
Started by Wilma, April 21, 2010, 01:39:32 PM

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Warph, I was worried about you in that horrible dust storm. It looked like a special effects movie . Glad you're okay.  :-*


Not to worry, Six.. the bad part of the haboob was in south Phx.  We received the after effects.  I've noticed that there are cars still driving around covered completely in dust... kind of a 'badge of courage' thingy... saying, 'I lived through the big bad haboob of the 21 century.'  Below is a Video by Mike Olbinski of the July 5th haboob.,b2JwJpcc,w

"There are really not many words to describe this dust storm, or what we call it here, a haboob. I've lived in Phoenix for my entire 35 years and have never seen anything like this before. It was incredible." -- Mike Olbinski
(Haboob is the term used in Arabia and the Sahara to refer to a large sand storm.)

The following story is about the dust storm (Haboob) we had July 5th and the possible effect it will have on people contracting Valley Fever.  I have all ideas that is how I wound up with VF from a Haboob that hit Surprise last summer as I was outside Walgreens watching it.  Those VF spores that the Haboob picks up stay in the air for days.  My doctor had a big increase of patients that showed positive two to three months later, including me which  put me in the hospital for a month. 

TUCSON - The powerful dust storm that swept across Maricopa County last week likely will produce a large increase in new Valley Fever infections over the next two to three months, an expert at the University of Arizona predicts.
Rest of story at:

Between the dust storm scare and those pesky UFO's in Mesa during the Haboob,
I think it is time to start spending my summers elsewhere. Check oout the UFO's:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I have seen many dust storms in my life that are swept into Kansas from Oklahoma. The skies turn red with the Oklahoma soil and remain that way for a couple of days. 'Haboob' is a term I had not heard before our local weather Guru linked it with the devastating video from Phoenix. Neither had I ever heard of Valley fever before your illness. We all have lots to learn don't we? Again, happy that you are well, keep in touch.  ;)

Diane Amberg

 My nephew lives in Chandler. They got hit hard. The rest of the family and friends are north of Scottsdale and didn't get as much. It sure does look scary from the photos.


Not to get off subject, but did any of you plant sunflowers this year?  I mean the big, tall ones that get to 12 feet and have flowers 12 inches across?  I did and I planted them northeast of the house so I could look out and see their pretty blooms.  Guess what.  They are almost 12 feet tall and the biggest blossoms might be 12 inches across but I can't see them.  They are all looking to the northeast, away from the house.  The only way I can see them is to roll about 30 feet east of them and look back.  Why are they facing the north instead of the south?

Judy Harder

I did not, but my lady friend across sidewalk did and hers looks like a version of the bean stalk in "Jack and the bean stalk"
It is over the roof and shades her window very well..............think I would have to use both hands to span the stalk.
Flower has not formed yet. But, it is tall that we can't eye-ball it.
She is so proud and I like the wonder of it.
She said this seed she bought at dollar general in Independence and only fed it once. think she uses a generic (from dollar general) brand.
She does have a smaller one on the opposite side of the sidewalk (normal size) and it has several heads on it and it is doing well, too.
When we plant we know the one across sidewalk will see our beds more than we do. You almost have to look straight down to see them and so she plants for my entertainment, and I plant for hers. Alas, she does a much nicer job of it.

Take pictures Wilma and post them. Oh, and remember sunflowers follow the sun.
We noticed the sun is just moving back since the equinox has passed.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Ms Bear

Wilma, does the face of the bloom try to face the sun when it comes up?  It does sound pretty.


They seem to face the northeast all day, but I am going to pay special attention to them today.  I just took some pictures and here they are.  They are even prettier from the road.


I just have to put this one on, too.  

I took this picture of the new county truck soon after it arrived in the road yard.  It is magnificent.  So big they have to have a step stool to get into the bed.  Isn't it beaautiful?


I also took this picture this morning.  This insect has been hanging around for awhile and kindly posed for me this morning.  I don't know what it is.

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