You're Being Told Lies

Started by redcliffsw, May 06, 2010, 08:47:03 AM

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False Virtue:  The Politics of Lying About History

-Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo on real American history vs. the false virtue of the elites.

Diane Amberg

My,my,my....What about the rest of the series? I was a junior in high school in 1961. We studied the Civil War because it was the centennial. I had those Life Magazines around the house for many years and they were used several times as source material. It was a six part series, don't remember who all wrote parts for it. It ran from Jan.- March.  After my sister and I were out of school my parents cleaned out some of the old back issues of things we had used. There were still a huge number of things left when Mom died and Daddy sold the place and moved in with me. My sister and husband took on the huge job of cleaning all that out.

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