You Can't Have your Country Back

Started by redcliffsw, April 03, 2010, 12:52:52 PM

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QuoteAs far as your opinion goes, your welcome to express it.  Never said you weren't.  But don't be surprised if someone doesn't agree with you, afterall they to have earned the "F-ING" priviledge of their opinion.

I DO express it. Not surprised no-one agrees with it......also don't care. Wasn't askin for a discussion of my opinion or ATTACKIN anybody keep your insults to yourself from now on.

Y'all don't want diversity of opinion on here for the purpose of expanding or solidifying your horizons...y'all want a bunch of "yes-men and women" who only parrot the opinions you yourselves hold dear and correct. You attack anybody who has the cajones to post an opposing opinion whether they are rude about said opinion or not like a pack of pirahnas on a dead goat.

Some of the things posted on here are so ignorant as to be hilarious if it wasn't so friggin sad that people haven't progressed any farther than that. Some border on paranoid delusions! I laugh at them just because it makes a person want to cry otherwise.

Y'all have managed to run off or silence anybody who DOESN'T buy into your brand of's only my stubborness that makes me persist but I'm gettin pretty tired of the crap myself.It's like tryin to pry the lid off a rusty bucket tryin to let some opposing opinions into this place. Opposing opinions are not a big threat to me...I WELCOME them. new things and ideas DON"T scare me..


I haven't insulted anyone that hasn't first done the same to me.  I understand that discussions can get heated at times, however, if someone gets rude or insulting then I'm gonna give as good as I get.  As for running people off, they left on their own accord. 
As for diversity of opinion...that means allowing ALL opinions to be posted.  I don't have a problem with that.  That is how a debate or discussion is furthered. 

By the way, I do find it kind of ironic that you accuse people on here of being closedminded, ignorant, sad in one breath and in the next say you welcome a diversity of opinion. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Pam is like most of us...She welcomes thought that is informed...Considered...Educated...Showing of restraint from employing the base, common, illiterate, bullying tendencies that our society seems to find the "new normal".  I find it amazing that Pam, Diane, and others like them, persist in their Christian efforts to try to bring a a level, sane, enlightened stance to this board...No one that I am conversing with has left...Quite the opposite...We are just sitting back, watching the circus.  ::)


Quote from: Varmit on April 06, 2010, 08:33:03 PM
......  Fact of the matter is, if it wasn't for the white race the world would still be running around in loin cloths, living in mud huts, sacrifacing themselves to ensure a good harvest, and dancing around hoping for rain.

..... dancing for exercise, and rain, instead of having to go to the gym to work out, would have plenty to eat without worrying about pesticides, poisons, etc., didn't have to worry about keeping up with the Jonses, didn't have to worry what clothes were in style this year, didn't have to worry about how to pay their home insurance, car insurance, real estate taxes, the price of fuel, income taxes, government dictating what they could and couldn't do on their own property,. . . . . ::) really don't sound all that bad a life style.


The white race?  Try the human race...Gee...What a concept... :o ::)  For being as knowledgeable as you claim, your historical content is off...The Chinese had an evolved social/court system several thousand years before we were supposedly civilized.  I don't think they count themselves as being "the white race".


Quote from: Varmit on April 11, 2010, 09:10:03 AM
I haven't insulted anyone that hasn't first done the same to me.  I understand that discussions can get heated at times, however, if someone gets rude or insulting then I'm gonna give as good as I get.  As for running people off, they left on their own accord. 
As for diversity of opinion...that means allowing ALL opinions to be posted.  I don't have a problem with that.  That is how a debate or discussion is furthered. 

By the way, I do find it kind of ironic that you accuse people on here of being closedminded, ignorant, sad in one breath and in the next say you welcome a diversity of opinion. 

"Loosen the headress Tonto" ring a bell? "Kumbayyaa singin leftwing hippie" ring a bell? You weren't insulted or called anything to precipitate either ONE of THOSE.

They left because they got tired of trying to pry the rusty lid off and takin the abuse that came with THAT job.

I DO welcome diversity of opinion! I don't HAVE to AGREE with it for cripes sake. Neither does anybody else!  Welcoming it does not mean I will not think it is IGNORANT or PREJUDICED! I learned a LONG time ago that the way to figure out what YOU YOURSELF are willing to take a stand on is to listen to OTHER DISSENTING opinions so YES I welcome them. Sorry if you can't grasp that concept.

Thank you Cat for your words of support, you are exactly right about the chinese too. Hell the ARABS were centuries ahead of us on a LOT of stuff.

Yeah...I'm thinkin spendin my time huntin fishin farmin and runnin around nekkid if I felt like it and it was hot sounds like a plan :D LOLOLOL


Actually it was the egyptians not the arabs.  The city of Alexandria was the location of all knowlege.  Everything was located there from the science of hydraulics to scrolls of knowlege that were preserved over the centuries.
The Moslems invaded Egypt during the seventh century as their fanaticism carried them on conquests that would take form an empire stretching from Spain to India. There was not much of a struggle in Egypt and the locals found the rule of the Caliph to be more tolerant than that of the Byzantines before them. However, when a Christian called John informed the local Arab general that there existed in Alexandria a great Library preserving all the knowledge in the world he was perturbed. Eventually he sent word to Mecca where Caliph Omar ordered that all the books in the library should be destroyed because, as he said "they will either contradict the Koran, in which case they are heresy, or they will agree with it, so they are superfluous." Therefore, the books and scrolls were taken out of the library and distributed as fuel to the many bathhouses of the city. So enormous was the volume of literature that it took six months for it all to be burnt to ashes heating the saunas of the conquerors.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


  No........REALLY? Egyptians ARE arab  :P

Diane Amberg

  To back up one post....Thanks Cat. I had brought up China too, but it was thrown back at me. And then of course I was immediately told I was posting too much to try to get rid of me again.
Of course we won't all agree on issues all the time, but leave out the name calling and "dissing" as the kids say and it's a good debate. Personal  funny name calling and teasing can be just that, but when it turns into directed personal insult, the debate is lost and a heated argument replaces it. Then there are the "little people" who sit on the sidelines and egg the argument on. Very poor form.  And Varmit, many people here can verify how nasty you were to me over and over before I finally had had enough and told you to cut it out and fought back. You are much more reasonable most of the time now, but since you have this need to be right you still slip occasionally. You used to be D- now I'd say a C+ or maybe even a little better....B-?  ;D ;D ;D Steve with what you wrote, maybe Varmit will understand what some of us were talking about. Every time I hear about one of the ancient libraries being destroyed I cringe. All that knowledge lost, especially about everyday people and their lives.


So let me get this straight, I can be snippy and rude so long as I don't actually point a finger at anybody?  For example, comments like...

Some of the things posted on here are so ignorant as to be hilarious if it wasn't so friggin sad that people haven't progressed any farther than that. Some border on paranoid delusions! I laugh at them just because it makes a person want to cry otherwise.

are perfectly fine since it doesn't specifically name names?

And then there are the comments that reek of arrogance, such as..

The Statue of Liberty, which I suspect you've never seen, welcomes outsiders to come here.

And I just love this one.  I mean, how welcoming of diverse ideas and opinions that vary..

Ok so I finally gave in and read this thing even tho I tend to avoid readin the crap Red posts because it's usually ridiculous. This one is no different.

Have I covered the "know it all type" yet..

Get real, people.  High horse attitudes about what SHOULD be done have all the chance of a snowball in hell of making a difference when it comes to the real world that the rest of us have to live in.

I could go on and on.  The point is this...if you are going to accuse people of being rude or whatever, why not start with yourselves?

Now, getting back to the topic at hand...

If China and the Arab cultures were so far advanced, what happened?  You mentioned the advanced social/court system in china...would this be the same social system that advocated killing live, delivered babies based on their gender?  Would this be the same culture that now outlaws religion, puts in prison christian group leaders and bible study leaders?  Because, Hey! that has advanced written all over it. 
Now, lets talk about Egypt, I mean theres a prime example of advanced culture...rampant poverty, illiteracy, water and food shortages, not to mention a general lack of personal hygiene.  Heres a culture whos claim to fame are pryamids that were built thousands of years ago. 
Oh, and lets not forget their outstanding lead in the fight for civil and human rights. 

Quote from: flo on April 11, 2010, 11:18:09 AM
..... dancing for exercise, and rain, instead of having to go to the gym to work out, would have plenty to eat without worrying about pesticides, poisons, etc., didn't have to worry about keeping up with the Jonses, didn't have to worry what clothes were in style this year, didn't have to worry about how to pay their home insurance, car insurance, real estate taxes, the price of fuel, income taxes, government dictating what they could and couldn't do on their own property,. . . . . ::) really don't sound all that bad a life style.

Okay, maybe you're just poking fun here, I'm not sure...but to say that primative cultures don't/didn't have a class system isn't at all accurate.  Nor is saying that they didn't try and "out do" each other with their manner of dress or lodgings. 
Not worrying about pesticides and poisons...yeah, much better to just let the bugs and weeds take over, espcially in those years when things like locuts, and bowl weavels tend to be a problem. 

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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