Is Palin Fit for the Presidency?

Started by Warph, February 14, 2010, 03:54:01 PM

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Well like I say.. there is a time and a place to do and say many things... you have to be smart enough to  know when and where you can do them..  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I like Palin, think she would make a good President and would vote for her.  Although it would be hard for me to do so given the fact she is a woman.  Guess I am just old fashioned that way. 

BTW, for those that don't think she would make a good president...why not?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I think you're in for a long wait for an answer to your question. Just like I'm still waiting to hear why a member thinks she scored alot higher than Palin would on a history test. The cat seems to have gotten people tongues !!


I'd like to see Newt run with Palin as his VP..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


You must be kidding?  Newt and Palin? 

Newt is very much like the rest of 'em.

This pair is definitely Republican which says much
about them.


Diane Amberg

Jar,did you mean me? Unless Sarah got a perfect score I likely did score higher than she would. I wasn't gloating, I was just curious as to how she would do.


Diane, I think he was speaking about me. In that thread I said he was kind to think that Palin would score twenty, and I have replied. That comment did not show up in my unread list somehow, maybe a cat ate it?  :D


Quote from: Varmit on February 19, 2010, 09:53:53 AM
I like Palin, think she would make a good President and would vote for her.  Although it would be hard for me to do so given the fact she is a woman.  Guess I am just old fashioned that way. 

BTW, for those that don't think she would make a good president...why not?

I'll give you a "maybe".... just, maybe!  "Good" as it relates to the Presidency is a relative term.  Sarah Palin has a rather admirable track record as Alaskan Governor.  I guess she cleaned house on some Republican corruption as well as making some gutsy moves in the fiscal arena that put some rather healthy contributions into the bank accounts of the residents of Alaska.  Compared to the Community Organizer record of the smooth talking Obama, she, on paper, would appear to be the stronger candidate I would think.

Palin has taken a punch to the mid-section over her resignation from the Governor's Office.  I think that it is at least somewhat deserved.  The American public does not know what was REALLY behind the decision.... unless she was tired of the ethic charges she was fighting..... still no reason to cut and run, letting down the people of Alaska.  I just wished she would have run for the Senate when she had a chance to get at least six years of... shall we call it SEASONING (which she needs very badly).... under her belt before thinking of running for a higher office.  But, alas, she didn't so again we have a comparison to Obama, who won election to the Senate from Illinois and announced his candidacy for President before he located his office in the Senate Office Building.  So neither of them completed the term of office to which the people of their respective state had elected them.  Of the two, Palin served longer and accomplished much more as Governor than Obama did as Senator.  Opponents argued during the campaign that Sarah Palin had no experience in international dealings.  Obama's history of foreign relations was limited to the multi-cultural neighborhoods he dealt with as a Community Organizer.  Had Palin been elected Vice-President, I seriously doubt she would have been so enamored with foreign royalty as to bow to the Saudi King or a Chinese dictator.  If Miss Sarah were our President, her patriotism and respect for our flag would never be questioned.

Since we can only judge by what she has demonstrated in the past, based upon her fiscal dealings in Alaska, I find reason to believe that she as President would not have tripled in one year what the free-spending George W. Bush ran up in national debt over eight years.

So I guess you can put me down for a "MAYBE" vote.  Compared to what we have and even compared to what we have had in the twenty years of Bush, Clinton, and Bush, Sarah Palin would probably be a "good"... strike that... lets make that a "fair" President.

Is she perfect?  Absolutely not!

Would she make mistakes?  In her words, "You betcha!"

Would she go on an Apology Tour?  Yeah, beginning the day after Hell freezes! ....Warph

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Republican leaders were treated well enough by attendees at CPAC.  They clapped in all the right places.  They cheered lustily at every Obama put down.  They dutifully applauded at the 100,000th mention at the conference that the GOP had learned its lesson and were now born again fiscal conservatives.  Then attendees went ahead and gave Ron Paul a victory in the presidential straw poll.  Go figure.  Palin got 7% of the vote.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


WARPH, Alot of things I like about Ron Paul but unless he has changed his views on Israel, I will never vote for him, or unless my ignorant arse didn't fully understand his stance concering Israel. Aint Paul pretty much an (any )anti-war person ? If so just how in hell is my beloved Marines gonna be awarded the coveted Purple Heart medal. can't get that puppy sitting around doing nothing stateside  !!! :)

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