Scott Brown BIG Winner in MA Senate Race

Started by Warph, January 18, 2010, 09:12:20 PM

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Jo McDonald

You are right on, Diane.  Firemen are in danger every time they go out.  Our two Grandsons are volunteer firemen plus all the rest of the crew here in Howard,.  Every time the fire whistle blows, I get sick to my stomach.

  I can't praise firemen enough!!!


There is a firebarn in Piedmont.  And yes they are volunteers.  I have seen them save more than one house from completely burning down and I can't imagine anyone being so ungrateful.  I have never seen the volunteers just stand around and let it burn.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 25, 2010, 01:04:11 PM
I'm talking about cities! Ya wanna burn down Chicago again?
Nahh they should have done it before the last election! :P

QuoteAZ just cut off all funding for certified classes for fire fighters. They will have to train their own with what they've got.That's fine for some things, but not all.
You ever actually rescue anybody?
yes couple of times.

QuoteWe do. Exterior attacks are great, but it's kinda nice to get the people out!  Barns and such, I agree, why risk the firefighters? But when a barn full of race horses burns, it's awful .Ya ever hear a burning horse scream? Tears your heart out.
Thats true. But i wouldn't risk human life to save them.  If you can get them out without anyone getting hurt thats fine.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: greatguns on January 25, 2010, 04:54:25 PM
There is a firebarn in Piedmont.  And yes they are volunteers.  I have seen them save more than one house from completely burning down and I can't imagine anyone being so ungrateful.  I have never seen the volunteers just stand around and let it burn.

Well just hang around long enough and you will. There is no house worth losing one person by trying to save it.
I can tell ya that there is a point where if the house is fully engulfed its better to let it burn and control the burn so it doesn't get away. 

And just because you haven't seen it done doesn't mean it isn't done.  I've seen many a house burn to the ground in volenteer departments because they either do not have a watersource or they aren't going to risk life in trying to put it out.  Besides as old as these houses are in this area, if one catches fire, you probably got 12 minutes before its burned to the ground.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Well, no shit!  I did not say or even imply that a house was worth someone's life.  But to say that they stand around and just watch it burn isn't what they do.  If this is place is so bad why don't you go back south?


Quote from: greatguns on January 25, 2010, 06:49:15 PM
Well, no shit!  I did not say or even imply that a house was worth someone's life.  But to say that they stand around and just watch it burn isn't what they do.  If this is place is so bad why don't you go back south?
I never said that.  Why would i go back south?  If i did that then you wouldn't have anything to bitch about
You've been riding my ass ever since i got here, and you still haven't run me off. So get over it.  I'm not going anywhere, so deal with it.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: greatguns on January 25, 2010, 06:49:15 PM
But to say that they stand around and just watch it burn isn't what they do. 

Oh...Really??....Although I wasn't there, I know for a fact (having been told by a fireman that was there) that the little house fire in Longton not long ago (the one across from the gas station) wasn't put out, nor was there any effort to put it out.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I do not know what the Longton Fire Department does or does not do as I do not live there.  As for you, Steve, don't flatter yourself.  I haven't done anything with you since you got here.

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