I Don't Need A Warrant!!! This Will Make You Mad.

Started by Teresa, April 08, 2010, 10:18:45 PM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 09, 2010, 09:44:23 PM
So the state of Rhode Island is wrong? Be sure and tell them that. ;D
IF they violate the 4th amendment they are.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Haven't you realized that with who we have in office now, the Constitution and 4th Amendment don't mean shit!?




In most states..my understanding of the bail bondsman (bounty hunter) is that he does not need a warrant to search the address on a  bond if he sees that person enter the house ...  if the bailbonds saw the person in the residence they can follow the fugitive into another persons home.  but if they didn't see him enter into the residence.. . he can not ....Other wise he is just like any other LEO and must have a warrant to search.

Since he didn't find Allen in the residence.. the bail enforcement agent had better be able to show that he had GOOD reason to believe that Allen was in there. As for the deputies... they should have stayed outside of the house unless they themselves had sight of Allen inside of there.
Fact is...the Bail Bondsman jumped the gun.   He saw NOTHING and NO ONE enter. Somehow got some bored LEO's to go with him to "take a look"...and effectively really "Screwed Up".

If the LEO's were that concerned..then a Search warrant could have been issued. The bondsman already had an Arrest warrant.. but I will stress this again..  unless he sees the perp go in the house.. he CAN NOT enter without a search warrant.

Plus the first Deputy said he had a warrant, and than recanted... than said "You're gonna go to jail in about a second".......
"For What?"
Harboring NO ONE?

These guys need to have a refresher course on government and the constitution! >:(
They screwed up...... and I hope they get smacked big time for it..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

So do we know how it turned out? Somebody must have jumped bail, which is a crime.The bail bondsman was there with the deputy, I thought to arrest the man.  The one person did say he had a bench warrant and then said he didn't need it. I still don't know what state they were in. (It was 6:30 AM so it didn't need to be a nighttime warrant.) Two other things I found when I went looking, was where it said that police officers do not need a warrant to search incidental to an arrest. (you had that one also.) The "protective sweep" might have counted there too. Another place I found where it stated that according to federal law, no warrant is needed by a bail bondsman, but what I read didn't mention having to see the person. There is no doubt a warrant would have made the arrest much cleaner. But if somebody jumped bail, then he had already been to court for something. When he didn't show up for his court date then the bail bondsman became a victim. The Sheriff could arrest him again. yes? no? Where is Janet when I need her? I'm sure she would know. I know the state constitutions do differ some from state to state. Also, that lady being very loud does not make what she said for the camera, to get it on tape, true. So the bottom line is: the bail bondsman did or did not have a warrant with him, or did or did not need one. So back to court they go for another round one way or the other. As far as having the deputies with the bail bonds man,that I understand .If the fellow is known to the police or has a bad reputation, they accompany for safety. I even took a stand by call  on the ambulance once where the sheriff went to pick up a known problem with a premise history. He was known to hate authority of any kind and had sworn to shoot to kill anybody who showed up. ( Usually he was full of alcohol). We were called to stand by, some distance away, in case the arrest heated up and someone got hurt.  He very calmly walked out the door just as nice as you please, no problem at all.  


Well... Don't get me wrong...I'm for pro law enforcement but abuse of power sticks in my craw...and I detest it..
Biggest rule in the long run is............ Don't get arrested in the first place.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: kshillbillys on April 10, 2010, 05:51:31 PM
Haven't you realized that with who we have in office now, the Constitution and 4th Amendment don't mean shit!?

Says who?  I haven't surrendered my Country nor its constitution.  Until then it means everything.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Teresa on April 10, 2010, 07:10:20 PM
Well... Don't get me wrong...I'm for pro law enforcement but abuse of power sticks in my craw...and I detest it..
Biggest rule in the long run is............ Don't get arrested in the first place.

WEll the big fubar was that the "bench warrant" which is not a search warrant, it is only a warrant to bring in said perp dead or alive to appear before the judge.  Secondly even if they got a search warrant for the perp, it has to specifically state which address it pertains to and the owner must be included in the warrant to search the house. 

Now obviously they did not see the perp enter the home. So there went their probable cause to search the house.  Secondly,  they lied told the woman they had the warrant to gain entry when they in fact did not.   She called them on it requesting it prior to entry.  THey knew they couldn't produce it so they recanted and third they threatened her with arrest if she didn't stop defending her 4th amendment rights. This is a abuse of power and a constiutional rights crime.  THey forced their way into her home which is breaking and entering, as well as criminal tresspass, and then the bounty hunter himself threatened her when she demanded he get out of her house.

She's got them by the shorthairs and I hope she takes every single one of them to the cleaners! 

I for one am all for honorable LEO's but I do not trust any of them as far as i can throw them.  YOu never know what a LEO is going to do.

The few LEO's i know well and trust will tell you themselves they do not trust the LEO's. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on April 10, 2010, 07:23:38 PM

I for one am all for honorable LEO's but I do not trust any of them as far as i can throw them.  YOu never know what a LEO is going to do.

The few LEO's i know well and trust will tell you themselves they do not trust the LEO's. 

I have heard that so many times in so many places..and also from LEO's themselves...
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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