Robert Burrows was born near Manchester, England, October 24, 1828 and died at his home in Howard, Kansas, June 7, 1910, age 81 years, 7 months and 9 days.
At the age of 19 he was converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal church and lived a faithful Christian life. During his last illness he gave the assurance to his friends that he was trusting in the Lord and was prepared and ready to go and be at rest.
He came to America in 1857, locating first in New York, then he came to Illinois, and later to Iowa where he remained but a short time, from there he came to Kansas in 1870, locating near Howard. A little over one year ago he moved to Howard, where he died at his home. He leaves a wife, four children, 17 grand children and six great grand children besides a host of friends to mourn his departure.
The funeral services were conducted in the Clear Creek Methodist church by Rev. Anderson, assisted by Rev. T. A. Nichols.