April 2 storm

Started by Dee Gee, April 02, 2010, 03:09:03 PM

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I have with me temporarily a four year old and an 18 month old.  Madison and Jadin.  We were having breakfast when the elect. went off.  It being dark, out came the flash light and then the kerosene lamp.  I was explaining to the 4 yr. old what the lamp was and how it was used when WHAM, without any warning whatsoever, things started hitting the house and the most gosh awful noise, and the children were petrified.  I calmly picked up the little one and told Jadin let's go to grandma's bedroom where it would be quieter and away we went.  course by that time it was just raining.  He peaked through the drapes to the outside and I was devestated, but couldn't show it.  When we returned to the rest of the house, I looked out my front door and where there had been a new flag flying and porch furniture, was NOTHING.  My wonderful neighbors, the Simmons', were outside gathering up their blown belongings and they found my furniture and cushions, and the flag.  They were scattered all over from here to the east.  The only real damage is several shingles gone from the roof and a lot of limbs and sticks throughout the yard.  Oh, yeah, my rain gauge was shattered.  Could have been much wose, and I never want to hear that horrible sound again.

Diane Amberg

I'm so glad it wasn't any worse.


P.S.  The front door being open at the time, lamps were blown over in the living room and the carpet in front of the door for about 6 feet was soaked.  The front storm door was also "sprung" but still working.

Ms Bear

I am so glad everyone is okay and you weren't without electric for too long.  Nothing like little ones to keep one from reacting to the fear.


My grandmother's 'barn' and my brother's garage-shop were both blew down and are at complete loss. We are still waiting on insurance before we start the clean up of my Grandma's barn, but we are already cleaning up my brother's shed. A lot of tin and wood to be scrapped. We are extremely lucky. My brother was looking out his window when this huge piece of 'roofing' came flying at his house. He had a couple of branches puncture into his house.
Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.


More pictures;
Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.

Diane Amberg

Thanks Heather,I was hoping someone would post some photos.


We just returned home from Howard and drove around to view the damage. It had to have been a twister because of how the tin was strung and trees were twisted. It looked like a bomb had gone off in some of the areas.
A friend of ours said she started to leave for work and could not open her door because of the suction. Another friend was fishing and said it was so dark he had to turn on his head lights to tie a jig on and then decided to go home.
Also it took the side of the buildings but left the roof. Look like Topeka, KS in 1966.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 02, 2010, 07:41:57 PM
I'm sooooo glad nobody was hurt.Well except the goat. That was a shame too. Hope that's your share for the season.

I am trying to figure out the part about the goat.  Was there a goat hurt???


Yes one goat was crushed like the witch in oz.  Barn fell on it.

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