do something. So the less qualified run for office and because they are unopposed, they win.
Don't you think that's kind of a harsh thing to say about our commissioners ? That they are "less qualified" but they were unopposed so they won !! That would be like saying the elected county sheriff (past & present ) was "less qualified---etc "
You know jarhead the truth is that no one with ethics and integrity wants to run for public office cause its so corrupt these days. The ole saying, you lay down with rats you get fleas.
Quote from: flintauqua on May 26, 2011, 07:16:06 AM
In another thread, Ross made the following statement about monies received by entities serving Elk County citizens:
(emphasis added)
It acheived the desired effect. Among the reactionary statements made in response to this statement:
From srkruzich (emphasis original)
Did Ross purposely leave out this statement:
which is repeated several times on the website of The Kansas Health Foundation. From the page showing where grants have been made:
There are two alternatives here.
Either Ross was aware of the source of The Foundations funding and purposely made a misleading statement - "are not Taxpayers dollars, at least not directly" - to insinuate that they are taxpayers dollars and solicit emotionately charged reactions such as Steve's.
Or Ross did not bother to do even a five second cursory search of the Foundations website to ascertain the origin of its funding.
I present, you decide.
It looks as if flintauqua just likes to start new threads in order to evade the real issues.
That's sneaky. Come back to the original thread and make your accusations and try to stay on subject.
I did nothing you claim as accusations. I believe I said none of the monies were taxpayers money
at least directely. Have you ever heard of tax breaks or anything of that nature.
And no I did not know the money came from the sale of a hospital.
Come back to the original thread and make your accusations and try to stay on subject.
I did nothing you claim as accusations. I said none of the moeies were taxpayers money
at least directely. Have you ever heard of tax breaks or anything of that nature.
And, no I did not know the money came from the sale of a hospital.
I wasn't being sneaky, I believe I left the link to the site for anyone to look at. Thank you.
That's more than you did
Is this the way Elk Konnected, LLC operates, it appears so. Sneaky and behind closed doors.
Are you an Elk Konnected, LLC registered member?
Lets go back to the original thread, ok. OKAY.,11780.0.html
Twisting words is so obvious!! Say what you mean, mean what you say!!! Wilma said that no one wants to run because of all the flak that is caught. Also, she stated that they are the quality of people that you want in the offices. If a person has a successful business for 20 plus years, don't you want them running the city or county for that matter???
I see no conflict of interest if the city sees that the cheapest place to purchase things is here in town. And if the council person obstains from the vote, how is that conflict of interest??? They are not voting on buy or paying the bill, or whatever. They are choosing not to because of conflict of interest and to keep people from getting mad.
As for the different officials lining their own pockets, are you serious!!!! Really!! That's a joke!! If they get paid, I bet it won't even buy them a gallon of gas to get to the meeting!! And if by improving the county is a bad thing, lets all be shot down in the rapture!!!
Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 31, 2011, 08:24:05 AM
Twisting words is so obvious!! Say what you mean, mean what you say!!! Wilma said that no one wants to run because of all the flak that is caught. Also, she stated that they are the quality of people that you want in the offices. If a person has a successful business for 20 plus years, don't you want them running the city or county for that matter???
I see no conflict of interest if the city sees that the cheapest place to purchase things is here in town. And if the council person obstains from the vote, how is that conflict of interest??? They are not voting on buy or paying the bill, or whatever. They are choosing not to because of conflict of interest and to keep people from getting mad.
As for the different officials lining their own pockets, are you serious!!!! Really!! That's a joke!! If they get paid, I bet it won't even buy them a gallon of gas to get to the meeting!! And if by improving the county is a bad thing, lets all be shot down in the rapture!!!
You said,"I see no conflict of interest if the city sees that the cheapest place to purchase things is here in town." Why are you confusing city councils with a topic on Elk Konnected, LLC and the County commissioners?
I can believe you are not an Elk Konnected, LLC registered member, but who is?
Why start another thread to bad mouth people on this thread?,11960.0.html
Come here and bad mouth me, I can handle it.
Who is Elk Konnected, LLC? Why won't they use this forum like they said they would. Come out, come out where ever you are.
QuoteWhy start another thread to bad mouth people on this thread?,11960.0.html
Come here and bad mouth me, I can handle it.
Consider it done. Make no mistake fella....if I decide to tell you exactly what I think there will be no doubt in your mind. I'm not one to mince it, so this me sayin "Screw you dude....I was BEING polite"
and see....I signed in in the open and EVERYthing!!!!!!
Quote from: srkruzich on May 26, 2011, 09:16:25 PM
You know jarhead the truth is that no one with ethics and integrity wants to run for public office cause its so corrupt these days. The ole saying, you lay down with rats you get fleas.
Actually Steve... that old saying goes like this: Qui cum canibus concumbunt cum pulicibus surgent... meaning being, "If you lie down with
dogs, you rise up with fleas." It means: You should be cautious of the company you keep. Associating with those of low reputation will inevitably lower your own.
Do Marines have fleas ???
Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on May 31, 2011, 11:38:55 AM
Consider it done. Make no mistake fella....if I decide to tell you exactly what I think there will be no doubt in your mind. I'm not one to mince it, so this me sayin "Screw you dude....I was BEING polite"
and see....I signed in in the open and EVERYthing!!!!!!
Pam... did you know that the month of May is "Goat Awareness Month?"
WARPH, I think I am beginning to like you.
Oh Oh, Uh... does that mean I'm in trouble?
No Warph I didnt.. ??? offense to anybody but I despise goats....
Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on May 31, 2011, 11:38:55 AM
Consider it done. Make no mistake fella....if I decide to tell you exactly what I think there will be no doubt in your mind. I'm not one to mince it, so this me sayin "Screw you dude....I was BEING polite"
and see....I signed in in the open and EVERYthing!!!!!!
Back stabbing by starting a new thread is not being polite by my way of thinking.
But I'm proud of you for speaking your mind.
Would you bring it over to the original thread please. Now that's polite.
Here is the link,11960.0.html
Now that's polite, too.
Who are Elk Konnected, LLC registered members?
Quote from: Ross on May 31, 2011, 03:01:47 PM
Back stabbing by starting a new thread is not being polite by my way of thinking.
But I'm proud of you for speaking your mind.
Would you bring it over to the original thread please. Now that's polite.
Here is the link,11960.0.html
Now that's polite, too.
Who are Elk Konnected, LLC registered members?
Ross, how can you say anyone is a back stabber given all of the innuendoes that you have been making about people on the Forum. By the way I looked up the definition of innuendo and it fits what you have been saying/doing. "An innuendo is a baseless invention of thoughts or ideas. It can also be a remark or question, typically disparaging (also called insinuation), that works obliquely by allusion. In the latter sense, the intention is often to insult or accuse someone in such a way that one's words, taken literally, are innocent.
Ross for your information all of your posts have been printed and saved. In discussion with other Forum members they felt what you have been doing amounted to slander and someone might want all of your posts as eviedence.
Ross, I didn't know that you control the forum. We now have to ask your permission if we want to start a new thread??? Really!! To me it's not backstabbing. Backstabbing by your means, maybe, by the worlds means, not even close!!
QuoteRoss for your information all of your posts have been printed and saved. In discussion with other Forum members they felt what you have been doing amounted to slander and someone might want all of your posts as eviedence.
Sir or ma'am: In all fairness to all who post here (this is a FORUM, right?) some were citing references, personal experiences even though they may or maynot have been slanted/biased, however the key word is 'slander'. Now asking to "choose a cheek" may have been eye raising, but imho down right funny, I don't care who you are!
"Other forum members felt"...well was there 'malicious intent' to slander, will someonoe foot the bill for a lawsuit? Will this expose Elk County outside of it's county? and most of all, I did not get the impression that there was any proof otherwise as to the facts: it was based on links, questions, as irritating as they may be and personal experience.
I may be out of place, but one thread does not make a bad impression of Elk County, or else they are looking at the wrong thread!
Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 31, 2011, 08:24:05 AM
As for the different officials lining their own pockets, are you serious!!!! Really!! That's a joke!! If they get paid, I bet it won't even buy them a gallon of gas to get to the meeting!!
In fact, Ms. Town, County Commissioners, when registering, put up 10% of what their actual pay will be per month. 10% being a hundred dollars, or a little more, meaning the county commissioners, so broke that they are, make over $1000 per month for working 2 days a month, around 2 hours per session. 4 hours a month=over $1000/month. Over $1000/month=Over $12,000 a year! I would certainly hope they would be able to make it to the meeting in their vehicle on what gas $12,000/year can buy them, much less profits from cattle, farming, rent and leasing land for windfarms. When one member of the county commissioners is on a board as EK, LLC and leasing property to the windfarm, voting for EK, LLC and the windfarm and I will say possibly, asking for money for EK from county commissioners, then there is a problem. It was stated on here by a young lady, Wilma, that these problems should stay in the county. Then she stated that Derek Schmidt should be contacted if there was any thoughts of wrongdoing. To go above and beyond that call, I personally would say, contact KWCH Channel 12 Fact Finders. If questions are not answered to them, then I would say contact the Kansas Bureau of Investigations. One person who hollered pretty loud about the wind farm was Flint Oaks' owner. I'm not for certain but Flint Oaks had made a deal with the county commissioners on reduced taxes if they would employ at least 12 Elk County residents. For those people in Elk County who think that the wind farm is going to bring great profit to the county and overwhelming growth to the county, I urge any of you to go and shop at Beaumont. Try flying into their airport; while you're there enjoy the many luxurious hotels; shop at their many department stores like Macy's or Tiffany's, or for us just common folk, try shopping at their Dollar General, their KMart, their WalMart; eat at their Red Lobster or their Sirloin Stockade or maybe even their McDonald's. The only people that stand to profit from the wind farm are people with the name of Perkins or Hendricks. The same people who are rallying EK, LLC and coincidentally setting as one of the County Commissioners. 2012 you can change this and I urge everyone to get out and voice your opinion, in one way or another, either for or against.
The Shadow............KNOWS what evil lurks in the heart of men!
QuoteWhen one member of the county commissioners is on a board as EK, LLC and leasing property to the windfarm, voting for EK, LLC and the windfarm and I will say possibly, asking for money for EK from county commissioners, then there is a problem.
That would need to be taken up with the KCCA (Kansas County Comissioners Association in Topeka)
If there is no foul play, then ok on that.
Follow the money from whenst it starts out of the pocket.
Quote from: ELK@KC on May 31, 2011, 03:21:53 PM
Ross, how can you say anyone is a back stabber given all of the innuendoes that you have been making about people on the Forum. By the way I looked up the definition of innuendo and it fits what you have been saying/doing. "An innuendo is a baseless invention of thoughts or ideas. It can also be a remark or question, typically disparaging (also called insinuation), that works obliquely by allusion. In the latter sense, the intention is often to insult or accuse someone in such a way that one's words, taken literally, are innocent.
Ross for your information all of your posts have been printed and saved. In discussion with other Forum members they felt what you have been doing amounted to slander and someone might want all of your posts as eviedence.
You have a right to your opinion as do I. I have slandered no one and I have posted links to facts. You sir may twist anything you want, that to is your right. I am not intimidated by you or is that Elk Konnected. LLC. But why waste the paper. The posts are right here. And you could save them on a CD or a memory card or on you hard drive or all three. I am proud you like my posts so much as to save them. Good job.
You are saying you are an Elk Konnected, LLC registered member right?
Quote from WARPH:
Do Marines have fleas ??
Fleas ? Not that I know of WARPH. Crabs probably but no fleas !!!
Marines, from what I heard have jarheads, or jugheads...not sure, have to go find my printouts! ;D
Either way, good job for your service!
The SHADOW knows and maybe knows best. If there is any wrong doing it should be taken to the proper authorities instead of being threshed out here. When the proper people ask questions, they have to be answered. No ordinary citizen has the right to demand answers from another citizen. Even a witness on the stand can claim the 5th on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate them. Do you really want answers or do you just want a reason to grandstand.
I would like to know what power has been given to a few forum members that they can force other forum members to answer questions of their asking?
If you want a new commissioner in District 1, start looking for one and have them ready to run next year. The presidential candidates are hard at it already.
QuoteI would like to know what power has been given to a few forum members that they can force other forum members to answer questions of their asking?
and what power to a few forum members ask that someone print out 'slanderous' comments just in case????
You know, I really thought there might be some real adult discussion here. Wow, was I mistakenly wrong!!!
And people that usually take the 5th on a stand usually is like someone pleading no contest...making no commitment either way to guilt or innocence. And it was so eloquently put earlier (paraphsed) "no comment is consent".
QuoteDo you really want answers or do you just want a reason to grandstand.
I would prefer and honest answer, or I don't know.
Quote from: Wilma on May 31, 2011, 07:31:31 PM
No ordinary citizen has the right to demand answers from another citizen. If you want a new commissioner in District 1, start looking for one and have them ready to run next year. The presidential candidates are hard at it already.
Wilma, we don't need a new District 1 commissioner! We just got one. His name is Doug Ritz. Seems to be a pretty good ol' boy. I think what you were referring to would be either District 2, Liz Hendricks' (Howard) district or District 3, Kenny Liebaus' (Grenola) district.
They aren't demanding answers from ordinary citizens. Seems to us they are wanting answers from EK and Liz Hendricks, a county commissioner. Therefore with her being in office, one of three in charge of taxpayer money, she is no ordinary citizen.
Quote from: kshillbillys on May 31, 2011, 08:15:21 PM
Wilma, we don't need a new District 1 commissioner! We just got one. His name is Doug Ritz. Seems to be a pretty good ol' boy. I think what you were referring to would be either District 2, Liz Hendricks' (Howard) district or District 3, Kenny Liebaus' (Grenola) district.
They aren't demanding answers from ordinary citizens. Seems to us they are wanting answers from EK and Liz Hendricks, a county commissioner. Therefore with her being in office, one of three in charge of taxpayer money, she is no ordinary citizen.
Actually they are demanding answers from their employees! ANd they have a right to do so.
Quote from: Wilma on May 31, 2011, 07:31:31 PM
The SHADOW knows and maybe knows best. If there is any wrong doing it should be taken to the proper authorities instead of being threshed out here. When the proper people ask questions, they have to be answered. No ordinary citizen has the right to demand answers from another citizen. Even a witness on the stand can claim the 5th on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate them. Do you really want answers or do you just want a reason to grandstand.
I would like to know what power has been given to a few forum members that they can force other forum members to answer questions of their asking?
If you want a new commissioner in District 1, start looking for one and have them ready to run next year. The presidential candidates are hard at it already.
Oh, is Elk Konnected, LLC a citizen now? I haven't heard anyone say I
demand an answer. That would be rude.
However, Elk Konnected, LLC wants our tax dollars but secretly and that's okay, huh? Someone said they ar highly respected citizens of the county, how is that possible when no one know's who the registered members of this secret organization is? Elk Konnected, LLC said they would use the froum to the fullest but refuse to. But I guess that's okay.
Who is Elk Konnected, LLC??????? That's not a demand.
Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 31, 2011, 03:54:52 PM
Ross, I didn't know that you control the forum. We now have to ask your permission if we want to start a new thread??? Really!! To me it's not backstabbing. Backstabbing by your means, maybe, by the worlds means, not even close!!
No, I
asked you to bring your impolite remarks towards me to the original thread. Key word
asked. You chose to start a new thread to bad mouth me in hiding sorta like Elk Konnected, LLC in hiding. But any that's okay with me.
Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected, LLC?
Why do you want to know? I SUGGEST again that you read Liz's early posts. You will find most of the active citizens of Elk County listed there. The inactive ones have done these things for so long, that they want to rest now and let the young ones take over. Just how many citizens do you think are available in Elk County? If I were young enough and physically able, I would be a member because I believe in what they are doing.
Sorry about that district mixup. Being a citizen of Howard, I just naturally assume that we are no. 1.
Quote from: Wilma on June 01, 2011, 07:39:43 AM
Sorry about that district mixup. Being a citizen of Howard, I just naturally assume that we are no. 1.
Wow! That says volumes!
Quote. You chose to start a new thread to bad mouth me in hiding sorta like Elk Konnected, LLC in hiding. But any that's okay with me.
Actually Ross........that was ME not Angie so give her a rest and dump on me. As for hiding it??????????on the internet???????????are you serious?????????? Ahem....FREE country here......can start a thread anytime I want LOL
I'm takin my ass out of politics ;D I like livin in the woods and only peekin out on Saturday better......We need a hermit forum Teresa!
Wilma, with your last response on here, you sure do make everybody else, Grenola, Moline, Elk Falls and Longton feel like No. 2. ----Robert
I just figured Wilma was joking - along the lines that everyone thinks their home town is best.
:D :D :D
After readin what that shadow feller was putten on here last night, me and the ole lady decided to go to Beaumont today and check out some of them there rich motels. So we got us a room and it was purty expensive but well worth it. They had marble floors and what the baggage handler guy said was lead crystal but it looked like jest a light fixture made of glass to us'ns. Our room had purty fancy settin chairs made from cherry wood and had somethin called crushed velvet coverin it. I figgered that crushed stuff is from everybody a-settin on it. In the indoor outhouse it had, the water pump was made of gold. It had a big bathin tub that when it was full would blow bubbles and looked like a river after a flood. It had a closet in the bathroom with a glass door and some knobs on the wall that when ya turnt them on, the rain came from the ceilin. All I can figger is that it must be awful hot on the roof where that rainwater was cuz it went to steamin! It had two of them there fancy ceramic bowls that you're supposed to go No. 2 in. Ya didn't even have to flush the thing, ya just stood up and the durn thing flushed on its own. One of em must've been broke. I was tryin to figger it out when my ole lady must've touched somethin cuz water squirted up from it and hit me right square in the eye! She said it's for washin your butt. I say I do that in the bathin tub. Anyhow, before ya knowed it was dinner time and we went downstairs to have dinner. Everyone down there looked kinda strange, they all had suits and ties like they were a-fixin to go to a funeral, so naturally I felt outta place there in my bib overalls. My wife insisted on us eatin a fancy dinner, so they come out with these greens, but these greens weren't no good cuz they had snails all over em! I figgered they probably got in the basket from the garden. They brought us out some little black fish eggs so I naturally loaded em up in my pocket there to try em out. I don't see how these crackers are gonna stay on the hooks tho cuz when they get wet they get a lil soggy! And we ordered us one of them there fancy bottles of wine and i figgered it wasn't even through fermentin cuz they had to put wire on the cork just to hold it in! Anyhow, to make a long story short, we don't plan to come back here as we had already made plans to see what Piedmont and Latham had gotten from the wind farms there too. ----Mr. KSHillbillys
Now you just can't make that chit up! That right there was darn funnier than a well I don't know, but I think I spilt a little beer in my nose! :)
Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on June 01, 2011, 08:50:07 AM
Actually Ross........that was ME not Angie so give her a rest and dump on me. As for hiding it??????????on the internet???????????are you serious?????????? Ahem....FREE country here......can start a thread anytime I want LOL
I'm takin my ass out of politics ;D I like livin in the woods and only peekin out on Saturday better......We need a hermit forum Teresa!
Well thank you for setting me straight. Much appreciated.
Sorry Angie, I humbly apologize. If you ever meet me you are entitled to one swift kick to my behind.
Nah, she'd just turn her kids loose on ya. ;D
Quote from: kshillbillys on May 31, 2011, 08:15:21 PM
They aren't demanding answers from ordinary citizens.
Now why would you wanna go and confuse the issue with facts?
Sorry Patriot! I couldn't help myself!