Obama continues efforts toward Socialism/Communuism

Started by frawin, March 22, 2010, 01:58:57 PM

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Below is the main text of a letter I received from my Congressman:
After twisting arms and cutting backroom deals, Nancy Pelosi and her liberal allies in Congress passed a bill that forces a government takeover of our health care system. Plain and simple, IT IS TIME TO FIRE NANCY PELOSI.

Here are the dirty details about the democrats government health care takeover:
Includes $569.2 billion in job-killing tax hikes during the worst recession in a generation;
Contains $52 billion in new taxes on employers who already cannot afford to pay their employees health care;
Authorizes the IRS can hire as many as 16,500 additional auditors and agents to investigate and collect billions in new taxes; and
Results in higher premiums, higher taxes and cuts Medicare benefits for seniors by $500 billion
Forces Americans to purchase government approved health insurance whether they want it or not.

Jo McDonald

For the American citizens that can not afford health insurance now, how in the world are they supposed to be able to afford it with this stupid mandatory health care bill that was just passed?  AND if they don't get their own insurance, they are going to be FINED?????
How in the hell are they supposed to be able to pay for that.  
Never in my life have I witnessed such utter stupidity!
And that WITCH - Pelosi with her gavel pounding and idiotic insane smile yesterday made me want to shoot a hole in the TV with the prayer that it would go straight to her pile of stinking health care ..
 We are in a world of doo-doo.

Roma Jean Turner

I so understand where you are coming from Jo.   If only it where that easy.  :laugh:  :laugh:


Correspondence sent to me and it's well said as follows:

Despite overwhelming protests from their constituents, and without a jot or tittle of Constitutional authority for their action, Congressional Socialists foisted Obamacare on taxpayers' backs last Sunday and reduced the United States Constitution to relic status. To the Socialists who control Congress, the Constitution is a mere gimcrack fit only for display in museums.

The last Constitutional government in North America ended April 9, 1865 and since that time the Republic founded upon the Constitution of 1787 has been systematically dismantled until it would be unrecognizable by the men who founded it if they could return today. The real issue is not healthcare, but the fundamental rights of individual Americans to be free from the strictures of a powerful central government. The Constitution provides such safeguards, but those are now completely ignored by the Socialists floating in Washington's swirling cesspool of political power. If the central government can mandate health insurance for everyone under penalty of law, we are no longer a free people. The Constitution was designed to protect sovereign States and their people from national tyranny. The sovereign States created the union under that Constitution and it's now time for those same sovereign States to stand up to the federal behemoth and say, "Enough!"

The reclamation of our lost State sovereignty will not come from the top down. National officials will never relinquish their stranglehold on the States. State sovereignty must be reclaimed where it resides—at the State level. The "times that try men's souls" of which Thomas Paine wrote are once again upon us and these are not times for "sunshine patriots." If our children and grandchildren are to have any semblance liberty, sovereignty must be reclaimed by our State legislatures. Had the Colonists in 1776 waited for redress of their grievances from Parliament, we would still be under British rule. A power-hungry Congressional majority will not listen to us any more than Parliament did the Colonists. If we are to remain free, action must be taken by the States themselves. We can either take the high road and reclaim our State sovereignty or meekly shuffle down the low road in chains of federal tyranny. To do the latter will surrender what is left of our liberty and bequeath our own political fetters to our children.


Red, as much as it pains me to say it, we have been doing the latter for years.  I mean, sure the People can stand up and declare their sovereignty, they can say "we aren't going to accept this or that", hell, they do it every election.  And what has it gotten them?...nothing.  All of their declarctions and protests don't mean a damn thing, and Washington knows it, because the People aren't williing to back it up with actions.  The only action they are willing to take is at the voting booth, like that does any good. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


You're right.  People are going to have to change their ways, but as long as
they continue to have a desire for federal money, programs, and a gov't check
in their mailbox on a regular basis, there's hardly any real change occurring.
And the Republicans will not stand for the Constitution and that won't change

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