Gun bill gains backing

Started by frawin, February 14, 2010, 07:06:48 AM

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I think there will be more states follow this and allow concealled carry without permits.

Gun bill gains backing
StoryDiscussionBy JEREMY PELZER - Star-Tribune capital bureau | Posted: Friday, February 12, 2010 12:00 am

CHEYENNE -- A proposal that would allow people in Wyoming to carry concealed weapons without permits passed an initial legislative hurdle on Thursday.

If the bill passes, Wyoming would become only the third state in the nation, after Vermont and Alaska, to allow conceal-carry without a permit.

Under House Bill 113, the only people not allowed to carry concealed weapons in the state would be people under the age of 21, convicted felons, those convicted of drug-related charges, alcoholics, those with physical disabilities that impair their ability to handle firearms, and people who have lived in the state less than six months.

Currently, Wyoming residents must apply every five years for concealed weapons permits.

While most of the restrictions right now on acquiring a permit are listed in the bill, current permit rules also require applicants to show proficiency in using firearms and forbid issuing permits to people who have been judged legally incompetent or who have been committed to mental institutions.

Rep. Lorraine Quarberg, the Thermopolis Republican sponsoring the bill, said the legislation is meant simply to spell out rights that are already guaranteed under the Wyoming Constitution and the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

"I just believe people have the right to protect themselves and defend themselves," Quarberg said. "And I want to make sure that we put it in statute and people know they can do it."

Even if the bill becomes law, Wyoming would still issue concealed-weapons permits to residents wishing to carry their firearms across state lines, as many other states require permits before allowing them to carry concealed weapons there, Quarberg said.

Gun owners would also still be prohibited from bringing their firearms into courtrooms, police stations, jails, bars, governmental meetings, athletic events, schools, or houses of worship.

Some of the six state representatives who voted against introducing the bill said no longer requiring permits could pose a danger to law enforcement officers in Wyoming.

Rep. Pete Jorgensen, D-Jackson, went further, saying that loosening gun control regulations, except for hunting, would be dangerous to everyone.

"I've been in situations in other countries working where I'm glad I didn't have a gun," said Jorgensen, who served overseas in the U.S. Army. "I've not sure I would've controlled myself."

Posted in Govt-and-politics on Friday, February 12, 2010 12:00 am Updated: 9:53 pm. | Tags: Legislature, Politics, Wyoming, Government, Guns


As long as that law was backed up by a mandatory course in gun handling and marksmanship, I'd say it's a good thing...Otherwise, I'd be a little leary of having novices having access to the same Judge that I'd be carrying...LOL...


Cat, unfortunately they will not have any classroom hours or range time, no training at all. That is my opposition to this . I think everyone that wants to carry a concealed weapon should be allowed to if they are mentally capable, have training, both classroom and range time. I have taken concealed carry classes to get my permit and there were people in them that had no business with a gun. In my class in Oklahoma there was a lady that had never fired a gun, she bought one for the class, when we went to the qualifying range she asked me to show her how to load it. I asked her why she was taking the course and why she wanted the permit, she said my x-husband has beaten me up for the last time.

Diane Amberg

 ;D I don't think our banks would be very happy either. ;D Is the law for adults only?


What would you consider classroom or range time??  I know people that have never been to a classroom or offical range for firearms training yet are crack shots.  I don't think a person should have to take a class in order to excerise their rights.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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