Feds announced that they will not uphold the Law of the land

Started by srkruzich, May 21, 2010, 04:07:41 PM

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Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Matthew 25: 31-46..... Now,how are illegals taking food from American poor children? Where is that happening? Proof please? I'm certainly not pro illegal, but I've never seen or known of any cases where American poor children were turned away in favor of illegal children. Sounds too much like an emotional response to prop up an inaccurate concept. Where did you get that?


The what about the children or in jerrys case They're Children for christs sake is nothing but emotional blackmail.  Doesn't work on me anymore either.  You can't save every kid, and like i said before take  care of our own first.

But to answer your question Dianne, If your a illegal, DFACs doesn't require birth certificates, ssnumbers, or indentification.  if your american your children have to have those documents before they get anything. 

there is preferential treatment of illegals over Americans.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

I'm lost I guess. Why wouldn't American poor children have the same paperwork as any other American children? Birth certificates are given to the parents or mother, SS numbers are issued at birth now. I don't understand what you are driving at. Even soup kitchens don't ask for identification from anybody, American or otherwise.... Nor do food banks or church food cupboards that I know of.


Look..... you two can banter this thing around all you want but, the real answer to the illegal problem is simple as hell... Warph's Plan:

1. Enact laws ensuring that employers who hire illegals will be punished harshly enough to deter the behavior... believe me,  this will take the illegals' jobs away.

2. Enact laws prohibiting illegals from receiving any government benefits... period.

3. Eliminate the standard that confers citizenship on children born to illegals on our soil.

Just these three measures alone will eliminate the illegal incentive to be here, causing most to return to where they belong.  But this is just the removal of the carrot.... now we need application of the stick.

4. Enact a law stating that any alien caught on our soil beyond a certain date will be subject to very severe criminal penalties.

5. Enact a law stating that... in addition..  if they are found in the US after that certain date, they will forevermore be prohibited from entering our nation ever again.... PERIOD!

Understand that these measures will so greatly reduce the number of illegals.... my guess is by 90%.... that taking legal action against the lawbreakers who remain will simply be a matter of eliminating a few stragglers.  The beauty of this plan is that it eliminates another excuse: "We'll never stop illegals from coming here anyway." Once America has been transformed from a big carrot into a big stick, they'll stop picking on our vegetable.  Border enforcement would still be necessary, but only for the purposes of keeping true miscreants out, people such as terrorists, drugs and criminal gangs. 

Okay.... lets look at Mexico and see see how they do things when it come to immigration:

Let us say that two people... let's call them Diane and Steve.... meet each other at a election campaign rally for ex-VP Biden who's running for New Castle County Dog Catcher.  After many hours over many beers, the two decide to swim across the Rio Grande River into Mexico, hoping to find a better life style for themselves now that Obama totally screwed up their lives.  Two weeks later the pair are caught by the Federales, working as landscapers for a rich drug lord near Nuevo Larado. 

Now... let's examine how Mexico will treat Diane and Steve and their alien status:

- Immigrants and foreign visitors are banned from public political discourse.
- Immigrants and foreigners are denied certain basic property rights.
- Immigrants are denied equal employment rights.
- Immigrants and naturalized citizens will never be treated as real Mexican citizens.
- Immigrants and naturalized citizens are not to be trusted in public service.
- Immigrants and naturalized citizens may never become members of the clergy.
- Private citizens may make citizens arrests of lawbreakers like Steve and Diane (i.e., illegal immigrants) and hand them to the authorities.
- Immigrants may be expelled from Mexico for any reason and without due process.

Hmmm... not looking good for Diane and Steve, is it?  Even if the pair came across into Mexico legally, they'll wind up as third class peons according to Mexican Law.  Well, the good news is, that it looks like the two are heading back to the good ol' US of A when they get out of that Mexican Jail in 2020.

Now, lets check the Mexican Constitution and see what it has to say.

The Mexican constitution: Unfriendly to immigrants (oh-oh)

The Mexican constitution expressly forbids non-citizens to participate in the country's political life.  Non-citizens are forbidden to participate in demonstrations or express opinions in public about domestic politics. 

Article 9 states: Only citizens of the Republic may do so to take part in the political affairs of the country.

Article 33 is unambiguous:  Foreigners may not in any way participate in the political affairs of the country.

So.... the Mexican constitution guarantees that immigrants will never be treated as real Mexican citizens, even if they are legally naturalized.  If you ask me, the United States should impose the same restrictions on Mexican immigrants that Mexico imposes on American immigrants.

3+ Million Illegal Immigrants Enter U.S. Yearly... if something isn't done - soon (like 10 years ago) - to change the border situation, in 10 more years, 30+ Million more illegals will have crossed the border adding to the 12 to 20+ Million already here in U.S.  This is starting to become a socio-economic burden the United States will not be able to sustain.  Sadly, the greatest loss suffered will be experienced by the American people!

What needs to be done is Americans need to vote 90 percent of Congressional incumbents out of their seats in November if this country ever hopes to secure its borders.  Join www.numbersusa.com ; www.capsweb.org; www.fairus.org ; www.thesocialcontract.com in order to make your voice heard.

Lemmee see now... where did I leave my horse and rifle...

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

jerry wagner

Failing to pass citizenship to minor children born here is wrong.  It violates the UN treaty as well as common basic decency in ensuring that children are not born without citizenship to a country as some countries require children to be born on their soil or in the first or second generation born abroad.


Quote from: jerry wagner on May 23, 2010, 06:08:25 AM
Failing to pass citizenship to minor children born here is wrong.  It violates the UN treaty as well as common basic decency in ensuring that children are not born without citizenship to a country as some countries require children to be born on their soil or in the first or second generation born abroad.

Who cares what the UN wants.  The  UN is not our country nor does it have any control over American citizens.  You really want us to give the UN credibility when they do things like make iran in charge of womens rights?  LOL ROTFLMBO.....
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Diane Amberg

 ;D  Well now. First, we don't have a dog catcher, we use the SPCA and rescue groups. I don't drink beer...,If I cross the Rio Grande near Juarez I could easily walk across, not swim. I'm an  American with money, so I could bribe most anybody for anything. ( The peso is only worth about 7cents) I speak passable Spanish and I have friends who who have middle class Mexican relatives who could help me and other American friends who live there now, so I could drop their names...I'd do OK.   That drug lord would have already bribed the locals and his place has a high wall all around it with guards so I'd be safe there and probably even live on the property because I'm so likeable.
But you are right, their situation is much different and they don't care what we think any more than Steve cares what they think. Besides I could probably hide out with the families whose jobs moved to Mexico several years ago. ;) WARPH, I agree with your #1-5, but a couple would be very hard to enforce. Mexico is a beautiful country and has many, many wonderful people who are doctors, lawyers, teachers etc. just as we are. They are not the ones causing all the trouble at the border and over the border.


I am sometimes amazed by all of my good friends on this forum with their views and opinions and solutions to problems plaguing our country.  What amazes me about this particular thread is that none of you have come up with the obvious solution.

The United States should (1) spend all the money we are currently giving away to buy the entire country of Mexico, or, (2) declare war on Mexico and conquer it and make it a part of the United States.

End results?  If Mexico becomes part of the United States then there are no illegal immigrants.  They can remain where they are and still get U.S. government assistance and welfare without having to cross a border.  The southern border of Mexico with Guatemala and British Honduras is definitely shorter than the border of the United States and Mexico and therefore, easier to defend.  The current administration could step in and nationalize the drug trade and makes billions of dollars.  With all the money we would throw at them, the quality of life would increase allowing for those people to remain where they are and take away the temptation to move north.  Mexico's tourism industry would skyrocket as the United States could better control the crime rate and open up the resorts which you would not need a passport to visit.  The possiblities are endless.

What do ya think?

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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