US Military Defends Bible Verses on Rifles

Started by frawin, January 19, 2010, 02:30:43 PM

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I guess I missed when you told about Al's service---and I aint "up to something"---just nosey. :)
I do recall Varmit saying several times about his service in the Army, and when and where he served.
And me ?? You should know by now that I live & breathe Marine Corps, 24/7.Hell, I even kida sorta admitted to you that i was scared o few times in Nam, but if you tell a single soul I said that I will come to your house and kick your dog and spit tobakker juice on your cat !!!

Diane Amberg

No dog and the cat just died. ;D   Al was drafted in '68. I don't think the ink on his diploma had even dried when he went from 2-S to 1-A. It was right after Tet and they were taking anybody who could move. Basic at Fort Bragg and then to Fort Sill. Since he had had Polio as a child, there were some things he could do well and some that his legs just could not do because of muscle damage.  He did OK though and did well at Fort Sill, still tells lots of stories. I must have missed where and when Varmit was in. I do know he was injured.


Yes, Diane you missed once again....basic and AIT at Benning, 3 yrs in Alaska with 2/1inf, 3 years at Campbell with the 1-327th 101st (AASLT).
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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