Have you planted Tomatoes yet??

Started by frawin, April 05, 2010, 04:59:29 PM

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I got Jim one of those upside down planters also. He set it out and about two weeks later all his plants were gone! He said it looked as if something came and chewed them all off. He's replanted, but it doesn't look near as good now.


I don't want to talk about tomatoes !! Planted almost 80 of what I thought were Pink Girls. Been getting tons of 'maters" but not a Pink Girl in the whole sheebang. Mis-marked at the nursery or they were sold the wrong seeds ?? Most of my maters are shaped like a funnel and pointed on the end. I'm calling them "Madonna " tomatoes !!!

Jo McDonald

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha   Oh My Gosh ~~~~~~~You are a total Mess ~~~~ But I love you just the same.

My plants are a total disgrace, to the memory of Fred McDonald.  I looooooong for a vine ripened tomato.  I am going to raid
the Cookson Farm one of these evenings and bring home some of their ripe t'maters.


Well, my yellow pear tomatoes had bitten the dust...I don't know if they had some kind of blight or if the plant was just winding down for the year.  My Roma and Roma Grape tomatoes are still going strong and producing prodigiously.  My strawberries are still coming on, just with smaller fruits in this heat.  My hummingbirds are busy divebombing each other and my goldfinches are in full brilliance.  Even my hosta is beginning to bloom, which amazed me since it's in its first year of being planted.  I love this time of year...It's a harvest for not only the tummy but also the eyes... :D :D

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Janet Harrington on July 15, 2010, 11:56:27 AM
I bought one of those planters that hang the tomato plants upside down.  I planted 3 Big Boy plants in it.  All I have are blooms and my plants look really bad.  I'm giving them one more week and if I don't see any little tomatos then the plant is history.  I have to climb a ladder everytime I water it and then directions say you have to water it every day.  My blooms look terrible.  I really feel sorry for the plant, but if I don't see tomatos, then the hanging plant is gone.

Yep.  The hanging plant bit the dust.  Threw it away a week ago.  At least I'm not wasting water trying to keep the plant alive while it doesn't produce tomatoes.  Jim's plants are doing great.  I made salsa out of all those Roma tomatoes that he planted.  I like large round tomatoes, but no; we have Roma tomatoes.  LOL

W. Gray

I had wondered about those upside down tomatoes but did not give them a try.

Consumer Reports did a review of the upside down tomatoes this month, June 2011, titled "Don't Flip over Topsy Turvy." Their suggestion was that "pots or boxes are a better choice." Although they also said the Topsy Turvy produced "fine tomatoes" but there were drawbacks getting to that point.
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Roma Jean Turner

I haven't been around a garden since I was a kid.  Sounds like I will be getting to Moline too late for this year.  So I will be the tender foot city slicker hanging around the market places hoping to buy some of you alls homegrown fair.


I was one day late in planting my tomatoes this year. The weather was bad on April 1st and I didn't get mine planted until April 2nd. They are doing great, they would be doing better if they had more sunshine.

Diane Amberg

RJ, there are plenty of things you could still grow this year if you want to ,especially if your new place has a garden plot. I'm sure there are people on here who could advise you.Then again knowing these nice folks, when their gardens come on I suspect they would give you more than you could handle. ;)I think I'll finally get my toms and peppers in tomorrow. It's still been getting down in the 40's at night so I've been in no hurry.


Roma Jean, you can plant tomatoes here just about any time now. Get yourself a couple of plants and spade up a small place and enjoy. I have one plant in a tub this year, all I need for just me.  :-*

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