The Warph & Redcliffsw Show

Started by Warph, May 10, 2010, 03:17:19 AM

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Yea Pam, real classy. Now I will start checking the Elk County forum before I let my grand daughter read what's being said. Thank you !!!!


I do not post on here anymore for one simple reason.  If I said something was white, there are a few which shall remain nameless who will argue that it is black.  If I say it is right, they will say it is left.  Anything to get an argument started.  I enjoyed good constructive thoughts, ideas, and discussions, but that has been long gone.  Pam, right on . . . . . . . . . and this shall definately be my LAST post in the political section. PERIOD, END OF DISCUSSION.  WHATEVER YOU REBUTT TO THIS, REDCLIFF, IT SHALL FALL ON DEFT EARS AS I SHALL NOT BE ON HERE TO SEE IT.


Quote from: jarhead on May 12, 2010, 07:02:49 PM
Yea Pam, real classy. Now I will start checking the Elk County forum before I let my grand daughter read what's being said. Thank you !!!!

Don't worry bout it....won't be anything on here from me...period. I took it off myself by the way, long as Red got the message.


You know, for all the "...light at the end of the tunnel.." flash folks...there won't be any light if folks don't wake the hell up!  The "I'll just live my life and let the rest of the world go by" additude is what got us here in the first place.  Its no wonder that the hippies, progressives, socialists, marxist, and communists, have been able to gain so much ground in this country.  Because decent folks have sat on the side lines with their head up their collective ass all the while saying "move along, nothing to see hear" Meanwhile our country is starting to resemble Rome in its final days.  Yes, it is kinda depressing to dwell on the negative but to ignore it is suicide.  And just in case you're wondering that warm and fuzzy feeling isn't coming from the sun, butterflies, and daisies, it is your freedom, your kids and grandkids freedom being burned down right under your noses while you sit looking for the light at the end of the tunnel. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


  I got news for YOU Varmit.....all the bitchin and complainin and doomsdayin on here AIN'T changin anything. I'm not worried about my freedom or my kids OR my grandkids because I live my life while quietly preparing to do what may OR MAY NOT need doin in the future.

Washington IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE with a republican takeover in november or ANY OTHER TIME. Our government is a money talks and bull walks operation. None of them care what YOU think or what I think....what RED thinks or Jar or anybody ELSE because they are grabbin WHAT THEY can WHILE they can and don't give two hoots in hell what it does or DOESNT do to your precious "freedom".

YOUR freedom only emcompasses what YOU think is "right" save me your preachin about hippies or anybody else who try to make this world what THEY consider a better place because that's all YOU are about also.

MY idea of a "better" place doesn't fall all that far from yours but I DO not and WILL never agree with you on more than ONE subject ( or RED) SO WHAT.

NOTHIN is happenin "right under my nose while I'm lookin at the light at the end of the tunnel" INCLUDING YOUR version of taking away MY PRECIOUS freedom to live as I, ME, MYSELF see fit.

Great civilizations die......face it.......they die when GREED and AVARICE take over.......what comes out of the ashes is what counts my can be good or it can be the kind of crap YOU ALL keep callin people stupid and shootin your mouth off about whos "right" and whos "wrong"....I'll just be over here......LOOKIN TOWARDS THE LIGHT....and bein UNDERestimated by closedminded people.


Quote from: pamagain on May 13, 2010, 11:15:42 AM
YOUR freedom only emcompasses what YOU think is "right" save me your preachin about hippies or anybody else who try to make this world what THEY consider a better place because that's all YOU are about also....
NOTHIN is happenin "right under my nose while I'm lookin at the light at the end of the tunnel" INCLUDING YOUR version of taking away MY PRECIOUS freedom to live as I, ME, MYSELF see fit....
Great civilizations die......face it.......they die when GREED and AVARICE take over.......what comes out of the ashes is what counts my can be good or it can be the kind of crap YOU ALL keep callin people stupid and shootin your mouth off about whos "right" and whos "wrong"....I'll just be over here......LOOKIN TOWARDS THE LIGHT....and bein UNDERestimated by closedminded people.

Blah Blah Blah...That is exactly the kind of thinking that led us to the current situation, "you do what you think is right, I'll do what I think is right".  This country started going down the toliet the moment we turned away from our Founding Christian morals and values, period.  We've allowed the slaughter of unborn children on a scale that would make Hitler jealous.  Our schools teach our children that there is no God and that we all evolved from monkeys, ok to be gay so long as you are comfortable with who you are...don't pray in public its offensive...we have laws that say pictures of children engaged in sexual conduct are illegal yet computer generated images are ok to have premarital sex just use a condom...rampant pornography on the television, in movies and on the internet...we have state gov't allowing homosexuals to enter into one of the most sacred blood coveants spoken of in the Bible making a mockery of it...I could go on and on.  And before you go off on me about how christians should be accepting of everyone I've got two words for you "Righteous indignation".  So I will continue to "bitch and complain" as you put it.  Because while I too am preparing for what is coming, maybe just maybe, someone will hear the message I'm "preaching" and see the Light you are so despreatly looking for.

By the way, whatever happened to...

Quote from: pamagain on May 13, 2010, 06:06:19 AM
Don't worry bout it....won't be anything on here from me...period. I took it off myself by the way, long as Red got the message.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


jerry wagner

Quote from: redcliffsw on May 13, 2010, 12:51:53 PM


Stay right in there!

yep, stay right in there.  I definitely need someone to tell everybody what their values should be.  Nevermind the fact that we should obviously ignore evolution, encourage the sreading of disease and teenage pregnancy, devalue relationships because you are too insecure to allow different thoughts, and only allow freedom of practising christian religion.


Quote from: Varmit on May 13, 2010, 12:28:30 PM

Blah Blah Blah...That is exactly the kind of thinking that led us to the current situation, "you do what you think is right, I'll do what I think is right".  This country started going down the toliet the moment we turned away from our Founding Christian morals and values, period.  We've allowed the slaughter of unborn children on a scale that would make Hitler jealous.  Our schools teach our children that there is no God and that we all evolved from monkeys, ok to be gay so long as you are comfortable with who you are...don't pray in public its offensive...we have laws that say pictures of children engaged in sexual conduct are illegal yet computer generated images are ok to have premarital sex just use a condom...rampant pornography on the television, in movies and on the internet...we have state gov't allowing homosexuals to enter into one of the most sacred blood coveants spoken of in the Bible making a mockery of it...I could go on and on.  And before you go off on me about how christians should be accepting of everyone I've got two words for you "Righteous indignation".  So I will continue to "bitch and complain" as you put it.  Because while I too am preparing for what is coming, maybe just maybe, someone will hear the message I'm "preaching" and see the Light you are so despreatly looking for.

By the way, whatever happened to...

What happened to it is No more outrageous cussin. Not apologizin for it tho cause I meant it. STILL mean it...always WILL mean it.

Righteous indignation..........that is the biggest bag of crap ever invented. Usually the ones hollerin about being righteously indignant make me want to puke because they GENERALLY need to clean out THIER OWN closets before they go tellin everybody ELSE how to live.

I have no more interest in a bunch of RIGHTEOUSLY INDIGNANT right wing so-called "Christians" tellin me how to live than I do in some kumbayya singing crazy far lefty( to use YOUR words) tellin me how to live.

"Founding Christian morals" do you even have any idea what the so-called "christian" beliefs of the so-called "founding fathers" were???? Is your wife YOUR property to do with as you see fit? Do you and your wife have sex OTHER than for the purpose of PROCREATION? Do you look at a woman and think damn shes hot? They would have put you in stocks in the town square and threw GARBAGE and rocks at you for that my friend.  All this bull about the "MORALS" of our founding fathers makes me sick.

Founding fathers morals.........wives as property.......beat your wife if she opens her mouth.......teach your daughters they are singlehandedly responsible for all the evil in the world cause some chick supposedly ate an apple........if somebody is a better farmer than you it must mean they are a witch!!!!or more likely his WIFE is a witch so we need to TORTURE her till she confesses and then hang or BURN her and then torture HIM till he confesses he KNEW she was and then hang HIM and THEN we can split his stuff up!!!!!!COOLLLL!!!.......slavery...........manifest destiny........race superiority.........CLASS superiority........thievery........dishonesty.......they were no different than WE are.

Gay people don't bother me I DON'T CARE.......I DON'T care if they get married.

CHild molesters and pornographers should have their junk cut off.

In my PERSONAL opinion abortion is murder....but it AIN'T my cross to bear or answer for.

I'm not DESPERATELY seekin ANYTHING........I'm FREE.......I lose absolutely NO sleep worryin about how you are or aren't livin your life my friend or anybody else for that matter. Just don't crowd MY airspace and I won't crowd YOURS.

SO you like ever do anything besides make snide remarks? Can you string a few words together to voice your OWN opinion instead of copy and pastin somebody elses? Just curious.........

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