our history

Started by aka-algorithm, March 12, 2010, 04:32:14 PM

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  I would like to invite any and all to help me to learn about the Elk County Courthouse.
I would appreciate any pictures of the "new" courthouse from the grand opening and later to learn and educate visitors about the history and changes to the courthouse over the years.
Now that the courthouse is on the Historical Registry this information is important.
I believe that all will agree that we would not want this knowledge lost beyond retrieval.

Any knowledge of it's construction, and / or where abouts of some of the woodwork that was removed to make way for the elevator would be nice also.

Pictures and news articles though will especially be useful and appreciated greatly.
I would like to see some of these photos framed and hung throughout the courthouse.
Thanks will be made to any provider.

I thank you now.

Roma Jean Turner

I may have and old postcard of the courthouse in my collection.  If not I will check with my cousin in Wichita.  I do believe one of us has it.


Thank you!
Is the pic of one of the first two or of the current building?

Roma Jean Turner

On the picture is says  The New Courthouse.  I will have to scan it and send the jpg as I can never seem to get a picture uploaded here on the site.  If you want to send me your e-mail address,  send it to   roma@romaturner.com  and I can send the jpeg  to you.  Be sure and put Courthouse in the subject line.

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