Feds announced that they will not uphold the Law of the land

Started by srkruzich, May 21, 2010, 04:07:41 PM

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Diane Amberg

Love it! With the rate of exchange what is right now we could buy them cheap! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Only one problem Larry. If we won't control our southern border now, what makes you think we would control the border between BH and Guatemala ? Just remember, all the poor people south of there are just hard working, honest people wanting a better life for their families---except the MS-13 and the other criminals.

Diane Amberg

I'd hate to have to have the patience and the money to try to come in legally. I have an acquaintance from China who got his green card 5 years ago after a 2 year wait, and $4,500.00 in fees and lawyers. He explained about the 3 steps of the green card. Not until the 3rd step can you have an "unlimited" green card that isn't attached to a job. That takes time too. He said a great many people wait 3 years or more and it's very inconsistent. (He's a very well educated academic, not an unskilled day laborer.) I know another girl from Panama who is going through the process now. She's been at it for several years and still can't work. Her  American husband does. She speaks several languages and will be a translator eventually. In the meantime, she volunteers at a local Hispanic newspaper and networks so her chances of a job eventually are very good.


Like I said, Jarhead, that border is much smaller than the one we have with Mexico and we could induct all those Mexicans who need work to protect and defend such a small area.  They would probably be elated to have the wages and would want to keep out those who would try to immigrate illegally into their newly found country (U.S.) and take away from their newly-given rights and privileges we gave them.  Or, we could just send you and Sarge down there to enforce the laws!  Or, I could just let R.A.M.B.O. go down there and bite anyone who would try to cross the border.  He has been working on learning Spanish and is getting quite proficient at it.  Besides, there is some good surfing beaches that he wants to try.  And, given that he is part Chihuahua, there are plenty of senoritas for him to..........well, better than the German Shepard next door which he is not tall enough to reach.  I really think this is the best solution.  It is the American way.  Buy out the competition.  NAFTA would no longer be necessary and that money could be used to shore up the economy.  Border Patrol could be put to better use guarding against invasion from Canada, etc.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Great idea Larry. Ol Sarge was a sentry dog handler in Viet Nam so he can train R.A.M.B.O. to rip throats out like his dog Shep was trained to do. How high can R.A.M.B.O. jump in case the illegal's are tall ? On second thought it will not work. Ol Sarge will get wind that the fish are biting at the Panama Canal and the first thing you know he will be AWOL or worse yet he will take his little fishing worm (bait ) and head on south to some nude beach at Rio De Janerio and see what he can catch.

Diane Amberg


Diane, no need to apologize.

Having read these posts to R.A.M.B.O., he says he will be ready to go as soon as his box of sun tan lotion has arrived and because the cat stole his Oakley sunglasses, he had to order a new pair which should arrive soon.  He also says that he is appreciative of any training Sarge can offer, but wants to remind you that he is a black belt champion in karate and is almost finished with his Tae Kwon Do classes, so he feels he is sufficiently capable of defending himself and his country.  (By the way, I tried to dissuade him from those aforementioned classes considering his thin legs and leaping abilities, but he did it anyhow.) 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


My son James also won't go anywhere without his Oakley's.  :D  :D  :D


Diane, You don't owe anyone an apology. You were staying on the subject but Larry and me strayed---again. When you get to be as old as us you will find that your mind wanders off track. :)

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