If the time comes, where will you be?

Started by Patriot, April 07, 2010, 08:44:30 PM

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I read this comment in response to an AP article about the FBI having  arrested a man for having threatened Nancy Pelosi over the health care bill. I fFound the comment cogent and thought provoking:

As a Florida attorney, I believe that resistance may one day require even force, i.e. secession and/or civil war. I gave an oath, as a former assistant state attorney, to support and defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. I have an oath to the Constitution not to any regime like the Obama regime. Therefore, that oath may one day compel me, if I am to be faithful to that oath, in defense of the U.S. Constitution, our liberties, and our freedoms, to call for the support of secession and/or civil war, i.e. the removal of the corrupt radical marxist pathologically lying narcissist Obama in the White House and his radicals in the Congress using whatever means necessary. I was born a free man and I'll be damned if I'm going to die a serf.

I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said we must from time to time refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson also said when the people fear the government you have tyranny and when the government fears the people you have liberty. Sadly, I fear this radical marxist regime and fear for my country. Our Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Indepedence that we have not only a right to remove oppressive/corrupts governments, but also the DUTY to do so. I withdraw my consent and I do not view this usurper radical in the White House as my "President".

As I have watched these radical Alinsky followers, they demonize and vilify the American people like Hitler did the Jews. These people must go. So yes resist them and do whatever you must as a free people to remove them. I was never a believer in the "ends justify the means", but if liberty is the ends then I will support the means. As Barry Goldwater once said, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue". So pray that we can recapture the Congress in 2010 and that Obama does not corrupt the election process. ACORN and SEIU, Obama's allies, have no problem stealing and/or corrupting elections. If they succeed at such, then such event permits the American people to drop the ballot box and return to the ammo box. So be prepared to lock and load if duty calls for all free men and women to come to the aid of liberty.

Never say it can't happen.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


These days, one has to wonder if the Fed's are considered to be Patriotic.


Patriotic to what, I am not wondering, and everywhere I travel I hear people express their concerns for the direction the current administration is taking this Nation. The most positive direction I see is that more and more people including Obama voters are saying they are anxious for the Fall House and Senate elections so we can get the control of the House and Senate away from the Tax and Spend left and stop the out-of-control deficit spending. My concern is not so much for Myrna and me, but for our Children and Grandchildren. This administration is leaving them runaway inflation and an ever rising tax burden.


I got a suggestion.  Most companies today are in a precarious position where they are having to cut retirement benefits for their retirees.  Why not toss them out of office, elect new members and pass legislation to scale back all their retirement including pay. Lets cut it back to lets say 25k a year.  Thats enough money for them.  The go on to make millions anyway with all the connections they get in congress.

Personally i would love to see a new congress where it is divided up amonst the different fields of this country.  x% are doctors, X% are farmers, X% technology and on and on.  require that no more than 2% are lawyers.
It is a shame that joe schmoe can't just up and run for office without millions of dollars.  We really need to put a stop to buying the position.  It was unconscionable what obama did in the election.  He bought the white house position.  His chicago politics and his underhanded way he made sure that the republican party couldn't spend as much money on the election as he did has got to go. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Roma Jean Turner

That is a great idea.  The president always talks about the 'skin in the game'.  Let's have some people in there who actually have 'skin in the game' of something besides politics and how to out maneuver everyone else.

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