Smearing Ron Paul and States' Rights

Started by redcliffsw, March 22, 2010, 07:08:28 PM

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The Lunatic Left Is Getting Desperate
- Thomas J. DiLorenzo

The Huffington Post recently (March 18) sunk to a new low by publishing an attack on "Ron Paul and the Tea Parties: States' Rights and the 17th Amendment" by one Leonard Zeskind, a "former" Stalinist rabble-rouser. According to Laird Wilcox, author of The Watchdogs, a book about contemporary political movements, Zeskind began his communistic career of agitprop in the '70s as a "front man" for the "Sojourner Truth Organization" whose stated objective was "to motivate the working classes to make a revolution." The Organization quoted its role model, Josef Stalin, who insisted on the need for "iron discipline" in agitating for a communist revolution in America.

According to Wilcox, Zeskind has written favorably about "the value of a grass roots school of communism" that would teach people how to "destroy the marketplace." He wrote this in a journal called "Urgent Tasks," a phrase popularized by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The Kansas City City Magazine once called Zeskind "elusive, paranoid, near hysterical." His forte, according to the Wilcox Collection, appears to be "ritual defamation" of his perceived political opponents, i.e., "to call people names in the hope of defaming, discrediting, stigmatizing or neutralizing them."

An example of the Zeskind/Huffington "ritual defamation" strategy is his statements in The Huffington Post that: 1) Someone writing for an obscure publication called "The American Free Press" noted recently that "the Tea Parties were actually born during the presidential campaign of Rep. Ron Paul of Texas"; 2) Several decades ago, someone who wrote in "The American Free Press" was revealed to be a Holocaust Denier; 3) Therefore, the Tea Parties (and Ron Paul's supporters) must be hotbeds of Holocaust Denial.

Zeskind works himself into a hysterical frenzy over the fact that the "Tea Party Movement" has been talking about repealing the Seventeenth Amendment, which he says would be the equivalent of denying women the right to vote, or abolishing the constitutional principle of equal justice under the law. I'm not making this up. He really is that hysterical. And he calls Ron Paul an "extremist"! Apparently, Ariana Huffington believes Zeskind is a qualified expert on constitutionalism.

rest of the story:

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