Is Palin Fit for the Presidency?

Started by Warph, February 14, 2010, 03:54:01 PM

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New poll questions former governor's qualifications for top office.

Washington Post - ABC News Poll say, "We should count her out."  What do you think?

Impressions of Sarah Palin: Favorable 37% - Unfavorable 55%

Is Palin qualified to be President: Qualified 26% -- Unqualified 71%
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


QuoteIs Palin Fit for the Presidency?



HA~ Compared to WHAT?? Look at what we have now.
Hell~~ Barack Obama has never been..and never will be fit to be president
Give me a break!
Mickey Mouse is better than what we have now..

Of the four candidates in the 2008 election it was Palin who had the most experience in governing and running a business. The other three were lifelong members of the Senate who worked and voted as a group and never had any individual responsibility on anything!
Palin has run a commercial fishing business... been a two term mayor of a small city... been the chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission..., and governor of a state with a 41 billion dollar budget.  When she joined McCain as his running mate she had an 85% approval rating!  That.. the  highest among 50 governors.  :)
Although she couldn't match McCain in military experience... she still~~ as governor was in charge of the Alaska National Guard and was familiar with the missile defense system that was the US front line facing Russia, China and North Korea.

2008 was a brutal year for her..Sarah made the right decision to resign as governor... although on the surface it made her look like a 'quitter'. She was kinda between a rock and a hard place..
Her political enemies continued to bring every little nit picking so-called ethics violations they could against order to damage her. By the time she finally resigned... the number of lawsuits totaled 16 and she found herself unable to do her job as governor because she was in court every day. The kicker was....despite the fact that every one of the ethics charges were ruled by the courts in Palin's favor she was going bankrupt .
I read.. and don't know if this is fact or not.... but she owed her defense lawyers $500,000.
Rather than be a lame one winged duck governor she resigned and the ethics charges suddenly slowed to a trickle.

I don't know if Palin will be a candidate in 2012... but he scuttlebutt right now is that she has to be among the top three or four GOP contenders.
Its just my opinion actually... but I don't think Sarah has any desire to be president.  She knows damn well she can do much more just as she is doing right where she's at.. Her new job with Fox News should bring her up to speed.. and help give her the cutting edge on foreign and domestic if whatever comes down the pike for her.. she will also have that under her belt.
There are many conservatives (like myself) who REALLY like Sarah Palin ....but would rather see a different candidate for president. I think she'd be a good vice president but I think there are better candidates for president.

The best part about Palin is...The Liberals are terrified of her... ( I just LOVE that)   ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I disagree with you. I think Palin will run if for no other reason but to rub all those liberal scum bags nose in it. They were on her case from day one and I think she wants revenge. At this point in time I think she might be the pick of the litter.If it is between her and this Muslim loving, anti-American,piece of dog crap we got now, she has my vote. I'm so pissed off right now i think I'm gonna loose it. You see how they are fighting for that city in Afghanistan ?? send my beloved Marines in to kill the enemy---but---if the combatant drops his weapon and you didn't see him do it, then you can't shoot the camel smelling puke. He gets to walk away to the next house and pick up the AK-47 hidden there and shoot some more until his sorry ass is about to get over-ran, then he drops that gun and goes to the next house. No way to fight a war. Damn it all to hell !!!!


I agree with you on how they are fighting the war in Afghanistan, Jarhead.... it is one big pile of bullshit.  My brother is as mad as you.  Commanding General Stanley McChrystal has made limiting civilian casualties a higher priority than loss of American lives according to the article below... what the hell has happened to our military??  I agree with one of the comments, "to hell with the civilians, take 'em all out."

U.S. Marine At Battle Of Marja: Who Can Tell The Good Ones From The Bad Ones?
The United States Marines now fighting the battle of Marja, Afghanistan are facing a most difficult mission.  They are tasked with clearing the town of Taliban fighters – and they are restricted by rules of engagement not seen heretofore in the history of U.S. warfare.  Commanding General Stanley McChrystal has made limiting civilian casualties a higher priority than loss of American lives.  And it is impossible to tell who is the enemy in a Muslim State that still resembles the Stone Age.  The Los Angeles Times coverage by Tony Perry and Laura King is here:

"Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan, and Marja, Afghanistan — Ambushes, sniper fire and a labyrinth of buried bombs again slowed a drive by U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Monday to rid a former Taliban stronghold of insurgents.

The arduous progress on the offensive's third day...could take weeks..."

The Marines, especially during WWII, were used for direct frontal assaults and complete destruction of enemy positions.  Clearing buildings is nerve-racking, exhausting, painstaking work.  I did it as a cop.  Every structure must be approached and searched as though the enemy is within.

"...Elsewhere in southern Afghanistan, NATO reported that its troops had killed civilians in a second errant attack in as many days. A patrol of coalition forces in Kandahar province, which borders Helmand, spotted what it mistakenly thought was a group of insurgents planting bombs and called in an airstrike Monday that killed five of them and injured two others, Western military officials said..."

And civilian deaths, a terrible part of all wars, will be reported and re-reported by the American Press Corps.  McChrystal will quickly apologize and the unbelievable pressure not to kill the wrong person will increase.  The Marines all know that there are soldiers now sitting in U.S. prisons who did kill the wrong people during combat operations.

"... Marines on the ground said the hidden explosive devices were both more numerous and more sophisticated than expected..."

Well, I wonder where all of this sophisticated ordnance is coming from.  If these IED munitions are manufactured outside Afghanistan, why have we not leveled the plants where they are made, a long time ago?

"...Some Taliban fighters are believed to have fled before the assault began, and even as the battle continued, cars carrying fighting-age men could be seen among vehicles leaving the town..."

All of which is going to make this a very long drawn-out conflict.  We've been there since 2001.  When an invasion is broadcast for weeks in advance like this one was, why would the enemy not run away and come back to fight another day?

"...Some Marja residents did what they could to help the U.S. and Afghan forces along; others were in league with the insurgents..."

And how in Hell is a good Marine to tell one from the other?

"..."We know what we have to do," said Lance Cpl. Raymond Walker. "But who can tell the good ones from the bad ones? It's tough."

Yes, sir.  And your Commanders have made it even tougher for you.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


1. Obama is just what every OTHER president has been......a FIGURehead. Those " unqualified" to be president senators and representatives are the ones who really make policy in this country. To be quite honest I cannot think of a president since I have been old enough to remember who is or HAS been a "GOOD" president.

2. IMHO Palin goes where the attention is.She no more scares me than Obama or George W did.

3. I am no more a liberal than you are a conservative. we both have common sense, either extreme is seriously lacking in that department.

Gettin in a lather about the president is kinda pointless. You want to fix the government fix CONGRESS...that's where the true enemy is...of any sane freethinkin, moderate, gun carryin, family lovin, country lovin American...which is exactly what I am at the end of the day.


Well I guess I aint got no common sense nor am I a "free thinker". I think this Big Zero is more that a Figure Head but what do I know. I just thought the way he issued executive orders and such to shove his radical agenda down our throat that he was calling the shots---not to mention the Commie / radical loons he appoints as Czars, that answer to no one but him. Must of missed where Congress issued the Rules of Engagement. I just thought maybe Obama might have whispered them in Gen McChrystal's ear, along with the threat of being releived of his command if he didn't do what the Dictator told him. OK, I don't think he told Gen. McChrystal anything because he doesn't have the balls to talk to a military person. Instead he sent his worm, Gen.  Jones, to do his dirty work.


Jarhead, you're making a lot of sense - stay right in there.

Meanwhile, about Palin:


No Red, I better quit before I get told to "bite me" or "shove it". I'll put my smiley face back on and be a good lad.
Gotta remember Palin is a politition too but anything, and I mean anything, has to be better than what we have at the helm today. This pains me to say but Yellow Belly Jimmie Carter is starting to even look good.


jarhead....when it comes to war there ARE no RULES....war is not a civilized enterprise. Do what it takes to get it done the quickest and get it over with. THAT is my position. Civilians get killed.....if you are going to fight a war.

I don't know how many times I have to say this but I will say it REAL slow.........I......Have.......No......Use.....For......Government.....I......Have......No.......Use..... For.......Politicians..........I......Have.... No.....Use....For......Obama........I....Had....No....Use....For......W.........I.......Did......Not.....VOTE........For Obama..........OR.....W.

He can't do ANYthing that can't be reversed.............period. Goons or not.

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