Started by frawin, April 07, 2010, 04:43:37 AM

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EFFICIENCY OF GOVERNMENT...................                               
         Oilfield Math;                                                     
       Working in the oilfield with others such as myself and a wealth of   
       combined experience we understand the accuracy of the following.     
Think of it this way:                                               
       A clunker that travels 12,000 miles a year at 15 mpg uses 800       
       gallons of gas a year.                                               
       A vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year at 25 mpg uses 480       
       gallons a year.                                                     
       So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction will reduce US         
       gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.                       
       They claim 700,000 vehicles so that's 224 million gallons saved per 
       That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.                 
       5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption.         
       More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs   
       about $350 million dollars. So, the government paid $3 Billion of   
       our tax dollars to save $350 million.                               
       We spent $8.57 for every dollar we saved.                           
       I'm pretty sure they will do a great job with our health care,       

Dee Gee

Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


Whoops Frank, you are using common sense again! ;)


DG and GG, it is really scary and disappointing the money our Government spends and wastes in the name of "Helpimg the economy or the Energy Crisis, etc".

Diane Amberg

Won't the new off shore drilling help in some way?


All Drilling/new production helps. Do you have any idea how many years and how many Billions of dollars it will take to develop the new offshore released acreage? It is questionable if some of the recently proposed to be  released acreage is even worth the costs and risk. The present plan is to increase the  tax burden on the industry. The old Jimmie Carter Philosyphy, tax the industry  more so the have less to invest and they will invest more??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Diane, what does the released offshore drilling acreage have to do with the cash for Clunkers program and my posts.


Cash for clunkers and off shore drilling have nothing in common. But just like everything on this forum we can not stay on the subject. >:(

Diane Amberg

Personally, I thought the cash for clunkers program was a waste, but I thought the Gov't thought that by getting clunkers off the road it was supposed to, in some small way, relieve the pressure on oil supplies that would be turned into vehicle fuel. So I thought releasing oil areas finally would be of some help in the long run. I thought that's what you all wanted, use our oil first, create jobs hunting for it.   Sorry if it was too deep for ya.  ;)  How is my post not about Gov't Efficiency,or lack of it? I didn't think it was off subject but apparently if I write something it's automatically "off the subject." Sorry. >:(   and never mind. Over and out,'way out. sheesh!.


Diane, in my opinion Cash for Clunkers  was done to help the Auto Industry, the Union Vote and the Liberal left Stronghold in Michigan. I don't think it had anything to do with reducing energy consumption. The reason for the program according to Washington was to reduce energy consumption. Note the following excerpt from Wikipedia:
"A study published after the program by researchers at the University of Delaware concluded that for each vehicle trade, the program had a net cost of approximately $2,000, with total costs outweighing all benefits by $1.4 billion.[15][16] Another study by researchers at the University of Michigan found that the program improved the average fuel economy of all vehicles purchased by 0.6 mpg in July 2009 and by 0.7 mpg in August 2009.[17]"
I don't see why you got so upset at others comments or postings, you respond to absolutely every post that is made, no matter what it is.

Diane Amberg

No I don't, and so what if I did? Why are you so angry with me anyway? Why can't I have an opinion?  At least its mine and not something copied from someone else. I don't get any more upset than others, I'm just brave enough to say something part of the time.  Others take licks at me quite often, some are just poking and some are serious. Please note I didn't say anything to you about your recent spelling error. It didn't make a pun or anything funny so I didn't bother with it. Of course I know about the UD research. I won't comment any more for awhile, have other things to do.  I have yet to have Teresa tell me what that "Secret Number "is. Just how many posting per day is "legal?".  ....and I did ask.

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