School overstepping their right...........

Started by Teresa, March 26, 2010, 06:04:02 PM

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Diane Amberg

Varmit, I know what you mean and it's possible. Do we know if the father is indeed a "boy,'' not an over friendly uncle or someone for whom statutory rape could be an issue? I really don't know. It's a very complicated.I expect the courts will settle it depending on the details of their law.


Since there is no mention of a father, either the baby's father or the girl's father, in this, we can assume that father's are not important.  If the father is not important, maybe the mother isn't important, either.  Obviously the clinic is operating within the law of that state.  The girl is pro-life, but chose to have an abortion.  There has to be some reason that she did not want to carry the baby, other than just not wanting to become a mother.  Perhaps the fact of who the father of the baby was would be too painful for the girl, her mother and a bunch of other relatives, so the girl chose to terminate.  And for the same reason, chose to keep it a secret from her mother and the rest of the world.  Maybe the girl is the most mature one of the lot.

I see no reason to get vitriolic about this.  The law of that state gave the girl the right to decide to have an abortion and to keep it from her family.  Why does anyone else have a right to say anything about it?  including the person who wrote the article.


Quote from: Wilma on March 27, 2010, 10:05:59 AM
Since there is no mention of a father, either the baby's father or the girl's father, in this, we can assume that father's are not important.
Wilma obviously the father isn't important.  Hasn't been in almost 40 years. IF the father had any say in anything then fathers would have a say in whether or not to abort a baby.   I know when my ex found out my youngest was conceivd i ended up spending a whole lot of money preventing her from getting a abortion in order to save his life.  Took a lot of abuse, and fought like hell to get him home with his brothers and I when he was born. Took me 2 years after he was born before i could get him home.
IF Fathers were important, then it would have been a no brainer at his birth, i could have just picked him up and took him home.

I see no reason to get vitriolic about this.  The law of that state gave the girl the right to decide to have an abortion and to keep it from her family.  Why does anyone else have a right to say anything about it?  including the person who wrote the article.
Because minors are incapable of making a rash and informed decision, as well as parents have the final say in ANY medical treatment of their child.   I would have had the principle, the teacher, councellor invloved as well as the clinic involved and their employes arrested immediately for kidnapping, assault, and any other charge that i could think of if that would have happened to my child.  You don't have to have a court to lock them up, just file the papers and have the sherriff serve them.  Secondly theres civil suits here that this "law" doesn't protect anyone from.  You don't need a jury of 12 to convict in a civil suit, and i'm quite sure that if the parents were to charge everyone involved, that there would be a conviction in all parties. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


And you would have been violating the laws of that state.


Quote from: Wilma on March 27, 2010, 11:31:44 AM
And you would have been violating the laws of that state.

Well you know what?  Money talks the BS walks.  Thats life.
And if i had the same circumstances, i would sell everything i had and borrow all that i could and do it again.
There are some things in this life that are worth risking it all even dying for! And my son was one. :)  Best money i ever spent in my life!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Roma Jean Turner

It will never make sense to me that I have to have a parent's  consent to adjust the kids back until they are 18 years old, but some stranger at their school can arrange an abortion for them without their parents being told.  I don't have any children, but I am willing to bet that if I did and someone took the initiative to abort my underage child or grandchild's baby...........well I can't imagine the emotions that I would feel toward them.  Law or no law.  I remember marching for women's rights in Little Rock in the 70's.  I certainly didn't forsee this.

Diane Amberg

Steve, I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that, but it doesn't change the fact that this is different situation in a different state with different laws. I have a good male friend who has an 11 year old son who he has raised since birth, not quite the same as you because they weren't married and were a little older (one night stand) but the girl wasn't ready to be a mother, period. Her family said they would support her decision regardless. After many tears and "what if's" she agreed to have the baby because Howard wanted it so much and he has made good on his word. With a little help from his own family and lots of friends he has been a wonderful single father, finished his education, and went to law school. Two years ago he found a lovely young lady who adored Howard and his son.They have since married and just recently had a child. I wish these things could all work out that well but they don't.That's why we have to have laws, and every case, within the law, has to be judged on its own merits.
  R J. I agree, who would ever have seen this kind of thing coming?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 27, 2010, 04:20:17 PM
Steve, I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that, but it doesn't change the fact that this is different situation in a different state with different laws. I have a good male friend who has an 11 year old son who he has raised since birth, not quite the same as you because they weren't married and were a little older (one night stand) but the girl wasn't ready to be a mother, period. Her family said they would support her decision regardless. After many tears and "what if's" she agreed to have the baby because Howard wanted it so much and he has made good on his word. With a little help from his own family and lots of friends he has been a wonderful single father, finished his education, and went to law school. Two years ago he found a lovely young lady who adored Howard and his son.They have since married and just recently had a child. I wish these things could all work out that well but they don't.That's why we have to have laws, and every case, within the law, has to be judged on its own merits.
  R J. I agree, who would ever have seen this kind of thing coming?

First of all Diane, This isn't a law its a travesty of justice.  THey have usurped parental rights, destroyed a life, as well as damaged another young life through this.  This country IMO has become a 3rd world nation when it concerns the value of life. 
i said that the Fathers aren't important in this day and age as their considered as sperm donors.  I have heard that term on here as well as many other places, and thats the general concensus about men in general.  Not needed except for making a baby and money.  And those laws are one sided laws, and laws like this one are unjust, unlawful, and should not be obeyed no matter what.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Who is "they," the state of Washington? You'd have to ask them why they passed such a law. I'm sure they aren't all radical females out there. I suspect  we could all come up with cases to support how we feel. Fathers who have multiple children with their own daughters and keep them locked up for years? How about those as parental rights? That's terrible. That's why I keep harping on people not falling into the trap of over generalizing things. Not "all"  of anybody does these things, thank goodness.    The only way to stop all these twists and turns is to chemically sterilize the boys and put chastity belts on the girls until they are as old as the parents think they should be to be allowed the freedom to be sexually active. That is if the parents or parent or guardians have any sense...not all do.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 27, 2010, 05:42:59 PM
Who is "they," the state of Washington? You'd have to ask them why they passed such a law. I'm sure they aren't all radical females out there. I suspect  we could all come up with cases to support how we feel. Fathers who have multiple children with their own daughters and keep them locked up for years? How about those as parental rights? That's terrible. That's why I keep harping on people not falling into the trap of over generalizing things. Not "all"  of anybody does these things, thank goodness.    The only way to stop all these twists and turns is to chemically sterilize the boys and put chastity belts on the girls until they are as old as the parents think they should be to be allowed the freedom to be sexually active. That is if the parents or parent or guardians have any sense...not all do.
Not really, starts with teaching kids what is right and wrong from the cradle.  And  yes there are a few twisted people out there that slip past the cracks but it is only a few and they do get caught.  But this law doesn't have anything to do with those individuals.  IT has everything to do with usurping parental rights.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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