URGENT ALERT TO ALL MINUTEMAN: Return To Arizona Border Locked & Loaded

Started by Warph, March 19, 2010, 12:06:29 PM

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Message from Minuteman Civil Defense Corps President Carmen Mercer:

Freedom is never Free!


Obama cuts border security funding and freezes hiring of new Border Patrol.

The Minutemen are returning to the border - LOCKED AND LOADED to say YOU ARE WRONG OBAMA- AMERICA COMES FIRST!

Secretary of Homeland Defense Janet Napolitano thinks border security is a waste of time and a politically sensitive issue.

The Minutemen are returning to the border - LOCKED AND LOADED because we think Napolitano is an unqualified buffoon who risks the lives of American citizens every day she is the head of DHS.

John McCain told Chris Simcox in 2004 that he thought American citizens watching the border would pose a greater risk than the drug cartels.

The Minutemen are returning to the border - LOCKED AND LOADED and ready to stop each and every person they encounter because John McCain is responsible for every death of an American citizen at the hands of illegal alien criminals and the drug cartels.

The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps of Arizona is calling on all volunteers as we return to the southern border with Mexico, en mass, beginning Friday afternoon March 26 and lasting until our Congress deploys the U.S military to our borders to defend the United States of America.

On the 8th anniversary of Chris Simcox' historic Tea Party protest on the border which began in Cochise County, Arizona, this muster will be a defining moment for our nation.

President Obama in legion with John McCain, Lindsey Graham and most of the rest of our impotent and incompetent federal government have continued to exhibit as much contempt for our Constitution, rule of law and ordered society as the illegal aliens, drug dealers and Human smugglers who violate our sacred borders 24/7/365.

Chris Simcox said it first in 2002, enough is enough!

For 8 long years we Minutemen played nice; yet for the past 8-years we firmly expressed our opinions and desires for the border to be secured- but this muster will be completely different -President Obama and John McCain have left us no choice -this March we return to the border locked, loaded and ready to stop each and every individual we encounter along the frontier that is now more dangerous than the frontier of Afghanistan.

This operation will not be for the faint of heart.

MCDC volunteers will work under an entirely different SOP; we will approach our duty as citizens as we should - we have a zero tolerance for any and all violations of our border and we will forcefully engage, detain, and defend our lives and country from the criminals who trample over our culture and laws.

Long arms will be allowed and frankly, encouraged. From the surveillance videos we have gathered in the field over the past six months it is more than evident the violators of our borders seem to have been given carte blanc permission to willfully violate our public safety. This time we will not be tempered by political correctness; every single individual we encounter WILL BE apprehended by Border Patrol with our help - even those who dare enter our country armed will be stopped and challenged. Political correctness is a fad of the past. This is for the survival of this great Republic!

Basic SOP changes will be as follows.

You are strongly recommended to bring a long arm - you will be permitted to carry long arms at all times on post as per Arizona State law. Thousands of individuals violate our borders 24/7 with the consent of President Barack Hussein Obama, Janet Napolitano and John McCain - you are strongly encouraged to exercise your rights and duty as an American citizen to carry a long arm and if challenged use it to defend the United States of America - something Obama, Napolitano and McCain refuse to do.

Other specifics to the SOP will be emailed to card -carrying MCDC volunteers who respond to our call to arms.

MCDC volunteers please contact


We will be completely self reliant during this mission. Please prepare for a marathon and bring as much equipmet and supplies as you can carry - you will need it.
We will support volunteers with equipment and help with food and water.
We also have a generous supply of hats and shirts that are available for fund raising to support this massive operation.
Please help us send a strong message to the cowards in charge of our nation's security.
We are ready to defend our nation - are you?

In Liberty

Carmen Mercer
President of Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.

Comment from DeerSniper on gunandgame.com

"18,000 people have been killed in Mexico this year in Calderon's 'War on Drugs'. That's more than Iraq! With the health care bill almost passed and then the Immigration bill and Jobs bill, they are pouring across the borders at alarming rates so their gang buddies can get citizenship and set up shop here. Since the Vagos motorcycle gang was cracked down on in California, the police there have been running into deadly booby traps set on cars and fences and doors. They are trying to kill our police. This is terrorism, and they need to sent to a military tribunal and executed.
The call for Americans to defend this great country is indeed noble, for the Fools on the Hill won't.
They want these socialist people here to keep them voted in. America has finally figuired out what his word change means. You go Arizona, get behind Sheriff Joe [Arpaio] and sweep them out. We are trying to do the same in Texas, a call needs to go out here to. We didn't want it to come to this, but what else do you do, cave in and let them abduct, rape and kill our citizens like they do in Mexico? NO!
These radicals will not listen to the people they hate. They will not stop until we drive them out. They mean business, they hate our freedoms and will do anything to conquer the U.S." ...DeerSniper

Something to THINK about according to another comment:
First, federal law does not allow citizens' arrests in cases dealing with the transport of undocumented immigrants. The relevant federal provision specifies that "no officer or person shall have authority to make any arrests" pursuant to the statute, other than officers and employees of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and "all other officers whose duty it is to enforce criminal laws." [See 8 U.S.C. section 1324 (3)(B)(c).]
Second, under section 8 U.S.C. section 1324, an undocumented person cannot be prosecuted for conspiring to transport him- or herself within the United States; only the person who is responsible for the transportation -- the coyote -- can be charged with a felony. [See Campbell v. U.S., 47 F.2d 70, 71-72 (5th Cir. 1931); Emmanuel v. U.S., 24 F.2d 905, 906 (5th Cir. 1928).]

In my opinion, that is seriously screwed up.

However, Arizona law allows for citizen's arrest, and detention, when the suspect commits a felony that the arresting citizen witnesses or when a citizen knows that a felony has been committed and has reasonable grounds to believe that the suspect committed it. [See A.R.S. section 13-3884.] This law does not distinguish between a state or federal felony.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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