Elk County Forum

General Category => Poetry => Topic started by: Catwoman on July 04, 2010, 09:28:55 AM

Title: AMERICA!!!!!!!!
Post by: Catwoman on July 04, 2010, 09:28:55 AM
Upon the blood selflessly given, upon the backs of spirits driven,
This country came to be...
The Stars and Stripes fly bold and proud...Americans live their lives out loud...
Unabashedly showing strength for all to see...
YES, my country 'tis of thee!  YES, this is the land of the truly free...
YES, the best of best unto all eternity...
AMERICA!!  AMERICA!!  The rallying cry eminates from me,
Taken up by all who yearn to remain free...


copyright 2010   Catwoman Press

Happy 4th, my friends!...And that goes out to ALL of you...Americans are a bit like water buffalo...We can disagree among ourselves (sometimes quite viciously) but...When push comes to shove...Our butts go in to the middle and our horns go out to the front and we stand united.  I proudly claim ALL of you as my brethren.  
Title: Re: AMERICA!!!!!!!!
Post by: sixdogsmom on July 04, 2010, 01:57:18 PM
Good one Cat! Bravo!  :D
Title: Re: AMERICA!!!!!!!!
Post by: Diane Amberg on July 04, 2010, 04:53:38 PM
Whatever "IT" is Cat, you sure have it. Another great one! Thank you. I wish I could even begin to touch yours.