Huh? What'd'ya say?........What?.........

Started by genealogynut, October 13, 2006, 08:50:08 AM

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I know that everyone should post something of what has been "happenin' in their lives, well...... here's what's been goin' on in mine!  I CAN'T HEAR!     Wa-a-a :'(    I hope it's only temporary.  It gives me some insight to what these folks go through that are permanently impaired.  I have more compassion for them. 

I feel sorry for Don, as he has to yell at me several times to get me to understand what he's saying.  Just hope the neighbors don't hear!

My ear feel like it's in a vacuum, and it's probably fliud behind the inner ear, that is the problem.  (At least I have a legit excuse now for not hearing Don when he tells me to do something)    :laugh: With men, I think it's called "selective hearing". :laugh: :laugh:


We had that problem here and found an ear wax removal kit at Wal mart that solved it for a lot less than a Dr. visit ;D


Yes, I've tried that, and washing them out as well, but that didn't work.  I had the same problem a year ago, and the physicians assistant told me to take some Mucinex, and after about 10 days of that, it seemed to be cleared up.


I feel sorry for you and for your husband.  My husband had trouble hearing and I had to repeat everything I said.  Now I am having sight problems.  Have had cataracts removed from one eye and am due to have the other one done.  Everything I look at is blurry and it is tiring to not be able to see clearly.  Besides I can't read the scoreboards on the televised ball games.  If the surgery does nothing else, I want to be able to read those scoreboards.

Take care and if you don't get it cleared up soon, maybe you could learn lip reading?  Of course, he would still have to yell to get your attention.


Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about when you mentioned cataracts. I thought those were for senior citizens, (but I'm not quite there yet), and I am having problems with cataracts.  I had a cataract removed last February, as I had to use a magnifying glass to read the paper, everything was blurry, etc.  And I've still got a cataract on the other eye that "isn't ready" yet for surgery.  What really  ticked me off was having the eye doctor re-check my eyes 3 times trying to get prescription lenses to fit, spending $350 for glasses, exams, etc. and couldn't wear any of them,  >:(  so ended up just wearing a pair that I got about eight years ago. I can see lots better with them than I could the new ones. But guess I'd better "shut up" before I get on my soapbox AGAIN.

Janet Harrington

Maybe your hearing loss is seasonal.  With it so dry, I can understand being plugged up, etc.  Mucinex is good stuff if you can afford it.


   I know that your hearing loss is a real problem, and I hope you get it resolved soon.  I also know it is not funny, but I'll tell you a funny on myself about my hearing.  I started having a severe ringing in my ears last Fall, and it seemed that it kept getting worse, drowning out normal conversation and keeping me awake at night.  It was worring me silly and I was even having headaches (I think just from the stress of worrying!)  I tried sinus medicine too, because I have had ringing in my ears before when I had a bad cold ~ but it didn't help.
   I finally went to the Dr, who couldn't find anything wrong though he checked... A LOT...  Then sent me to an ear doctor.  I waited impatiently for my appointment, but that doctor couldn't find anything wrong either.  He had an audiologist on staff and so they ran a hearing test on me.  The doctor came in the room after and told me there was GOOD NEWS and BAD NEWS.
   The bad news was that I am just getting OLD :o.  The ringing in my ears is tinitus and there's not much anyone can do for it though some people report that ginko helps.  Otherwise I'm supposed to just turn up the volume on the TV or keep a fan running for background noise.
   Then he said "The good news is at least you don't have a brain tumor."  What a comedian!
   The thing is, after he told me it was normal, the ringing was a lot easier for me to ignore and seldom bothers me now at all.  However, I just plain disagree that I'm getting old  :P.  I quit counting birthdays as soon as I turned 21 and I've given no one else permission to count mine, at least until I'm old enough for a Senior discount! 


We thought maybe the cooler weather had something to do with my ears being stopped up. Yeah, the manufacturers of Mucinex are mighty proud of their product, as it is rather expensive.

Joanna, I think everytime the medical profession cannot find what root of a problem, they throw it under the heading of "Old Age."  I've been told that a number of times.  I'm glad that your ringing ears no longer annoy and frustrate you.  That brings an incident to mind of a number of years ago when Don's mother was taking a medication that made her hallucinate some.  She kept saying she was hearing the same old song playing over and over again, and she was "sick of it".  I once asked her if she knew the name of it and she grouchily replied "Well, how should I know!"  If I should have to hear music, I would hope that it would be some traditional country song that I happen to like! Or else some cute little ditty like "The Streak" by Ray Stevens. :laugh: :laugh:

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