Fire Blight on apple trees

Started by Delbert, May 21, 2010, 08:50:11 AM

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Do any of you have what they call fire blight on your apples trees?   The ends of the branches turn brown and the end leaves sort of curl back toward the tree.   What do you do?   You can spray them with some stuff when they are in bloom.   Also cut the infected area off several inches back and then stick your clippers in a bleach solution between clips.  Wet spring makes it worse.  Ideas.  It seems like a losing battle.


Isn't this what they call cedar- apple rust? I would think it would be difficult to control with so many cedars around.  :-\


Quote from: sixdogsmom on May 21, 2010, 11:38:18 AM
Isn't this what they call cedar- apple rust? I would think it would be difficult to control with so many cedars around.  :-\
no fire blight is a fungal disease.  The cedar rust is different.

Use copper sulphate on your trees and prune back teh blighted areas and burn the branches and leaves you cut. 
Chances are you wont be able to do much this year, but next year, start out as it blooms with Copper Sulphate, spraying it every week or after a rain, and keep it up til the blight season is over.

Uhm you can take elderberry leaves and run them in a blender and chop them up.  Put in a quart of water and let sit for 24 -48 hours. Take the liquid and spray on your tree. it will help with the blight.
it will also keep aphids and other insects from attacking the tree
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Thanks for the information.   Does copper sulphate come as a power or liquid? 


Quote from: Delbert on May 25, 2010, 06:06:43 AM
Thanks for the information.   Does copper sulphate come as a power or liquid? 

You can get it as a liquid. 
Mix with water and spray the tree.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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