Hey Clown, It's My Money!

Started by Warph, February 15, 2010, 03:45:40 PM

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Don't You Dare Gamble With His Money
By Dan Kennedy
Business & Media Institute

At the start of the football season, I made wagers called future bets – legally, in Las Vegas – on the Saints, Vikings and Colts to win their divisions, at varying odds. I won the Saints and Colts wagers and snagged a nice profit. Unfortunately, I lost it all betting on the Colts to win the Super Bowl.  

In all of this, I was, as President Obama put it, blowing my money. Emphasis on the word: my. My money. I earned it. And I can do with it as I please. As a matter of fact, my wife and I are defying the President and going on vacation to Las Vegas soon, where we will blow more of our money. And, what if we blow our kids' college money too? No problem – the president has promised free college for all.

In lecturing us about blowing our money, The Great Ozbama displays breathtaking gall. Given that he is blowing trillions of our money, not his, and burying us in debt as no president in history, silence on the subject would seem more reasonable.

To be nit-picky about it, since he is in citing trips to Vegas as particularly objectionable, I hold in my casino chip-calloused fingers a list procured from CanadaFreePress.com of Mrs. Obama's staff and their salaries.
She reportedly has a staff of 22 assistants.
Yes, I said twenty-two. (Previous First Ladies' dedicated staffs were in the single digits).
Michelle's little army includes a Chief of Staff costing $172,000 a year;
a Deputy Chief of Staff at $90,000;
a Director of Policy and Projects at $140,000;
a Director of Communications at $102,000;
a Deputy Director of Scheduling at $62,000;
two Social Secretaries – mysteriously, one at $65,000, one at $64,000;
an Associate Director of Correspondence at $45,000,
an Assistant to the Social Secretary at $36,000,
and more, in total consuming $6.3-million annually thus $25-million during her 4-year term.
Not to mention a make-up artist and hair stylist.

I have one assistant. Answer my own correspondence. Keep my own calendar. When I produced television infomercials, quite a few actresses, including Florence Henderson (Mom, from the Brady Bunch) eschewed make-up artists and put on their own faces. Heck, the company I'm associated with, that takes care of 25,000 Members and 300,000 customers, and publishes 5 newsletters, and hosts two major international conferences a year, and has a burdened and busy CEO whose schedule must be managed, and its own First Lady (his wife), operates everything with only thirty employees.

Mr. President, sir, if you are going to lecture me about blowing my money in Vegas or turning down my thermostat or inflating my tires, do you think you could reign in your wife's blowing of my money just a teeny bit? Surely she does not need twenty-two people to support her First Lady duties, unless she's up to something more that we, the taxpayers (and thus, your bosses) haven't been told of?  I realize you're not resting until America's jobs crisis is solved, but I doubt the wisdom of solving it by having everybody working for Michelle. Those are temporary jobs.

If you refuse to maintain a humble if not humiliated silence on the subject of blowing money, you might suggest people avoid blowing theirs traveling to Hawaii. A sun lamp and inflatable kiddie pool from Wal-Mart should do most folks nicely. Or not traveling to Washington D.C., a tourist trap with grossly over-priced souvenirs second only to Disney World, which you could also suggest families avoid blowing their money at. Or not traveling to Chicago, where they might eat big, over-priced steaks, which require too hefty a carbon footprint to produce. I'm sure that Nevada's endangered Harry Reid greatly would appreciate you picking a different target. So would all those service workers you claim to be allied with, whose jobs depend entirely on people blowing their money in Vegas.

Or just shutting up. Geez, you couldn't even let us watch the Super Bowl without your yapping. Is one day too much to ask?

And why, may I ask, are you urging us all not to blow our money, anyway?  I'll bet you think of our money as your money, to spend as you see fit, stock your slush fund with,  influence elections with,  gamble with – doubling down on failed schemes to spend America to fiscal health? You sound like the son urging his parents not to buy themselves a motor-home, because it would cut into his inheritance. Not that you mind blowing our grandkids' money. You must think of that as yours too.

From a gambler's perspective, I have bad news. You went all in and bet your presidency on successfully shoving socialism down our throats, and you have sevened out.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


He nails it here for sure.
Lets see, lecture the country about how to spend OUR money. In the meantime you use OUR money to take your wife to a Broadway show. Pelosi is under investigation for using military aircraft for private flights for her grand kids. (At the tune of about 2 million if I heard them correctly)

I had a friend tell me that the RAT'S are jumping to try to save the seat for some "unknown" Democrat.
The ones bailing now are the ones we need to keep the closest eye on.
They will try to slide in another plant in the guise of "Mr. Smith goes to Washington".
Urban party machines need to be crushed, anywhere the Dems "run" a city, Detroit, NY, Boston, Chicago, and the Ca coast, Republicans or 3rd party Conservatives need to get in to break the "Patronage" system, or formalize it to control abuse.
The best way to get rid of the party hacks is through their finances, they are often cash, and hard to keep track of  Look at how much of an issue has been made about Giethner's taxes. Conservatives are aghast that Congress allowed a "White collar CRIMINAL " to be appointed Sec. Treas.
But to the "Bureaucracy" , the only worry is "will the spot light hit ME" ? Look at how many nominees withdrew right after that brought the media's attention to the subject.
If the Dems try to run a "Replacement"..... look at their finances.

I think this is the main reason Obama is so opposed to the SCOTUS ruling about allowing companies to donate to political candidates. Because in order to keep this strictly American... there will have to be rules in place that you MUST be an American owned company in order to donate. Otherwise we get another president that the Saudis bought. (Hmm wonder who could that be)
The Dear Leader got a lot of cash from the internet and MILLIONS were traced to banks in the middle east.

This ruling is going to mean that politicians are going to have to be transparent with their campaign funds. This is a terrifying thought for most of them.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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