Newcomers to Howard

Started by indygal, October 17, 2006, 11:10:59 AM

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Give Ta Ta and Ms. T something easy to do.

Janet Harrington

See there, Ms. T.  Terrell says, "Be kind."


And darned sage advice it is too JH. It seems to me if the world's populace could find its way to starting everything endeavored with an intent toward a smidgeon of kindness we would find ourselves less in peril from each other, our machines, and our mother earth. It just makes sense to me. So simple and yet so difficult for some silly set of reasons.

Headed home to Howard in the morning. Must return to Wichita in the afternoon for a prior engagement, but the heart will be in Elk county long after breaching the psychic trauma of the Kellogg causeway and Rock Road congesticator on the trudge back. If you see a couple of strangers wandering around, stop and say howdy. Even if it turns out to not be your new neighbors, Indy and I, you'll have done a kind thing for a stranger. What a way to start the day!

I hope everyone had and has an outstanding day. Be good to each other and yourselves. Remember; we're the ones that make our little corner of the universe a good or bad place. Go for the good, and when in doubt, be kind.

Cheers, Terrell


Newcomer in Howard:  JH is also referred to as JJ, but don't ask her what the other J stands for.  I like the name and we used to call my sister by all kinds of nicknames, including June bug.

Janet Harrington

Oh, Mother, they can ask.  I may not tell.  However; I have gotten so old that I don't even care anymore.  I'll answer to anything.


uh-huh.. that's for sure.. ::)

opps.. sorry, I am supposed to be kind. :-[

**whining** But do I have to be kind to Ta Ta??
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Hi everyone!

You have to love Kansas weather...wintry cold rain and wind one day and delightfully sunny and autumn-crisp the next. We went to the estate auction yesterday, and it would have been far better if the sale had been today. I'm sure the items would have fetched better prices if the weather hadn't chased so many buyers away. It's a real shame.

The good news is a young contractor has purchased the property and has plans to remodel it as a rental house for a family member. They seem like very nice people and we look forward to having them as neighbors.

The other plus to Saturday was meeting so many kind people. I wish I could remember everyone's names....I met a Mrs. Harrod, and the dear lady whose house was for sale (again, I can't remember her name). I know once we've settled into town, we'll begin to put names with familiar faces.

The sale on the church should be final this coming Friday. We plan to spend all day Saturday measuring, inspecting, planning and giggling and wondering what we've got ourselves've agreed it will be a grand adventure!

Hope this finds you all well.

Janet Harrington

Oh, what fun.  The lady who had the auction is named Juanita Anderson.  She was a school teacher for many, many years.  Miss Anderson, by the way.  I'm thinking that the Mrs. Harrod that you met might have been Mary Harrod, who is co-owner with her husband, Jerry, of Harrod's Blacksmith.  I'm just guessing though.  Welcome to our little piece of the world.


We have to guess on that one.  There are more than several Mrs. Harrod's here.  I know that Mary Harrod is likely to show up at an auction.  Wish I could have been there.


Hi Wilma and Janet,

Yes, it was Mary Harrod. I remember her saying her husband owned a welding/blacksmith business, and that she had been a student of Miss Anderson's. (And yes, now I recall her saying her name was Juanita). She told me her brother had lived north of her and had a wonderful garden there for many years. We also met a woman named Gwen (I'm guessing on the spelling...), and I think she said she was one of the original church members who helped to hand-dig the hole for the basement. Wow, now those are some dedicated church members! You can sure tell the building was loved for many years, and those we met Saturday seemed pleased that we were going to continue providing the care and attention it deserves.

It was a shame the weather was so nasty. I'm sure you would have enjoyed the sale, Wilma, and it would have been nice to meet you. Oh well, there will be far prettier days ahead that we can make our acquaintances.

Oh, these weekends go by so quickly...this will be a week of great anticipation for us, so the days will probably drag

Be well,

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