I'm Worried About....

Started by Warph, January 23, 2010, 08:33:01 AM

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I have to admit I'm beginning to really worry about the Community Organizer in Chief.  I mean, he ran for president as the man who was going to make the world love us like nobody's loved us, come rain or come shine.  Instead, he's turned into the master of, "How to fail in five easy lessons: 1) Bringing the Olympics to Chicago;  2) Go to Copenhagan and fail on ClimateGate;  3) Get our allies to take Gitmo prisoners;  4) Go to Boston and support Coakley (D) for the Senate; Virgina to support Gov. Tim Kaine (D); New Jersey to support Gov. Corzine (D);  5) Goodbye ObamaCare.

This brings us, inevitably to Washington, D.C., one of the few insane asylums on earth where the walls are made of marble and so are the noggins of the inmates.  For instance, how many times did we hear liberals babbling about the psychological demons George W. Bush had to contend with because of his allegedly troubled relationship with Dad.  But the fact that Bill Clinton's father was a drunken bully apparently left no emotional scars on Bill's impenetrable psyche.  Furthermore, I have yet to hear such eminent Freudians as Bill Maher, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz or Keith Olberclown, even suggest that Obama being deserted by both his father and his step-father, spending his formative years in the alien culture of Indonesia, only to be dumped, at the age of 10, on his white relatives in Hawaii, may have turned Obama into a smooth-talking, narcissistic psychopath incapable of telling the truth even if it's about something as relatively inconsequential as sending his kids to a public school and getting them a mutt from a shelter.  

Now, of course, I'm not saying he is any of those things.  But don't you think if he had wound up after experiencing all that early trauma as somebody who believed in a free market economy; in supporting Israel against the barbarians; in opposing late-term abortions; in calling terrorism by its rightful name; in attending a church that had more in common with Rick Warren's than with Jeremiah Wright's; and in sharing the Constitutional interpretations of Justices Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalia, the media would have long ago concluded that even if he wasn't exactly the Manchurian Candidate, he was definitely a booby who needed to be hatched?

It's not just the big things the man does, things such as the kazillion dollar bail-outs, the trichinosis-infested budget and the threat of the Fairness Doctrine being enacted, that make my blood run cold.  It's not even the allegedly eloquent orator requiring a TelePrompter in order to say, "Hello."  What I'm referring to is the Community Organizer in Chief's earmarking $900 million for Hamas and, worse yet, making veterans financially responsible for their own service-related medical treatments.  That comes under the heading of adding insult to injury.  And let us not forget Obama's sending the bust of Winston Churchill back to the English embassy and then, compounding that infantile act of boorishness, by treating the Prime Minister of our staunchest ally like a guttersnipe.

Funny, I seem to recall Obama's partisans insisting that he would personally make the United States popular the world over.  Well, so far, he has certainly reached out to Cuba, Venezuela, China, Russia, Syria and Iran, and I suppose if he actually closes Gitmo, Islamics will dance in the street of Tehran just before dropping the bomb on Israel.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



I'm afraid it has been said many times by many people but, what's sadis, it has taken a year for it to sink into the population.

Glad to see you back on "politics," Cat... Your wit has been missed by us all.  Don't ever lose it.  ;D :laugh:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Warph,I thought you'd be bailing today.


Warph.. worried about Obama?? Really?? Ya think?
Do you think the arrogant  Obama cares? Do you seriously think he gives a rat's ass? He was not polished..groomed and positioned to be elected to be popular.
He has a job to do - ruin the United States as a world power. He has been successful at that so far... and will be well taken care of after (if?) he leaves office.
I just read on Hot Air that Obama has made a total of 644 individual media appearances during his first year in office.  Yet, even with what some might call so much over exposure, he complained to Stephanopolous that he had not done a good enough job of explaining himself and his programs to the American people.  If he had... all Americans would be demanding he move along more quickly to implement the destruction of our democratic republic.
( Well he didn't exactly say that, but he did say we really would want these various government programs as fast as possible.)

"The One" is a delusional, narcissistic psych-case who does not understand the history, tradition, or Constitution of these United States.  Yeah yeah yeah... I know he supposedly taught Constitutional Law, but he has no real understanding of the document.  He talks about "positive rights" given by government as opposed to "negative rights" prevented by government.  He simply does not understand the "rights" are God-given and that the Constitution affirms that, while it specifically limits governmental intrusion into those rights.

My fear is that he will now "double-down" and increase his efforts to destroy this nation.

The fact is even if the Republicans sweep the mid term elections and the next President is a Republican, even the return of Reagan will do no permanent good. Truth is.... 8 years of Reagan only slowed the rot slightly.
With the corruption of the elections..I don't think we can not get to the root of the problem.
The current parties need to be disbanded.... Unions need to be smashed... the people who hire illegal aliens need to be punished... the people FINANCING the communist take over of America (Soros, Bloomberg etc. ) need to be locked up and the key thrown away... the welfare moochers need to get a job or frickin' starve.... and the so called "liberals" who are in fact socialists need to go to a socialist country and live!
Even though thats all we have right now..I don't think that is going to be accomplished with the ballot box. I think that it will have to come to some sort of revolution.. sad to say and I hope I'm wrong.. but I don't think people or the power in question will wake up until then.

Jefferson's remark about the tree of Liberty was NOT intended as a metaphor.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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