Obama Eyes Western Land for National Monuments

Started by Warph, February 18, 2010, 11:55:59 PM

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Obama Eyes Western Land for National Monuments
Posted by Meredith Jessup at 4:09 PM

A disturbing report out from Fox News this afternoon:

More than a dozen pristine landscapes, wildlife habitats and scenic rivers in 11 Western states, some larger than Rhode Island and Delaware combined, are under consideration by the Obama administration to become America's newest National Monuments -- a decision the administration can make unilaterally without local input or congressional approval.

According to internal Department of Interior documents leaked to a Utah congressman and obtained exclusively by Fox News, the mostly public lands include Arizona deserts, California mountains, Montana prairies, New Mexico forests, Washington islands and the Great Basins of Nevada and Colorado -- totaling more than 13 million acres.

Many of the areas under consideration by the Obama administration are known to house rich deposits of oil and natural gas.  Given the nation's growing dependence on foreign sources of energy, it seems like it'd be a pretty bad move for the president to use his executive power to tie up these lands via the Antiquities Act--a measure generally intended to preserve historic landmarks.

Typically, in this circumstance, the evidence is overwhelmingly similar from that of Obama and Hitler.  For example, Hitler used the mantra of conservationism to provide a means and reason to build highways that were later used to invade Poland and much of Europe.  Hitler preached the case that Germans needed to be one with nature and preserve the forest for their future generations.  But, in the case of Hitler, the land obtained was done so without a single vote or a democratically controlled discussion among any of the individuals who actually owned or represented the owners of the land being seized.  The biggest red flag in the situation with the Obama administration is that he adamantly disregards states rights by federally mandating a site/park without the approval of a states legislature, as stated within the Tenth Amendment.  The word or reference not being used, minus all the other foul things being said about the administration, is fascism.  Both Obama and Hitler are using the same form of governance, which contradicts all the Federalist Papers and even the Declaration of Independence.  The environmentalist (Obama included) are continually designating land and resources as untouchable while we become more and more dependent on China and the Middle East for our money and oil.  Does this clown not understand if we continue down this path, China will be dictating what resources we use and believe me they will not be concerned about our land.  We need to safely drill for oil and natural gas as a source of energy until we develop something better.....Warph

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Yellowstone is 2.2millon acres. I wonder how many jobs and how much tourist income would be produced by adding to the National Park system. People come from all over the world,every year, to enjoy our parks.They must drop a lot of money here. 

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