Boy Suspended For 4-Inch Toy Gun At School

Started by Teresa, February 09, 2010, 10:05:41 PM

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Diane Amberg

I agree! It should have been quietly taken away and given to the parent.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2010, 01:59:25 PM
But do you see my point?  I had my own reasons and frankly, I didn't care if anyone agreed or room, my rules.

You missed the point.  YOUR RULES doen't mean a hill of beans anymore.  Zero tolerance takes away your ability to set rules. You have to do what the Government says to do.  YOu have no opinion on it whatsoever.   Frankly take the toy put in the drawer and its settled.  There is no excuse or reason to suspend.   The educational system is run by stupidity anymore.    :(

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Unfortunately a lot of what has happened in that regard has it's roots  from complaints (and rightly so ) from parents whose kids have become real victims of real injuries at school. School districts get legal opinions and that's what causes tension. Each incident should be judged on it's on merit, but then there can be charges of favoritism when one child is expelled and another gets a slap on the wrist.  So what do you do? There are plenty of more populated areas where problems at school do leave the school and travel back home with siblings and "cousins" out to even the score and parents who cause real trouble in the communities in which they live.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2010, 08:31:46 PM
Unfortunately a lot of what has happened in that regard has it's roots  from complaints (and rightly so ) from parents whose kids have become real victims of real injuries at school. School districts get legal opinions and that's what causes tension. Each incident should be judged on it's on merit, but then there can be charges of favoritism when one child is expelled and another gets a slap on the wrist.  So what do you do?
Good Lord has the world lost all common sense?   What has happened to the Novel idea of setting rules and abiding by them. Favoritism?  Uhhh quite frankly tell those who think its happening grow up. The real world is full of it. so deal with it.  Lets put it another way.  LIFE is not fair. No one guaranteed that everything will be fair and the best place in the world to prepare people for that realization is in school.

SHoot if i had young kids right now, there wouldn't be a snowballs chance in hell i would put my kid in a government school.  One main reason is that if someone jumped on my kid, my kid would be ready and willing to knock the hell out of them.  I had a coach in private school i went to that had the absolute best solution to solving fights.  we would get into a scrap and get caught, and he would take us both into the gym and put us in a boxing ring.  We would have to fight it out until one of us were down and defeated.  Guess what.  we would solve our differences and usualy became friends afterwards.  On top of that, he got so many of us kids interested in boxing that they had to hire another coach to teach boxing.

We didn't have kids being expelled or kids going home to get their homeys to come exact revenge.  Now we had some rotten ones that would go out of their way to take revenge but they would do so or make threats and they would go to jail and they were expelled from school.

Personally its simple to handle.  So simple a chimpanzee can do it.  School is for learning.  Period.  It is not a social event of the year, it is not a pop club, its only a place to go learn. IF you don't want to learn, then go away.  Send them down the road packing.  An education is not an entitlement. You have to earn it.  I posted a comment a few days ago about this.  No one has earned the right for an education. The only reason you, i, or anyone else have the opportunity to learn is because of those men and women in the military that have earned that opportunity for us.

So my words to any child, shut up, sit down, and get busy!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

I don't think I've ever seen a boxing ring in an elementary school. Shoot, they can't even play dodge ball any more.


What would you do with the parents that won't believe that their little darling is anything but perfect?  The parents don't back up the teacher anymore.  They think they have to support their little darling and the little darling knows it, so he goes on doing everything and anything except sit down, shut up and learn.

Diane Amberg

Thank goodness I did have a few parents who were on my side as a teacher, but too many idolized their kids and just knew they would never do what they were being accused of. Many years ago one of my friends taught 8th grade at a middle school 30 min. away from here. One spring day s he was returning her lunch tray to the cafeteria when one of the 8th grade boys came peeling around a corner at high speed and knocked her down, tray and dishes flying everywhere. He didn't even slow down. He ran on down the hall and around another corner. She broke her ankle and was severely bruised. The parents were called, came in angry and demanded she produce a witness to prove it was their son. The hall was otherwise empty so there was no witness.The principal sided with the parents! No witness, no punishment.


Okay, here is my two cents worth on the subject. Number one, legos in the cafeteria? Come on, this is not education; and it is obvious that the boys were used to playing legos there else they would not arm their 'men' with toy guns and hatchets. Who was supervising these kids anyway? Parents allowing toys to go to school? Why do they think kids are going to school? The school overreacted, the parents overreacted, and nobody accepted any responsibility. A great lesson could be learned here, but all involved dropped the ball. There is a good reason that boxing has all but been abandoned, and that is brain damage. Just look at Mohammed Ali for an object lesson. That bright man, full of poetry and skill, reduced to barely a functioning human being.  :P


Quote from: sixdogsmom on February 17, 2010, 01:20:06 PM
There is a good reason that boxing has all but been abandoned, and that is brain damage. Just look at Mohammed Ali for an object lesson. That bright man, full of poetry and skill, reduced to barely a functioning human being.  :P

HMMM, was OBama a boxer?????


Good one elk@kc. I bet Mamma Obama has boxed them big ears more than once

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