The Warph & Redcliffsw Show

Started by Warph, May 10, 2010, 03:17:19 AM

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Quote from: jerry wagner on May 13, 2010, 04:11:16 PM
yep, stay right in there.  I definitely need someone to tell everybody what their values should be.  Nevermind the fact that we should obviously ignore evolution, encourage the sreading of disease and teenage pregnancy, devalue relationships because you are too insecure to allow different thoughts, and only allow freedom of practising christian religion.

Okay class, lets look at these one at a time shall we...

1.  Ignore evolution...absolutely not!  It should be presented as the crackpot theroy it is.  Our children need to be exposed to it so that they can have a better understanding of the many ways that the Anti-God crowd tries to push their satanic agenda.

2.  Encourage the spreading of disease and teenage about instead we instill in our children a sense of morality.  We teach our daughters to keep their panties on and their legs closed until they are married.  How about we teach our sons that women of every age should be treated with the utmost respect and care, and the true measure of a Man is not in his sexual conquests but in the amount of his self-control and Honor.  How about we teach our children that sexual intercourse is something to be entered into only between a man and his wife as a symbolic gesture of their love towards each other, and that the inital congress between a man and his wife on their wedding night is a blood covenant taken between them and God. 

3.  Devalue relationships because you are too insecure to allow different thoughts...God is quite clear on this one.  Marriage is to be entered into between a Man and a Woman, period.  It has nothing to do with a persons "insecurities", never has.  Homosexuality is not only a moral sin it is disgusting.  It is merely a lifestyle choice and has no biological foundation.

4.  Only allow freedom of practising christian religion...No. The practice of other religions should be allowed in that one of the underlying prinicples of Christianity is a persons choice to accept Christ on their own.  However, our laws and policies should be based on Christian beliefs.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: jarhead on May 14, 2010, 01:01:15 PM

WARPH my friend. You ask why the posts in the political section has dropped off. I would like to give you an example of a fictitious post and the replies I think it would probably get :

"I ate a bowl of beans today and they made me pass wind "
Reply # 1
You passed wind ? You mean you farted ? Was it a silent fart or a thread blaster ? There's a difference in them , you know. Did you eat pinto beans or butter beans ? They make a distinct odor depending on which you ate. I have a friend, in high places , that is an expert on farts.
reply # 2
Did you mean to say that intestinal gasses escaped your gluteus maxis ?
Do you have a college degree (University of Khe Sahn does not count )  that gives you the right to an opinion ? Keep in mind" stupidity is not a virus but it spreads like one"
reply # 3
Native Americans can not fart. They used to fart  many moons ago but the evil white man stole their land and their farting rights
reply # 4
You are a Conservative and probably a Republican. I hate all you SOB's and will never believe a thing you say. I hate this country and it's military so bad I'm leaving and going to Canada !!!

And that my dear WARPH is why I think some have quit posting. Keep up the good work WARPh & Red

Haw!!! That's funny!!  What made you folks think that Jar was talking about you? I guess ol ignorant Jar made his point!
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all

jerry wagner

Quote from: Varmit on May 15, 2010, 09:41:47 AM
Okay class, lets look at these one at a time shall we...

1.  Ignore evolution...absolutely not!  It should be presented as the crackpot theroy it is.  Our children need to be exposed to it so that they can have a better understanding of the many ways that the Anti-God crowd tries to push their satanic agenda.

2.  Encourage the spreading of disease and teenage about instead we instill in our children a sense of morality.  We teach our daughters to keep their panties on and their legs closed until they are married.  How about we teach our sons that women of every age should be treated with the utmost respect and care, and the true measure of a Man is not in his sexual conquests but in the amount of his self-control and Honor.  How about we teach our children that sexual intercourse is something to be entered into only between a man and his wife as a symbolic gesture of their love towards each other, and that the inital congress between a man and his wife on their wedding night is a blood covenant taken between them and God. 

3.  Devalue relationships because you are too insecure to allow different thoughts...God is quite clear on this one.  Marriage is to be entered into between a Man and a Woman, period.  It has nothing to do with a persons "insecurities", never has.  Homosexuality is not only a moral sin it is disgusting.  It is merely a lifestyle choice and has no biological foundation.

4.  Only allow freedom of practising christian religion...No. The practice of other religions should be allowed in that one of the underlying prinicples of Christianity is a persons choice to accept Christ on their own.  However, our laws and policies should be based on Christian beliefs.

Originally I thought about ignoring this disgusting display of ignorance and hatred of others but it is so overwhelming it must be discussed.

1. Evolution is not a crackpot theory espoused by a satanic crowd but it's obvious that your mind is so warped to only believe what a book and its followers will state.  Any theory has elements that can be debated and I would encourage it, however you  haven't presented any evidence to disprove, only a crackpot, fanatical devotion to a religious belief.

2. That would be fine and wonderful if it only happened that way.... now that we actually live in a real world where not everybody conforms to your belief system, we should attempt to ensure that the population is protected from the spread of disease and a large body of teenage pregnancies.

3. It is irrelevant what "God" supposedly stated to numerous male writers of a book that was debated by a group to only include certain passages.... homosexuality is a valid living that cannot be changed because you attempt to.  If you are uncomfortable with it or find it disgusting, you are obviously extremely close minded and it is probably good that you live in such an insulated community where those beliefs are more widely acceptable.  Either way, a relationship built on trust and devotion should be cherished, even if it doesn't conform to your system.

4. No... the practice of religion should be allowed in whatever form the individual values and desires, not your underlying system... the constitution clearly states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...." and I notice that Christian is missing in there.  For someone who expresses a strong defence of the second amendment and how it is stated, I would think that you could comprehend the English contained therein.  Making laws based on Christian values only would be making a law respecting an establishment of religion, and would reduce or prohibit the free exercise of others.


Quote from: pamagain on May 13, 2010, 04:21:36 PM
Righteous indignation..........that is the biggest bag of crap ever invented. Usually the ones hollerin about being righteously indignant make me want to puke because they GENERALLY need to clean out THIER OWN closets before they go tellin everybody ELSE how to live.

So by that logic there shouldn't be any laws of any kind, parents shouldn't teach their kids right from wrong, and we should be governed by complete anarchy!  You want a big bag of crap, just look at your own comments.  From a Biblical standpoint, everyones closet has junk in it because everyone has fallen short.  Does that mean that Christians should remain silent?...Absolutely not.

Quote from: pamagain on May 13, 2010, 04:21:36 PM
I have no more interest in a bunch of RIGHTEOUSLY INDIGNANT right wing so-called "Christians" tellin me how to live than I do in some kumbayya singing crazy far lefty( to use YOUR words) tellin me how to live.

And yet, you are guilty of the same things you accuse them of.  You say that they should be more "openminded" and respect others beliefs, so on and so forth.

Quote from: pamagain on May 13, 2010, 04:21:36 PM
"Founding Christian morals" do you even have any idea what the so-called "christian" beliefs of the so-called "founding fathers" were? Is your wife YOUR property to do with as you see fit? Do you and your wife have sex OTHER than for the purpose of PROCREATION? Do you look at a woman and think damn shes hot? They would have put you in stocks in the town square and threw GARBAGE and rocks at you for that my friend.  All this bull about the "MORALS" of our founding fathers makes me sick.

The question Pam, is do you know of their beliefs?  Because from the examples you provided, you have no idea. 

The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty.  A student's perusal of the sacred volume will make him a better citizen, a better father, a better husband." - Thomas Jefferson
"The Bible is the rock on which our Republic rests." - Andrew Jackson
"In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed." - Noah Webster
"It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions but on the gospel of Jesus Christ." - Patrick Henry
"The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and His this we owe our free constitutions of government." - Noah Webster
"Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed the conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?" - Thomas Jefferson
Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almight God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly implore His protection and favor." - George Washington
"Suppose a nation in some distant Region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited....  What a utopia, what a paradise would this region be." - John Adams
"Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

These are just a few quotes that give us insight into their beliefs.  They founded this country on Christian principles and given the relative short time that it took America to achieve our status as a superpower one would be a fool to deny the hand of God interceeding on our part.

Is my wife my "property"?...No,but neither is she my equal.  While I do value her input on the running of our household I do have the final say.  I cannont speak for other couples but my wife and I take our wedding vows seriously.  Her vows to ", honor, and obey.." mean exactly what they say.  As do my vows of ", honor, and cherish.." Do we have sex other than for procreation? bet.  As intercourse is one of the ultimate displays of our love toward one another in that "..the two shall become one flesh".  Do I ever see another woman and think that she is attractive...well DUH!  Does that mean that I lust after her and want to bed 

The witch trials took place when we were still under the rule of the British gov't and the precepts of the Catholic church.  Granted it was the Puritans that carried out the trials but they still held some of the same tendicies of the English chruch.  I could go  get really off track here and go into my beliefs on the Catholic church but I won't.

As to the "slavery..manifest destiny..." rest of your post, just because someone is Christian doesn't mean they themselves are perfect.  Only that they follow a perfect God and through their trials His glory and grace are made manifest.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: jerry wagner on May 15, 2010, 10:41:36 AM
Originally I thought about ignoring this disgusting display of ignorance and hatred of others but it is so overwhelming it must be discussed.

1. Evolution is not a crackpot theory espoused by a satanic crowd but it's obvious that your mind is so warped to only believe what a book and its followers will state.  Any theory has elements that can be debated and I would encourage it, however you  haven't presented any evidence to disprove, only a crackpot, fanatical devotion to a religious belief.

You know the greatest ploy that satan ever used was in convincing people that not only does God not exist but that he does not exist.  In doing so he managed to strip away moral absolutes.  Evolution was one way of doing this.  By getting people to believe in Evolution, from the big bang to the man from monkey idea, he took away the Divine Creation.  Evolution is crackpot in that it disproves itself by not continuing.  Where are the links? Where are the hold overs?  They can't be found nor repeated.

Quote from: jerry wagner on May 15, 2010, 10:41:36 AM
2. That would be fine and wonderful if it only happened that way.... now that we actually live in a real world where not everybody conforms to your belief system, we should attempt to ensure that the population is protected from the spread of disease and a large body of teenage pregnancies.

It does happen that way, ask my kids what they are taught.  Ask my grandparents and parents what they were taught.  Granted teen pregnancy and disease have always been around, but it wasn't until we moved away from Christian teachings that those numbers began to climb to what we have today. 

Quote from: jerry wagner on May 15, 2010, 10:41:36 AM
3. It is irrelevant what "God" supposedly stated to numerous male writers of a book that was debated by a group to only include certain passages.... homosexuality is a valid living that cannot be changed because you attempt to.  If you are uncomfortable with it or find it disgusting, you are obviously extremely close minded and it is probably good that you live in such an insulated community where those beliefs are more widely acceptable.  Either way, a relationship built on trust and devotion should be cherished, even if it doesn't conform to your system.

So, I am close minded because I find the act of a man sticking his penis up another mans anus disgusting? do know what biological function the anus serves don't you?  You're right though, I do not have the power to change someone who is a homosexual, only God can do that if that person asks Him. 
And it is very relevant what the Bible states, in that if God had wanted that message changed He would have had it worded differently.  I know that people will argue that the Bible has been changed throughout history.  However, I would argue that there is a divine reason for that.  In that all things work together to the glory of God.  A relationship should first be based on Godly principles before trust and devotion between two people.

Quote from: jerry wagner on May 15, 2010, 10:41:36 AM
4. No... the practice of religion should be allowed in whatever form the individual values and desires, not your underlying system... the constitution clearly states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...." and I notice that Christian is missing in there.  For someone who expresses a strong defence of the second amendment and how it is stated, I would think that you could comprehend the English contained therein.  Making laws based on Christian values only would be making a law respecting an establishment of religion, and would reduce or prohibit the free exercise of others.

Read some history jerry.  The Constitution was written in a way that allowed the practice of multiple religions.  However, our Founders believed that our country should be governed by Christian principles.  Meaning, that yes you can be a muslim or hindu or whatever but our laws and governing policies are to be based on the Gospel, if you don't like it theres the door.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I stopped posting for several reasons, being

1. I got busy with other things, I'm a small business owner and things have been really picking up

2. I did some travelling on a top secret CIA mission

3. Someone said something about trying to teach pigs to sing, I think that was somewhat relevant, however it should be noted that at one point, a large number of people read the politics forum, yet did not post.  I often posted for the sake of providing a different point of view other than the right wing extremists and fundamentalists that frequent this forum.  As readership has fallen off, there was less incentive for me to post.

4. I've been training for the upcoming world cup

5. I've been appointed as the czar of deregulation, my job is to make the USA the most deregulated country in the world, right above Somalia, because its working so great for them.

6. I don't really have a reason here, but everyone is posting lists, and I can't let people post lists longer than mine, so I have to fluff it up a little bit.  Can you believe that Israel attacked a peace convoy in international waters?  $10 says that we veto any UN security resolution calling for an investigation.

7. Trying to get into a PhD program.

That is all.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


I for one missed your humor Anmar. Good luck on all your endeavors!  ;D

Diane Amberg

A PhD Program? uh,which one?...there is a very popular one on here as you might have guessed. ;D


Missed reading you, Anmar...Good to see you back again! :-)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 31, 2010, 06:18:25 PM
A PhD Program? uh,which one?...there is a very popular one on here as you might have guessed. ;D

I've already got two Phd's.  Their hanging on the wall.

I'm surprised everyone round here doesn't have them.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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