Is this California's Next New Senator?

Started by Warph, March 14, 2010, 10:41:02 AM

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A political video very cleverly done:

The legend goes that it all started innocently enough, in local politics. But then we sent Barbara Boxer to the Senate where she has taken root for the last 18 years as one the most liberal, partisan members more full of hot air than she is solutions to our real problems. Watch the movie to learn more - together we can STOP THE HOT AIR by replacing Barbara Boxer with a proven problem solver and true fiscal conservative in Carly Fiorina. Learn more at

Here are a few jokes about Senator Barbara Boxer of California.  The illustrious Senator Boxer has earned a reputation both for extreme leftwing politics and foot-in-the-mouth public statements:

Senator Barbara Boxer Joke Number 1

INTERVIEWER: In a Senate hearing, you criticized Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, saying she did not understand the war because she did not have children. She is a single woman, and many people subsequently accused you of unfairly criticizing her for her choices as a woman.

SENATOR BOXER: Critics have been very unfair to me. I don't have anything against single women. I don't have children in Iraq any more than Condoleeza Rice does. I was simply making a point about the war.

INTERVIEWER: Condoleeza Rice subsequently made some statements defending her right to make her own choices as a woman. Is it painful for you to hear those statements?

SENATOR BOXER: Of course it is. And Condoleeza Rice doesn't even understand what pain is. She's never given birth.

Senator Barbara Boxer Joke Number 2

An avid reader was thrilled to run into Senator Boxer while visiting Washington, D.C. He rushed up to the Senator and asked for her autograph. "I enjoyed the novel you published a few years ago - A Time to Run. The critics were completely wrong about it. I read the book several times."

"Thank you," said Senator Boxer, beaming with pride.

"Are you working on any new books?" asked the fan, hopefully.

"Yes, I have an autobiography in the works," said Senator Boxer with obvious pride. "It's called, 'A Time to Become a Wacky Leftwinger and Help Barack Obama Drive the U.S. Into Financial Ruin.'"

Senator Barbara Boxer Joke Number 3

REPORTER: Senator Boxer, you have made a lot of cameo appearances in television shows and movies, including shots in Murphy Brown and the movie Traffic. Do you have plans for future acting roles?

SENATOR: In the long term, yes. But between the actors' strike and the recent economic turndown, lately I've had to vote in Congress just to make ends meet.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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