Liberal Media CNN Touts 'Iron Pipeline' of 'Legal' Guns That 'Go Bad'

Started by Teresa, February 18, 2010, 03:59:58 PM

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"Liberal gun controllers are calling themselves "Citizens For Safety" now. New name, same stream of 1/2 truths and total lie"'

Coverage here:

Basically they are sensationalizing this by calling it a "Iron pipeline" and making straw purchases out to be the new loophole to be closed..... They failed to mention that it is already a felony to make a straw purchase. ( liberal biased media?.. yeahhh suure..)

QuoteJOHN ROBERTS: All this week, we're on 'The Gun Trail,' taking a look at how legal guns could get into the wrong hands. And today, our Ed Lavandera is on the front line, a state at the start of the so-called 'iron pipeline'- a pipeline that could end on your street.

LAVANDERA: According to federal statistics, Georgia is the number-one state for exported guns used in crimes across the country. Gun safety advocates say that's created what's known as the 'iron pipeline' of illegal guns flowing north, from places like Savannah, Georgia, often up Interstate 95, into northeastern states with stricter gun laws. These states pumped almost 5,000 guns into this criminal pipeline in 2008.

NANCY ROBINSON, CITIZENS FOR SAFETY: There's a pattern that we've seen emerging where traffickers tend to buy guns in states with weak gun laws, where it's easy for them, and bring them back to states like Massachusetts, that have tougher gun laws, and resell these illegal guns on the street for a nice profit.

*Hey Nancy... have you cross referenced those criminals to see what percentage are repeat offenders? Maybe its not weak gun laws to blame but rather a weak criminal justice system. Its called ' Root cause analysis'.

** "sell them for a profit"......I also like how she thinks black market guns go for more then what they cost in a gun shop..... plus "shipping".  Let me tell you..this womans really got her finger on the pulse doesn't she? ::) Can she stick her head any further up her own behind and still claim she knows what is going on?

Honestly, "selling them illegally in states with stricter gun laws"? No shit Sherlock. Why are they being sold illegally? Might those "stricter" (eg unconstitutional) gun laws be the reason?

If you want to buy a gun you get a background check, fail it and you don't buy and the shop calls to protect their license. Buying from someones car trunk?   Maybe its a person who just lives under an oppressive government and wants protection.. legal or not.   Maybe its a gang banger.
Gee... is this story about the futility of prohibition sounding familiar? Iron Pipeline? How about an iron law of human nature and economics and a basic need on the part of CNN to grow up and realize that you either legalize and regulate.... or ban and lose all control. There is no option C!

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