School overstepping their right...........

Started by Teresa, March 26, 2010, 06:04:02 PM

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Diane Amberg

You know it's interesting how others view things. On another forum I commonly visit, with a LOT of Repubs. I might add, they were all about what was wrong at home that kept the girl from 'fessing up to her parents, or the girl just not wanting to get in trouble at home, so she took the easy way out. Also they wondered if the baby's father, (who might also be young, I haven't heard) may have encouraged her to have the abortion, or perhaps knew nothing about it at all. None blamed the school for allowing the clinic to be in the school and nobody wanted anybody arrested, because they had broken no law.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 28, 2010, 06:30:56 PM
You know it's interesting how others view things. On another forum I commonly visit, with a LOT of Repubs. I might add, they were all about what was wrong at home that kept the girl from 'fessing up to her parents, or the girl just not wanting to get in trouble at home, so she took the easy way out. Also they wondered if the baby's father, (who might also be young, I haven't heard) may have encouraged her to have the abortion, or perhaps knew nothing about it at all. None blamed the school for allowing the clinic to be in the school and nobody wanted anybody arrested, because they had broken no law.

I'm not a republican.  But i am Conservative.  The two are not alike.  I am libertarian/constitutionalist.  Again Constitution limits the power of government.  And when it concerns parental rights, that is NOT a state right, nor a federal right. It is a right that is left to the parents/people.  It specifically states this in the 10th amendment.  Secondly, our schools are for learning.  They are not medical institutions where they can preform or prescribe abortions for our young girls.  THey are out of line.  Yes the school is at fault. They allowed a 3rd party to host a clinic in the school without controls.  Then you have a clinic that overstepped their bounds by prescribing an abortion, and then transporting the girl to a facility that preformed the abortion.  YOu have 4 institutions that opened themselves up to lawsuits, 4 institutions that usurped parental control and parental rights, as well as 4 institutions that overstepped their constitutional authority. 

This is what many of us on here have been talking about in our Government school threads.  The Government schools have decided they are the authority and it is time to slap them back into their proper places.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

I wasn't suggesting that you are Republican or anything else, just that the other forum does have a lot of Repubs. Usually it is the Democrats who are accused of being so liberal in their thinking. I'm sure the state of Washington could care less about our input ,but it should be interesting to see how this plays out. Very little has been said beyond that little initial article and interview with the mother.


Heres another GOVERNMENT School overstepping their authority......
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Srkruzich, I have seen other reports like this before.  Frankly, anyone in the school adminstration that has seen the images should be arrested and jailed for child pornography.  Other articles I've read stated that the "improper behavior" the boy was engaged in was the same behavior that 99.9% of teenage boys (and most grown men) engage in.  The fact that the school adminstration not only viewed the boy while he was "engaged" but suspended him for it is just sick!
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Roma Jean Turner

I found this outrageous as well.  You know when you are peeking around in other people's lives without their permission you should just shut up about what you see.  It wasn't yours to see.  I agree Varmit.....lets do some investigating about the computer habits of the people in charge, who set this up and seem to have the time and interest to be looking into a young boy's room.

Diane Amberg

I think that one really got out of hand. The schools provided the computers, so they were school property. Supposedly the camera would only be activated to help find missing and stolen computers. Obviously his wasn't missing, so there was no need to look for it ,unless he stole it and I'm sure that wasn't the case.  Unless the parents signed a contract allowing the school to activate that camera for some reason other than theft, the school was wrong. I can't help thinking there must be more to this. The middle school teachers I know are very much aware of the kids  new and growing sexuality at that age and wouldn't be remotely surprised. Now the two 8th graders who got caught in the teachers' rest room at Stanton middle...whole different animal.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 02, 2010, 02:47:31 PM
I think that one really got out of hand. The schools provided the computers, so they were school property. Supposedly the camera would only be activated to help find missing and stolen computers. Obviously his wasn't missing, so there was no need to look for it ,unless he stole it and I'm sure that wasn't the case.  Unless the parents signed a contract allowing the school to activate that camera for some reason other than theft, the school was wrong. I can't help thinking there must be more to this. The middle school teachers I know are very much aware of the kids  new and growing sexuality at that age and wouldn't be remotely surprised. Now the two 8th graders who got caught in the teachers' rest room at Stanton middle...whole different animal.

Its not a isolated case. This is just one that got caught.  This is a growing problem in our schools that go to laptops for kids programs.  They think they can monitor behavior 24 x 7 and thats not their job.  Its pushing the limits to see what they can get away with.   The school officials very well were spying on students.  Secondly the school does NOT need a camera to locate a stolen laptop either.  It is extreamly simple to locate one. Each computer processor has a serial number that transmits its number id all the time.  If its connected to the net, it can be sniffed out very easily.  ALl one has to do is send out a identification request globally and when it hits that laptop it will respond back through the ip address its connected to.  Once received you get ip addy,serial number, and all it takes is a quicky call to the isp and you got their number. 

Turning on the cams is so they can see what is happening inside of that home.  One more step into invading the privacy of the home.  Saw this coming years ago when they instituted DARE programs in the schools. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


OMG...Seriously?  You're equating the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program, specifically and only instituted to combat the spread of the drug culture among our youth, with invasion of privacy?  What are you doing in your home that would fly in the face of that particular education?  Forget it...Not interested.  Stupidity isn't a virus but it sure spreads like one.  Educate yourself before you try spouting any more wisdom on this subject.


Quote from: Catwoman on April 02, 2010, 06:14:31 PM
OMG...Seriously?  You're equating the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program, specifically and only instituted to combat the spread of the drug culture among our youth, with invasion of privacy?  What are you doing in your home that would fly in the face of that particular education?  Forget it...Not interested.  Stupidity isn't a virus but it sure spreads like one.  Educate yourself before you try spouting any more wisdom on this subject.
Absolutely.  DARE is nothing more than a means to gain intel on what goes on in your house. They teach kids to tell their teachers if thier parents smoke pot or drink excessively and if you have guns in  your home.  And with that intel police can enter a home without a warrant via probable cause.   DARE also does nothing but teach kids what drugs are out there, and where the most likely place they are sold.

You might want to educate yourself on the DARE program.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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