Homeland Security loses a lot of guns

Started by Teresa, February 18, 2010, 04:37:21 PM

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You are so right Diane. And as all pairs, you have the straight guy, the one with intelligence and common sense. Which, of course, would be me. Then you have the stooge, the clown, the dummy. Which, of course, would be Tarbaby, er uh, I mean, Tarhead, uh Jarhead, yeah that's it Jarhead, the fat one.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


TARBABY ?? What kind of racist crap are you spewing from your pie hole, Sarge ? I hope the Black Panthers come and beat you about the head and shoulders with intent to do bodily harm !!
THE FAT ONE ??  Your sorry ass will be getting a little visit from the PPPA---that stands for 'Pleasingly Plump People of America". And trust me, there are a couple chubby black men  that belong to it AND the Panthers.


Now now Mr Panties in a Wad.   There is nothing racial about the word tarbaby. A tarbaby was quite common in the olden days. Folks would take hardened tar and carve the body of a doll then make clothes for it. It was quite common for little girls to have tarbaby dolls and there were no racial implications to them at all.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


(((quietly saying)))).... but that doesn't explain "the Fat One"...
**slinking off to bury myself now..**

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well Twee, it's quite obvious that the  fat one needs no explanation, but I sympathize with tar- uh jarhead as I have had to work hard to maintain my manly svelt appearance.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Call me fat !!!!! Don't drink Longton city water folks. There's a "big turd" treading water in the clear well down at the water plant.


Quote from: jarhead on February 20, 2010, 04:23:48 PM
Don't drink Longton city water folks. There's a "big turd" treading water in the clear well down at the water plant.

I know. I've had to run you out of there several times. Next time I'll have an eskimo harpoon you.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


My, My, aint we witty today ? I see it took you 5 days to think up that response---or did you just now get out of the clear well ?? That explains why our water tastes like frog pee-pee !!

Diane Amberg

Next time I come to visit I think maybe I'll stay in Independence. ;D

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