Come to America for a free lunch, rent, food, schools, etc.

Started by frawin, May 20, 2010, 05:49:24 PM

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A lot of truth in this, we are losing this Great Nation and running out of time to stop the tide of illegals, we need to close the Borders completely and regroup.


Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I always loved Ray Stevens.  Remember the Streak?

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I loved it!!  Thanks for the video!!  It's so right!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Diane Amberg

Funny for sure, but it begs the question, if businesses and crop farmers and fruit growers and chicken raisers wouldn't hire illegals they wouldn't have jobs! Certain businesses (until recently) counted on that cheap labor and didn't care if they had papers or not. Business owners vote, so they weren't hassled, and Americans got used to relatively cheap food as compared to much of the world. Just think how many Gov't  food subsidies there were/are. It's very complicated. 


Fed Gov't subsidies & programs have induced illegals to come here.
And the Fed's seem to allow them in to stay.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 21, 2010, 09:28:14 AM
Funny for sure, but it begs the question, if businesses and crop farmers and fruit growers and chicken raisers wouldn't hire illegals they wouldn't have jobs! Certain businesses (until recently) counted on that cheap labor and didn't care if they had papers or not. Business owners vote, so they weren't hassled, and Americans got used to relatively cheap food as compared to much of the world. Just think how many Gov't  food subsidies there were/are. It's very complicated. 

You know thats not the reason they come.  Why not come when Government is not doing its job.  They can get free medical, free schooling, free food, free house, free transportation, what incentive is there to not come.
Arizona has the right idea, instead of arresting and deporting, arrest them, imprison them for breaking the law, when they finish their time then deport them.  If they get caught in the US a second time illegally, double the prison sentence, then deport and so on.  After a while it becomes too risky to break the law and they get in line like everyone else that wants opportunity.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Diane Amberg

OK. But then we have to  increase Gov't spending to hire all those "catchers" and "deporters,''  "transporters" and all the legal system that supports all that. The states can't afford it alone. Why are you letting the people that hire them get off? Aren't they accountable too? This didn't just start yesterday. It's been going on for several generations now.


Diana has a good point.  If AZ were to incarcerate all illegals, we would need a prison the size of Delaware.  I know, we could line them up in the desert, have them dig trenches and then.... naw.... that wouldn't work either.... mess up the desert eco system.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Diane has a good point; if there is no work for the illegals, then they won't come. If there is no market for the drugs, then they won't come. I would think that a state would come closer to solving the illegal problem by shutting off free rent, food, and medical care along with under the table jobs and drying up the demand for illegal recreational drugs. If this means legalizing them, then so be it. The issue of guns being smuggled out of this country also needs to be addressed. Profiling may be useful in some instances such as finding a serial killer, but I am not sure that it is something we want to see as a screening tool on an everyday basis. Probably would not be long before folks could be stopped for suspicion of having Alzheimers disease. In this particular county just about everyone would be stopped on a daily basis, since Alzheimers usually becomes evident in the elderly. Dementia would just be extra gravy for the states plate.  ;D My former hubby was very dark complected with dark hair. He used to become very frustrated with people insulting him and discriminating against him as he looked more American Indian than the Welch that were his ancestors. I also think that states squabbling among themselves is not productive.

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