Obama's Iran Policy Collapses in Mockery Around The Globe

Started by Warph, March 09, 2010, 08:56:12 AM

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Comment:  It can be debated that Obama's attempt at "engagement" with Iran was made knowing it would fail or it was a very naive assumption by a young inexperienced individual that should have NEVER been elected, especially at a time when strong leadership is needed in foreign policy.  Iran nuclear program is one such example.  Another is the lack of respect he commands as a leader in foreign countries in both our enemies and allies.  A nuclear Iran will not just destabilize the Middle East.  It will have the abilities to economically destroy countries when Iran controls the oilfields thru threats of destroying them if any country does not follow their orders.  It will be an 'economic bomb' that strikes us first.  This will have occurred because Iran got what they wanted out of these 'negotiations', which is time.  Then it will be a much bigger problem than it is as you read this.  .....Warph

Obama's Iran Policy Collapses to the Accompaniment Of Mockery Around The Globe

Barack Obama, in his first press conference after his election, called Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons "unacceptable." He repetitively offered Iran "engagement." He set a deadline of year-end 2009 for Iranian compliance, now unilaterally extended another three months.

Iran contemptuously and repetitively responded that it had no intention of abandoning its nuclear program. Obama's Iran policy is collapsing to the accompaniment of open mockery around the globe. Obama assured us that his "engagement" would make it easier to enlist other countries to stop Iran. The result is the opposite: Virtually every country Obama approached has rebuffed him. Without a credible threat of force, it is now clear that "engagement" has no chance to stop Iran's military nuclear program. It is indisputable that Iranian possession of nuclear weapons would destabilize the Mideast and gravely threaten world peace.

Let's leave China and Russia to the end on the grounds that it may be more difficult to persuade major powers. In recent weeks, the Obama administration launched a curious charm offensive with the announced purpose of weaning Syria -- Tehran's closest ally -- from Iran. Syria has been ruled by the Alawites -- a despised Muslim minority considered heretical -- since the French colonialists elevated them to military leadership. The country has since 1970 been the Mafia-like fiefdom of the Assad family, which murdered more than 15,000 of its own rebellious citizens in Hama in 1982.

Rest of story:  http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/03/obamas_iran_policy_collapses_t.html

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

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