VINETTE, Darrel Lee - b. May 9, 1945 - d. September 23, 1947

Started by Janet Harrington, October 21, 2006, 09:21:04 PM

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Janet Harrington

                                        DARREL LEE VINETTE DIES FROM BURNS

                            Receives Fatal Burns in Car Fire Monday Evening in Howard.

 (Taken from the Howard Courant September 25, 1947)

 Darrel Lee Vinette, the two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel H. Vinette of Howard, passed away in a hospital at Winfield early Tuesday morning from severe burns received Monday evening about six o'clock, when the Vinette car caught fire near the C. B. Van Buskirk home.
 Mrs. Vinette and the two older children had driven to the Van Buskirk home a few minutes before, Mrs. Vinette and Darrel Lee's older sister going into the house for a brief call on Mrs. Van Buskirk.  Darrel Lee remained in the car and a few minutes later the car was noticed to be on fire.  Mrs. Van Buskirk rushed out and soon had the young boy out and into the house.  A physician was summoned and he was rushed to the Winfield hospital where everything was done in an attempt to save his life, but to no avail.
 Darrel Lee was a bright, lovable youngster and had endeared himself to his family and the community during his short stay with us, and the entire community is in mourning over this tragedy which struck the Vinette home and all extend deepest sympathy to the bereaved parents, sisters, and grandparents.
 Funeral services were held at the Moon Chapel at 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 24th, conducted by Rev. Frank Johnson of the Howard Presbyterian church.  Mrs. Lee Roy Veach, soloist, and Mrs. Elwood Miller, accompanist, furnished the music.  The pall bearers were Eugene Dudgeon, Ralph Thompson, Dr. Richard Reid and Cleland Wells.  Burial was in Grace Lawn cemetery.

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