What do you see from your window?

Started by Clubine Ranch, March 21, 2010, 05:52:07 PM

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Clubine Ranch

I see the perfect view. Clear blue skies, sparkling white snowdrifts, emeral green grass, oh so blue ponds, cattle grazing peacefully, wind whipping the newly formed puddles (almost small lakes  :)), long shadows putting a pretty pattern on the black soil and tall proud flowers pushing up through the snow covered planters. After this awesome spring snowstorm Mother Earth is coming to life. Life is beautiful take a moment and enjoy.


Right now to the West, I see a blinding sun.  To the North, a ditch full of snow melt and a partially dry street.  To the East, snow covered back yard where the birds have been very, very busy all afternoon, picking up the feed that I have tossed out the window for them.  To the South, I don't have a south window that is easy for me to see out.  I know that there is a clump of yellow jonquils out there somewhere under the snow.  And the little purple crocus that were blooming the other day.  Maybe tomorrow I will be able to see them again.

Rudy Taylor

I love seeing the glistening snow as it melts, leaving green patchwork as the spring grasses (and weeds) show through. I predict some of us will be mowing by next weekend.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Judy Harder

 I see the apartments across the sidewalk, with the snow still on the roof and the sun
just sparkling off it.

We have drifts that are still almost up to the windows in places and then lots of bare ground. I mean
MUD IS everywhere.......once it is all melted off.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Jo McDonald

Outside my window is a beautiful sun filled Monday morning.  A brilliant red cardinal and his lovely mate are searching through the patches of green grass nestled in the scattered patches of snow.  What a beautiful picture, white, red, brown/red and green, highlighted by the shadows of the large maple tree and the bright sunshine.
           Another day, another blessing.

Roma Jean Turner

I need to get a better attitude.  All I see is a soggy, wet, muddy front yard with three dogs wollering, (not sure of the wollering spelling but you get the drift), it who are going to want to come in the house any minute.


My Dear Roma Jean, look at the bright side of things, at least the dust and dirt aren't flying and getting in your eyes and making you sneeze and cough. ;)  Turn around twice and it will be a hot dry August.  Cheer up and have a nice day.

Diane Amberg

NJ, that's "wallowing", but I thing your made up word is more descriptive.
    We're having a thunderstorm right now that I think came from your snow storm. I can happily say that after more that 3 months of snow drifts, the drifts are now crocus, daffys and other little  spring delights.The maple buds are swelling and the magnolia is starting to show pink. The birds are very busy and the robins are everywhere lunching on worms.

Judy Harder

Since I posted this morning, the sun has warmed up the earth and except for the deepest patch of snow it is just about gone.

I have managed with a good attitude to walk twice today. This morning was 45 minutes and I could not stand to waste the day and added another 30 (with dogs) to my score for "Walk Across Kansas"

Most of what is here is water and mud. I do not envy our farmers/rural people who must travel these muddy roads.

least the fire-danger is low, Very low.

Yesterday the snow was up to our Elbows, today it is barely ankle deep. Course where it drifted and piled up it might be morning before it too melts.
I love Kansas Weather and all.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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