DUNLAP, Alton C. - b. March 28, 1873 - d. October 18, 1887

Started by Roma Jean Turner, October 19, 2006, 07:02:29 PM

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Roma Jean Turner

(Moline Advance 10/18/1887)

(Alton was the younger brother of my Great grandmother Mary Linore Dunlap Elting)  Roma Turner

                                         DIED AT AGE 14 OF HEART DISEASE

    At Moline, Kansas, October 18, 1887, of heart disease, Alton C. Dunlap, Age 14 years, 6 months, and 15 days.
    The deceased seemed to have the usual degree of health, until within less than an hour of his death when he remarked to his father that he felt badly and laid down upon a lounge, grew worse and died.  Friends and physicians were near at hand, but all efforts were unavailing.
    Physically, Alton was not very strong though energetic and cheerful.
    Intellectually, he was bright, so devoted to his books at school and his reading at home, that a good degree of mental culture was assured had his life been prolonged.
    Morally, he was above the average of his age.  Obedient to his parents, a regular attendant of the Sabbath school and church service, chaste in his language and discreet as to his associiations.  His face was an index of a good and pure life.  He was loved by all who knew him.
    The funeral services were held in the M.E. Church, conducted by his pastor, Prof. Dewey, assisted by other teachers, formed the entire public school in line, marched to the house of mourning and thence with the funeral procession to the church.  The house was filled with men, women and children anxious to give this manifestation of their respect for the deceased and sympathy for the bereft family.  The lesson read was Rev. 22, 1-16, and the text discoursed from was 1 Cor. 15, 53.  The hymns sung were those beginning "Nearer My God to Thee," and "Asleep in Jesus."  We can assure Bro. and Sister Dunlap and family that they have the sympathy and prayers of the community.
    "There's a beautiful land on high,  Where we never shall say 'good bye,'
      When near the river  We are happy forever
      In that beautiful land on high."

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