You Can't Have your Country Back

Started by redcliffsw, April 03, 2010, 12:52:52 PM

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Like many liberals, you paint yourself as "multi-cultural" but you're
not fooling me.   

Hitler would not like to be around me, but I'm thinking he'd be very
comfortable around you liberals. 

Today, I had dinner at noon in a Mexican place.  Had some real tacos
and jalapenos along with a couple of glasses of horchata and as usual
I was the only gringo in the establishment.  Pretty good eatin for sure.

Why did your people separate the whites and blacks from each other
after the northern victory over good and decent Americans in 1865? 
Your kind always knows what's good for everyone else or could it be that
your kind was uncomfortable with black and white American folks being together?




Diane Amberg

My kind? What are you ranting about? My kind (family) had people on both sides of the civil war, including two brothers who fought on opposite sides? So what.
   Glad you like Mexican food, but what are "real" tacos. I've never had a fake one. ;D  Sorry, not a liberal and you calling me one doesn't make it so. (What, pray tell, will you do if I vote Repub. next time?)  Have you ever had a hand patted tortilla? Much better than the machine made ones. IMHO The only gringo in the place?  You must not be in Elk county! You do know I was reacting to the author of that article, who also has a very narrow and preset way of looking at things. People like that write to a certain audience who they know will always agree with them no matter what they say.  It was a very divisive article.  Even the title suggests that it's too late, your country is who? (Why to those who aren't lily white, that's who)  Inflammatory writing if you ask me. Do you ever disagree with these writers or do you just accept what they say?


Yes, your kind.  Obviously, you're on one side of the family and you seem to
not favor the Founding Fathers or Southerners.

Liberals vote for Republicans quite often so why would it be any different
for you?  As far as I know, it's never been established that Republicans
represent conservatism.  Republicans seem to be liberal to me.

People know their people.  I'm sure the article is divisive for you because your
brand of diversity is limited to select groups which does not include the author.


Ok so I finally gave in and read this thing even tho I tend to avoid readin the crap Red posts because it's usually ridiculous. This one is no different.

Oh it's the liberal blah blah fault oh its the conservatives blah blah blah fault oh if you don't agree with what I say blah blah blah you aren't a good American. If you believe in equal you aren't being true to your race. Oh if you don't accept EVERYbody you aren't being a good person blah blah blah.

You want to know what I say? It's KARMA, DIVINE retribution, PAYBACK is a bitch, whatever you want to call it. They are pissin and moanin about somebody stealin the country they stole to START with.

Articles like this are just sour grapes in my opinion. Read your european history of the "white race" . They/we used the if we can't beat em we'll BREED em out approach on more than ONE occasion...even on other "white races"......if it's comin back around and bitin em in the ass....well you'll have that in your bigger operations.

Diane Amberg

Yup, no doubt about it. I'm a really BAAAAAAD person. I don't lie, smoke,  drink, or cuss, don't hit kids, don't take what isn't mine, I listen to other people's views, am involved in community activities, totally believe in the golden rule. I try to talk about issues, not people (not always successful) and try to be kind to dogs, cats and really stupid people. I won't be reading any more of Red's stuff because there is no point. It is the same few writers saying pretty much the same thing over and over and over. I get it that Red hates the President. I get it that Red never recovered from the Civil War and is apparently stuck in the past. As far as my own personal prejudices, yes, I have them. I am totally against poorly educated people of their own making, who insist on staying stupid and who try to cover it up by going on the attack, and I don't care what color they are. I am most certainly not anti south except for the really stupid people.
 I've seen the Real Constitution, the real Declaration of Independence, the real Liberty Bell, the real Carpenters Hall, Betsy Ross's house ,the old churches and the graves of Ben Franklyn and others. I've been to Old North Church, Monticello, Mount Vernon, seen where Washington crossed the Delaware, I've been to Gettysburg and Appomattox and Harper's Ferry and Richmond and on and on. Why?  Because I've always been interested in both sides of the war. I am interested in so much that went on here or near here, right back to the American Revolution. Don't tell me about the founding fathers. I've read a great many other things they wrote that aren't as popular with the main stream public. I've seen other things Jefferson wrote, including his speculations that the constitution might not last as the years went by. Read Hamilton's diaries if you want to know what a tussle they had bickering among themselves. Read what the real people wrote. Skip those who would  be happy to tell you what it REALLY means.


Diane, you are the head of the spelling Gestapo on the Forum, and yet you spelled Franklin incorrectly. I hate to be petty but I recall a few times when you were very rude to me about what you thought was a mispelled word.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 06, 2010, 02:21:54 PM
Yup, no doubt about it. I'm a really BAAAAAAD person. I don't lie, smoke,  drink, or cuss, don't hit kids, don't take what isn't mine, I listen to other people's views, am involved in community activities, totally believe in the golden rule. I try to talk about issues, not people (not always successful) and try to be kind to dogs, cats and really stupid people. I won't be reading any more of Red's stuff because there is no point. It is the same few writers saying pretty much the same thing over and over and over. I get it that Red hates the President. I get it that Red never recovered from the Civil War and is apparently stuck in the past. As far as my own personal prejudices, yes, I have them. I am totally against poorly educated people of their own making, who insist on staying stupid and who try to cover it up by going on the attack, and I don't care what color they are. I am most certainly not anti south except for the really stupid people.
  I've seen the Real Constitution, the real Declaration of Independence, the real Liberty Bell, the real Carpenters Hall, Betsy Ross's house ,the old churches and the graves of Ben Franklyn and others. I've been to Old North Church, Monticello, Mount Vernon, seen where Washington crossed the Delaware, I've been to Gettysburg and Appomattox and Harper's Ferry and Richmond and on and on. Why?  Because I've always been interested in both sides of the war. I am interested in so much that went on here or near here, right back to the American Revolution. Don't tell me about the founding fathers. I've read a great many other things they wrote that aren't as popular with the main stream public. I've seen other things Jefferson wrote, including his speculations that the constitution might not last as the years went by. Read Hamilton's diaries if you want to know what a tussle they had bickering among themselves. Read what the real people wrote. Skip those would  be happy to tell you what it REALLY means.

Diane Amberg


Well Diane, I lie every time I go fishing and tell ol Sarge about what I catch----I smoke like a steam engine----I drink like a drunken sailor---- and cuss like the same sailor---I've smacked more than one "big kid" in my life---and Sarge says I'm a "really stupid person". I been to a few places in my life but nothing like you have but not sure what that has to do with anything and not sure it makes one wise. Would like to have you clarify what you mean, "You are totally against poorly educated people of their own making, who insist on staying stupid". Even you gotta admit there's alot of educated idiots out there. :)

Diane Amberg

Yes, there are indeed. Including me when someone pushes me too far or deliberately tries to push my buttons. No, I do not mean you! What I meant was everywhere i've been I've taken the tour, looked at the exhibits, read the books about the place and listened to the docents tell the history.They do not set out to lie to people and I resent a certain person on here re writing history to agree with that persons personal radical slant on things.  By the way Frank, I was never promoted to head the spelling Gestapo, someone else has that spot for life. If you were offended by an error I caught, I sincerely apologize.I usually only mention if it makes something funny or changes the meaning. It really is meant to be in fun. I told somebody one time if ya catch me with one I promise to laugh loudest of all. I really don't mind. I was trying to practice touch typing and I think it's about useless.


Quote from: pamagain on April 06, 2010, 11:34:46 AM
You want to know what I say? It's KARMA, DIVINE retribution, PAYBACK is a bitch, whatever you want to call it. They are pissin and moanin about somebody stealin the country they stole to START with.
Articles like this are just sour grapes in my opinion. Read your european history of the "white race" . They/we used the if we can't beat em we'll BREED em out approach on more than ONE occasion...even on other "white races"......if it's comin back around and bitin em in the ass....well you'll have that in your bigger operations.

The country they ("white race") stole??  Really??  So, whites now are to blame for stealing indian land??  You might want to loosen the headdress there Tonto!  Stealing land isn't exactly a "white" thing.  Cultures of all types have done it to each other since the beginning of time, yes even indians would drive opposing tribes from a region for hunting grounds.  Africans still today wage wars of genocide against each other.  So bitch all you want about whites stealing land, and how evil the white race is.  Fact of the matter is, if it wasn't for the white race the world would still be running around in loin cloths, living in mud huts, sacrifacing themselves to ensure a good harvest, and dancing around hoping for rain.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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