Newcomers to Howard

Started by indygal, October 17, 2006, 11:10:59 AM

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I had a small acreage just south of 89th South, west of Seneca.  My husband and I lived there for 26 years.  We moved there from Severy in 1979.  He died in 2004 and I moved back here as soon as I could get everything settled and get rid of it.  Actually, I am a transplant from Sedgwich County to Elk County, to Ottawa County, back to Severy, back to Sedgwich County and home again.

Janet Harrington

And you need to learn to type the word Sedgwick, Mother.  ha ha


You dare to criticize your mother?


Wilma and Janet, you two crack me up! Wilma, if it makes you feel any better, when I first moved to Kansas in 2000, I had a hard time remembering Wichita doesn't have two t's (I kept spelling it "Witchita"...ouch....)

VERY relieved to hear about the bagged salad and other produce at the grocery...whew....but it's also good to know fresh veg in the summertime is an option too. I can't predict how big next summer's garden will be, we may just start with tomatoes, peppers, cukes...will have to see what grows and what doesn't.

There's apparently an old well on the property and we're hoping it can be used. We'll have to find someone who knows more about wells than we do (which is probably half the population of Kansas). If nothing else, it would be useful for watering the yard/garden.

Hope you all have a splendid Thursday!


Quote from: indygal on October 17, 2006, 02:44:28 PM
Food?? Like hot dogs and homemade pie and hot cocoa kind of food? Woo hoo! We'll be there for sure! (Does anyone in town make to-die-for chicken and dumplings or noodles??)

My mother probably makes the best homemade chicken and noodles in this hemisphere.  She is pretty close to your new place and might make a big batch and share.  (What's left can come down to my house!!)


Howdy Newcomers!
I have been gone for most of last week and part of this one, but I am home now.
I'll report on Texas in another thread...

Can't talk much at this time, I have massages back to back today. Young Mark is coming in a few minutes for his and I have 3 after that, so not much time to chit chat today
it looks as if I don't have to say much since Miss Windy Britches Janet did all the blabbing. Lordy Pete but that woman can ramble.
Not like me... nice and polite and quiet.. ( have I said this before?) LOL and does anyone believe it yet?.. Hee hee... ** I didn't think so**

Anyway, I will only be a few doors up from you guys and Ta Ta lives on the other block, so if you need anything, don't be bashful about asking us.

Oh yeah.... I make 'kick ass to die for' chicken and noodles and dumblings. ;)
I also make beef and noodles and so does Ta Ta. Yummy...
It is kind of a lost art the way that I cook, as I make everything from scratch  including my flour tortilla's and breads. So if you like breads, don't be surprised to have a fresh loaf every now and then. I like to share when I make it.
Am I bragging a bit? Yup I shore am!  ;D
I am also  bragging on my boys, Danny and Derek and their  cooking. They are excellant in the kitchen and are nothing less than awesome when it comes to cooking on the grill. :D

Anyway, go to go.. my "next victim" is here.. **rubbing my hands together snickering**
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: SnakeHater on October 19, 2006, 12:53:22 PM

My mother probably makes the best homemade chicken and noodles in this hemisphere.  She is pretty close to your new place and might make a big batch and share.  (What's left can come down to my house!!)

Thank you Danny. :-*
You have made them a time or 2 yourself and they were outstanding.
I am very proud of you for cooking and doing all you do in the home, plus woking full time.
You are also a good and loving daddy to Ashley and that is the most important part of  life.
God blessed me fully to have wonderful sons like you and Derek.
And I love you both. :-*
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Hi Teresa! Glad you're home safe. It will be nice having a neighbor who provide soothing massage after long hours of scraping, pounding, cleaning and fixing up that little church. We've already given it a nickname, Harmony, and I'm so pleased the sign board is still on the building (with all the letters to go on it, too!). I'll have fun changing the "thought for the day" on the board to share with the town.

Terrell and I both enjoy cooking, and we entertain from time to time, so it will be fun to have new friends over for dinner. The only caveat is we all must wait for there to be some furniture to sit on in the new course, we could eat standing up, too. OK, maybe the caveat should be we all must wait for there to be an appliance in the house on which to COOK the food (but then we could always do sandwiches or something....NO, the real caveat is we all must wait for there to be a KITCHEN in which to cook the food! LOLOL I guess what I'm trying to say is we look forward to feeding with folks!

It's bound to be adventure, but that's what life should be. And so as not to disappoint me, life has provided a big stack of "adventure" at the kitchen sink for me. Woo hoo!

Have a great evening!

Janet Harrington

Just in case you are wondering Miss Windy Britches Janet and Ta Ta are one and the same.  Me.  Ha ha  I love my names.  Give me some more Ms. nice and gentle quiet T that you are. :laugh:


Boy what a night. Wrote a nice long note -- twice  -- twice because a squirrel wandered onto a neighborhood transformer creating a bang, a lightshow, a cloud of smoke, and then a blackout mid-genius ... and then genius me scrambled fingers while pushing (I thought) the Post button and zapped the second try right into Rod Serling's (Twilight Zone) lap, but nowhere near this forum. And now, and now ... I'm just too tired to try again tonight. I'll whip something up again tomorrow unless the same cosmic electronic avalanche hits me and I peg the densometer again and they kill me at work for collapsing the entire accounting software industry or I blow up my confuser out of sheer idiocy. Maybe I'll figure out how to get the little cup holder thingy that zips in and out of the computer front to stay open long enough to set my morning coffee there for more than a sec or two. That would make it a gold letter day. Indygal's been real polite and not asked me about all the coffee stains around the computer.

I hope everyone had and has an outstanding day. Be good to each other and yourselves. Remember; we're the ones that make our little corner of the universe a good or bad place. Go for the good, and when in doubt, be kind.

Cheers, Terrell

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