Wolf Moon 2010

Started by patyrn, January 29, 2010, 06:28:56 PM

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Diane Amberg

Has your snow stopped yet?


Yes it has and the sun is shining! :)

Diane Amberg

Hurray! How much did you finally get?


I saw the moon at 6:00 this morning.  Gives new meaning to "the moon on the breast of the new fallen snow".  It had a ring around it, too.

The snow on my porch rail measures about 8 inches.

Judy Harder

I just got back from walking to post office and a couple of blocks beyond.
It is just beautiful out. Where it is melting it will get slick tonight...but the snow gives
enough traction that I had no problem walking. I did not take dogs. They are so low to the
ground that both would have not done well.

I also shoveled out the sidewalk this morning. The snow is still light and easy to move.
I did Not use a lot of muscle. I just let the shovel push the snow off the walk.

Course, this afternoon, I may take a nap and make up for all the exercise. But, I feel good.
Still can't get car out of parking lot. Will not be going to church unless someone calls and offers me
a ride. I will attend on tv.

I still wish I had a couple of kids at home, so I could go play in it. Good sledding (or tubing, or tobaggan would be good too)
Anything. The dogs are liking just being out, too. Their cabin-fever has been pretty bad.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

The snow started here just after lunch.Very pretty. Light and airy stuff with nice sized flakes and no wind.  We aren't supposed to get much more than an inch or so. The biggest part is going east way south of us.


I was up at 3:00am and the moon was so bright I thought we had left a light on. It had a haze around it but it was clear and the air was crisp and clean.


Well, Judy made me ashamed of myself; I have just got back in from clearing snow off the patio, several areas of the back yard (for the dogs), and my front walk. This old gal should sleep good tonight. I have a heating pad on my back right now, as I have been having some back problems. I also drove over to the post office, after clearing the little drifts left by the person who so thoughtfully cleared the snow in the alley way as well as either end where the snowplow had stacked it up. I even got my side gate open, usually cannot do that when we have freezing rain before snow, as it sets too low to the ground. Now I need to empty the trash, but after I cook the kids' supper. Its' always something! We should be able to see the full moon easily tonight! Keep warm everyone!

Judy Harder

Good for you Edie. Good for you. Now aren't you proud of yourself?
I am feeling my exercise this evening. But, it is so nice knowing I earned
the aches, and didn't just sit around and get them.

I took an extra pain pill. I am plagued with leg cramps and I don't want that

If it is nice tomorrow, I may try to walk to church. Or I will flag  someone down
who drives by. I hear we are suppose to be foggy. It depends on how I feel when I get up.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


The moon is gorgeous, I am going to dig out my binouculars tomorrow and have a look at the mountains there. It's been a long while since I have done that. I took these (binocs), instead of a pin for my ten year employment, and I must say, I have gotten a lot more use from them. Ha!

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